i_scream_trucks ago

fake and gay. if he were a legit patriot, he would buy the rifle before he fed himself.

dooob ago

If he does confirm his identitiy, it would be nice to do an AMA when the whole caravan fiasco ends.

antiliberalsociety ago

I have a feeling he can't verify shit. Notice the brigading on this post?

dooob ago

Even Garrison mentioned us. Voat is one of the pizzagate research hubs, hardly a pro-pedo site.

4ChinSnacker ago

This can be done without revealing identity and at no monetary cost. Why cant he say thanks?

derram ago

https://hooktube.com/watch?v=hmxSePYVcG4 :

Slightly Sober with TexasVet discussing the immigrant caravan - YouTube

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fl3x ago

@antiliberalsociety He already mentioned starting the Militia thread that gained traction on Voat in this video.

antiliberalsociety ago

Timestamp? And did he say actually say on Voat? Because I couldn't find it.