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SexMachine ago

Where in Texas, niggerfaggot? Let's go have a beer. I'll even let you touch my CIB ;^)

TexasVet ago

I will be organizing a rally in the not too distant future in Austin. With the help of Paul Nehlen and others. Perhaps then.

AmericanStockc1630 ago

Native Texan here, and ancestor of colonial settlers from 1630. I'll be there to help y"all out. Is there a date set?

TexasVet ago

Not yet. If the caravan is turned back we will not do the rally. If they are allowed to enter, we will.

AmericanStockc1630 ago

I'm watching Abbott's response to this situation. I hope he doesn't let us down. Please keep me posted. Saw your slightlysober video, missed the one with Nehlen though. Godspeed brother, I'll stand with you.

Whorley ago

I believe I could be of assistance in such endeavors. PM me if you're interested.

Chiefpacman ago

Do you have a sub here on voat?

Edit: looks like you don’t. Maybe you should make one to keep us updated. I live near Austin