Bichpwner ago

That's the point...

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I bet he used to peep on his sister's big titays

Newmemba ago

the chipmunk

Conspirologist ago

Jews say what is convenient to others and do what is convenient to themselves.

SearchVoatBot ago

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proker ago

Of course it would be out of the question to enter into an argument with these liars who deny one moment what they said the moment before. I should waste no further words on them were it not for the fact that there are many thoughtless people who repeat all this parrot-fashion, without being necessary inspired by any evil motives.

Zoldam ago

He would throw a tantrum if someone said "We weren't on the right side of history during WW2".

Smust77 ago

Of course kike would say something like that

trevmon ago

yeah bad look but he is criticizing that term in the book, shouldn't name the whole book after a lie tho

slaver469 ago

That little jew is annoying.

GoyimNose ago

The Jew says one thing and does a complete another.

Podge512 ago


edgydude69 ago

You’d not stopped to think that he may have titled the book ironically?

IndigoElectric ago

I have and he didn't.

vitaminah ago

380000 here

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

"My job isn't literal consistency, it's consistency of motive: profit."

ianadba ago

Jews love to dominate the media. The acquire their positions through their Jew network. They know to preferentially hire their Jew connections in preference to better qualified Goyim. They'll drop a Goyim show in preference to growing a new Jew personality. KTTH is the epicenter of Jewish conservative radio in Seattle, and it is where Shapiro and his Jew ally Medved have their center of power.

matthew-- ago

It's one thing to contradict yourself over a post on an internet forum...

It's another thing entirely to contradict yourself on an entire fucking book you wrote.

TestForScience ago

That's what happens when you talk candidly as often as he does.
Twitter is the biggest reminder that people don't think before they speak.

CowWithBeef ago

It seems possible he only plays a genius on tv.

MikeyMo123 ago

That a very Jewish thing to say. What a dumb kike.

modsrcuntz ago

How do people catch things like this.

fightknightHERO ago

what a cretin

KarateCowboy ago

I don't get it.

What's the joke?

Gumbatron ago

Well, he should know about it, he literally wrote the book on it!

MinorLeakage ago

I'm no fan of his, but isn't there an old saying about books and covers?

IndigoElectric ago

There is no indication that the title was used in a tongue in cheek. I think that would be reflected in a subtitle. I could be wrong but I think he was serious about this title.

MinorLeakage ago

My comment was definitely meant a little tongue in cheek, but you're right, he doesn't deserve a pass at all. It looks like he's actually published a book that claims he's on the "right side of history". Tweet aged perfectly.

IndigoElectric ago

I just cant believed I was under that Judeo-Christian spell he was casting for so long. One day I found myself really listening to his words and comparing them to his actions. He really is a despicable hypocrite.

Yuke ago

Self awareness level: zero!

Empire_of_the_mind ago

The PPV take from this guy's public hanging is going to fund the Canadian border wall.

Zodiac_Killer ago

He mentioned this in a podcast. He has some justification for it that I didn't care to remember.

pathlesstrod ago

Not enough to remember? So it sounds like the justifying argument was weak to be unmemorable or convoluted to the point of unmemorable. Knowing Shapiro, it was probably the latter. Throw as much shit at the wall and hope that some of it sticks.

MoteMoteKek11 ago

Does he not literally look like a rat to all of you?

midnightblue1335 ago

Absolutely. It's not just about how he looks- it's about how he conducts himself, his body language, his voice, the things he says/does, all of this calls to mind "filthy, disgusting, disease ridden vermin".

But many cultures throughout history have viewed kikes as rat-people for a reason.

Man, public school indoctrination is powerful- they had me believing that stereotypes were just figments of the imaginations of bigots. I had to learn the reality of stereotypes after I graduated and got into the real adult world, where I learned that stereotypes are absolutely without a doubt rooted in truth. For example, on the subject of kikes, the stereotype is that they are money-grubbing. All you need to confirm this stereotype is google "jews at water fountains" where you can watch packs of orthodox kikes fishing in mall water fountains for fucking pennies.

TheDonaldTrump ago

You described all pure bred jews there

shrink ago

No, because I've seen what a "literal" rat kike actually looks like, and his name is Bob Filner. God have mercy on thine eyes if you dare to look at any image of that horrid creature grinning at you, holy fuck.

