TheWorstImaginable ago

Hell yea! Paid work? Or just the chance to shoot some retard?

Syndicalism ago

Man, thats great. Nothing tragic will happen at schools protected by patriots. On this im sure. Good Luck!

timemage2 ago

i thought you were going to bring up PTSD

Cooking_with_Alf ago

Oh man...Sammy the former marine of 4 years bangs Sally the 17 year old cheer leader.

Simonbelmont27 ago

Good luck! Let us know how it goes! Thank you!

SkippyMcSkipperson ago

Don't mess with Texas! Love it...

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

Good Luck and THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Speakfree ago

Thank you for your continued service.

SexMachine ago

Greg Abbot is a shill for Israel. Just because he has one good idea, doesn't make him a good man.

That man is responsible for years and years of fucking over Texas men while he was Attorney General of Texas. He was in the position to make real change in the family law system, but just continued to fuck men over. Fuck. Him.

Also, he'the one who had it written into law that Texas businesses accepting disaster assistance couldn't boycott Israel.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

Perhaps. I'm afraid we will get mossad "vets" which would be disappointing to say the least.

truthwoke33 ago

More brainwashed government stooges are exactly what the schools need these days.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

Not everyone in the military is like this. There are a lot of them though I will admit it, but there are untold numbers woke right now this instant. The military of today is a largely woke military. Even in the Obama era most of the military by numbers was not in support of Obama, and with Trump, the Bush/Jew/Right wing military bullshit is getting blown open. Though Trump is outwardly Zionist, his military is not. Our Vets, the ones that don't get full time government jobs with 100% to 110% disability from their service have always been one of the most woke class off people in this country.

New_years_day ago

Fuck yes! Get it, son!!!

NeoFuturist ago

I couldn't do this. Not in Texas. It would be bad. Waaaay too many beaners.

Some of you (white) kids are alright, don't go to school tomorrow.

Fuck off NSA, its a joke, a meme.

BlueDrache ago

Hoorah, soldier.

it_tingles ago

I love this happening. Our veterans can protect the schools and be an example our children. Fuck yes.

Putzmiester ago

And have a job that gives them social value. And the kids have a legit role model.

Buff_Awesome ago


bagano1 ago

Don't they call them "security guards"?

What's the point considering the lottery odds of a school shooting taking place? Furthermore, what are the odds any of these guards will actually do anything when something happens?

edistojim ago

I'd say much better than Broward County . You have proof otherwise ?

bagano1 ago

Fuck you and your proof that you know doesn't exist.

watitdew ago

Wear a bodycam.

englishwebster ago

I can think of no more honorable job than to protect children

Plavonica ago

Good luck you cunty fuck. I love my nieces and nephews and would lay down my life for them. Which doesn't mean much except when you have a V. Telling that you have already done so for your fellow countryman. And so again, good luck you fuck.

Also: fuck whatever branch you were in, mine is better.


Could you please provide a translation of your post into normal English? I honestly do not understand if your message is sarcasm, nor get your message even though I want to. Are you endorsing the concept of veterans as public school guardians or not? I would really appreciate a bit of clarification. Thanks in advance.

asabove ago

Right on, good luck man!

12923652? ago

Congratulations brother. Do you need a reference?

Mr_Wolf ago

Good luck, this is what should be happening

8_billion_eaters ago

I wish Governor Rick Scott (R-Florida) would do the same.

scoopadoop ago

start a sub, post a journal

DrPenguin ago


TexasVet ago


xx88 ago

Good luck man!!!!

Equus ago

I hope you get the job

ARsandOutdoors ago

Good luck! Report back to us with an update!

Runaway-White-Slave ago

Great, I wonder will the local school board be; funding, arming, and training terrorist students so you'll actually have something to do, you know like our government does all over the place, most recently with Al-CIA-Duh/ISIS in Syria...?

Who am I kidding, by maintaining the Prussian model of top-down authoritarian conditioning/the Pavlov's Dog treatment, encouraging young ladies to be whores, when encouraging them to be anything near feminine, it will invariably cause more students to go postal.

Oh-well, on the bright side you can be like so many of these crooked doctors who work for the medical supply & pharmaceutical corporations, make decent money treating the symptoms and never fully addressing the root causes; Cultural Marxism, Communism, Judaism, Cuckstianity {no issue with Christianity here, I've just yet to meet very many, just a bunch of liars twisting scripture preaching lies like the; "Property Doctrine", "Christian Zionism", and all their other mainstream heresies and blasphemies.}, and of course systemic White Genocide which is really most likely the exact root of these problems........

BlueDrache ago

The fuck you smoking?

barraccuda ago

Good luck

lesshateplz ago


Rellik88 ago

Goof Luck!

MyDearWatson ago

Good luck man

valk2 ago

As a fellow Texan GOOD LUCK! Let us know how it turns out.

Texas - Leading the way towards a solution.

glassuser ago

Texas - Leading the way towards a solution.

Not really. They're talking about paying extra to have more cops on campus, but they're terrified of doing the same for a group that's more strictly vetted and, statistically speaking, six times less likely to commit a crime than cops.

ViperCarbz ago

Texas - Leading the way towards a solution.

You guys don't even have constitutional carry. What a joke considering how shitty you people drive and how pretend your culture is.

valk2 ago

You are correct, we currently do not have Constitutional Carry. However there aren't as many states that have it either:

Current Texas Gun Laws:

We are working towards Constitutional Carry. I see it happening in the next 5 years. We tried it last year, made progress but didn't pass.

We do have some bad drivers, but what state doesn't? The worst drivers I have ever encountered were from Oklahoma with Arizona being close second. If you aren't in the big cities such as DFW or Austin, the drivers aren't bad for the most part. I don't have any issues where I live.

I don't know what you are evening referencing with "pretend" culture. You must be thinking of Austin or something. Whatever though, your entitled to your opinion.

Gorillion ago

Except for Austin and a few other growing liberal white-flight-from-LA enclaves.

NakatomiBaby ago

Yes! Austin certainly shit the bed when they built a homeless shelter three blocks from 6th St. You can't go downtown to see a show without walking thru the gauntlet of human filth. Literally.

valk2 ago

Oh we don't consider Austin part of Texas anymore.

BlackGrapeDrank ago

Austin is like a mixture of silicon valley and Portland in Texas weather.

lots of shitty liberals

valk2 ago

That is great analogy. I haven't been back to Austin since I moved. Won't go back either. They can offer me all the money in the world but nothing will get me to move back there.