Crensch ago

Cool. When were you discharged, again?

Armpit_and_Ass ago

Literally who?

ProgNaziGator ago

Once my kids are gone to college I plan to come out.

bdmthrfkr ago

Someday in the future what it's like to show your power level, might inspire some of us to do the same.

Doc_Brown_Lives ago

Silent majority is good OpSec

Whiteisbestinlife ago

I have recieved cryptic messages with my personal info inside So they are letting me know that they know who i am. Pretty sure i am/ have been gang stalked before.

Chiefpacman ago

This is off topic but;

There are several new accounts beginning with ‘white’. I’ve mentioed it before to whitesupremist but now there’s more.

I like your jib; but I can’t help but be suspicious about it. You guys are all very similar in rhetoric. Just going to mention it again.

WhiteSupremecist denied it, another one said ‘leave it alone.’ Again, idk, just making othes aware.

Whiteisbestinlife ago

I made this account on a new device as i thought my old account was blocked. Might keep it just in case

Samsquamch ago

We may disagree, sometimes often, but you have my respect if that's all real

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

Not everyone can afford to get doxxed. They may need to hold down a job to bring in money for their family, and if they good doxxed they'll be fired. Not to mention their innocent family members will also be subject to vitriol and harassment. You could shatter a White family, you could get someone legally imperiled for 'hate speech'.

Some may be trying to work their way into an institution, that takes a lot of work, doxxing somebody like that would really hurt them. I don't know how you think that's a good idea.

Cooking_with_Alf ago

Am I the only illegal alien that supports this? HAHHH!!!! I kill me.

V / R


lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

ima find ewe and gape ewe

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago


Rellik88 ago

Good thing, the hoard has been stopped. Since you weren't going to try to stop them at all.

PrettyBigDouche ago

I thought you got doxxed because you cried poverty and then spent the money people gave you on guns. How come you aren't addressing that?

lorlipone ago

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, I've been doxxed and just roll with it - and even dox myself. On most sites, I just use my real name.

So, kudos and congratulations. If a belief is sincere, putting your name behind it shouldn't be an issue.

I don't necessarily agree with your views - but I do admire your willingness to stand behind your stance. It's a very un-cowardly act.

Also, if I understand correctly, doxxing even yourself is technically against Voat's rules. So, I skirt it in public Voat by saying that I'm David G. - which makes doxxing me really, really easy. You may wish to follow suit and edit your post to be Sean S or S Sweat. Otherwise, there's potential for a ban.

Gigglestick ago

You seem like an OK guy to me. Although, You'd probably see some long haired bearded dude and think I was a libtard. But that is furthest from the truth. Just because I have long hair bro, doesn't mean I'm not racist.

Artofchoke ago

We need more of this, quickly, because the ground level people are in jeopardy.

mynewaccountagain ago

What kind of gay surname is Sweat?

TexasVet ago

It is of Irish origin. It meant the color white in the old Gaelic tongue. While I am not pleased that English has turned it into perspiration these days, but it is still my name and I am proud of it.

antiliberalsociety ago

Why can't you give Voat a shout out on your video?

fl3x ago

Why do you keep pounding this point when I told you where in the video he did? You're literally the one person here who's going after him like this.

antiliberalsociety ago

You did NOT give the time even after I asked for it.

fl3x ago

Bro, I told you it was between the 10 minute mark and the 50, but likely more around the first third of that.. maybe 20-30? I gave you a reasonable range where it likely was. I'm not going to re-listen to the damn thing when you didn't even take the time to. It was a clear point in the conversation that was raised the around the first time he started talking about rallying a militia and having the support of a candidate. I respect suspicion and a desire to authenticate things 1 gorillion %, but come on. Listen to it yourself, don't demand we do all your work for you.

antiliberalsociety ago

In other words you didnt give shit, and I'm not wasting 40 minutes sifting through that faggot larp just to find nothing. He should have no problem giving that info himself.

fl3x ago

muted for an excessive of faggotry

antiliberalsociety ago

Exactly what I thought. Run away like your criminal boyfriend posing as a vet.

fl3x ago

I was thinking about this the other day. Did anyone ask him for updates on the "collab with representative x, going to the border, and working with the minutemen"?

mynewaccountagain ago

Cool, thanks for the explanation

NotHereForPizza ago

Jesus, you're dumb.

Either way, Crensch is a bag of dicks for that.

Naught405 ago

It's a goddamn good thing we're not in Europe where they've already abdicated their right to free speech.

GoodbyeFreeSpeach ago

You got an east coast brother in me. It's bullshit that people twist Pro white into white supremacy. I'm proud as hell of my white brothers, we have accomplished so much. But anymore it's a constant attack on whites.

