SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/politics comment by @antiliberalsociety.

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dunklederf ago

fuck you texasvet, you lying fucking kike shill. keep posting though, you'll definately fit in with your FELLOW WHITE PEOPLE as long as you keep posting like us.

we know you're a lying scamming son of a bitch, and you know what they say about traitors.

TexasVet ago

You have zero proof to corroborate the accusations made against me here on Voat. The fact that you hate me so much on the mere accusations presented show you to be a weak mindless NPC. I am a good man and nothing you say can change that. And nothing will stop me from trying to wake my people up to the danger facing them today.

antiliberalsociety ago

This post is proof you need damage control

dunklederf ago

okay SEAN, i'll ignore everything from your gofundme with false claims of cancer and kidneyfailure, and not actually being a vet. i'll ignore the fact that after you posted 'please stop its enough money' you didn't bother shutting the gofundme down. asking for money for FOOD, then going on to use that money to buy guns and scopes

you're just another gofundme parasite and a fucking liar, and a infiltrator traitor.

go fuck yourself, FELLOW CENTIPEDE

antiliberalsociety ago

Link not found

MadWorld ago

It was the same old gofundme link ( The url was not formatted properly.

sguevar ago

sguevar ago

I agree he ran a suspicious gofundme account but he did provide proof that he was a vet in a past post in a reply to me.

BleedTheMachines ago

Not the easiest feat when our females are being brainwashed by the thousands to be harlots or bitter celibates.

xenoPsychologist ago

youre female? that explains an awful lot.

forget-me-not ago

I read your comments below, but there are some unanswered questions.

How old are you? Are you married? If you have a partner, could you try to conceive to see if the child will be healthy? Or are you against abortions 100%? Risks are higher with age, but they are not absolutes. You might have a decent shot. You might also be able to get tests done before any conception attempts to gauge your virility/her fertility.

If having your own kids is not an option, why not do adoption? There are SO many children in need. Adopt a younger child for better integration into your familial ways/traditions.

Redcobra ago

Spot on good questions,no response yet . hmmm.

shadow332 ago

You think people are stupid enough to write their personal life stories here? You think people are retarded as plebbitors?

antiliberalsociety ago

Did you not see him dox himself?

BleedTheMachines ago

"how old are you?" and "are you married?" are legitimate questions for such a post.

shadow332 ago

I still don't think people should give out any personal info here. "Legitimate" questions or not.

BleedTheMachines ago

this cunt likely isn't even real in the first place. as if "she" wouldn't just make up some bullshit anyway.

shadow332 ago

I don't know about that, but like I said, I don't think this place is good for personal info.

Redcobra ago

Why yes I do

shadow332 ago

There are some libs here so perhaps but not nearly as many as plebbit.

TexasVet ago

I have a stalker on this website. I will not give out any more personal information on here anymore.

antiliberalsociety ago

doxes self

muh stalker!

Redcobra ago

I saw your back and forth with anti lib soc Imo your likely a crackhead liar. None of my business

dunklederf ago

you're spot-on on 'texasvet' being a liar

TexasVet ago

The internet has made you jaded. I am no such thing. I am gainfully employed and have a spotless police record.

notmyselftoday ago

and have a spotless police record

...for now.

antiliberalsociety ago

So far*

BleedTheMachines ago


lmao. you serious with this shit? you even say you went to the site admins over your issue? what a dramatic cunt you are. you even have a few sprinkles of kike sympathy.

"trust me fellow gentiles, i am a common white, just like you! im even a veteran from texas! AND im a traditional woman!"

dunklederf ago

you might not have a record, but you are DEFINITELY a lying piece of shit

shadow332 ago

Don't. either way. Stalker or not.

14527641? ago

I've said it before and I'll say it again- my dad was in his 50s when I was born. Always loved the fact that my dad wasn't a bonehead like some of my friends dads.

stbelmont ago

My mom and dad had my youngest brother at 44 and 56 and he turned out exceptionally well.

antiliberalsociety ago

This is just damage control. He's been exposed as a fraud and cant answer for his actions not being true to his word. Now he's going to have to make a post about why his followers are mostly black, muslim, or mexican...

