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Orthalyx ago

To Valhalla!!!!

Zoldam ago

I am willing to make exceptions to the rule, but I won't ignore the rule because exceptions exist (like they teach you). Yes once in a great while there might be a respectable nigger, what does that really cancel out the 20,000 thieves, rapists, and murderers?

Bigdickedelf ago

And why that's a GREAT thing

ArcAngel ago

so are we agreed (((they))) are not white?

SearchVoatBot ago

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ClansmanwithaC ago

Old but accurate.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

I became racist when I lived near black people who jaywalk like Bigfoot, as slow as fucking possible. I started singing a song that sounds like this every time I saw them. Now every one of my friends who rides in the car with me does it, my girlfriend does it, and my girlfriend's friends do it now too.

It goes like this:

I don't give a fuck, I don't

I don't give a fuck

I don't give a fuck, I don't

I don't give a fuck

Then after that NY catcalling video came out, I pointed out to my girlfriend that it's only ever porch monkeys who hassle women.

By then, Gavin McInnis interviewed Jared Taylor, Stefan Molyneux talked about Single Mothers and Child abuse, and it was all over for me. Niggers are retarded bastards beaten by their retarded fat whore mothers who fucked their drug dealing father who also fucked the neighbor's mom so if they hook up with the girl next door their babies will be inbred. Inbred bastard abused welfare dependent africans are the among the worst combination of attributes you can have that, and that's 76% blacks.

GeneralDisposition ago

Black lives matter closed that book for everyone i know. The rage from people talking about their tax money feeding and housing them and now this? Stop being criminals! I almost didn't have the heart to tell them it's because they're mentally retarded. 70 IQ is a bitch.

imdrowning ago

Yup, can confirm, have been "Accepting" entire life. Wife is japanese, the japs are ok, but watching my city get overrun with sikhs, somlians, chinks and muzzies MAKES ME FUCKING FURIOUS

oddlike777 ago

I don't consider myself racist. Mostly intolerant of retards. It's not my fault they all happen to be shitskins.

Trousersnake1488 ago

If you're not racist, then you're retarded. Only a retarded person could notice obvious differences and then pretend they don't exist.

facepaint ago

I can't argue against what you say.

Except for this:

When white people chimp out we decimate continents. We wipe out entire races.

I see today's people as sheep seeking only the bread for today to feed their families. They are completely domesticated and are ripe for the harvesting... unless someone can show me different.

ALIENS2222 ago

...And my axe!!!

boekanier ago

Finally, I would say, not a moment too soon. It's our very existence that is at stake.

Masaze ago

Prove it.

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

I thought you fucked off? A glutton for punishment, I see.

19014547? ago

In TexasVets case, obscene faggotry is on the rise. Faggot.

Casual_Observer ago

Back in the mid 1970’s, when I was about 20 years old, I visited my older brother who had taken a job out in a rural part of the state in a little dusty desert outpost where the population was only about 5,000 people. He had a degree that offered few jobs, so he took what he could find. He was miserable there. There was nothing to do except go to the Dairy Queen on the main drag or go shoot basketball at the nearby High School gymnasium or swim at the public pool.
The area was low income and there were a mix of ethnicities living there. The sleepy run-down place was not somewhere you’d want to stay if you had any other choice.

His letters home reeked of loneliness and regret at taking the job. He asked if his little sister would be willing to drive way out there for a short visit to cheer him up. I had a few days off so I went. On the first day while he was at work, I went to the local public pool and put my towel down to sunbathe.

While minding my own business, a little black girl about 9 years old saw me and grabbed the water hose that was against the building and turned it on full blast and sprayed me in the face with it. I jumped up and said, “Why did you do that? I didn’t do anything to you!” She looked stunned at my question and then just ran off. It was the strangest thing to be hated by a child because I was a different ethnicity than she was. I just didn't get it at all.

antiliberalsociety ago

I'll take Shit That Never Happened for $500, Alex

jsh97p ago

I still stand by the belief that racism like that is taught. Well, all racism, actually. That, I think, is even more concerning and depressing. It means that someone has so much hate and anger in their heart that they would teach an innocent child to hate specific people for no good reason.

jsh97p ago

I think those of you that are replying here are confusing racism and racial preference. A desire to want to associate with others like you, based on whatever defining characteristic that you choose...that seems fairly natural - I'll agree with that.

Racism, however, is not simply wanting to identify or associate with your ethnicity, but a belief that some natural trait of a given ethnicity makes anyone born of that ethnicity good or bad, better or worse, specifically in relation to another ethnicity. This, I do not believe, is natural or good. That is my personal opinion and belief, feel free to agree or disagree with me.

You can prefer to associate primarily with one group over another, or one ethnicity over another, without believing something inherently negative about any others. I simply do not see how holding this perspective in life will contribute to a more free, safe, and happy society. Hate is a dangerous thing.

Jimmycrackerson ago

Racism is and inherent primal instinct. That natural order of things is to want to be with your own kind. It's not Healthy to deviate from.

Goys-R-Us ago

Trousersnake1488 ago

It's not though, it's normal

flapjack_charlie ago

Actually, it's declined significantly since Trump took office. They're TRYING to make it rise.

wgtt911 ago

As a white racist, i was born this way , interactions with poc it has grown stringer each day.

DontBeRacist ago

Don't be racist.

Raiderbell ago

From a Texan watching the disease creep across our borders,they are going north next.I hope yall get diversifid.

coinphrase ago

Go away

Rellik88 ago


Why not posy the /pol/ post?

BTW this isnt FB we have all seen this here.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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antiliberalsociety ago

Because he's a lying fraud

TheBuddha ago

You're plagiarizing again?

Anyone wanting to see the proof of this, just copy the first sentence and put quotes around it in your search.

Maybe you could stop being so scummy?

TexasVet ago

Fuck off cunt. I don't know where the original came from. If you know who the OP is then just fucking say so you faggot.

undertheshills ago

I'm on voat all the God damn time and I've never see this. Fuck these glow niggers downvoting you.

19014559? ago

What is it like being such a weak piece of shit? Asking for a friend.

TheBuddha ago

You're pathetic and your attempt to try claiming I'm the bad guy is even more pathetic.

If you didn't know who OP was you could have easily credited it to 'source unknown.'

Instead, you tried to pass it off as your own work, again.

Seriously, that's really scummy.

0_--_0 ago

Are you a racist? You're a racist, aren't you. Why are you so racist so much?

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

You sound like a scared little boy whistling on the dark path through the woods.


Battlefat ago

when white people chimp out we

Slow down on the niggerfication, Tex