sguevar ago

Well the matter continues. However this time I praise you for posting with a tag on the guy.

Well documented.

No defrauding if there are proofs of the allegations. His considerations for looking for legal advise are quite limited. Specially if he opens another GoFundMe to cover for the legal expenses which seems to be highly probable, which would match his MO in the past and hence "lawsuit" thrown away.

@TexasVet, you have only one option here: Ignore the criticism. If you haven't done anything wrong as per your views, then ignore them. Though I agree with @Crensch and @antiliberalsociety with their claim that your behavior with the GoFundMe was highly suspicious, I can understand your distress.

But you threatening someone of this site with a lawsuit is the most stupid thing I have ever heard for two reasons:

  • Public Forum that anyone around the world can access, I am from Costa Rica for example, Texas freaking law doesn't apply to me for I am outside of your jurisdiction. I think the same applies for antiliberalsociety if he is not in freaking Texas.

  • You have been discredited multiple times with corroborating facts on the suspicious behaviour you took with the GoFundMe account of which multiple screenshots and posts have been taken and archived (respectively)

You should know better. You are quite the old fellow to be falling for this I am offended kind of deal. Like fuck, pardon my french, you have what 60 or so years, and a 30 year old (me) is more mature than you? WTF.

And just because of your personal vendetta you are trying to jeopardise the safety of this community?

Well to you I say, you disappoint me quite a lot. I mean, before I only distrusted your motives but at least I had certain amount of respect for you. Now that I see this whiny nature of yours always playing the victim card I think that you are wordy to be called a jew in the letter stooge.

Once again: I advise you to ignore their claims. Because you honestly can't disprove them.

antiliberalsociety ago

The best part is, he claims he went to the FBI after claiming they're corrupt

sguevar ago

I laughed but I also feel pity for the guy.

Well he showed his true colors after this.

antiliberalsociety ago

Well don't feel too bad, I just found his gofundme still active, and according to his linkedin he was never unemployed AND he owns his own tree business. Straight up fraud.

sguevar ago

Good catch on that.

TexasVet ago

Here are the laws in Texas regarding online harassment. You really should read them.

It is possible that criminal charges may be brought against you.

Gladers ago


SearchVoatBot ago

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antiliberalsociety ago

Your gofundme was never deactivated ya lying sack of shit

You also were never unemployed. You own your own tree business ffs. Everyone on your donor list deserves to know what you really did with the money. You give real vets a bad name.

TexasVet ago

You do not know at what time frame I was trimming trees. The tree "business" consisted of me and my nephew driving around in my old beat up truck trimming trees for cash. Trimming trees is hard work. There is no way a man as sick as I was would be able to do that kinda work. I was sick poor and soon to be hungry at the time of the gofundme. But you don't care about finding out the real facts or needing any real evidence. You continue to throw all these accusations at me when you have zero knowledge or evidence of what you accuse me of. How are you any different than what the democrats did to Judge Kavanaugh? Anti liberal society my ass. You're just like them.

antiliberalsociety ago

Yet you call for my censorship and play victim. You still worked as an account manager for an oil barge ya lying sack of shit. Not too physically straining.

bman0321 ago

How does replying in an open forum constitute harassment? Don't post if you can't handle the content of a reply.

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

You should probably go back to reddit, faggot.

lucabrasi ago

And if it's not?

UltraRibbed ago

Man the drama here is reddit tier.

Brb going to get more popcorn

Beta_Ray_Bill ago


TexasVet ago

What you have done to me over these past several months clearly fits into the realm of online harassment. There are laws against this. There are well documented court cases where the the plaintiff has successfully brought criminal charges and won civil court cases as well. Here is an article outlining online harassment...

I have already contacted the voat admins informing them of my actions. They are aware that a subpoena may be brought for your IP address so that I may sue you directly in civil court. I have also already reported you to the FBI for harassment as well using this website...

Defamation, harassment, stalking. You are guilty of all of these things already. I gave you a chance to stop and you chose to double down. I may be wasting my time, but the stress and mental anguish your crusade against me has caused, I have chosen to at least try and use legal channels to make you stop.


notmyselftoday ago

Galactic class faggotry right here.

