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antiliberalsociety ago

Since you ignored my questions last time...

In your house fire that allegedly claimed everything you owned, homeowners insurance would have covered the damages. If you now live in a trailer, where did the insurance money go?

Why on your Facebook are your followers predominantly black, Mexican, or muslim?

Just look at them

You mean to tell me they're all right wingers?

Why didn't you at least use the stolen gofundme money for sum new teef?

It's like you want the left to have an easy target on us.

larryhuston ago

Fake gofundme appeals are a real issue.......

antiliberalsociety ago

Not only that, but @TexasVet does nothing for the right except make us look bad. It's like he was sent in to give the left ammo, he even goes for the toofless southern hick stereotype as he bitches about the left dividing. What good besides former glory days of being fragged at bootcamp can he claim he's done?

kommisar6 ago

I disagree. A couple more election losses and the "leaders" of the democratic party will start singing a new tune. Out with intersectionality and cultural marxism, in with unionism, and new deal big governmentism.

TexasVet ago

Is this the Kommisar that I think it is? If so I hope you and Nyx are doing well.

larryhuston ago

Are you to suck his dick, beggarfag?

notmyselftoday ago

That's one of only two ways @TexasVet knows how to make money for buying guns.

Caliope ago

Here are some notes and quotes I've collected:

First up, Politicians: Especially Leftist-Progressives are all arrogant, cocksure, ambitious, egomaniacs who know what is best for everybody better than anybody else does, and who is convinced that he/she/zer/zim is inescapably right and that whoever differs with him is not only an ignoramus but a venal scoundrel as well. You know how these ideological cliques form in a government—or any other organization. Subordinates are always chosen for their agreement with the views of their superiors, and the extremists always get to the top and shove the moderates under or out.

Second: The Lefty-Lib Progressive Democrats refuse to imagine that anyone ought to have to work to eat. They think everybody ought to be fed whether they do anything to earn it or not, and if you try to make people earn their food, you’re guilty of economic coercion. And if you’re in business for yourself and want them to work for you, you’re an exploiter and you ought to be punished and destroyed.

Third: Why are leftist-progressives infected with a paranoia, a deep-seated self-hatred, an absolute inferiority complex? It's all about the inferior’s hatred for the superior as superior. It’s no wonder these Lefties resent us. They have a right to; we’ve done them all an unforgivable injury. We’ve let them see us doing things they can’t do. Of course they resent us. But we, the Conservatives have, over the past generations, given them something to feel superior about! Their superior mind-bent happens because "they know best". They are deludedly awash in their mental masturbation fantasy of ruling over the world of those who hold them in contempt.

Finally, cogitate on this: The American Republic is failing. A series of ineffectual, divisive, often corrupt presidents during the last 100 years has created a tortuous political path for the electorate. The disintegration of our political system, caused by those politicians and their willing accomplices now exists as the catalyst for destruction of the American Republic.

American's dissatisfaction with government and the dysfunction of the government itself are substantially byproducts of cultural lag. Technology today relates to the dissemination of information and the measurement of public sentiment, but our systems are not designed for crowd-sourced governance with instant tweets and outraged immediate comments. Instant messages on social platforms are rife with imagined slights, insults, "snow-flake" reactions, all scurrying to find a safe space podium.

Politicians now pander to narrow interest groups which decide elections, especially in primaries, by whim. Meanwhile, the increased scrutiny from around-the-clock media coverage paralyzes lawmakers who frighten easily over loss of their purple toga perquisites. Make no mistake: once a "politician" gains access to the trappings of power, their lust and grasping egos know no bounds.

--BEGIN CONSPIRACY CHECKING AREA FOR US GOVERNMENT SPIES ---------- NSA/Homeland Security Paragraph: ebola, ufo, large grey aliens, anal probes, homemade nuclear devices, poison gas, toxic enemas, russian mafiya, obama, antigovertment, Huttaree Seven, militia, full-auto weapons, homemade explosives, poison gas, inaguration, government overthrow, legion of the damned, The Breach, TANGENT, ECHELON, TALENT-KEYHOLE, BYEMAN, phony moon-landing, JFK and RFK and Marilyn Monroe Sex Threesome, Polkadot dress lady, umbrella man, grassy knoll, free steam power, water carburetors, Bush Family, Jimmy and Billy Carter Family, Clinton Murders, October surprise, Project Clean-up on Aisle Three, D'Arvit!, transmutation machine, John Sitor, Time Travelers in old movies and photos. --END CONSPIRACY CHECKING AREA FOR US GOVERNMENT SPIES-------------


Wheatstone ago

By identifying the core problem properly we can see that their really is a an easy fix to all this madness.

These narcissistic manipulation and abuse tactics used by the left shows what they are!

So all we need to do to remove all these predators from all authority is to filter them out with brain scans.

When you destroy your conscience you do actual physical damage to your brain.

Most of the left are just being emotionally manipulated by these psychopaths. When they are exposed their supporters will turn on them.

The npc meme is so close to the truth about how non human, fake and scripted these people are. Psychopaths are terrified of being exposed and they are all being exposed on a global scale.

We won't be having a hot war. We are in an ideological war and the left just got nuked.

MrDarkWater ago


madmardigan ago

Just thinking out loud: should people stop calling it a social or political divide. Isn't people who want to take from others and those who don't want their stuff stolen.

antiliberalsociety ago

I wouldn't pay too much attention to his defeatist fagging. He's basically saying give up, we lost. That is a JIDF tactic for psychological warfare.

Tallest_Skil ago

Except that’s a sociopolitical divide. On one hand you have the left, which controls all political power, all media, all economics, all of Western society AND WHICH DOES NOT BELIEVE THAT THE CONCEPT OF TRUTH EXISTS, and on the other hand you have human beings who do not belong 6 feet underground.

This is what we’re up against.