Pinecones ago

Hey Antifa, where are you? Lol

Invicta ago

The Left will not stop. All reason has left them. They will now have to crash and burn. Nobody wants to slay fellow citizens but we cannot allow Marxism to take over which will destroy the state. The Civil War started out slow.

Qd4Action ago

Oregon is as good a place to start it as any place in the US, although California would have a greater imapct.

iontheball ago

Time is running out for this legislative session and the only extra-territorial authority they have are individual fines.

Adopted-Patriot ago

Nice piece of clickbait. "The Civil War HAS BEGUN." Really now? "Had to go into hiding." It seems the move to Idaho was a temporary and voluntary solution to avoid a vote, as was done previously. Some 'gun happy' 'patriot'is trying to incite violence. Hmmm! Possibly a false falg? Using the tactic of the GOP going to Idaho, someone decided to amass the militia in order to give perception that violence is needed to protect the senators. With a name like God's Angel, many people are acceptable to his/her's knowledge/interpretations as being concrete. I myself take most of his postings with a grain of salt. This can also be said for another patriot poster who claims the maestro puts these coded messages in ever tweet, or which we must reach really really deep to streeeeetch out the meaning.

Modernminuteman ago

God bless everyone of those Patriots! The left has nudged the bear too many times.

GhostOfSwartz ago

So did you just copy and paste from Reddit, or is your Reddit username bgny?

stormymonday ago

Now it can be clear why they want to ban guns

facepaint ago

The Republicans dodging out just because they do not have the votes to win is a cheap ploy. Then again the Democrats have been using some damn dirty tricks recently, even if we over look the Kavanaugh hearing. Nonstop trumped up Russiagate allegations & investigations. The media is beyond disgusting.

However what I don't buy is that the elections are rigged in Oregon. I would want to see some solid evidence.

DanaNordic ago

The R's aren't dodging because they can not win the vote. They haven't been able to win a vote in two decades, hence the growing number of progressive laws. This particular bill greatly negatively effects the people living in rural communities - essentially bankrupting them. The Republicans refuse the vote in order not to give the bill any credibility/legality.

GoodGodKirk ago

Holy shit, it’s not a civil war yet. Police aren’t warriors and there’s no armies involved...yet. It’s not like dems have access to military bases or anything.

Oregon citizens are crazy and I’m pretty sure most of them conceal carry in that state.

MolochHunter ago

You seem really pleased and excited that it's come to this

PatriotLady1 ago

About time to see push-back.

bamadeplorable420 ago


Doglegwarrior ago

This is a little crazy im going to oregon to deliver a truck and i dont think i can take a gun with me. I only have guns with high capacity magazines? Is a 30 round LR legal every where? I have a kel tek 30 round .22 LR id like to take it but dont want to be a fucking felon because of some bs traffic stop?

sbt2160p ago

Don’t be an idiot. Don’t give them probable cause to search your vehicle, or even interact with you at all. Simple.

Doglegwarrior ago

Ya i dont drive crazy dont speed etc. 44 year old white guy so if i get pulled over and act normal no issues. Still slightly scary considerinf how fucking insane california is with guns being a communist bastion and all

DanaNordic ago

old white guy so if i get pulled over and act normal no issues

That is only true in conservative areas where the rule of law is upheld. You are a target in progressive areas both by law enforcement and by its citizenry.

ALIENS2222 ago

No mag restrictions here... Bring a belt fed. 50cal if you can afford one.

inflatulation ago

This is horseshit... Just look it up there is no armed militia at the Oregon Capital. That Tweet was SARCASM.


What does a local host (127.0.0..0.1) on your computer 8 times mean


But why is my loopback have 14 addresses and why was I banned from reddit for asking about it?

toobaditworks ago

Well the_donald on reddit uses that address to send private messages back and forth to Q. So they probably don't want you to discuss it in the public forums. Try /v/greatawakening.

MustyMackerel ago


ALIENS2222 ago

Hell yeah.

toobaditworks ago

The Indians stole the land from the buffalo. They cut down innocent trees to make weapons of mass destruction. They enslaved the good free horses who roamed the plains to carry them and their plunder. They ravaged the lands skinning animals they killed. Wearing and living inside their dead skins. A murderous tribe of killing machines who even ate each other.

MustyMackerel ago

Hollywood is not historical fact. Your claims must be satire because much of what you said is wrong and ignorant. Indians shared the land with Buffalo. We cut down trees so what their our trees. We did not domesticate our horses or any animal. Horses roamed free until we needed them but we would always release them. I think they just didn't like the responsibility of raising livestock in such a manner. They raise themselves you know. Hey Vikings wore skins also and every group of men since our beginning. Only recently have we began to not wear it. So wtf. We were killing machines but we were not murderous you just got what you deserved. You cant bitch and complain that we didnt just lay down and let you take our shit. Da fuck? No tribe has ever used blood as war paint that I have learned about. Rape was not their culture at all but Im sure an Indian Brave on occasion would do some raping of white women but I would never condoning it. There are shit Native Americans I can admit it but you cant admit that nobody are as shitty as the white man. We brought you Europeans democracy, natural rights, and even Women rights. There were Native Tribes were the women were the Chiefs and leaders. Look it up cause you should really know these things if you are American. At least for the sake of not getting humiliated.

mismacheta ago

You contradict yourself and know shit about the Pre-Columbian era. It's not Hollywood, it's called science. Your comment about whites being the shittiest is absurd. Communicable disease spread to 100 million with little immunity resulting in 80% mortality did more than the most evil whites could imagine. If not for that and other reasons whites would not have moved in so easily.I need no education on Iroquoian or Algonquin culture. Women had the power to declare war and they had wars every summer, taking captives back and forth from each other to the extent that the two became nearly indistinguishable by blood. Tribes pushed others of their land throughout and after the Pre-Columbian era. The Aztecs fell because Cortez allied with all the surrounding people long oppressed by that empire. The history is the same around the globe. Regardless of skin color.

