BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

He's the Walt Disney of shit posts.

version7 ago

not him, he seems like such a stand up guy

Niggertown ago

Well he's from Texas. That's where all the degenerate albino niggers with the raised trucks live.

PuttsLeftTest1cle ago

Am I missing something? The picture posted doesn't prove it was plagiarized. Is there a picture of the same post on obvious throwaway's page?

antiliberalsociety ago

Read the comments?

Corpse_washer ago

Kek. Poor soul cant even plagiarize in peace. Keep up the crusade against him, its funny to watch.

massiveprivilege ago

Good. Hes spreading the truth. Stop acting like a stingy jew.

Titanbikes4ever ago

Why isn't this fag banned?

MrPim ago

Because we prefer the shred faggots personally. Its much more fun to watch a hanged man dance about than just exile him.

Titanbikes4ever ago

Yeah, you're totally showing him by doing nothing and letting him continue

shrink ago

If this is literally your line of reasoning, Voat isn't for you. Next you'll be walking into a pizza place and complain they sell pizza instead of filet mignon and merlot.

Titanbikes4ever ago

Lol, you're saying voat is the poor man's reddit. Sad

shrink ago

So your comprehension is as bad as your reasoning ability. How shocking. Equally shocking is that your mind immediately jumps to price points as the crux of the analogy...fascinating. Please go on, you're certainly not digging a hole here.

Titanbikes4ever ago

Oh no, some faggot on voat called me stupid because he doesn't know what a simile is. What am I going to do with my life now?

shrink ago

That's true, but don't worry, at least you can lose the weight through proper diet. I believe in you.

> I see you made a category error! Too bad, because noting this allows me to avoid addressing the main point being made (for the second time)

Imagine being such an asspained nigger that you literally think "people I don't like should be banned." On Voat. Hahaha, you should start a trolling career and compete with edgelord666, it'd go great.

Titanbikes4ever ago

Imagine being so fat that your brain is compromised and you freak out about a simple question, jump into a conversation with insults you don't even understand, and can't tell when people are laughing at you. Faggots on voat, like you constantly whine and cry about this guy, yet don't do anything. Either do something or stop whining. I hate fat people, especially fat men.

shrink ago

Right, so, "ban people I don't like." You're absolutely in the wrong here and the whole of Voat would unite against you if this opinion was given any exposure to most users. The only justifiable bans are for illegal content like CP or breaking site rules like spamming.

Faggots on voat, like you constantly whine and cry about this guy

Says the faggot who is whining and crying right now about building a safe space. How can you be such a self unaware hypocrite? Are your neurons even firing? It would explain the inability to comprehend and reason, at least.

yet don't do anything

Damn right, because nothing needs to be done. A piece of shit gets called out and exposed. Banning him won't make him less of a piece of shit, and then he'll just hide under a new username that will fly under the radar for some time until he gets sussed out again. You're an authoritarian faggot who would abuse power if he had it in order to force things to be as you saw fit. You're controlled by confirmation bias and emotion. It's words on a screen, stop your vaginal bleeding.

I hate fat people, especially fat men

Indeed. Coincidentally I've been underweight my whole life, so my condolences on your self loathing. I recommend you deal with that after you reign in your delicate sensibilities

Titanbikes4ever ago

I just skimmed the top of your hysterical ramblings (are you a woman) but you're going to get all of voat to ban me? I never asked for a safe space, LMAO. I had a question, so I'm an authoritarian now? Dude, WTF, you're making these leaps. Why did you hide your insults to me? Are you afraid I'm going to ban you from voat? Why are so many mentally ill spergs on here? Why are you projecting so much weird shit on me? The level of your craziness both saddens and alarms me.

shrink ago

I just skimmed the top of your hysterical ramblings

Jesus man. If that's your bar for hysteria, I hope you never actually meet a feminist.

I never asked for a safe space, LMAO.

Not literally; you asked for one indirectly, by claiming that someone should be banned because they're a dumb idiot nobody likes. Banning someone who hasn't broken any laws or site rules is, regardless of how insufferable they are, asking for a safe space. It's censorship of someone based on opinion, it is the logical conclusion of what you're advocating right here in the comment chain.

Why did you hide your insults to me?

It's a meme, you dip. A nice little jack in the box surprise to trigger you further. You've been here for two years, why are you typing like some 60 year old out of touch Internet Explorer user?

I had a question, so I'm an authoritarian now?

That was clearly a rhetorical one, don't try to hem and haw now like a little bitch. If it were just some innocent question you would not have complained about "people whining but refuse to do anything." Did you forget that you wrote that? That means you think he should be banned, your asking of the question "why isn't he banned" was you saying "I think he should be banned, why isn't he?" Your question was charged with an opinion, and clearly other commenters below that understood it as such. It wasn't some open ended "I was just asking" question. Sounds to me like a backpedal.

Whatever. Point being, no, he's not going to get banned, not until he does something actually worth of a ban. This is not fucking Reddit, don't try to treat it like it is, fag. We don't ban people for wrongthink or retarded behavior, as gay as such behavior may be and as deserving of a punch in the face as the user might be. As I said at the start, Voat isn't for you if you're still stuck in this mode of thinking. You don't understand yet the ideal of being allowed to speak; along with that ideal comes some baggage that is worth the weight, like not banning TexasVet despite him being a total fraud and piece of shit mental patient.

Titanbikes4ever ago

Lol, you're a little kid throwing a fit. I asked a question, wondered why no one was doing anything, you inferred a shit ton because you're mentally not all there and then threatened to get all of voat to ban me because you didn't like how you think I thought about it. Can you see how you're a little troll hypocrite? You're just some weak little kid that never evolved beyond the concrete operational way of thinking.

shrink ago

and then threatened to get all of voat to ban me

...haha, fucking what? Please quote the part where I said this. You get worse with every post. You're even just repeating the things I say to you back to me.

antiliberalsociety ago

Because this isn't reddit

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @cthulhu69.

Posted automatically (#50054) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@antiliberalsociety: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @cthulhu69)

NotHereForPizza ago

It's obvious many here like to point fingers screaming shill this or shill that, but for whatever reason, TexasVet really does tend to stand out... Dude's always doing some weird shit that makes no sense at all. Best avoided.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Oh shut up and send him some money for guns.

Cooking_with_Alf ago

We are all going to be in jail together one day, so get along children.

70times7 ago

Sounds like something a tavistock shill would do.

They infest this site.

Aint that right chip?

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Is that really the worst thing? Of course he's going to use some of the thing here as his own for selfish brownie points, but he's still in his own lame and held back way spreading truth and knowledge. If someone wants to plagiarize anything that I put here, I don't really care past the point of exact names. The pursuit of truth is something that matters here, and trying to get him to take down the posts or cite where they came from correctly is pretty fruitless. If you're really pissed at this, just fuck with him some time and troll his ass on Gab, like all of the rest of us.

antiliberalsociety ago

Scroll through his compilation and see if it's really truth he's spreading. I called him on it many times I catch him being a fraudulent faggot.

This isn't the first time he's done it, nor is it the second and I'm not the only one catching him.

v/GoFraudMe if you think he's got an ounce of integrity in him

AlexanderMorose13 ago

You are right. I looked through it. He's posting giant sections and removing some critical information that ties some of it together. This guy is just a fucking troll. Forget about his ass. He's building up a track record of being a ripoff artist. Let him make some crucial mistakes later and get called on it hard core.

antiliberalsociety ago

Forget about his ass

Never. His fraud deserves attention anywhere he goes.

antiliberalsociety ago

Original post with no attribution given.

His whole gab page is nothing but Voat's front page.