TexasVet ago

Special shoutout to my friend @Empress for her crusade to bring back traditional values on here and other sites.

notmyselftoday ago

Won't someone please love me?

antiliberalsociety ago

Look I have friends

You're still a fraud

14527618? ago

Love ya, @TexasVet <3

Der_Untergang ago

What mistake did you make?

TexasVet ago

I never had children. I will not try to have a baby now. It is too late for me.

antiliberalsociety ago

You can't even afford to feed yourself, can't get welfare "cuz I'm white", and rely on panhandling to live. Not bad for a fearless vet that totally isn't on drugs. It's probably for the best you didn't spread your disease.

larryhuston ago

It was too late shortly after your dad nutted.

shadow332 ago

That's all right. It doesn't make you a bad person. It's never too late to see the light. God doesn't punish people for that.

HenryCabotLodge ago

I have a few. Boy you never quit paying for them - in college now. You want one? Have to pay for tuition in your state though.

Schreiber ago

Meanwhile if you're a nigger, the govt and all those "non-profit orgs" pay you for breeding more niggers.

DOn't worry, college will be paid for by the SJWs.

Dixy_Lee_Ray-Ban ago

It’s not that big of a deal.

TexasVet ago

A 100 years ago white people were 30% of the world's population. Today we are only 6.5%. This is more important than you might think.

Dixy_Lee_Ray-Ban ago

Whatever. Having kids, even white ones, is pretty bleh. No one is that special.

14527632? ago

You're doing it wrong.

Dixy_Lee_Ray-Ban ago

Okay. Enlighten me. What is so great about having kids? Seriously. They are fucking dead weight and ruin everything.

shadow332 ago

They are fucking dead weight and ruin everything.

Holy fuck, are you brainwashed. You are going to be the Cool Wine Aunt. No one will want to be around you when you're 50.

Dixy_Lee_Ray-Ban ago

Brainwashed? By what? I am living it man. Kids are not that great. Period. What is so great about waking up to piss in the floor? Wiping their assholes? Listening to them drivel in about stupid shit they did in kindergarten? Seriously. Who gives a shit if they can draw a stick figure? They bring home colds that last for weeks. Complete waste of my time.

I'm not saying they should be raped or killed. I just don't get what the big deal is.

shadow332 ago

Wow, you sound like a chld yourself.

They bring home colds that last for weeks

I can only shake my head at how selfish and idiotic you sound.

Complete waste of my time.

Godd. Let's see what you're doing with yourself when you have long hit the wall at 50. You will be unfuckable and have nothing to offer a man anymore. It's going to be a rough 30 more years before you die, realizing you having accomplished completely nothing of value with your life and existence. Good luck with that, it's going to be hard.

Dixy_Lee_Ray-Ban ago

Lol. Omg. Sorry.

14527755? ago

You clearly don't have any.

Dixy_Lee_Ray-Ban ago


14527798? ago


shadow332 ago

She's a Cool Wine Aunt in the making. Let her learn the hard way when she's alone with a mediocre shit job and 15 cats.

14527914? ago

Makes me so sad to see. She's probably been unsuccessful at landing a man so she's convinced herself she doesn't want it....that's simply terrible and tragic.

@Dixy_Lee_Ray-Ban I'm hoping you're young and change your mind before it's too late. Life sucks for single middle aged childless women. They always end up with some sort dependency issue whether it's food or booze. It's an awful path.

shadow332 ago

Meh. Just let her. Look at her commentary. She's complaining about cleaning piss off a floor, yet I bet she has a dog or cat. A child drawing a stick figure is "stupid". You can see this person is clearly not a mentally developed or responsible adult, not only for herself but for another human life. Forget it, it's better that way. Children are little people who need the right guidance and caring people around them. They need someone who is fulfulled as a woman who makes home a safe place, the cornerstone of the whole family.

This is someone who is "living the life", probably will get pumped and dumped 1000 times, get abortions, get retarded tattoos, have a shitty job and say she "travelled and seen" so much. The emptiness will come as she becomes less attractive, if she was at all, and then there is nothing waiting for her but to bide her time until she kicks the bucket.

14528024? ago

shadow332 ago

Some dumb SJW whore. I should have archived!

14528092? ago

She'll be back under with a new account soon enough.

We weren't even mean to her. She's so weak.

antiliberalsociety ago

If it's even a she. It is a test account, playing with points. All comments are deleted but the points remain.

Der_Untergang ago

Don't beat yourself up about it.