MustyMackerel ago

What did I contradict myself about explain yourself when you make accusations like that. Whites didn't conquer the whole world by being the nicest. You cant complain about anything an African has done because the white man has done it better. You merely glorify it when a white man does it or do you want to explain to me why the Vikings were shitty? Nasty ass white people came to the New World and killed 90% of the population leaving the ones remaining in a state of devastation and suffered from long term PTS. You Europeans have no idea what it was like per-Columbious you only recorded the history of a devastated peoples fighting for survival from the most viscous and murderous groups of men. You want to know why they would steal people, it because their populations were so low and when you killed a brave you stole a life. So we would take that a life to pay that debt. You cant justify what the white man did and if you do you then justify it against yourself. You reap what you sow - GOD Almighty. I know native Americans were no saints but I realize that they were suffering from generations of trauma inflicted by the white man with the intent on theft and genocide. We did not share that intent. You can only judge us at our weakest yet it was still greater than your best. As for the Aztec it was not for the Spanish to decide their right to rule. Its their ancestral lands not the Spanish. Its not like the Spanish gave it back to the Natives after the fall of the Aztec. Now we see why those Natives who joined up with the Spanish shouldn't rule. America can not create a nation based on hypocrisy. Natural rights yet Native Americans still live in concentration camps to this very day. You stole their sovereignty and placed them in your bondage in order to steal their property and profit from it. The shittiest thing you can do. So yest white people are the shittiest people because none has done it better than them.

mismacheta ago

You say YOU white people. You are assuming I'm white just because I tell the truth about how shitty everyone is including Natives. "You stole their sovereignty? " I didn't steal shit. Grow up and read a book.

MustyMackerel ago

None are shittier than the ones who benefit from theft and justify it only when they are in the privilege. In order for you to have a Nation they had to remove one from another. Manifest Destiny was the legalization of theft only to criminalize it after the theft was committed. There were contracts made and contracts broken. That is not conquest that is criminal. European Americans did not honor their contracts with England, Spain, Mexico, Native Americans yet you believe they will honor a contract with the citizen? Its illegitimate and its fraud. These European marauders have no authority to govern these lands under natural rights. Nothing natural about it. Native Americans are the land lords here and always will be. If you justify it for your benefit then so can another justify doing it to you. America is a poor European emulation of Native American laws and ideas. Proof is evidence that is so strong it would be statistically unreasonable to deny it.

mismacheta ago

read some more books instead of cutting and pasting pictures

MustyMackerel ago

Are you retarded? Those pictures are evidence. Here is some more. It was not the ancient Greeks that influenced the creation of American Democracy and natural rights it was the Native Americans. You need to listen to the other side of history.

toobaditworks ago

  • Democracy is two wolves and a sheep fighting over whats for dinner. Democracy is shit.

  • Natural rights were written down by Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle long before the indians were known to the white man.

  • And finally woman shouldn't have rights. Big fail chief.

MustyMackerel ago

Please read Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle before you go assuming shit. Democracy is not shit its your European emulation of a Democracy that is shit. That is exactly what America has become, a poor European emulation of Native American laws and ideas. Proof is evidence that is so strong it would be statistically unreasonable to deny it. If the ancient Greeks influenced American Natural rights then why did it take so long for Europe to adopt it? Only after meeting Native Americans did they adopt these ideas. Not from the ancient Greeks. The Greek concepts of --->"Natural Law"<---- are not the same concepts as --->"American Natural Rights"<---. Please provide the evidence that show they are the same concepts I dare you. The American government even acknowledges their contributions to the constitutions and its bill of rights. Native Americans been in America for 15,000 years long before Plato, Socrates, or Aristotle existed. More proof is that we called the animals People, brothers and even motehr earth had natural rights to exist as GOD intended. That is not European or even Greek Thats NATIVE AMERICAN. You europeans are mimic niggers. Even the American flag is stolen from the Indians. They did you dirty in white man school. Lies all lies. We didnt lose the war to lost to war crimes. Starvation and Germ Warfare. We dominated the battle fields and the only time the jizzskins dominated the war fields is when the cowards outnumbered the women and children. Check mate.

PatriotLady1 ago

nailed it

MustyMackerel ago

Bitch you better go back and check yourself, aint nailed shit.

mismacheta ago

You're a fucking idiot. They stole the land from other Pleistocene people and each other for millennia. The buffalo were not dominant until after warming and thousands of years of intentional burning by man in the great plains turned it into vast grassland precisely so they would have endless buffalo come to them. Tragically osage orange trees, which make the finest bows, became limited to a small natural range in Texas and Oklahoma. Now absent mega-fauna that could eat the "orange" and spread it, along with fire and buffalo run amok nearly killed it. Natives took up the horse only after the Spanish lost some here on early forays into the US. With the advent of the horse on the plains, buffalo hunting was easier and less burning required. (trade in osage orange was easier as well so the crisis wasn't totally avoided) A couple hundred years later the rifle reached the plains, thank god, and this decreased pressure on the dwindling number of osage orange trees. Soon enough the plains indians and the buffalo were wastefully massacred and supplanted by farmers and ranchers. These newcomers found the osage orange thrived when cultivated and was the most excellent natural barb wire fence when planted in hedgerows. Man helped quickly spread back to most of it's former range in great numbers. Indians and buffalo are still here, and most importantly so are the trees that make the best hand crafted weapons ever. Some may say the European yew is better, but it also nearly suffered the same fate due to years of wars of mass destruction. Bottom line everything works out when it comes to trees and weapons.

toobaditworks ago

The buffalo were not dominant until after warming and thousands of years of intentional burning by man in the great plains turned it into vast grassland precisely so they would have endless buffalo come to them.

