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SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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RedditHasDied ago

Rifle should be flipped over. If the colonist lowers his arm, he's holding the musket upside down.

Neon_daemon ago

The art is gay

Pattern_Blind ago

I like the COEXIST part.

Neon_daemon ago

The funny part about the coexist part is most of those symbols are all a response to others. We don't need symbols to self identify. Coexisting is in our genetics

NotHereForPizza ago

Are you just going to dump propoganda every day, old man?

antiliberalsociety ago

v/GoFraudMe has a nice dose of his antivenom

Drakgan ago

Buy an island, let the world burn.

cthulian_axioms ago

Or 15 acres in Vermont.

RedditHasDied ago

Someone had that idea already, New Zealand's been sold.

TexasVet ago

Suit yourself. As for me and my kin we shall fight.

antiliberalsociety ago

Who is your kin, anyway?

Peacethroughpower ago

1776 in the streets, 1488 in the sheets

antiliberalsociety ago

Except OP has no white children, and it's mostly black, Mexican, and Muslim followers on his Facebook page, and even calls for the abandonment of the swastika. I wouldn't put too much weight into his posts.

chirogonemd ago

Thank you. Whiteness is a fucking construct, invented in the 20th century to eliminate the very culturally important ethnic distinctions between Europeans in the United States. I am not saying there isn't some degree to which we all need to recognize the common enemy. We absolutely do, and I am also not saying that different Aryan ethnic groups are enemies. We shouldn't be. What I reject is lumping them all into a single category that was essentially given to you by Jewish revolutionaries, making you use their language and play into their game of social engineering. If you use their language, you confirm the spell they have on you.

Whiteness is just ideological. It is anti-realist.

Privacy_Terms ago

You forgot the Old vs Young White People divide being pushed hardcore by NiggerFaggotJewLeftists via the "It's all the Boomer's fault" psyop.

Peacethroughpower ago

Have you talked to boomers though? Tetraethyl lead is a hell of a drug. But you right for real

Pattern_Blind ago

Those hot takes boomers have on why Israel is our greatest ally.

Tallest_Skil ago

stop purity spiraling


TexasVet ago

We can hammer out the pros and cons after we have secured the 14 Words first. Our entire race is in danger right now.

antiliberalsociety ago

You legit just promoted racemixing you melting pot atheist kike shill.

superspathi ago

You can't even define what 'our' race is. It's completely unscientific 'looks white to me'. And you surely cannot preserve anything. You cannot stop this ride.

Peacethroughpower ago

Oh gawd, your familial solidarity is unscientific goyim

superspathi ago

Well it is kind of poorly defined. It's changed over time and I'm sure there's points of disagreement to be found now.

BeetleLord ago

Enjoy the rope.

RedditHasDied ago

You aren't fighting an enemy that gives a shit about science, fuckhead.

"White" is everyone with European ancestry that will be seen as an enemy by racist mudskins.

sir_andy_of_bad ago

The white race are ethnic Europeans. You can't stop this, your entire people will burn. I mean, you do have some strange fetish for immolation.

superspathi ago

The fossil history proves that hominids have been changing since the dawn of time. The environments we live in, and the cultures we adopt influence who reproduces and that molds the future. You cannot stop the transformation. If you try to stop it, you would just be applying the rules that would cause the change. Like trying to nail jello to a wall.

Turn_Coat ago


Revelations2_9 ago

Our enemy's only target is Christianity. That Christendom is largely white does not matter to them. Reject Christ and they will have already won. Being white will save no one.

Harry_Areola ago

Your imaginary sky giant is not special. It’s one of thousands of mythologies invented by mankind.

antiliberalsociety ago

Judaism is a subhuman religion.

Harry_Areola ago

All religions are subhuman.

antiliberalsociety ago

Atheism is a Jewish construct

Harry_Areola ago

You're fucking retarded.

antiliberalsociety ago

You really miss your dickskin don't you...

