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AFrigginWizard ago

Yeah because the crazy fucker with Parkinson’s who needed glucose to get up and horse tranqs to sleep is a pretty reliable source.

Here’s an idea, go read up on the nazi twin experiments you utter inbred fuck faces.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Just imagine a race of people who systematically murder another group of people through underhanded and pure evil means. There can be no tolerance or forgiveness for such a group of people.

proker ago

**Hitler speaking about Ben Shapiro: **

Of course it would be out of the question to enter into an argument with these liars who deny one moment what they said the moment before. I should waste no further words on them were it not for the fact that there are many thoughtless people who repeat all this parrot-fashion, without being necessary inspired by any evil motives.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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contrarianism ago

Never thought I’d see the day where I understood Hitler as a patriot and hero. Once you see through the lies of holohoax, things start falling into place.

Neskuaxa ago

To the newbies here. One of the films that helped with this JQ for me was the greatest story never told

Neskuaxa ago

I figured it would show up there. I snagged a copy for when it inevitably gets scrubbed from the internet.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

It's so strange. A lot of my own personal studies and research come back to pre WW2 Germany. Germany did so many things correct, it's astounding that they faded from existence at all. Hitler was even called a "legend" by people who opposed him during the war. Just like Trump, a lot of other world leaders came out and praised him when he was campaigning for the Presidency. Same thing with Hitler. I'm not saying that Trump is Hitler, by any means, but I am saying that there are some very distinct parallels in history and the behavior of citizens when faced with the choice of giving in to degeneracy and accepting division and destruction. Could it be that we are living in the next wave of history where we are about to see what an unleashed full market capitalistic society looks like? My God, if America went full capitalism the way that Germany did, we might all one day own spaceships in our garages.

HotlineMunich ago

Not much was told about Hitler where I live, but I always did find it strange why this one man was so overhated for simply loving his country and his own people. Turns out it was because he contested (((them))).

MikeyMo123 ago

There is a reason that they never have subtitles when Hitler speaks on video.

GlowWorm ago

Also speed up and loop footage to make him look crazy and on drugs.

fuckfuckfuck1 ago

Sure they do, when I used to watch the (((History))) Channel, they had them all the time. But they were always sound bites taken out of context to further the narrative.

Long_Knife ago

Hitler was a worse author than he was strategist. And that's saying a lot.

Wonder_Boy ago

Actually, he was a great intellect. If you think he's a horrible author, it's probably because his writing is beyond you.

Scientific evidence right here, faggot.

Long_Knife ago

You wound me. If only his intellect was great enough to not destroy his own nation with his stupidity, arrogance and ignorance. I bet if I post "scientific evidence" you would just say it's fake news because it's beyond you.

Wonder_Boy ago

Poor baby. Would you like a bottle of milk and a Berenstein Bears book to read?

SharpSliceOfMango ago

Are those stats for the official "Stalag" translation issued by the NSDAP or the original German text?

Wonder_Boy ago

Follow the simple hyperlink in the pic to see. 👌

boekanier ago

Yes, people believe what the jews, through their media, are continiously telling them. Jews are responsible for the disappearance of man's critical capacity.

gazillions ago

Sadly the jews fucking us over right now have now have shown that they do indeed seek to own civil rights and dole them out to whomever they feel is useful to them.

gosso920 ago

"tHoUsAnD yEaR rEiCh!" - Adolf Schicklgruber

dudelol ago

They just dont get it. That it was a setup from the start

contrarianism ago

It was a setup, staged by the Thule Society.

dudelol ago

Is the thule society ran by the Jesuit order?

contrarianism ago


1John_Doe ago

You stupid fuck. Hitler was a one nutted part Jew private. A fucking private. The so-called geniuses of the Aryan race allowed that mad man to rule them. Unfuckingbelievable that they were that stupid. I mean he was obviously crazy. Certifiable. Hold his Panzer units in reserve and not throw them into stopping the Allies at the hedgerows in Normandy? Thinking that he could punch through at the Battle of the Bulge? With zero air support, and no petro. Making the same damn mistake as Napoleon by invading Russia and thinking that he could beat old man winter? Taking on Russia, Britain annnd the USA? IF he was smart he would have stopped after Czechkoslovakia....

contrarianism ago

Fog of war, my friend

zxcvzxcv ago

Hello fellow white person.

dudelol ago

Reminder MK was written by a Jesuit priest


Rawrination ago

Jesuits where founded by the kikes. It still all comes back to the Jews (or at least that's as far as our perspective is allowed to see).

dudelol ago

obvious-throwaway- ago

Regardless of your obvious deflection, is the context of what the author is saying wrong?

dudelol ago

My obvious deflection would be if I listened to puppets and blamed everything on the jews.

MinorLeakage ago

And here I thought deflection was refusing to answer a simple question and instead changing the subject.

dudelol ago

The key to good propaganda is that it is Half truth half lie.

ArcAngel ago

hitler was not wrong...

TheKalergiFan ago

Also written by Rudolph Hess

obvious-throwaway- ago

"Hitler did nothing wrong" is a statement, not a joke or meme.

phoenix883 ago

Attacking Russia or turning the "phony war" into actual war were big mistakes and so were Dunkerque, the V2, Oradour sur glane and countless others.

"Nothing wrong" is a huge statement that will apply to no human being.

obvious-throwaway- ago

He fought for his land and people and lost because other goyim were completely brainwashed and blind to what was actually happening. He is one of the greatest men to ever walk the earth, but yeah, nobody's perfect.

Doglegwarrior ago

Of course he did something wrong. He only killed 275k jews and let the rest explode out of europe like a popped pimple full of the jew virus. He then basicaly helped give jews a homeland to run operations to take over the world like their idiotic religion tells them.

AngelofDeath ago


Keep in mind the reason the MONGREL Edomite CHAZAR Ashkenazi won't to become white IS BECAUSE TRUE SCRIPTURAL ISRAYL IS WHITE.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Yes and no. The Jews already had their sights set on the rest of the world, they just wanted to plunder Germany's wealth since Hitler targeted them, removed their influence from the banking and financial world, and then told them that they weren't allowed to come back. Keep in mind, Jews' behavior parallels that of cats, when you cater to them at all, not only do they expect it from this point on forever, but they expect even more next time too. Greed, technically, doesn't have a religion.

ArcAngel ago

you are correct.. so, your point? am i supposed to make a joke or meme?

obvious-throwaway- ago

I was replying in general terms, not to you specifically. On the off chance that someone remembers that time that 4chan got that soda company to name their new "Hitler did nothing wrong". People thought the statement was used to be offensive, but in fact, it was designed to help spread the truth.

ArcAngel ago

my intro to the chans was in 2016.. the wholw 'HWNDU' ting &busting shia lebeoufs ass..... i dont recall that, tho..

Nosense ago

But he clearly did. He fought a war in Russia in the winter.

jnola2 ago

Actually, a few of his generals betrayed him. The main objective of the offensive, apart from destroying the impending invasion force, was supposed to be in the oil-rich Caucasus, not Moscow. Also, a few weeks of time were lost (exactly the amount of time lacking in taking Moscow before winter) bailing the Italians out in Greece, before Barbarossa could begin. Yes, everyone knows that you can't beat the Russian winter, but there were mitigating circumstances at play. Had Germany not invaded at all, the eastern front would've been a purely defensive campaign instead of what the Germans were best at, Blitzkrieg.