Bullshit. My uncle was a buffafo and he was there in the great plains before the indians came with there fucking beads and raped them all.

mismacheta ago

Guess your aunt was one who got raped. most people think it's sexy, the fantasies. BTW you are fascinating to talk to.

toobaditworks ago

I love that video.

mismacheta ago

it's gold

Snicklesnork ago

Natural law: if you can take it and keep it, it is yours. Cry me a river.

MustyMackerel ago

You dumb fuck thats not natural law thats the survival of the fittest. Regardless European Americans cant claim conquest when they made and broke contracts thats not conquest thats criminal based on the exact law you replaced theirs with. Native Americans kicked the shit out of you white boys and the only time you dominated Native Americans on the battle fields is when you out numbered the women and children. They defeated the federal government and the US military forcing them to sign treaties outlining their boarders yet you jizzskins dont keep your word or your contracts. Not with England, Spain, Native Americans yet you mimic niggers think they will keep a contract with the citizen. Manifest destiny was the legalization of theft only to criminalize it after the theft was committed. No honor or valor in that and I dont see you you bastards found a way to pride yourselves for what you done. You reap what you sow - GOD almighty.

Snicklesnork ago

Are you drunk?

MustyMackerel ago

Do you justify it when African Americans commit crimes like theft? You glorify brutal violence when a white person like a viking commits the act yet you demonize Africans for less. Are you a hypocrite?? I always tell the truth even when I lie. Nobody said that the red pill would be an easy pill to swallow guess you are going to choke on this one Faggot.

Snicklesnork ago

Never mentioned Vikings. Never mentioned Africans. Are you still drunk?

mismacheta ago

for millions of years that's been the rule

ALIENS2222 ago

Oy vey get a smallpox blanket quick! But yeah this is how it works.

heygeorge ago

governor is threatening to hunt down, arrest or KILL any Republican who fails to show up for a vote

Fuck off with your sensationalist bullshit.

Grunge ago

Holy fuckbait title

Mycofruit ago

Ok. I reside in Oregon...have been silent about my perspective (including my own house), because I'm in a very blue town. What you're describing throws me back into Oregon history, but then, it was the indigenous folks experiencing the horrors of their last grasps at freedom, holding out against industrialists, politicians, and the US Army, their 'cleaners.'

Vehicles and weaponry have changed, and those unwilling to swallow this steaming pile (in Salem) any longer, have support this time, imo; these are patriots in unison of purpose with other patriots. Who [she] gonna call? The phone rings and rings. Solution: Shut down the State house due to 'threats.' I get it now. Just dissenting is a threat. Check. But, but...I thought the Senators were in hiding, not storming the cliffs of Mordor? [They] are clearly cracked, much like Humpty-Dumpty. We know the rest... Is this going to be a bizarre Coyote and Roadrunner type scenario? to All (and as POTUSA says, even to the haters)...and "Watch the Water" -Q

The Wild West...will be staying alert here. This started on the Solstice, didn't it? [They] do like their symbolism. Glad the Senators know their procedural options. ;-) Perchance, they've been taking notes on some of Mitch McConnell's 'moves'?

ALIENS2222 ago

Badass post. I'm in the valley and keep a a low profile. Giand dualy dodge with horse poop or firewood in the back usually gives it away though

Mycofruit ago

Kek. You nailed it. Generally, people who get a sense of well-being from firewood and horse poop need to lay low in Bluestowns. I try to keep feelers out there, just in case I might encounter an incognito pocket of patriots. Vehicles are funny! When I see a 4-ft tall, male Chinese student getting into a quad-pipe Maserati that's 2" from the pavement, I "no be there" asap. Flailing tweakers usually drive beat-up 4 bangers of dubious lineage. I won't even start on Prius or Hummer owners. Would be too unkind, imo. The muscular Mustang is back, and seems to appeal to serious Red Bull guzzlers. I try not to stereotype, but it's so seductive, because it seems there's a finite number of 'types' of people out there. Eg., I drive a disguised rocket (older Volvo 940T). What does that say about me(?), besides the fact that I like a heavy, uni-body car that can escape trouble quickly, excellent turning radius, and doesn't attract attention in the PNW...too many of 'em. I would love to have some equine friends. You're blessed. Happy trails.

I don't think msm is covering this little adventure in Wild West Politics, mixed with [Desperate DS] fuckery, so would you keep me/us posted if you hear anything? If we go the way of CA (rabid, feral dogs), I'm outa here. And just when Florida bans sanctuary cities, OR's gonna legislate climate quackery down our throats to ream us once again. What cheek! I doubt [she]'ll try to buy up all the guns at $.10 on the $, like that awful tranny PM in NZ, but crazy gonna act crazy, so...

Betty_Liberty ago

Lol, I am a motorcyclist and there are 3 cars I will not ride behind: Volvos, Subarus and Prius.

PatriotLady1 ago

No cuchs allowed.

Mycofruit ago

Hahaha. I'm well-disguised, then. ;-) Have to say, though, I actually USE my mirrors, so you can be my wing-gal any time!

ALIENS2222 ago

4-ft tall, male Chinese student getting into a quad-pipe Maserati that's 2" from the pavement

Dude, are we in the same town lol?

Don't forget the city busses jam packed full of Muzzie rag head women since those bitches are useless and cant drive! Ha ha. Yeah, Im not leavin' no matter what happens. I may send my fam away if it gets really bad but Im staying til the bitter end, whatever that may be. Nice to see someone from the area though. Consider NOT leaving though. I feel completely isolated and unable to connect with people recently simply because there are so few people like me left! all the young folks leave to go in the military or end up enslaved in college then McJob to pay McBills or lost to drugs. All the women I see are trashy whores with tattoos and sloppy clothes or they are coked up whores or mexicans.