Whitemail ago

I heard you on CC's show.

billyvvinz ago

Good shit. Nobody should have to be afraid to put their name and face behind their opinions, ever.

gabara ago

Didn't you dox yourself? Doxing is bad.

northportage ago

The cool thing about Voat is that it's a great place to practice becoming fearlessly truthful in a well articulated way. We all need practice so that when the day of reckoning comes for us individually, we can stand up straight and say what we have to say directly and clearly.

antiliberalsociety ago

The truth shall set you free

YugiMoto ago

Do what feels right

firex726 ago

Comes a time? Dude, you got people with 100x your audience and can still remain anonymous.

You don't need to be some 1337 haxoR to keep yourself safe, just don't go reusing the same username and tie it to your real identity.

sguevar ago

To be honest your whole story seems fishy to me.

So I am just putting my self aside from you as you are not someone to be trusted. Don't wish you ill but I will not follow nor encourage your shenanigans.

forgot_p4ssword ago

i smell glow in the dark niggers. fucking voat drama queens kill yourself.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I just need the truth: Are you jewish or do any of your family members have jewish blood?

TexasVet ago

I am Irish. Potato niggers unite!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Where's our slave reparations amirite

TexasVet ago

Nah fuck that. I ain't no lazy niggerfaggot. I make my own reparations by the sweat of my brow.

PrettyBigDouche ago

Sweat of your brow by asking for donations? lol. You're a piece of work.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

u cool

12376814? ago

God speed nigger

barraccuda ago

I have routine meetings at work where we are all told that we will be fired if we don't have the correct values and the various bosses like to emphasize that they will cut us loose for expressing a political view in public. You are much luckier than some of us. Almost makes me want to move to the states. Out and proud conservative isnt a realistic option for me.

skldaflksdsdf ago

where do you work?

mynewaccountagain ago

You need a new job

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

Yes, but some people have obligations you know, they have families that need the extra money at the hard-to-land job. You have to empathize with people in difficult situations.

mynewaccountagain ago

Im not gonna give a fucking hug. I understand where he's coming from. I didn't ask him to immediately quit and make a scene. I observed that he needs a new job. Chill out faggot.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

Chill out? Maybe you misunderstood the way I was trying to make my point. That's the way it is with typing.

mynewaccountagain ago

Yes. Chill out. It means relax.

SexMachine ago

Where in Texas, niggerfaggot? Let's go have a beer. I'll even let you touch my CIB ;^)

BlueDrache ago

Carry In Bed?

SexMachine ago

Combat Infantryman Badge. @TexasVet was an infantryman during peacetime, so he doesn't have one, but that doesn't take anything away from his service to this country. Soldiers don't get to pick the wars.

And the Iraq war was straight up bullshit. If you look at all the history of the US's involvement in the middle east, all the shit we're dealing with today is blowback from clandestine operations that have been going on since the 1950s. The CIA created the problem in Iran, and then the CIA supported Sadam's rise to power and helped him stay in power because he was against Iran. Shit, the US gave the Iraqi government permission to invade Kuwait, and then we attacked Iraq for invading Kuwait. The whole "War on Terrorism" and invading Iraq again was just cleaning up loose ends,

antiliberalsociety ago

Funny he can't prove it nor display knowledge of military jargon

BlueDrache ago

I'd shake @TexasVet 's hand too.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Combat Infantryman Badge

BlueDrache ago

I'd shake your hand, if I could, soldier.

TexasVet ago

I will be organizing a rally in the not too distant future in Austin. With the help of Paul Nehlen and others. Perhaps then.

AmericanStockc1630 ago

Native Texan here, and ancestor of colonial settlers from 1630. I'll be there to help y"all out. Is there a date set?

TexasVet ago

Not yet. If the caravan is turned back we will not do the rally. If they are allowed to enter, we will.

AmericanStockc1630 ago

I'm watching Abbott's response to this situation. I hope he doesn't let us down. Please keep me posted. Saw your slightlysober video, missed the one with Nehlen though. Godspeed brother, I'll stand with you.

Whorley ago

I believe I could be of assistance in such endeavors. PM me if you're interested.

Chiefpacman ago

Do you have a sub here on voat?

Edit: looks like you don’t. Maybe you should make one to keep us updated. I live near Austin

xobodox ago

Do you really expect us to believe you FBI/CIA niggers?

We see who you are. All you do is rag on patriots and run propaganda against them.

F'ck off back to your little hole troll.

antiliberalsociety ago

Do you read the news? Trump got them to disband dipshit.

