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tuckfuck ago

My school had an LGBT assembly this week. We were all told that we could not be racist or somethingphobic, that it was a crime, that we would be put on a log if we did not comply, and those three points were repeated ad nauseum. We also were told that 'love is a human right' and we could do nothing about it, that we should embrace it as it was natural

In that assembly, people with brown hair and blue eyes were told to stand up, and were singled out by the teacher (who was also "Christian" by the way). "What would you do if blue eyes were illegal? Would you shave all your hair off if brown hair was banned tommorow?" were some of the questions asked by the teacher to those whites. We were all on the wrong side of history apparently and we were going to be punished for it

I want off this ride

TexasVet ago

What school is this please? An email to the principle would be good too. I can make your story go viral on reddit and gab I promise you.

kneo24 ago

How is that lawsuit he's threatened you with coming along? Can I take a guess and say not at all?

antiliberalsociety ago

Scare tactic. He has to sue Voat first to get my ISP (good luck) and go from there. He can't afford it yet so he's "saving up"