Don't just run, do the opposite! To bring other good people here. This state has a very low population and all the shitheads are in the cities. Good people can make it here just fine. There are jobs around for blue colar dudes at saw mills and metal working places. Tons of skilled work at small wineries... stuff like that. Heavy equipment work as well as fire fighting is a great thing for a young guy because its seasonal so college is in the works in the winter and fire fighting in the summer. Stuff like that. Someone has to stand up to what is happening and I guess I am that guy. I have born sons to carry on my name.

Mycofruit ago

Yeah! My son just landed a great job at Roseburg Lumber near Coos Bay. Grandson, too, has jobs comin' out his ears. He acknowledges how much easier it is to find a job now, than under [BHO]. Thanks for the reality check.

Walk1 ago

The people should rise against oppressive rule, which forces us to do things that are not productive and will not benefit our society and economy. Its time to take to arms so that we can preserve our civilization.

Alpha-As-Fuck ago


KeepUrFork ago

There are a lot of racist, ignorant comments here. Let's use our heads and be intelligent. This is not a life/death issue. Let's do things legally.

PatriotLady1 ago

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Snicklesnork ago

What do you mean by "racist"?

ArcAngel ago

nice. thats the way my da said it. he was in 'nam, 2 tours. ya all wanna gripe about semantics thats fine.... just pleaase, stand up when lead starts flying to make sure you get your point across. fucking officers...

The1stLantern ago

At last, the end of the beginning.

lynnmar ago

Dems forgot they did the same thing in Wisconsin when they didnt want to vote on Govenor Walkers bills

ianadba ago

Yes, we have been here before.

Niggardly_Jew ago

civil war

You already lost. Its revolution or death.

teamviewer ago

Radicalize or die.

Lauraingalls ago

They ARE in Idaho.

“They all left and are in Idaho. I don’t have a way of contacting him,” Peggy Boquist said.

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown, a Democrat, authorized the Oregon State Police to pick up the wayward lawmakers, but their jurisdiction ends at the Snake River that separates Oregon from Idaho. The Oregon governor has the authority to order the Oregon State Police to round up missing legislators for a vote.

“It’s time for the Senate Republicans to show up and do the job they were elected to do,” Brown said at a news conference, the Associated Press reported.

And the Idaho State Police aren’t offering any help, saying they lack jurisdiction.

“The Idaho State Police is not involved in the search for Oregon lawmakers, as these individuals are not suspected of breaking any Idaho laws,” ISP Col. Kedrick Wills said in a statement provided to the Idaho Statesman."

SkyeVeritas ago

And the whole of the Democrat House has been MIA for 2.5 years while desperately trying to find a speck of dirt on POTUS.....

o0shad0o ago

They haven't broken any Oregon laws either. The constitution allows for them to be arrested and brought in for a quorum call, but they're not breaking the law by avoiding it. Therefore Ohio has no reason to extradite. Which would be hilarious if they asked.

Bonefish5 ago

How is it constitutional to forcibly kidnap someone who hasn’t broken any laws? The cops are LUCKY they went to Idaho. They would be within their rights to defend themselves by any means necessary from being forcibly kidnapped which apparently lots of people have figured out. THEY aren’t the ones “threatening violence.” Their tyrannical governor is. The people have the right to defend themselves from tyranny.

o0shad0o ago

It's in their state constutution; and the US constitution gives them a lot of leeway.

Lauraingalls ago

No they haven't broken any Laws. This whole thing is unbelievable.

PGLiterati ago

OMG. Signs of life on the effin' West Coast. Way to go, baby--keep on truckin'.

RebelJohnny ago

Sadly they’re doing this over some bullshit climate change bill. Not anti-white immigration policies, not faggots and pedos shoved down our kids throats. Nope, Republicans only grow a spine when that sweet, sweet oil money is in jeopardy.

PGLiterati ago

This bill would impact a lot of jobs--the new regulations it would impose would effect a lot of industry and small business while the climate change it hopes to promote is of course bogus.


Returning to the way the founding fathers envisioned is a must.

The United States was founded as and always intended to be a European ethnostate. Immigration of anyone non European WAS NOT ALLOWED until the Immigration and Nationality act of 1965. The Jews played an outsized role in getting this legislation passed and ushering in the genocide of whites in America.

Don't believe me it was always designed as an ethnostate? Learn your history...

The Real History of the United States

Founding Fathers

Alexander Hamilton,  Founding Father, on the white ethnostate

Ben Franklin,  Founding Father, on the white ethnostate

John Dickenson, Founding Father, on the white ethnostate

Charles Pickney, Founding Father, on the white ethnostate

James Madison, Founding Father, on the white ethnostate

Thomas Jefferson, Founding Father, on the white ethnostate

Thomas Jefferson, Founding Father, on immigration into the white ethnostate

Founding fathers compilation on the creation and maintenance of a white ethnostate

Founding fathers ethnostate compilation

US presidential compilation calling for racial exclusion and homogeneity

Westward Expansion

Oregon territory racial exclusion

The expansionist movement out west didn't want slavery, not because of its moral abhorrence, but because it was and the white homogeneity of the community

Later Presidents

Abraham Lincoln on racial separation

Abraham Lincoln wasn't anti slavery, he was anti separation.

Harry Truman on the ethnostate

14th Amendment

The intent of the 14th amendment, as told by its author.


Only whites could immigrate according to the first US congressional immigration law.

History of anti miscegenation laws in ALL States

The most prominent slavery abolitionist movement advocated for a white ethnostate

Who brought all these slaves here if the founding fathers were so opposed to them?

Only 1.6% of the population owned slaves at it's peak in 1860. Only .35% of these were white.

Ben Franklin warning against the Jewish invasion. (Validity disputed)

At the height of the slave trade 78% of slave owners in the U.S. were Jewish. (Validity disputed)

75% of Jewish families in the major southern cities owned slaves. 40% of the total Jewish population in the US owned slaves.

The Jews have been THE central group in slave trading and owning throughout history.