Chiefpacman ago

The first link is just you saying he’s fake. Doesn’t really carry any more weight than you saying it again now.

Second link, it’s a little ironic. Its a guy claiming to be a vet and doesn’t appreciate texasvet. What makes you sure that he’s a veteran; while you’re certain Texanvet is not.. Even if he is, why would his denouncement matter?

I don’t get you guys. He gave out personal info just to prove himself; he does livestreams and is apparently doing a public thing in Austin soon.

You’re not even an sbbh-er, yet you’ve been busy trying to discredit this guy. I’m wondering if you’re just rabble raising for the sake of you, or if you just have some sort of weird loyalty towards crensch..

antiliberalsociety ago

I gave him a chance to prove himself, he can't.

Chiefpacman ago

You want his military ID right?

He would be an idiot to give that out. Next you’d be filing for discounts in his name. I’m sure you guys have been searching for social media already.

I do think he should mention this fiasco for a few seconds in his next live stream. That would dissuade the naysaying. @texasvet

I have to add, the only reason most of us even know about this guy now, is because you guys tried to bury him. I suppose he owes you guys some gratitude..

antiliberalsociety ago

If you weren't subverting so hard you'd have seen that I told him a way to do it anonymously. Why are you crying on his behalf when he's admittedly defrauding GoFundMe donors?

Chiefpacman ago

Okay tell us your plan; to give us proof anonymously. Funny that you would just complain about me not sifting thru your comments; and not just copy pasting.

I believe you said something to the effect of ‘put your thumb over your picture/name’ somewhere on crench’s thread. We already know what he looks like and what his name is, so I don’t know how that would make any difference

antiliberalsociety ago

Uh, no we don't know. I linked it earlier and even made a post about it. This whole "prove it infinity" game is a jew tactic. He's claiming to be someone he's not. No mentions in the videos, nor its comments, despite soliciting money from us.

Tell me though, why is it only you and your select few cronies defending him? Why does he never speak up? Are you his bitch?

Chiefpacman ago

Uh, no we don't know


This whole "prove it infinity" game is a jew tactic.

No, the whole ‘he must give out even more personal info’ is a jewess tactic. See how that works? Calling stuff you disagree with Hitler/Jewish/Against history; doesn’t make it so. Its an unbased tactic.

Tell me though, why is it only you and your select few cronies defending him?

If by me and cronies you mean the vote community. Only people I see on your side are sbbh/ crying wolf. They’ve been discredited over and over again. I think it’s pretty clear judging by the reaction here and yesterday that you guys lost. You gambled it all on a ‘hunch’.

It won’t just be those you go after who have a sour taste left over when they think of sbbh.

antiliberalsociety ago

Uh, no we don't know

What he looks like because it's not really him.

Except the hunch is that he's a fake. He displayed a severe lack of knowledge of the military, other vets called him out, I gave him a simple anonymous way to prove he's a vet, and he can't back up one of his statements.

I mean you and his cronies, the select few who are constantly sucking his cock over any statement he makes. The voat community as a whole is divided on it. The vote manipulation is illustrated in the mass of alts defending him. Why is it they're all 1-1.7 year old accounts with absolute shit for contribution?

The only hunch here is that he's an honest vet. What do you have to verify it? He posts someone else's name as his own and claims he's doxing himself. This is the equivalent to pix or it didn't happen. He's already admitted to begging for money to feed himself then buying a rifle with it. You idiots still suck his dick and fight his battle for him. If he's legit, why does he run away every fucking time?

gazillions ago

The shills are on Gab of course. The very adult "no one likes you nyah nyah" is hilarious. If that's all they can come up with, then a psychiatrist might be more useful to them than social media.

middle_path ago

Props, dude. I may have to stand up for backyard gardeners one day. But I'll stay in the shadows for now.

Gshshsvjfvbh ago

Texasvet bought stuff with monies not for said stuff.

Going to mexico border enmasse with guns leaves us(yes, we) open season for CIA/FBI

This march was designed to increase tension so something pops, like a pimple

But back to texasvet, you owe money, I'm not interested in your lameness

middle_path ago

Did you make an account just to post this comment?

Not weird at all.

Gshshsvjfvbh ago

Yep. Its anon

Anti_Idle ago

If middle_path approves, that's my personal litmus test that he's a fag.

Chiefpacman ago

The really level headed farmer guy that pretty much everyone else likes? Wtf haha

Anti_Idle ago

You must not know much about him...

