thebearfromstartrack ago

You ROCK Poland! Stand proud on the forefront of the defenders of what is GOOD.

DaveofPC ago

Damn a sliding board for queers.

Ctrl_Alt_Llama ago

Is it to do with faggots? It just looks like a nice rainbow topiary to me, I wouldn't mind having one of those in my public gardens, provided it wasn't a monument to faggots.

ardvarcus ago

Americans don't have the balls to be Polish.

CanadianAndProud ago

Or just start dropping atom bombs and releasing the nukes. That will shut people up

fastregister ago

poles are pieces of shit and... jews, lol.

Holonomic ago

Works for me.

lovehate123 ago

Buy Polish Beer, We need to support each other.

As Much as the Polish Hate us, Russians Love You and You know Why.

HeebSlayer ago

Everybody else either actively hates gays or simply doesn't give a shit

Try being a fag that hates other faggots. Then try living underneath one and having to hear his degeneracy on a daily basis.

ardvarcus ago

You get a point for hating faggots.

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

But it loses even more points for being a fag.

GoatyMcGoatface ago


dassaer ago

I would have got everybody to stick it on our ass or crotch - a double entendre if you like. This is exactly what we think of 'solidarity' with the faggot and even they don't miss being told to 'kiss our ass or smoke my cock' ....

selpai ago

Ah well... It's a shame that they appropriated symbols of beauty. In another time, that arch would have been a centerpiece to a community event. Can you imagine a summer fair or a concert with that as a backdrop?

madhatter67 ago

Something like this?

mrgreenjeans9 ago

/pol/and is always right

Rabid_Robot ago

Never been more proud to be a Pole.

ardvarcus ago

This is your time to shine like a diamond. Only the Eastern Europeans are behaving like free white Christian men.

Teledildonicist ago

Don’t burn the rainbows, guys. Take the rainbow BACK from the faggots. It represents God’s promise to man that he would not destroy the world again.

ArcAngel ago

god fucked up on that one...

9000timesempty ago

It is NOT a promise God wouldn't destroy the world again. It was a promise God wouldn't destroy it with WATER. Next the world will be destroyed by FIRE.

Read your Bible people. Don't let the denominations change what's actually written in the word.

Hebrew-Virus ago

...God’s promise...

Which of the innumerable gods are you referring to?

Zoldam ago

Considering he used it singular, likely the Abrahamic god I would assume.

Hebrew-Virus ago

Right; the god of Abraham, but not the only "god" in existence and certainly not the only one to promote degenerate fuckery here on Earth.

JustbecauseIcan ago

Kind of makes you wonder if he might be rethinking that promise, doesn’t it?

CameraCode0 ago

The Old Testament isn't completely valid from my perspective anyway. It has a ton of historical inaccuracies, like that Jews were never slaves in Egypt, and arguably never in Egypt at that time to begin with. The entire Old Testament is suspect because such large parts are simply false. There are truths in it and I do think God appeared before Jesus in that area in some form, but how much is fact, how much is added by the Jews to fit their desires, and how much was left out I don't know.

The New Testament on the other hand has no major parts that can be proven historically inaccurate, and it's much more likely to be an accurate description of the truth because it was written closer to the events and has a direct verbal history that can be traced back to Jesus directly.

That doesn't mean the Old Testament should be entirely ignored, but treated more as a background to the New Testament, and not all of it taken directly as God's word.

Approved ago

The Jews were "slaves" in Egypt.

Because, technically, every resident of Ancient Egypt was a slave of the living God-King/Pharoah.

There was no constitution, no legal rights, no seperation of Church and State, and the Pharoah was both God AND State.

In thst environment, the Jews were skilled workers, housed comfortably with thier families, and treated quite well.

But even the Pharoah's highest advisors were, technically, slaves to the God King.

CameraCode0 ago

Jews were never in Egypt at that time. None of the things involving Egypt such as the parting of the red Sea with the Pharaoh pursuing, the plagues, slavery in Egypt, etc. actually happened. Likely they were myths of large events such as an earthquake exposing the bed of the red Sea fit to the Jew's worldview. Even jewpedia admits this.

There is no indication that the Israelites ever lived in Ancient Egypt, and the Sinai Peninsula shows no sign of any occupation for the entire 2nd millennium BCE (even Kadesh-Barnea, where the Israelites are said to have spent 38 years, was uninhabited prior to the establishment of the Israelite monarchy).[39] In contrast to the absence of evidence for the Egyptian captivity and wilderness wanderings, there are ample signs of Israel's evolution within Canaan from native Canaanite roots.[40][41]

While there is a consensus that the Exodus did not take place in the manner described in the Bible, some have tried to salvage a measure of historicity from the concept of "collective memory"[7][42] – for example, the Egyptian oppression may be based on the harsh treatment of Canaanites inside Canaan in the 2nd millennium, when the region was ruled by Egypt, and these memories could later have been transferred to Egypt itself, and an exodus story created.

Approved ago

Hmm. Interesting. Thanks for the link.

Zoldam ago

Old Testament is basically a story book, a book of myth and legend if you will, while the New Testament is the teachings of Jesus and his followers.