The Jews were so dominant in the slave trade that slave auctions were not held on Jewish holidays because no-one would show up.

9 facts about slavery they don't want you to know

The first slave owner in the continental United States was a black man named Anthony Johnson.

Revolutionary War

The prime reason for the revolutionary war was that the Rothschild's Bank of England took away the colonys' ability to issue their own money.

ALIENS2222 ago

You sir, are correct!

expose ago

this guy's a disinfo shill, spams offtopic links of fake shit in 100s of topics to set up patriots to look retarded. won't fix wrong shit. open that in new tab for proof. he uvs and agrees himself on his other accounts (thegoyimmnose, thought dragon, az patriot).

153545 ago

Use common sense PATRIOT'S, we don't initiate armed conflict at this point....this is a legislative issue and isnt the first time something like this has happened. Let's not give left opportunity to conflagerate their internal state issue...this isn't the time or place...just not yet!

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Listen... My comment history agrees with you- BUt the governor of Oregon Is using the armed police force to round up Republican senators/congress in the state... They initiated conflict.

I don't live in Oregon, But I'm not going to denounce the actions of the people willing to stand up for their representatives.

That's assuming this post is an accurate representation of the events unfolding...

ronfink ago

Goyim please don't fight for your freedom just yet, we need you to fight Iran for the glory of Israel

toobaditworks ago

Patriots we must march on Main Street with dildos to show our support for those brave democrats who are are allies.

GodsAngell ago

May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.', 'If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.', and 'It does not take a majority to prevail ... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.'


Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"

-Patrick Henry

AmmaK ago

The dems did this exact same thing in Wisconsin back in February of 2011. I don’t remember Scott Walker sending the state cops after them in Illinois. I love it when the right plays the same games the left does!

rapedbyanape ago

Mane I'm ma git mah message whores and mah crotch rockets and ride out

Pipefag ago

It's not just the Cap and trade bill that caused the Repubs to flee. There's a $2 billion hidden sales tax ($300/taxpayer). Source: Sen Kim Thatcher

1031grnis ago

Can you please explain to me how that works?

1031grnis ago

Finally plowed through all your great links. Thanks for the info. Now I truly understand why the Oregon state senators left so they wouldn't have to have the cap and trade pass. So evil! What's boggles my mind is the fact that CO2 is a necessity for life, yet (((they))) changed it to a pollutant. So many educated people don't get that.

As far as I knows CA is the only state now that imposes the cap and trade. Do you have any good sources to find out how that's going?

HighEnergyLife ago

She should move to disarm them, they'll literally recreate Lexington and Concord.

grace8 ago

/they are in Idaho and Oregon police cant go into Idaho. Idaho police are not pursuing it cause no crime has been committed in Idaho. Idaho gov has not stepped in. Nothing will happen to cause martial law.

GodsAngell ago

May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.', 'If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.', and 'It does not take a majority to prevail ... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.'


Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"

-Patrick Henry*

turtlesareNotevil ago

You actually believe this theatrical bullshit is real?

AngelofDeath ago

So when will the treasonous be running and hiding?? When will the unconstitutional BASTARDS be running and hiding not able to show their face on the streets? When will YOU PEOPLE REALIZE you're watching a movie that has an ass whooping ending.

Murphman64 ago

All i want to know is when to i get to go full auto???

PatriotLady1 ago

3 to 5

Snicklesnork ago

Full Auto is a waste of ammo. Well placed shots is the way to go. I am NOT encouraging violence here merely making helpful suggestions about target shooting.

toobaditworks ago

Never go go full auto.

Murphman64 ago

Bitch thats all i ever got my whole life. Never go full auto, never go full auto. short controlled bursts, conserve ammo. I'm saying let me know when its time to go full auto. Arent there times when you go full auto??? Death Bloom would be one of those times right? must some more.

Shiftworker1976 ago

Godspeed to the Patriots of Oregon. WWG1WGA

Lauraingalls ago

I wonder where they are hiding.

Snicklesnork ago

In Idaho as the article states. They took their families with them. Godspeed to them. It is way past time for ALL of us to stand tall against the radical, insane, left-wing nut jobs. Way past time. And while we are at it, throw political correctness on the ash heap.

Lauraingalls ago

I did find that out later. My question was 16 hours ago.

Snicklesnork ago


Lauraingalls ago


grace8 ago

Idaho. Oregon state troopers cant arrests anyone in Idaho and Idaho says they have no reason to arrests anyone even if they did locate them. Therefore no man hunt. This is the 2nd time these Republicans have run out the clock at the end of a session rather than vote on something they believe to be detrimental to their state. No martial law was declared last time and no martial law will be declared this time cause the troopers are not going to Idaho to get them.

PatriotLady1 ago

They didn't report all of them went to Idaho right away. They reportedly were cooperating with other states (plural) to force them to come back. You are so busy telling others what to think that you step on your own tail. shoo fly

GodsAngell ago


PatriotLady1 ago

The last hold out against the bullshit.

Lauraingalls ago

Thanks. They are like fugitives. I hope they have enough food and stuff to survive,

MrDarkWater ago

Lots of good places. It's white nationalist central outside the big cities in the Northwest. This could spark something yuge

Mittermeyer ago

Honestly they could probably lay low in one of the WN 1.0 armed compounds. Those used to be common in Idaho.

Lauraingalls ago

They were unlikely to find state Sen. Tim Knopp, who told KATU on Friday he was not even in Oregon anymore.

"I am in a cabin near a lake," Knopp said during a Facebook video chat interview. "And that's about all I can tell you."

The 11 senators who are MIA include Baertschiger, Cliff Bentz, Brian Boquist, Fred Girod, Bill Hansell, Dallas Heard, Knopp, Dennis Linthicum, Alan Olsen, Chuck Thomsen and Kim Thatcher.

