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xobodox ago

Do you really expect us to believe you FBI/CIA niggers?

We see who you are. All you do is rag on patriots and run propaganda against them.

F'ck off back to your little hole troll.

antiliberalsociety ago

Do you read the news? Trump got them to disband dipshit.

Chiefpacman ago

The first link is just you saying he’s fake. Doesn’t really carry any more weight than you saying it again now.

Second link, it’s a little ironic. Its a guy claiming to be a vet and doesn’t appreciate texasvet. What makes you sure that he’s a veteran; while you’re certain Texanvet is not.. Even if he is, why would his denouncement matter?

I don’t get you guys. He gave out personal info just to prove himself; he does livestreams and is apparently doing a public thing in Austin soon.

You’re not even an sbbh-er, yet you’ve been busy trying to discredit this guy. I’m wondering if you’re just rabble raising for the sake of you, or if you just have some sort of weird loyalty towards crensch..

antiliberalsociety ago

I gave him a chance to prove himself, he can't.

Chiefpacman ago

You want his military ID right?

He would be an idiot to give that out. Next you’d be filing for discounts in his name. I’m sure you guys have been searching for social media already.

I do think he should mention this fiasco for a few seconds in his next live stream. That would dissuade the naysaying. @texasvet

I have to add, the only reason most of us even know about this guy now, is because you guys tried to bury him. I suppose he owes you guys some gratitude..

antiliberalsociety ago

If you weren't subverting so hard you'd have seen that I told him a way to do it anonymously. Why are you crying on his behalf when he's admittedly defrauding GoFundMe donors?

Chiefpacman ago

Okay tell us your plan; to give us proof anonymously. Funny that you would just complain about me not sifting thru your comments; and not just copy pasting.

I believe you said something to the effect of ‘put your thumb over your picture/name’ somewhere on crench’s thread. We already know what he looks like and what his name is, so I don’t know how that would make any difference

antiliberalsociety ago

Uh, no we don't know. I linked it earlier and even made a post about it. This whole "prove it infinity" game is a jew tactic. He's claiming to be someone he's not. No mentions in the videos, nor its comments, despite soliciting money from us.

Tell me though, why is it only you and your select few cronies defending him? Why does he never speak up? Are you his bitch?

Chiefpacman ago

Uh, no we don't know


This whole "prove it infinity" game is a jew tactic.

No, the whole ‘he must give out even more personal info’ is a jewess tactic. See how that works? Calling stuff you disagree with Hitler/Jewish/Against history; doesn’t make it so. Its an unbased tactic.

Tell me though, why is it only you and your select few cronies defending him?

If by me and cronies you mean the vote community. Only people I see on your side are sbbh/ crying wolf. They’ve been discredited over and over again. I think it’s pretty clear judging by the reaction here and yesterday that you guys lost. You gambled it all on a ‘hunch’.

It won’t just be those you go after who have a sour taste left over when they think of sbbh.

antiliberalsociety ago

Uh, no we don't know

What he looks like because it's not really him.

Except the hunch is that he's a fake. He displayed a severe lack of knowledge of the military, other vets called him out, I gave him a simple anonymous way to prove he's a vet, and he can't back up one of his statements.

I mean you and his cronies, the select few who are constantly sucking his cock over any statement he makes. The voat community as a whole is divided on it. The vote manipulation is illustrated in the mass of alts defending him. Why is it they're all 1-1.7 year old accounts with absolute shit for contribution?

The only hunch here is that he's an honest vet. What do you have to verify it? He posts someone else's name as his own and claims he's doxing himself. This is the equivalent to pix or it didn't happen. He's already admitted to begging for money to feed himself then buying a rifle with it. You idiots still suck his dick and fight his battle for him. If he's legit, why does he run away every fucking time?