Teledildonicist ago

Or the rapture >_>

70times7 ago

He promised not to destroy it with water.

Next, its fire.

fightknightHERO ago

Fucking Based Polacks

i'ed definitely want to revisit poland when it's not a shithole though, been there in the early 2000's for my schools Holohoax™ trip and i was astonished to see what a dilapidated country it has become after (((communism)))

do Polacks they still charge you money for using the restroom?

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

When its not a shithole jews will just mass import niggers and make it a brown shithole this time just like they did to the west

HeavyBrain ago

Now if Poland could stop crying for gibs from Germany for muh war and stop denying visa to "eveil Nazis".

Then I agree be like Poland.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

that is probably a good Idea that they deny visas to niggermany

HeavyBrain ago

What I mean was that story about some guy not getting into UK for a speech because Poland chimped.

American-Patriot ago

BURN IT DOWN! Burn down all the FAGGOT SHIT!

antiliberalsociety ago

Post highly agreeable right wing ideals

Calls for the abandonment of the Swastika and supports communism (after being downvoted, editing in you "hate" communism)

Facebook followers are shitskins and Muslims

Napierdalator ago

Reject EU migration threat.

And import Ukrainians and pajeets instead. Daily reminder Poland's govt is kiked too.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

all nation where there are any white people at all has Jews. they follow us around a lot especially with that zionist money

Napierdalator ago

We let them crash in our homeland for centuries, they were a de facto estate that managed the trade, and culturally a parallel society. They thank us with numerous acts treason during the partitions, Polish-bolshevik war, and with murder and torture during communism. We have plenty of those parasites in our administration that are first or second generation "ex" commie crypto kikes.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

And have ridiculously low birth rates, and pajeet visa students

antiliberalsociety ago

Post highly agreeable right wing ideals

Calls for the abandonment of the Swastika and supports communism

vastrightwing ago

Countries with nuclear militaries, oil wells, space programs, propaganda/lobbying offices, holocaust monuments & museums in every major city all over the world don't need handouts from American taxpayers.

We demand our $38 billion back.

ArcAngel ago

(((they))) need to heavily taxed for all the carbon emmisions released burning 6 gorillion pioeces of shit

Zoldam ago

Ukraine should buy the land next to the lolocaust museums and set up Holodomor museums just to piss off the kikes since more died in the Holodomor then the alleged lolocaust numbers.

vastrightwing ago

I refer to them as Hall of Cost museums, but I like your name too. Lol.

deathsquad ago

They won't be based until they leave the EU. That's the redpill. Until then they will always be biting the hand that feeds them. Same with Italy and Hungary. Their populations love to bask in euroskeptism but when push comes to shove they love their UK and Germany funded handouts a bit too much.

canbot ago

Leaving is the cuck way to do it. Just look at the ass rape the Brits are accepting. The based thing to do is milk the cucks for all they are worth, undermine them from the inside, and when they finally kick you out you win.

Simonsaysgoat ago

This is bullshit and no argument. Things dont just happen overnight. I don't see this kind of push back in America.

DrShitlord ago

You (wrongly) assume that German handout money will flow forever, wait for the next economic crisis.

FreeeBird ago

The last economic crisis saw more German money flow into these troubled economies. Now Greece is effectively a debt slave to them. They use crisis as an excuse to buy up assets.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Italy is filled with mudslimes Hungary is filled with retiree boomers Poland is soon going to be filled with Pajeets

2fast4u92 ago

That and they still buy into the Holocaust narriative, they just say "Well it wasn't us, it was the Germans occupying our lands"

the_magic_man ago

So, @texasvet maybe you should start a gofundme because of this? You're such a faggot it's unbelievable

Crayonall9t ago

If he admitted to being a dick and promised to do better in the future, would you accept that or just continue the negativity? I’m all for exposing assholes, but this is getting ridiculus.

the_magic_man ago

No, he's still a cunt

CameraCode0 ago

Pretty much everyone knows about him and his past by now. Maybe people just don't care as much as some other people might think?

kneo24 ago

the_magic_man ago

I was downvoted by 3 of his alts

tuckfuck ago

My school had an LGBT assembly this week. We were all told that we could not be racist or somethingphobic, that it was a crime, that we would be put on a log if we did not comply, and those three points were repeated ad nauseum. We also were told that 'love is a human right' and we could do nothing about it, that we should embrace it as it was natural

In that assembly, people with brown hair and blue eyes were told to stand up, and were singled out by the teacher (who was also "Christian" by the way). "What would you do if blue eyes were illegal? Would you shave all your hair off if brown hair was banned tommorow?" were some of the questions asked by the teacher to those whites. We were all on the wrong side of history apparently and we were going to be punished for it

I want off this ride

Ken_bingo2 ago

These people need to burn in this world. I don't care what God does with them after.

Smallest_Skil ago

I am so glad I am not in school now days. I used to, I guess you could say bully the faggy kids lol. I remember being yelled at by the teacher once because I was refusing to use words like fisher person, police person, fire person etc and was using the proper xxxMan versions. So much red circles lol. Once at a party a fag asked me to dance, well it did not end nicely with him running and hiding behind a door and me trying to kick in the door to cut him lol. Thank god for solid oak doors and my friends talked me into going back for more beer and weed....the fag apparently ran out in his socks into the snow all the way to its house when I stopped kicking at the door it was hiding behind. I dont like fags.