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

Wait a fucking minute! There ain't a jewsteen name on that entire list! WTF!

MrDarkWater ago

Idaho probably. They're safe

Pinecones ago

IIR, I read that one of the Senators took their children to Idaho and a militia group is providing security. The LEO's in Oregon can't touch them.

Lauraingalls ago


1Paydaddy ago

Do it for Lavoy and the Bundy's.

KosherHiveKicker ago

... and The Weaver Family.

Mittermeyer ago

And Waco and Ruby Ridge.

1776Jimbo ago

And the “Gipper”!

ianadba ago

Saint Tarrant speaks

1031grnis ago

Yes, they were so misunderstood. MSM did not report the truth that both were absolutely within their rights. Was so excited to have a chance to hear Bundy speak at a festival last month. But then FB activists put up such a fuss about his "illegal" activities that he had to cancel. So sad those that speak the loudest are the most uninformed.

Snicklesnork ago

"So sad those that speak the loudest are the most uninformed."

That's the way Mobs work. In so many instances, we are seeing Mob rule these days.

Lauraingalls ago

This is just plain CRAZY.

"Eleven Oregon Republican lawmakers are on the run from the law, having fled the state Senate in Salem on Thursday to deny quorum for a vote on a major climate change bill. On Friday, state lawmakers announced they were shutting down the state capitol after receiving threats from militia groups who support the Republicans in hiding.

Democratic Gov. Kate Brown authorized STATE POLICE TO FIND the fleeing Republican lawmakers and bring them back. They are each being FINED $500 for every day there aren’t enough senators for a vote. (So far, it’s been three days.) Oregon State Police said they are also coordinating with law enforcement agencies in nearby states to find the Republicans."

SerialChiller ago

"Eleven Oregon Republican lawmakers are on the run from the law"

No they are not on the run from the law - they have not broken any law.

They are on the run from a desperate, power-mad tyrant who is abusing her power over the state police to kidnap the republicans and forcibly bring them to her against their will.

MrDarkWater ago

What did you think was going to happen?

This is the plan. Always has been.

Qdini ago

It's been nuts, we are just learning how bad it is.

Lauraingalls ago

The WILD WEST hasn't died.

CMAnon ago

Any Patriots in Oregon State Police? They should refuse that order as unlawful.

ALIENS2222 ago

Look up 'Portland lowers police standards'. On The Patriot cops are quitting hot and fast. Now you can literally be a tattooed drug addict with a beard and be a police officer in Portland. Aloha snack bar! Let's get some sharia law going here! That's what's happening.

Lauraingalls ago

It is HORRIBLE. The guys that fled aren't criminals.

Blacksmith21 ago

The history of our Country, America, shows that we can and will shoot traitors to the Republic.

I'm not advocating violence, but it is within the charter of this nation, including violations of the Magna Carta, upon which our Constitution is based, to justify violence against an oppressive government.

The Second Amendment was put in place for EXACTLY these circumstances. The left inadvertently created a Brotherhood of millions of Warriors who will protect this country as civilian-soldiers aka Militia.

We may be loose an unformed, but we are bonded by blood. And we will rise up and fuck up the Traitors like they've never seen.

Asynchronous warfare.

Millions of Patriots who can find, fix, and finish every name in the Deep State within the US if so motivated.

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

I love this Blacksmith. And I've got neighbors like this in every direction. Cheers.

Doit1 ago

That was back when 18-year-old boys were willing to die and did die for our freedom. Now we have a bunch of yappers and not much else IMO

If we were going to do shit we would have done it under TRAITOR-44's reign of terror or at the beginning of the treasonous attempt to overthrow the gov't of the USA. Nothing happened, and it has only gotten worse because nothing has happened to them even after they were caught. Trump talks, but DOES NOTHING ABOUT IT!

So based on history, I'd say we won't do a damned thing until we're all slaves to the dictators. At which time, it will be too late, just like the jackass pussies in eurostan.

Blacksmith21 ago

Different times now. We have an entire warrior class of several million veterans who are still of fighting age, trained, and armed. And operating on our own soil against a foreign enemy.

Many of us realize we fought others' wars. If the case arises, at the behest of the President or trusted leader (FLynn, Rogers) or due to (God forbid) an assassination, we will take up arms to defend this soil. And we aren't 18.

We will never turn into Eurostan because we are armed. The Deep State thought that there wouldn't be an equal and opposite effect in keeping us in perpetual wars for the last 20 years, arguably more. By doing so, they created the US shadow army.

That said, if we don't stop illegal immigration, throw out the illegals, and do something about the live birthrate disparity between whites and minorities in the US, then we will be outnumbered in 30-50 years?

Doit1 ago

That gives me hope, thank you

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Yep, that'd be Plan B...

Fortunately, w/ Q+ and Q at the helm, we're progressing swimmingly w/ Plan A.

The timing with other global events is interesting as well. PANIC setting in bigly.

HoppyHap ago

That was the reason for Q. To give a chance for plan A to work and not needing plan B. I never took back my oath.

DawnPendraig ago

The  tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson

Snicklesnork ago

That's exactly what the 2nd amendment is for; it has nothing to do with hunting or "sports". It is to resist a tyrannical government. So, the Left, which wants to put us unser a tyrannical government wants to first get rid of our ability to resist.

ADaniels ago

Oregon is cucked to hell, we NEED this to be real.

ALIENS2222 ago

Oregon guy here. Portland/eugene is cucked to hell. The rest of the state is fighting the fuck out of them.

jwm5514 ago

we NEED this to be real

do you have any idea how cucked this makes you sound?

ADaniels ago

lol, how is needing something positive to happen, cuckoldry?

GodsAngell ago

May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.', 'If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.', and 'It does not take a majority to prevail ... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.'


Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"

-Patrick Henry


gobbernaught ago

It's happening, can't believe the donothing faithless believed we'd lay down and die

Crisbeau ago

We maybe should consider no trying to ‘out insane’ the insane. That said perhaps Q and team needed to know where the breaking point is. Probably not where they thought. Running out of time I believe

Anon-Dan ago

They did not know that Oregon is run by Portland and Eugene, the rest of the state is populated by mostly conservatives. I'm worried that Brown will try to use this as an excuse to take our guns away. She would be totally on board with confiscation.

GodsAngell ago

Yes, the left has remained UNchecked in their EVIL pursuits and are continuing to PUSH THE Patriots are rising up and saying NO MORE, ENOUGH!!!

All Trump has to do is start the round ups of the Criminal Elite, and the rest of the psychopaths will cower in their homes waiting for storm troopers to knock down their front door too!

qanon1776 ago

Please dont call for violence. Let it play out. The Republican Senators have the upper hand, dont give Kate Brown more "ammunition" against our 2nd Amendment in Oregon. She is already a raging liberal lunatic. The country is wakening to her insanity.

ADaniels ago

no offense, but how did the original Americans free themselves from British Tyranny?


Phantom42 ago

Please goy! Please don't call for violence! IT'S SCARY!

Shut the fuck up and die in the fire. We're sending your world to Hell and, like Tarrant, it's the first step among many.

GodsAngell ago

May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.', 'If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.', and 'It does not take a majority to prevail ... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.'


Qdini ago

Evil Kate Brown who assisted U1 in the movement of Uranium through Oregon, and up to Canada.

1Paydaddy ago

What is the Gematria of Kate Brown?

Qdini ago

She wasn't identified by Gematria. It was the name on Peter Strzok's coke bottle

1Paydaddy ago

He has a thing for horse faced brunettes. He was probably tapping Kate Brown to.

1Paydaddy ago

Roger that. Dammit I want her to pay for Lavoy's ambush.


Appeasement is what got us into this mess but yes i agree to not call for violence on social platforms. Meet and greet and mobilize.

greatheart ago

Let's not get carried away here. I really believe that one of Q's missions is to give us hope so that we do not start a civil war.

369693936 ago

so that we do not start a civil war.

"We" are not starting a civil war. The governor of Oregon is.

Oxnonstopox ago

Hope only last so long. The way things are going there will be a civil war all because of the libtards. Its a ever evolving things change

ALIENS2222 ago

This is also what I think much of his purpose was. Stop by and chat with the Natsoc guys there and see if you can understand WHY Q chose that place. But yeah, if it is going to blow up Oregon will be first. This whole place is an opressive nightmare politically (amazing otherwise)

Pcpoet09 ago

lived in Portland Oregon in the year 2000 the elections have been rigged there ever since they switched to mail in ballots only. the onmly presidential election I missed voting there because my mail in ballot was stolen I presume some one else filled it out and mailed it in.

GodsAngell ago

What would be the harm if the U.S. Military invaded the Rebellious Left Coast Dictatorships?

The left coast hasn't had an honest election in 30 years!!!

**May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.', 'If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.', and 'It does not take a majority to prevail ... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.'


Snicklesnork ago

" and 'It does not take a majority to prevail ."

The American revolution of 1776 was won by 3 percent of the population. The 3 percenters.

Pipefag ago

The problem is, the only warrants that've been issued are for Patriot Senetors in a Blue state. Not one arrest warrant has been signed for a Treasonous Democrat. Obviously the warrants are not for a criminal offense, but they carry with them force. Gov. Brown has LaVoy's blood on her hands and now she's going for more. She needs to go.

ALIENS2222 ago

That horrible kike lesbian bitch WILL go, but she has to be given enough leeway to colosally fuck up everything... I mean B.A.D. This way even her most ardent supporters will drive half way accross the state to take a dump on her grave just on principal.

She is getting there with this shit but she is not far enough down the road. She needs to start taking unilateral and illegal actions that directly and negatively affect the lives of those poor souls in that state in a big way. THEN she can get the rope. The pressure is building. She MUST do what I said above eventually but she will stay there until she does.

Also, a massive revolt by the cops in the state is also something that would speed things along. The Natty Guard won't have her back against the locals, especially in the sticks. Its cops or nothing...

Its happening with the cops as well. Honeslty I try really hard to demoralize Oregon cops whenever I get the chance. The more they quit/move/give up the more absolute scumbags with GEDs and drug problems will enter the force and the less effective and more corrupt they will become to the point of complete uselessness. We are not there yet but moving at warp speed in that direction.

grace8 ago

The Gop senatoes are safe in Idaho. Oregon has no jurisdicition to go there and Idaho has no interest in pursuing it and no crime has been committed in Idaho. Even if they knew where to look they have no arrest warrants in Idaho, so really no arrests can happen.
Nothing will come of this. 2nd time it has happened. Dont listen to hyperboly from gods angel, ever. He never gets it right.

PatriotLady1 ago

Don't tell people what to read or pay attention to Fascist.

TradMan ago

Maybe that's what we need.

Wise2TheLies ago

Now this is a BOOM. Took long enough. 🙄

grace8 ago

NO it really isnt. Godsangel left out some important facts.
1. This is the second time these senators have hidden away to run out the clock on a vote. No marshall law declared last time so no martial law this time. 2. This will be over July 3rd. Session ends June 30h by law. Gov can call a special session on July 2nd but I'm guessing all the senators will go back to their districts July 3rd for the holiday. 3. The Senators are hiding in Idaho. Oregn police say they have no jurisdiction to arrest senators outside of Oregon. Idaho police say no crime has been committed in Idaho so they have no reason to get involved. Idaho's governor is not stepping in to issue any arrest warrants. Also the Oregon staties say that under no circumstances would any senator be touched in order to arrest them. If they don't come willingly they would call in and ask for further instructions. So there is no man hunt and nothing is likely to turn into a bloodbath here. Senators took their children out of state with them. You don't do that if you expect a bloodbath.