Chiefpacman ago

All I know is he mods that growit sub, and everytime I see him comment it’s well thought out. He’s a bit ‘middle of the road’ for voat; but he came here from reddit with the rest of us 2.6-2.9 year old accounts. So he obviously cares about our values.

Anti_Idle ago

That's a logical fallacy. Duration =/= support.

Chiefpacman ago

Logical fallacies are good for debates and in court rooms, but when it comes to making basic judgments you should be using some of them. You could say racism is a logical fallacy, following your logic.

I’m not saying you’re a worse user for only being here for a year; just that I generally have a positive bias for people that left reddit after the fph/nigger ban. Chances are, they care about free speech and what voats about

TexasVet ago

That's niggerfaggot to you maggot!

middle_path ago

Cool, glad I could help

disvergence ago

Security by obscurity is not security--but it is not useless, either.

skldaflksdsdf ago

the word is obfuscation.

Tazzermalt ago

indeed @Crensch /u/Crensch is a piece of shit

Artofchoke ago

Why are you blaming him?

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

gotta blame some (((1)))

fl3x ago

Crensch a gud boi. Crench dindu nuffin. Din even have his hans on his keyboard. Dey was in da air.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

all hail @crensch

dooob ago


MaunaLoona ago

All digital security is by obscurity. What do you think passwords are?

disvergence ago

All information security is obscurity, because if you knew the information it wouldn't be obscured. And since everything digital is information, the only method of securing digital data is obscurity. Although I would like you to read up on one-time pads. They're secure by obscurity, strangely enough.

Karnivor ago

Who cares. What are they gonna do, order you take out food?

nomadriders ago

Send the IRS after you, or get you fired from your job. There's lots that they can do.

adhdferret ago

Can't do any of that. GoFundMe already has the information and if needed was given to them already. Plus no one will do anything to him. There is no reason.

nomadriders ago

In this case sure but it does not apply to your average person

adhdferret ago

This person is average which is why they are trying so hard to be something else. They want to be more, but don't want to do the self betterment, instead they would lie to impress others.

Those of us like myself would never waste our time doing more than exposing the truth to others. For all the wrong reasons this person is starting a movement that will end up with many in serious legal trouble.

I have done my part as have many others.

Artofchoke ago

God fucking damnit we have got to get some unity on the side of liberty, our infighting is petty and needless, ffs.

adhdferret ago

I agree, but I don't want anyone to end up on the wrong side of the law. That is all, and if makes me look like the bad guy.....fine! I can deal with that.

You know my commitment is to the community of Voat and not a movement or individual on this platform. If I see something that I wouldn't do then be damn sure I will be that voice of reason.

This site has been under constant attack since it began with those that encourage participation off this site and with others as they are unable to control the narrative. Always a dead give away with me when that comes into play.

We need an informed user base as opposed to a larger one at any cost. I didn't want to start shit here raccoon whispering woman. Thing is that I felt it was imperitive the moment the sanegoatiswear alts began to defend him.

There is nothing good that can come from that. We as older goats owe our experience with fucks like that because it is likely they don't know and would do exactly what they want.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

bullshit you tried to have me arrested over a joke

adhdferret ago

You said you were going to kill my son and rape my wife. Someone needed to make a stand and I did. You haven't done it again now have you?

Time and place for people to fuck with others and well you seemed like you needed a lesson at the time so yeah I notified the proper enforcement to deal with you. I ain't sorry either. You don't say that shit to someone and keep the gag going long as you did I even warned you but you said do it so I did.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

looking back its probably why i like you and always upvote ya tho

adhdferret ago

We both gained perspective from it didn't we? Just let it be in the past. I have.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

oh yeah i was just saying hello in my way buddy and of course its in past komrade i love you buddy

adhdferret ago

Bro homo

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

bro hug no homo

MadWorld ago

This site has been under constant attack since it began with those that encourage participation off this site and with others as they are unable to control the narrative. Always a dead give away with me when that comes into play.

The magnitude of vote manipulation is quite insane. Take this comment for example, it was +10 upvotes and -1 downvote with sum of 9 pts. I left for a moment, came right back, and refreshed this page. Boom! It was jumped to -10 downvotes with sum of 4pts.

adhdferret ago

They are steering the narrative. Want to see vote manipulation? Always check submission view totals to votes and see what is really being fucked with.

Artofchoke ago

Didn't mean you, Sir, meant the hostility in this thread over petty bullshit. It feels like there is a directed, specific movement to undermine and confuse going on right now, and we gotta circle the wagons. We're together because we care about liberty, and personal foibles and differences of opinion, we gotta ignore that shit. I agree 100% with your assessment.

adhdferret ago

The whole thing with this account really makes my Spidey senses tingle.

