thelma ago

Being a vet does not mean I will give you money.

I'm a vet ... give me money! LOL (I'll take a nickle)

TexasVet ago

@antiliberalsociety @sguevar

I had a house fire and have very little left in my life from anything previous to the fire. These are the only pictures of my time in the army I have left. Enough of my DD214 is showing so you know that it is me. There is also my current ID card from the Veterans administration for when I go the VA hospital. Now both of you faggots need to fuck off back to your mother's basements.

antiliberalsociety ago

You're not getting off that easy.

Write "Voat 9/7/18" on a piece of paper and include it in the shot, otherwise it looks like you just kiked it from imgur.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever comment by @antiliberalsociety.

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antiliberalsociety ago

You could have saved months worth of back and forth by doing that in the first place. Now, if you lost everything in the fire, why was a rifle so necessary as to use donated money to buy it?

TexasVet ago

The fire was nearly 20 years ago dumbass and has absolutely nothing to do with the gofundme and my unemployment at the time thereof.

Fuck your shoutouts. 99% of the social media exposure came from reddit not voat. I am done answering ANYTHING from you again for a long fucking time.

How about you answer a question. Why did you accuse me of not being a veteran and make all those fake valor accusations WHEN YOU HAD ZERO PROOF. Do you realize how much of a colossal asshole you are? You acted like I was trying to claim I was some kinda war hero with 100s of sniper kills or something. I was just a regular infantry soldier of which there are millions. I never claimed to be anything more than that you complete and utter dickhead.

antiliberalsociety ago

I wanted to know why you were so evasive when questioned. You didn't know a lot of common knowledge shit.

So you keep implying you're on hard times with "very little left" from a fire, and you fail to specify it was 20 fucking years ago. How are we NOT supposed to see that as suspicious? It was your dodging very simple questions that made you look bad, and to be honest even the picture of IDs don't prove it's actually you and not a brother, friend, someone you took it from. The VA pic doesn't remotely look like those old as fuck youth pictures.

Be that as it may, you still defrauded people trying to help a vet on hard times by your own admission (of the acts, you deny it was wrong). Your failing to mention Voat signifies its still someone else's youtube account.

Go back to Reddit if Voat isn't worthy of "your" videos.

TexasVet ago

Jesus christ you fucking faggot. I already put all the pictures back up. I will write my name and the date and you can compare the name to the one on the ID and DD214 you lazy fuck. If I do this will you leave me the fuck alone for awhile?

sguevar ago

For the record:

  • I am not on my mother's basement, I said that you not pinging the guy was really pussy like.

  • If the house fire is a real deal, I am sorry you had to go through it.

  • Thanks for proofs that you were in the military, but me not trusting you because you seemed fishy remains not on your military background. I don't care if you were or not a military. I know you were called out on that by others which is what I claimed. My distrust in you comes from different things I have read on your comment history and previous posts calling you out.

  • @Crensch didn't state that you weren't a vet. he stated that it was a possibility that you were LARPing and that he really didn't care whether you were or not a vet. His problem was the different things you did or you felt entitled to because of being one. Like asking for donations and such or dragging people to honeypots as well to support you. Which is basically the same problem I have.

sguevar ago

@antiliberalsociety - OP was too much of a pussy to ping you, even though he put your name in the title.

antiliberalsociety ago

Thanks, back story is he's mad at being called out by @Crensch and others for being the fake vet that he is. He claimed, while soliciting Voat for support to flood the southern US border because a caravan was coming, to be a youtuber named TexasVet. When tested he failed to display basic knowledge of military workings and would ignore questions, as seen here.

@Crensch busted him on reddit soliciting for donations because he's "a vet on hard times". He bragged about the rifle he bought with the donations, and a call to refund the donors he claimed was impossible.

I asked him to give a shout out in "his" youtube videos, or in the details for said videos, and he ignores that request. We are forced to believe he's a fake based on his own actions. So he is called out as such.

Never have I met a vet that's narcissistic like he is, notice in his post history his self praise.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Does Voat have any policies regarding long term targeted harassment of its users on here?' was posted in v/AskVoat and includes this reply from @aLegoInYourShoe:

Did some digging.


Hey antiliberalsociety you can take all that fake vet and stolen valor shit and shove it up your ass.

submitted 12 days ago by TexasVet to whatever


sguevar 4 points (+4|-0) 12 days ago

@antiliberalsociety - OP was too much of a pussy to ping you, even though he put your name in the title.


A reply from @antiliberalsociety

Thanks, back story is he's mad at being called out by @Crensch and others for being the fake vet that he is. He claimed, while soliciting Voat for support to flood the southern US border because a caravan was coming, to be a youtuber named TexasVet. When tested he failed to display basic knowledge of military workings and would ignore questions, as seen here.

@Crensch busted him on reddit soliciting for donations because he's "a vet on hard times". He bragged about the rifle he bought with the donations, and a call to refund the donors he claimed was impossible.

I asked him to give a shout out in "his" youtube videos, or in the details for said videos, and he ignores that request. We are forced to believe he's a fake based on his own actions. So he is called out as such.

Never have I met a vet that's narcissistic like he is, notice in his post history his self praise.

Anyway I remember you now, you're that weird fuck that goes "A marine is not a soldier" whenever someone even mentions the word marine.

You really do act like a wannabe-soldier, and @Crensch asking you questions that you can't answer, your begging for money and inability to provide proof at youtube doesn't exactly make your claims more credible.

Impostors be shot.

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sguevar ago

Yeah I know, many others have called him out and there was also an old post previously that doxxed the guy for his fakeness. I basically told him in the past that I won't support him because he seems fishy.

What gets on my nerves is people doing pussy ass posts because they don't like others without proving their claims of the other guys being full of shit. And worst, not pinging the person they are denouncing.

But regarding you guys' drama, that is a "mu" point to me, just doesn't matter to me. I would prefer the drama to be handled in private messages instead of "calling out" someone in public with no evidence of that person's falsehood just pushing for the lousy mob mentality. A modus operandi proper of the left-winged faggots.

If one is denouncing a shill, prove it as I have done in my past posts denouncing someone in specific. If it is just a post this guy is a kike or a faggot, basically "i don't like him kind of deal", then fucking send him a PM and get on with your life. Freaking pathetic.

antiliberalsociety ago

Defrauding users enters a different category than just drama. I do it as a public notice not to give him ANYTHING nor sign up for shit he's always soliciting for us to do

sguevar ago

I am not saying you are. I am saying he is.

You are basically commenting on his posts - asking questions that he should be able to answer.

He on the other hand made a freaking post about you like a "i don't like you" kind of deal because you question his veracity. That is a pussy ass post to me. And falls in the category of drama, at least from my point of view.

antiliberalsociety ago

Check out this delusional as fuck narcissism

Even while faking modesty he's narcissistic

sguevar ago

Yup fishy as I said in the past. I don't trust the guy either after the @Crensch post denouncing him.

TheAntiZealot ago

He directly linked him.

TexasVet ago

Not an issue of being a pussy or not. There has not been one single post that I have made over the last several months where he doesn't come in accusing me of never serving in the military. I assure you he will make an appearance.

antiliberalsociety ago

You ignore questions like why you never gave Voat a shout out on "your" youtube channel after soliciting us for support.

sguevar ago

Not interested in you guys' drama, just ping the faggot.