Islamiscancer ago

Literally none of you betamales would even survive the first 3 days if shit hit the fan.. you virgins have guns and dont even put them to use. Meanwhile niggers and non whites breed you all out and in the 15 or so years until the "war" actually begins those same niggers will be fit 15-18 year olds that will wipe the floor with your pathetic selves.

Im happy america is going to burn first. Its not like we would lose anything of value if america was wiped of the map.

canbot ago

Violence won't win you anything, it will only push moderates to the other side. The problem is that too many conservatives cower in silence. If the right was more vocal the left would not be able to attack people individually.

Go buy a burger at in and out. Go support the businesses that get attacked by lefties. Post "it's ok to be white" fliers everywhere. Call in to radio shows and make conservative arguments. Denounce the lefties for their terrorist strategies. Go to the protests and stand opposed to antifa. Go to Republican rallies.

These can all be done by you right now.

hankylanky ago

You people on Voat are one absolutely delusional group of motherfuckers.

Doglegwarrior ago

I am part of the people here what spcific topic are we delusional about? Just give me one so i can chew on it a little.

novictim ago

Ummm...the LEFT is best exemplified by a childless she-cow, not a child.

thebearfromstartrack ago

NO. A venomous snake in the grass is more accurate.

con77 ago

if I am pushed into killing American leftist I will do it on a scale that will Have Stalin and Pol Pot stand up and applaud in hell.

thebearfromstartrack ago

When the time is right, you won't have to probably. Intelligence has brought us here, it will move us THROUGH these cycles of caveman revolt. My only worry is not, THIS TIME (recurs), completely annihalating the root of this sort of opposition.

FireSauce ago

It hasn't even been 24hrs repost nigger

Simonsaysgoat ago

Honestly if a group of people started taking,out high level jewery I'm sure many would join the cause

thebearfromstartrack ago

They LOVE to kick a dangerous, though docile animal, and then scream VICTIM (lawsuit?) when it bites their arm off. What they don't get is the biting won't stop, once started, and they are USELESS (without skills) as an effective defense/fighting force. PLUS I imagine they think they will somehow melt into the background, even though we KNOW exactly who they ARE! As iif there's nobody WATCHING at all times.

Pointyball ago

Remember, one group of white Europeans had enough and almost took over the world. The only thing that stopped them was other white people. Who is going to stop the next time when it is all of the white population that has had enough?

undertheshills ago

I have the guns ready to go. All we need are viable targets.

Doglegwarrior ago

Thats actualy a big problem i cant imagine any world war 3 scenerio where the true evil fucks causing the real problems will be any where that you could get to them.. and even if you did the media would crucify you and you would be remembered as one of the most evil people on the planet..

Zaqwert ago

When I see pictures of those disgusting, subhuman ANTIFA filth I just pray that one day they can be dealt with in the manner they deserve. Same story with the globalist media.

canbot ago

How many times have you gone to a protest? Stand there and yell at them. You need to deal with them like the petulant children that they are. Watch the nanny shows where incompetent parents have let their kids become little monsters. They refuse to listen, and throw tantrums when you try to punish them. The moronic parents give up after an hour and the kid wins, reinforcing their bad behavior. When the nanny enforces the punishment over the course of a few hours the kids are broken and change. Antifa need to be challenged with strong persistent opposition.

You also need to press charges and follow up, making sure that the violent ones pay for their crimes. Advertise their crimes, and advertise the punishments.

drakesdoom2 ago

No point pressing charges if 90% of judges will dismiss them.

undertheshills ago

Those guys are a waste and not worth the trouble. They would fall apart if 10 of us came after them separately over a few months. We could find them kill them and get away with it even with local police protection. Not saying we need to. They are only a threat to trash cans and show people in the middle how derranged the left is.

the_magic_man ago

The rights fantasy about killing everyone they disagree with is just weird

Doglegwarrior ago

So what would call the german nation under hitler? That was just a white fantasy about taking over the world and killing??? Not everyone whites dont want to kill everyone they want everyone to go backnto their own fucking country and figure out how to be civilised on their own.. hitler tried to send all the jews back to israel and they wouldnt go a parasite cant live with out its host.. and if you think israel is doing just fine on its own why the fuck are we sending them 35 billion dollars.

Reddit_is_shitty ago

It isn't a fantasy, this is a reality.

It isn't "anyone we disagree with". It's evil, murderous, child-raping Jews and their non-white low-IQ pieces of shit they are using as brainwashed tools against white civilization, white culture and white people.

Nothing more. Nothing less.

You can disagree with me all you want. But if the Jews' aim is the genocide of my people? I will fucking murder every single last Jew baby on this planet if I have to.

Honestly, this shit is so pervasive among all Jews, I feel like walking up to a Jewish mother pushing her baby stroller, ripping the baby right out of the stroller, and spiking that little evil fucker head first into the ground as hard as I possibly could. Just like a football. Only an evil football.

Doglegwarrior ago

Weird a musdlim did that actual thing in germany yet you are more evil for writing that you would do it.. just stop and think about that.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Its pent up frustration coming from actual civil people being driven to the edge by the madness that has taken hold.