SearchVoatBot ago

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elitch2 ago

Could you be any more of a faggot?

Mental anguish?

Jesus Christ, mate. Go change your tampon before the toxic shock sets in.

antiliberalsociety ago

Thanks for validating my post.

thisistotallynotme ago

If you ever get a C&D or other Notice from this faggot, let me know in PM. I'll represent you pro bono.

TexasVet ago

Oh I am fine now. Do you realize how stupid you are being persisting with this even after I have contacted the FBI? If you would read that article I linked in here you will see that what you have done is clearly within the definitions of online harassment. There are well documented criminal and civil cases where the court has ruled in favor of the plaintiff.

antiliberalsociety ago

You are screencap gold. Let's hear you rant about it on "your" youtube channel, where "you" try to honeypot us to jewish owned gab.

Mumbleberry ago

You've been reported to the DoD for a "stolen valor" violation.

TexasVet ago

I have already proven my military service beyond doubt multiple times on here. Go fuck yourself.

Mumbleberry ago

I'll let the taco niggers do that to you, scamboi


I'm going to call the cyber police

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

Woah he admitted to stealing money from donors and buying things the GoFundMe wasn't intended for... that's more than just a shitty thing to do. I'm pretty sure it's illegal.

That couple in New Jersey might be going to jail for that exact same thing -- misleading donors and using GoFundMe funds for personal stuff.

antiliberalsociety ago

Jesus. I just found this and even if I was trolling him in good light hearted fun before, seeing his actual fucking GoFundMe confirms he's a fraudulent piece of shit

Computergeek01 ago

It's not quite the same as the couple in Jersey who raised the money on behalf of a third party. THAT has been established as illegal time and time again. It was a bit shitty, but was it criminal? People on GFM saw that his goal reached and they kept giving him money of their own volition and he's right in that the site does not provide a way of giving the money back. I could see this being defensible in court.

TexasVet ago

But I did not mislead anyone. I was definitely in need at the time of the gofundme. It was not until later after I had got back on my feet that I used some of the leftover funds for a non essential item. The fact that the gofundme went well beyond my modest goal of 500 dollars is not my fault or responsibility. I have done nothing wrong and am not deserving of this crusade to defame and harass me.

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

I don't know how GoFundMe works, but it needs to cap out the donations to a set value. If it allows infinite donations that's just asking for trouble.

antiliberalsociety ago

He could have shut it down, or posted on reddit to stop donating.

TexasVet ago

I did do that. I have already shown you that I did that. I had never used gofundme and was unaware of being able to shut it down. besides it all happened in about 48 hours. Here is the reddit post where I told them to stop donating. I made the same post on here and on Gab too.

elitch2 ago

You are a retard faggot.

Would you please kill yourself?

antiliberalsociety ago

You only did that after it reached wayyyyy over the amount you asked for.

What did all those deleted comments say?

antiliberalsociety ago

$5,000 is more than enough for a felony.

QumDumpster ago

Please keep your marital spats to yourselves. Nobody cares about your little drama.

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

Go back to reddit, kike.

shadow332 ago

Then don't read the posts. You can see in the title that this has to do with user drama. No one cares about your fuckng comment.

QumDumpster ago

Turns out that you did care about my comment, it elicited a gay response.

shadow332 ago


antiliberalsociety ago

I didn't make you click the link, faggot.

shadow332 ago

User for 11 days

I guess reddit was too much for him.

antiliberalsociety ago

I couldn't help but notice the Q

QumDumpster ago

I've told your nigger ass before that I make new accounts. Is your brain to small to retain someone correcting you... repeatedly.

elitch2 ago


Fucking retard.

QumDumpster ago

I apologize and please don't call me a retard. It's offensive to actual retards to compare them to my dumbass.


elitch2 ago

Self-aware boomer?

Good LARP, man.

QumDumpster ago

I'm not a boomer. Thanks though.

shadow332 ago

Sure you do.