ScientiaPotentia ago

The 12 spokes shouldn't be nations but ethnic groups; Nordics, Germanic, Anglo-Saxons/Brits/Dutch, Celts(Scot, Irish, Welsh), Franks, Romantics/Mediterraneans (Iberians/Italians/Greeks), Balkans, Slavs/Rus/Pol, Siberians, NE Orientals (Jap/Korean), Indo-Aryans (Persians, West Central Asians, High Caste Hindus/Sikhs etc.), Honorary groups (SE Asian/Chinese/Native Americans/Hapas).

It should be noted that Indo-Aryans don't qualify if they have any Dravidian or Semitic/Arab admixture and must be NON-Islamic. Conversion to Islam or Judaism results in immediate expulsion.

mralexson ago

A lot of Mediterranean’s have Semitic admixture. I guess I ain’t white 😔

ScientiaPotentia ago

Argh, this purity spiral shit again. What's White anyway? Of course, I am actually 100% Bavarian phenotype so bow down sand nigger! LOL, just kidding! Yes, Meds are White because White=European.

To me, anyone non-African, non-Sunni and non-douchy is okay. On that note, I wouldn't kick Zoe Saldana out of bed for eating cookies either. Yes, even "da Joos" are okay. Just look at (((Natalie Portman))); the literal Jewish Aryan goddess. All of North Africa, the Near East and Turkey were European civilization for thousands of years up until 700AD (the Islamic Arab Conquest). Turkey only fell 500 years ago to West Central Asian Turks. Many of those places today have large European admixture populations. Iran and India are the homelands of the Aryan people. To me European is European. Even then, when I say Semite I mean literally son of Shem, Noah's eldest son and progenitor of the Arab and Jewish people. Now, of course I don't believe there was a real person named Noah, but the ideology of Judaism and Islam makes then Non-Aryan.

Judaism and Islam is an ideological problem. If you read my other post about Aryan ideology, you will note that Aryanism isn't (or wasn't) about race. Judaism and Islam are not on the path to enlightenment because they fundamentally believe that man is a slave of Allah/YHWH. Aryan philosophy is the opposite. Man and God are together. We are not God's slave. We are on the path to enlightenment. There is a spark of God in us and we can become god-like. It sounds hokey, but it is a huge distinction in world view. Granted the Jewish interpretation of God is much more nuanced than just as god as slave master and Sufis (and other Mystical sects of Islam) have a deeper interpretation of the idea of this relationship that is more like the Aryan view of God.

I am not against other people. I just want the option for White people to live without forced mass immigration, forced integration, forced diversity, etc. If people want to integrate I don't care. Good for them. People should be able to choose if they want to live in a White country or a multicultural country. I just don't want to be manipulated, controlled, etc, under the current Cultural Marxist ideology sweeping the West. White countries should remain White. They should have their own children and very little immigration. If people want multicultural societies then there is the whole continent of Africa and Asia for that. We should have multiculturalism in those places that choose to be and not in places that choose not to be.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Italian and Greek?! Hmmm no..

CrudOMatic ago

inb4 left nigger says wypipo stole that too

dspfoisdafodsi ago

Afrikaner is Dutch though isn't it?

edit: i mean it's only fair they get their chunk of africa back if we get our beloved Europe back innit?

freedumbz ago

Why not both?

ErrorHasNoRights ago

"our whole race" refers to who, though?

TexasVet ago

The different sub groups of the white race are listed right there on the Sonnerad. Can you not read sir?

ErrorHasNoRights ago

I could see that working in the US maybe. But all the Europeans generally hate each other and that's probably going to get worse as the EU causes the continent to fracture more.

CrudOMatic ago

Could try the fragmented snake Franklin used - Unite or Die.

butters4eva ago

It would be far better to embrace national flags and frame all opposition as a foreign and hostile influence.

That's the strategy the Jews had in mind post WW2 when they called all other national movements "Nazi" and implanted people using Swastikas to make White Nationalism appear as a hostile foreign incursion.

Xantha ago

This and it's been a successful strategy throughout history. Octavian (Augustus) the 1st Emperor of Rome who ushered in the Pax Romana (200 year golden age of the Roman Empire) 'campaigned' as reformer/traditionalist wanting to repair a fractured Roman Republic. Once he secured his position in later years, then he was able to implement the necessary structural changes that formed an Empire that lasted another 1500 years. Rome was for the Romans and that was it.

The sonnerad/sunwheel, runes, and other traditional symbols will not be accepted freely as the only sources (most) modern people have on them are related to criminals/gangs. Remember that Christianity spent a LOOOOONNNG time trying to stomp them out, so they were ripe for counter-culture/social outcasts to cling to. Until people are actually educated on their own history, these symbols will most likely be little more than a political hindrance.

Just fly the biggest motherfuckin national flag you can find and be a real patriot. Advocate for yourself, your family, and your people (at home, and abroad). People are drawn to communities that watch each other's backs. If everyone in this thread agrees on (at least) general principle to do that; then we're already ahead. Our own infighting and not supporting each other will hinder us more than any outsider can do. I don't have to agree with everyone here on every minor thing. But I'll have your backs, crunch time or no crunch time. Whether that's a promotion at work, helping change a tire, or helping haul ammo cans. Gotta be in it to win it, and everyone's gotta grab an oar for us all to benefit.

i_scream_trucks ago


unless youre aryan (indian) the swastika doesnt represent shit about race.

come to think of it even if you are aryan (indian) it still doesnt represent race.

unless there is a race of people called 'good fortune and luck'

Nice try tho Shlomo

TexasVet ago

Shlomo? LMAO no one has ever accused me of being a Jew before. Interesting.

Why do you balk at the idea of using the Sonnerad for white nationalism? It is far more ancient than the swastika anyway.

CrudOMatic ago

...and it has the benefit of being white in origin.