ItGoesOnAnonAnonAnon ago

The left have the exact same fantasy though. In case you haven't seen the antics of Antifa, they'd love to just kill off all 'racist right-wing white people' and live in their little Communist bubble of sunshine and rainbows as poverty pimps for the minorities. They have no idea they'd eventually be lined up and shot anyway if they managed to pull that off, since they're not of the (((Chosen People))).

whatisbestinlife ago

wrong. antifa are jews. if you cant see that they are jews from their mugshots you have a lot of learning to do. most are crypto kikes with both parents having a majority percentage of mixed kike blood

ItGoesOnAnonAnonAnon ago

Their noses do tend to stick out noticeably from their masks, but an unfortunate number of them are also just idealist leftists/liberals being taken advantage of because of their sheltered lives. Or those who knowingly want to continue living sheltered lives with the gov't as surrogate parent.

whatisbestinlife ago

no you have leftist supporters OF antifa. but the people who actually are antifa are the ancestors of the original antifa. they are all 3rd generation or newer. black blok is 99% jewish. how do i know? personal experience. i can start pulling some images for you if you like to further prove my point.

the_magic_man ago

I'm left, don't have that fantasy at all and don't know anyone who does. Can you point to any antifa agenda that calls for genocide or mass murder? I don't agree with antifa btw

ItGoesOnAnonAnonAnon ago

They're perfectly modelled after the militant Antifaschistische Aktion group that also wanted to essentially convert or kill anyone they considered 'fascist'. And with the constant shifting of the Overton Window further left by those in power (echoes), who also semi-secretly endorse and fund Antifa, the more reasonable people of all political leanings start to seem like 'fascists'. If they got their way, since you don't agree with them you'd likely end up in a 'reeducation camp' or again, put in a lineup and shot.

Of course, right now they're not outright calling for anyone's deaths in public as a group, but individual members have called for "Nazi scalps" (cultural appropriation, anyone?), bring weapons (Guess what? He was a professor at Liberal Berkeley), and are all but openly applauded for 'bashing the fash', even by mainstream media outlets. At least, until some Antifa dumbasses attacked reporters recently, now their supporters have to be more subtle.

Sure, us 'righties' may have some that fantasize about similarly 'crushing the commies', but it's defensive posturing in response to the increasing aggression of pressure against their individualist ideals. Communism has to inject itself into everyone's lives for it to be successful for those that will be in power, and the 'rightleaners' (many of whom at one point would have been considered 'Centrists' or even 'Liberals') want to live life the way they wish, instead of being forced to live by someone else's rules. Which, funnily enough, is what the 'left' used to espouse.

The whole Left/Right polarisation really only came about because of Trump making headway against the establishment of the last 12+ years and upending their long-running plan, so they're fighting tooth and nail to get it back on track to their Globalist (see: Communist) New World Order.

Carlosone ago

How can i say this in a kind manner?? Oh yeah. Fuck you twat

Joe_McCarthy ago

Probably more that you just don't understand the rationale. Or prefer not to in favor of denigrating it. From a theoretical perspective killing one's political opponents can be very wise. That it has occurred over and over through history lends credence to this.

KikesDidTheTitanic ago

I'm pretty sure a war is what (((they))) are looking for. The kind where they play both sides and make a huge profit, whilst killing off as many whites as possible.

Don't forget, when the war starts, ignore whatever fabricated enemy (((they))) put in front of you and go directly for the kikes.

Doglegwarrior ago

Think everybody here needs to either reread catch-22 or read it for the first time... jews will absolutly come out much better off with any world war.. the last chance the world had was germany and america fucked that up.. now europe will become muslim and america will slowly be turned into what any melting pot eventualy turns into a brown or grey bowl of slop..

Reddit_is_shitty ago

Kinda tough to do when every synagogue on the planet is targeted on Saturdays with mass killings.

If kikes want their own fucking country so badly, we should purge all countries on Earth of Jews and force them all back into Israel. At least we know where all the kikes will be located.

The day of mass killings at synagogues around the world is rapidly approaching, and I wholeheartedly support it.

bigblubalsaq ago

I love the smell of burning payos in the morning

LDIP ago

Who's alt are you?

TheStapler ago

Those melanin-enriched gentlemen are hardly fabricated, but to your point, they have to be eliminated swiftly as a means of answer the JQ.

elitch2 ago

Not this time.

worlddownunder682 ago

Its true. We still have legs to stand on in this country amd many won't gove it up. If they knock our legs out from under us. We will have nothing else left to do.

basedmangod2015 ago

yeah im going to go a head and say no one on voat is in a right wing death squad, just a hunch

Doglegwarrior ago

Under the right circumstances i think people on here would be the type of people you would want as a neighbor.. lets say an catostrophic electrical grid shut down and its survival for a couple months.. worss case the goats on here have at least read about survival situations.

cthulian_axioms ago

I'm a member of an ultra-centrist movement called the Atlantic National Party ...

Reddit_is_shitty ago

No one is...


Carlosone ago

Lol. Dont count on that.

midnightblue1335 ago

No one on Voat is in a right wing death squad. But they're seemingly trying to push us to such ends.

TexasVet ago

Haven't you ever heard of AtomWaffen? I assure you you are mistaken sir.

basedmangod2015 ago

yeah none of those people are here, just a bunch of white social justice warrior types, fighting the good fight for the white atomic family. it's all bullshit just a bunch of fake tough guys hiding behind their keyboards