Congratulations to those who fell for the Great Awakenings sub boy who cried wolf. Godsangel has been telling everyone "its happening" 3 times a month for the past 6 months or more. Next time read about what he is posting on for yourself and find out the rest of the story before you follow him down the roller coaster ride.

GodsAngell ago

This is the second time these senators have hidden away to run out the clock on a vote. No marshall law declared last time so no martial law this time.

THIS IS THE FIRST TIME PATRIOTIC AMERICANS (The Militia) have come to the defense of these BRAVE GOP State Senators, and SHUT DOWN a STATE CAPITOL.

The Senators are hiding in Idaho

You have proof of this of course.....yet you have provided ZERO proof.

And once again you clearly did NOT read the report put out by the MILITIA, calling this the beginning of the 2nd Civil War in this county. Not my words, the words of the Militia. I suspect by tomorrow the number of the Militia will swell way beyond 600....not including you, of course. Cowards just sit in their Mommy's basement and think of ways to criticize the efforts of True Patriots!


PATRIOTS, WE WILL ALWAYS HAVE NAY-SAYING Unpatriotic COWARDS LIKE THIS, grace8, IN OUR MIDST. George Washington had them in his time too. SHAME ON THEM.


May your chains set lightly upon you, AND MAY POSTERITY FORGET THAT YE WERE OUR COUNTRYMEN.',

'If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government,



'It does not take a majority to prevail ... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.'



Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"



I thank GOD for our Patriotic Militia, doing the right thing! We The People support them 110%!!!

These Patriots are in our PRAYERS!!!


plebsareneeded ago

He is also using very inflammatory language that is very suspicious. Like the kid that pushes you into the other guy so to start a fight

PatriotLady1 ago

You could have said all that without getting personal.IOW Don't be a dick.

grace8 ago

I have been correcting this guys gas lighting posts for 7-8 months. Why do people still believe him? Why don't people think for themselves. Why are people here so quick to incite riot when Q has asked us to wait? I'm angry at the Crimes f the globalists but recognize that violence only makes the public turn against us in the polls. So yes, I am annoyed and chose to chide people.

PatriotLady1 ago

So only people whom agree with you are thinking for themselves? Go fuck yourself.

1776Jimbo ago

If you’re referring to Grace8’s post....he did just fine! He tamped down a ridiculously shrill overreaction.

lifeduringwartime ago


MolochHunter ago

Thank you for the more sober take, G-8

grace8 ago

You know one of these days he is going to be right! Cause he keeps on trying.

DammitMan ago

Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn every once in a while.

MolochHunter ago

Well, ya kinda do see civil war on the horizon.

But Jesus effing Christ, it's something you enter with the grimmest regret, not giddy glee

grace8 ago

The senators themselves have ridiculed the Dems fear that the Militias will show up heavily armed in the capital. They don't see it as likely that the militias would cause an violence. The militia's letter originally promised to protest on Saturday. They did not show up after the Gov cancelled the senate session for that day. She rescheduled for Sunday. The militias did not show. Out of caution the capital is closed today. It appears we can trust our democracy and our Militias to act prudently.

Your right, the giddy glee is the hardest part to take.

GodsAngell ago

May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.', 'If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.', and 'It does not take a majority to prevail ... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.'


Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"

-Patrick Henry


grace8 ago

So the letter the militias sent promised to protest on SATURDAY. Governor cancelled session and Militia no show. Session was rescheduled to Sunday and mIlitia failed to show. Today is Monday, and still no Militia protest.

Here's what the GOP Senators think of your suggestion that the militias will start a civil war. They mocked Dems fears of the same via their twitter.

STOP GAS LIGHTING this community with date fagging bullshit! You are not good at predicting. You have tried and been wrong a hundred times. Just STOP! Put down the computer!

grace8 ago

So its noon on Monday. Where is your populace uprising? The governor chose to close the congress down. No one is there for the protesting militia to picket. You understand that is all the militia said they were going to do: Protest. A protest does not cause martial law in the US. This is not what you billed it as.

As far as senators being in Idaho, Just google it there are multiple sources. This is not some secret insider knowledge that I need to post a source on. Stop gas lighting people on this sight without evidence. How many times can you be wrong and still believe in your ability to tell the future. HOw many people did you get all in an uproar.

Now here is the real question. There is a go fund me page to pay the expenses of the GP senators fines. It has raised only $4,000 as of this morning. Will anyone here contribute?

ArcAngel ago

locked cocked & ready to rock

TexasVet ago

You must cock the gun before engaging the safety (locked) means anything. The appropriate term is "cocked and locked".

kjlashas893890 ago

You fucking nigger faggots are kvetching over plagiarism for no reason. The original post that this is copy pasted from was not written by the OP. He copy pasted a few paragraphs from Mein Kampf. That means if anyone deserves credit for the post it is Hitler himself. I mentioned Hitlers name like 10 times in the Gab post so the only person that deserves any credit got it.

On posts like this spreading the message is the only thing that matters. None of us are making one penny off of this shit. The only thing that natters is waking up white people to the danger of extinction before it is too late.

Original voat post...

Plagiarism accusation by that faggot @AntiLiberalSociety ...

When I use ORIGINAL content I make a comment on the gab post linking back to the original Voat post. What the fuck else do you want me to do? Never mind I do not want to hear your faggot bullshit. I will continue to use good content anywhere I can find it. I will give credit when credit is due. Again none of this is paid for or compensated in anyway so chill out.


BushChuck ago

ArcAngel ago

i carry in 'condition 0'

ALIENS2222 ago

ArcAngel ago

i always thought it was refering to the magazine is locked inplace then the action is cycled (no point in fumbling w/ a saftey if engagement is immenint)

Blacksmith21 ago

Trump's terminology was historically accurate.

Cloudrdr ago

I see what you did there. :-)