Harry_Areola ago

11 days later and that’s the best reply you could come up with? Damn youre slow, boy. Literally and figuratively. Jesus is still just a kike sand nigger and those that follow that nonsense are just weak minded sheep. Which you have demonstrated perfectly here.

Folke ago

If its about religion and not skin color how do you explain all the spics who are devout Catholics getting pushed in?

sir_andy_of_bad ago

Catholicism isn't Christianity, sorry to let you down.

Revelations2_9 ago

Excellent question.

Blacks/browns are being forced into white nations in order to remove political power from whites completely. When/if this is done, removing whites will be a far simpler process. Once whites are removed, blacks/browns will be used as a slave underclass. They have neither the intellect to resist subversion of their faith, nor the will to fight for their freedom. Their faith will be annihilated by sophisticated subversion and they will either serve the Jews and Muslims or be killed.

Simply put, (((they))) have no concerns about being able to strip the blacks/browns of Christianity when it suits them. The whites however . . .

Folke ago

Interesting , thank you for the reply, I'm gonna need to process that for awhile.

TexasVet ago

You are completely out of touch if your tunnel vision has you thinking that white atheists are safe from the millions upon millions of Muslims and Africans flooding EVERY white country. You know damn well they are not going to ask you if you are a Christian or not before they rape your wife and kill your children while you watch. UNITE!

antiliberalsociety ago

muh persecuted Atheists!

Prove they were persecuted anywhere near the 20 Million Christians that were murdered in the Holodomor

Revelations2_9 ago

White atheists won't be safe, you are correct. When/if they can eliminate Christianity, anyone that does not worship the Judaic/Islamic God will not be safe.

Without Christianity, western civilization will crumble on it's own. You can fight back purely with force and stave off the inevitable, but the inevitable will come. If you truly care about the survival of whites (don't get me wrong, I certainly do), you must come to understand that everything the white man has ever achieved has been done on the foundation of Christianity.

Don't be the fool they want you to be. You really think this millennia long intense warfare is being waged because Jews and Muslims just happen to be racist against white people specifically?

TexasVet ago

If all of western civilization will crumble without your specific God, then explain all the great empires of history that were not Christian. Whites were some form of Paganism for 1000s of years before Christians forced their religion on us by the sword. Before they started burning us at the stake if we didn't convert to Christianity.

To be honest Christianity can go fuck itself for all I care. Again I say unto you that the ONLY thing that matter are the 14 Words.

antiliberalsociety ago

Saved! Thanks for the screenshot! You Jewish fucking shill.

Revelations2_9 ago

If all of western civilization will crumble without your specific God, then explain all the great empires of history that were not Christian.

The empires that were all subverted and destroyed, as you wish to avoid? . . .

Whites were some form of Paganism for 1000s of years before Christians forced their religion on us by the sword. Before they started burning us at the stake if we didn't convert to Christianity.

The Inquisitions were targeting Marranos, meaning Jews who pretended to be Christians after Spain gave them the ultimatum to convert or GTFO because of their subversion, not Pagans. Read the Alhambra Decree if you'd like to confirm for yourself.

To be honest the foundation of white civilization can go fuck itself for all I care

Fixed that for you ;)

WilliamCutting ago

Do you not see how much you rail against the idea that non-christian whites built the foundation for civilization?

Answer me one question, would you let christianity die if whites could survive or would you let whites die if christianity would survive?

I am personally willing to put aside my issues with christianity to save our people, is it so hard for you to do the same?

Revelations2_9 ago

would you let christianity die if whites could survive or would you let whites die if christianity would survive?

This is a nonsensical question, but I understand that what you mean to do is push me to answer whether I value Christianity or whites more.

My answer to your actual question is, do you value food or whites more?

You may think I am dodging the question, but I am not. Without the belief that God is truth, which is the radical bedrock of Christianity, whites will be defeated by the Jews and Muslims. It's not a matter of which is to be valued more, but the acknowledgment that you're not going to be able to have whites survive without Christianity. The only weapon that works against (((them))) is truth, and it is the one thing they fear, which is why they are so obsessed with controlling the media and censoring people.

