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ArcAngel ago

locked cocked & ready to rock

TexasVet ago

You must cock the gun before engaging the safety (locked) means anything. The appropriate term is "cocked and locked".

kjlashas893890 ago

You fucking nigger faggots are kvetching over plagiarism for no reason. The original post that this is copy pasted from was not written by the OP. He copy pasted a few paragraphs from Mein Kampf. That means if anyone deserves credit for the post it is Hitler himself. I mentioned Hitlers name like 10 times in the Gab post so the only person that deserves any credit got it.

On posts like this spreading the message is the only thing that matters. None of us are making one penny off of this shit. The only thing that natters is waking up white people to the danger of extinction before it is too late.

Original voat post...

Plagiarism accusation by that faggot @AntiLiberalSociety ...

When I use ORIGINAL content I make a comment on the gab post linking back to the original Voat post. What the fuck else do you want me to do? Never mind I do not want to hear your faggot bullshit. I will continue to use good content anywhere I can find it. I will give credit when credit is due. Again none of this is paid for or compensated in anyway so chill out.