How they were able to keep a gofundme up on the Donald

How it was relayed as to why a firearm is purchased. (BLM and Antifa being at demonstrations and the need for protection)

The sheer lack of security for the nation as opposed to white nationalism.

Who is supporting them on this platform and saying they will attend this rally.

Just that I do not trust them. Whatever they did with that money I don't care about far as the way it was spent just the reason given. It shows intent so if something were to happen they already incriminate themselves. Also their admission to vote brigading in a Hillary sub. Who does that and why? A child that is who or one with an adolescent fucking thought process. Certainly not a person who would want to associate with. Or at least I wouldn't.

I get everyone is so afraid of the goddamn taco invasion, but why? We have predator drones flying overhead that are watching these people at all times, we have a fucking army of border agents that are more than capable of handling the situation, and they likely have helicopter support with ordinance.

Real problem here is that many states are pushing further restrictions upon firearm accessories and even limits the purchase of guns for fucks sake and no one is talking about one. Just last week Chicago started to push for a ban on body armor as they follow California, and it won't end there people it won't! These are the things you need to focus on and be a part of.

Running to the boder to attempt and be a threat to those already there will do nothing but further a gun ban. Someone will do something stupid and fuck it up for everyone.

antiliberalsociety ago

Defrauding other goats is petty?

Artofchoke ago

Got evidence? If it's true, then no.

antiliberalsociety ago

Have you not been paying attention? He fucking admitted it.

Karnivor ago

Oh please. No one cares. If you have a job that would fire you for internet opinions, you should have quit long ago.. The trick is tired and old.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

He could go to Jail for fraud.

Karnivor ago

I'm sure lying on the internet is at the top of LEO's priorities.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Not sure what your point is, just because some petty charity fraud isn't a high priority doesn't mean scamming donations isn't a crime.

antiliberalsociety ago

Problem is if they audit his GoFundMe and find he spent money on non necessities, he'll go to jail for fraud.

Rotteuxx ago

If he broke laws by his actions, he should face the consequences like a grown man who knew what he was doing.

Karnivor ago

Audit his go fund me?

What in the world are you even talking about? no. one. cares.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

no one cares

If I was one of the people who thought I was giving money to a vet who'd fallen on hard times and then found out he'd blown it on luxuries I'd care.

You not caring about a fraudster doesn't mean others don't.

Karnivor ago

This is why you don't donate to people on the internet. Might as well be throwing your money away

adhdferret ago

That isn't true.

People on this site gave us money when I lost my job and before unemployment kicked. (All of it in my history). We got a little over 2k (because Bitcoin fluxed in value).

First thing I did was go get a flea treatment kit for our house as it was biblical. We adopted a dog before I was told they couldn't accommodate me due to doctors restrictions.

Then we took the dog to a local groomer and had him made all pretty as well as got him and us food. Everything we got and still buy is local farmers and there is pictures of the market we go to in my history for that as well.

Paid my back rent that was due, paid utilities and filled the car with gas. Then we saved some for Xmas and got the kid some clothes and us stuff to keep warm which everything I kept the community apprised of.

The most frivolous thing we spent money on was to rent a movie on Xbox live during Xmas to watch as a family. Wife and I cried when we saw the outpouring of support to us from these people.

Random people mind you that owed us nothing and we owe them everything. So everyday I do my fucking best to protect this place and it's users. I foster communities that have creators that ask for my help.

I make new ones and get like minded people to share info. I do that because none of these people will take that money back and I don't know how else to help.

ProgNaziGator ago

Thanks for sharing

Karnivor ago

while this is a touching story and I am glad you were helped, you at least have to recognize that you are the exception and not the rule...

adhdferret ago

I am saying that there are people out there that while may not deserve it (like me) they will gladly appreciate it.

An important note here is that I started a Bitcoin wallet due to the suggestion by g0ldfish and a few others. I never went off this site with it. I kept it all here and showed these people that I am here to stay. When someone starts to lead you away that is a big fucking red flag you should be suspicious.

TexasVet ago

Your obsession with me is a sad testament to the irrelevant life you lead. Try leaving the basement once in awhile.

antiliberalsociety ago

Passing off your fraud as obsession is a typical move criminals make to downplay their crimes, just saying.

Wuttier ago

Godspeed. I will come out of the woodworks whenI need to defend my rights or when the shit hits the fan.

WhiteSurvivalist ago

Were well beyond the time of needing to defend our rights, anyone in a government position even uttering words against the bill of rights is the time, but our nation has 35+ million invaders, plenty of islamists and so on, things are bad, real bad.