Without deep faith in truth itself, again, the bedrock of Christianity, whites will continue to be whittled down by (((their))) weapons of falsehood.

Feminism frees women

Being opposed to fags is hatred

Slavery to the state is freedom

Your ancestors are monsters


To fight an opponent you must understand how they fight, and (((they))) fight with falsehood because it is the inversion of their enemy, Christianity. If you think that disregarding not only the means of their attacks, but worse, the target of their attack, is going to help, you are either delusional or a fool.

Harry_Areola ago

Fuck you and fuck Jesus too.

WilliamCutting ago

You still didn't answer the question, and it is not a trick so speak plainly, apologetics is essentially pilpul.

I asked you bluntly, your religion or your people?

As much as I love my faith, I would pick my people.

So answer plainly.

antiliberalsociety ago

You may not realize it, but you're moving the goalposts. The most successful countries were built by WHITE CHRISTIANS. Christianity IS our people. Anyone that wants to argue it, look at your ancestors and tell me what church they went to. This whole "people or religion, can't have both" is a divide and conquer technique. And take a wild guess who's behind that one.

George Lincoln Rockwell even said it himself,

This country was built by white Christians and it should remain a Christian Nation! That doesn't mean we have to persecute anybody, I myself am an agnostic. Can we go to Israel and preach that they stop singing Jewish songs in their schools? Why are we supposed to let them stop us from singing Christmas songs in ours?


Revelations2_9 ago

Asking "God or People" is as rational as "Food or People".

Demanding a vote of allegiance for either singularly is either immensely naive or manipulative. I have been crystal clear on my position and won't be goaded into language games.

WilliamCutting ago

This is how I know you don't see us as brothers. Your are unwilling to accept that your people may need to come before your faith.

Revelations2_9 ago

The only difference in our position is that you refuse to see how our enemy destroys us. Our people are certainly in dire danger.

WilliamCutting ago

northern Europeans were still running around in bear skins

According to your words, non-christian whites are basically subhuman. Why should I consider you part of "Our People"

Revelations2_9 ago

According to your words, non-christian whites are basically subhuman.

Your words do not come from my mouth.

You are either a liar, or offended by the history of northern European peoples. I am not. Yeah, our ancestors ran around in bear skins ruling by the axe at one time in history. It may shock you, but there was a time when our peoples had yet to even craft an axe too.

WilliamCutting ago

I quoted your comment. Please tell me how that is anything but an insult. Than resorting to implying Im lying.

"The jew cries out as he strikes you"

Still repeating a childs understanding of non-christian history. You know, THE OTHER 10,000 of european people who you have no problem glassing over.

I am honestly not interested in bickering with you, I doubt we will reconcile what is fundamentally an issue that stems from core beliefs.

I hope for our peoples sake that regardless of disputes, one of our methods prevails. Nobody will be around to argue about your gods or mine if we lose.

RedditHasDied ago

Brother, it appears you've fallen into the trap of playing Chess with a pigeon.

They don't win by outmaneuvering you according to the rules of the game, they win by knocking over the pieces and shitting on the board until you get pissed enough to stop trying.

antiliberalsociety ago

Don't mention the Jews though, 22 day old account!

RedditHasDied ago

I didn't know shit about Jews until I came to Voat after Reddit banned my death video sub.

Sad face.

Phantom42 ago

You... I like you.

NellerBean ago

then explain all the great empires of history that were not Christian.

Prior to the USA which is founded upon Christian values and the basic common sense of the 10 commandments, when in the history of the world was there a Constitution guaranteeing liberty for citizens — where God endows inherent rights and government exists to PROTECT those rights?

Harry_Areola ago

And that came out of Freemasonry and the French Enlightment, which was decidedly non-Xtian. Try again.