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TexasVet ago

@antiliberalsociety @sguevar

I had a house fire and have very little left in my life from anything previous to the fire. These are the only pictures of my time in the army I have left. Enough of my DD214 is showing so you know that it is me. There is also my current ID card from the Veterans administration for when I go the VA hospital. Now both of you faggots need to fuck off back to your mother's basements.

sguevar ago

For the record:

  • I am not on my mother's basement, I said that you not pinging the guy was really pussy like.

  • If the house fire is a real deal, I am sorry you had to go through it.

  • Thanks for proofs that you were in the military, but me not trusting you because you seemed fishy remains not on your military background. I don't care if you were or not a military. I know you were called out on that by others which is what I claimed. My distrust in you comes from different things I have read on your comment history and previous posts calling you out.

  • @Crensch didn't state that you weren't a vet. he stated that it was a possibility that you were LARPing and that he really didn't care whether you were or not a vet. His problem was the different things you did or you felt entitled to because of being one. Like asking for donations and such or dragging people to honeypots as well to support you. Which is basically the same problem I have.