HoneyTrap1488 ago

We live in a dystopia far worse than 1984. The only difference between this shit and the Chinese "social credit system" is that China makes no effort to hide their intentions or to distort what it really is.

love is a human right

What does that even mean? It's just Orwellian doublespeak.

YouAreASlave ago

Fucking children is a human right goddamit!!!

SelectAllImagesWith ago

Just be careful to only tell people you can trust your opinions, one or two is enough. It really is sad how schools don't really have any idea what children need in 2019. I got fed up and now work in the private sector. Headteachers give jobs to people who will push this madness over anyone else. Get yourself a plan and stick to it.

Plavonica ago

What would you do if blue eyes were illegal?

Start shooting.

canbot ago

Did you film it and post it all over the internet? If not you have no one to blame but yourself.

Had ago

These people think fags have no choice and they are born like that. What about identical twins where one is gay? Explain that shit.

tuckfuck ago

We LITERALLY had twins in our year like that, one of them was lesbian and the other was normal. IIRC there's a recent stonetoss comic for this

satisfyinghump ago

Im sorry you are a student in a time when everything is punitive and a record follows you your whole life. Im sure older goats here would share similar stories to yours, although our tolerance lessons was ALWAYS about jews and nignogs, but we were able to resist in our own ways. Maybe the token black kid was friendlier with us then other kids and we would mock him, or if they forced us to role play slavery, we would choose the Blackie but when asked by the teacher/adult, we would claim we chose him randomly with a short straw or match. If we did that now... we would be placed on a damn list!!!

Mr_Wolf ago

I'd hate to be in school today, theyve fought so hard for their rights that theyre taking rights away from everyone else.

its past the point where this doesnt belong in the schools at all.

Muh-Shugana ago

This is how the soviets demoralized young people in russia to the extent that they ddin't even care about being used as unarmed chaff in the war. They wanted to die at that point.

boxofcrackers ago

make sure you parents organize with other parents and sue the school and get that teacher fired. fight back!

tuckfuck ago

The school has massive leverage over local authorities. Not possible

boxofcrackers ago

So the clusterfuck is even bigger? Care to explain what this leverage over local authorities consists of, please?

tuckfuck ago

I don't want to reveal any more information lest I get found out here, but the federation of schools has funded a lot of small businesses and the local council.

boxofcrackers ago

ok. tnx anyways.

CameraCode0 ago

What does that have to do with gay people? Literally nothing to do with them is illegal, and certainly not anything that is a proven genetic trait. Is your teacher White? Sounds like they just hate White people.

Sir-Nigsalot ago

Should have brought a few clown horns and handed them out to other students. Then when the assembly started start honking when something stupid is said.

Trousersnake1488 ago

What state?

tuckfuck ago

This was in the UK

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

the Jewish one

Trousersnake1488 ago

Lol. Oh, that helps a lot.

HeavyBrain ago

'love is a human right'

Oh is it now, well my jobless manlet ass that only stays home, didnt get laid for a while, can I go to Den Haag and demand pussy?

About the teacher, you should have aske "And you waht will you do on DOTR?"

TexasVet ago

What school is this please? An email to the principle would be good too. I can make your story go viral on reddit and gab I promise you.

kneo24 ago

How is that lawsuit he's threatened you with coming along? Can I take a guess and say not at all?

antiliberalsociety ago

Scare tactic. He has to sue Voat first to get my ISP (good luck) and go from there. He can't afford it yet so he's "saving up"

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Are you American?

tuckfuck ago

I am a Britbong

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Thank god

drstrangegov ago

I'm so sorry, dude. I'm from Montana. You know you have to get control of your country. My Homeland.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Not your homeland.

drstrangegov ago

I am of European descent. It's my fucking Homeland, too. Where my people lived for thousands of years. Just because you say "nuh uh" doesn't make it so, fuckchops.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

No its really not. You wern't born there. I'm guessing your parents wern't born there. If you are old blood your grandparents wern't born their either. The way you speak is different from the people who live their now. Your politics are different and your culture are different.

You live in one of the last good states in the union, and you don't even view it as a homeland. Typical fucking american.

drstrangegov ago

I would think that you would want a nation of passionate, armed, large assholes on your side. But maybe you're right. It's probably better that the Muslims kick your asses. We're good, we'll just wait till they wipe you out, then we'll wipe them out, and build burger Kings on your graves. Faggot.

Thogiker ago

I get that being a rabbi isn't easy, but you two could do better.

drstrangegov ago

Fuck you, you limey bitch. I'm one of the large armed assholes that you would be well off to have a few more of in your country. No wonder my forebears left. They probably couldn't stand to be around you pussies.

Thogiker ago

I'm sure your "forebears" loved Israel, actually.

drstrangegov ago

Well, wouldn't be the first time they trusted who they shouldn't.

Wapchinkqk ago

My homeland

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

No, Ahmed.

AinzOown ago