HashTheFash ago


midnightblue1335 ago

Idk man, when I look at that kike, I see more of the "goblin" phenotype than the "rat" type.

Although upon closer inspection, I'd settle at 50% rat and 50% goblin type.

manapot ago

are we sure this isn't album art from aphex twin?

Splooge ago

He does to me. I saw a clip of his show once in his studio and when the camera panned to show a three quarters view, it was like a caricature. Tiny hat, looking up through his eyebrows, hands folded in front of him and hunched over. It literally couldn't get any more stereotypical.

imthefox ago

One could argue history is in fact God and has morality lol.

We cannot escape it, we repeat it, it always balances itself out

NiggaBlackMan1350 ago

I can't find the tweet, did he delete it?

ChiCom ago

Morals applied to history cause him to kvetch.

shrink ago

This would make total sense if it was meant as a satirical title used as a jab at the left to make the point of "no actually 'we' really are on the right side of history," but I don't think that's the deal here. Dunno if he's that witty, either.

Sonofsal70 ago

Actually,that's exactly why he chose the title.

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

Ben shekeliro

retto ago

Ben Shapeshifto

Splooge ago

Damn son, you managed to jew a jewish last name even further.

AttilaHitler ago

It's really amazing how such a diminutive kikelet can sustain being such a a massive faggot.

reject_kikery ago

Don't you dirty goyim know anything about hedging bets?

nospyingpls ago

I won't judge a book by its' cover so I'll have to assume he probably states the same in the book.

beefartist ago

Just so you are aware "Don't judge a book by its cover" is one of the WORST things we teach our is the first step in teaching them to subjugate their internal instincts. Life is all about judging books by their covers.

midnightblue1335 ago

So happy to see others share this opinion. What is a cover for? To give you a preview about what is inside. When authors have their covers designed, they want to sell what is inside of that book.

You absolutely can judge a book by its cover. If I saw a book cover that had a Knight leaping at a dragon with a sword, I would judge "This is a fantasy novel", and I'd be correct 99% of the time.

This applies to human beings and our subspecies. Ever see what a fucked up junky looks like? Written right on their "cover" is "I'm a disaster and I will ruin anything I touch". To ignore this "cover" and just assume that he's a wonderful person is a great way to end up getting stabbed.

pathlesstrod ago

It might be fair not to judge a book by its cover since authors many times have no control over the artwork or imagery on it, but one can definitely judge a book by its title. A book entitled "The Right Side of History" and subtitled "How Reason and Moral Purpose Made the West Great." Yeah, I am seeing some nuanced parody here ... or not. And you assume he states somewhere in this book to that effect? Nah, the little Moloch is a self-contradictory fraud, and to make an error as egregious as this, I can only assume he has ghost writers.

beefartist ago

It IS a choice to put your name (in exchange for money) on something where you are giving up control. Sort of like the Hollywood actresses who said they were FORCED to have sex (because they wanted to keep working in Hollywood)

pathlesstrod ago

True. My understanding is it is so established, it is their way or the highway. One can always go Indie publishing.

The various established systems are hard to beat. Almost impossible. That is why they are established.

Bing11 ago

Very true. On top of that, for all that voat likes to hate on him, I haven't seen him say anything I strongly disagree with.

Jeww ago

So you’re a boomer.

Tell us why you believe the Jew when he says it’s a good idea to go to war with Iran. We want the hilarious details of your programming.

Bing11 ago

War is bad. Period. I'm a Ron Paul republican, maybe even to the extreme -- I'm an actual libertarian. Does Ben support war with Iran? I'd redact my previous statement in a heartbeat if you can show me that.

CameraCode0 ago

No you won't. For anyone who is actually interested in learning more about Shapiro's views and not just making disingenuous comments to feel like they've won an internet argument:

Jeww ago


Bing11 ago there a counter-argument here, or am I supposed to change my opinion because of an emoji?

John_B_14 ago

Ben Shapiro...

  • Is a "Never Trumper".

  • Is an Israel-first zionist neocon jew who supports sacrificing trillions of US tax dollars & thousands of US lives & limbs to fight wars for Israel. This includes wars in Iraq, Syria, Iran.

  • Hates White nationalists, but supports the Jewish supremacist state of Israel, which has huge border walls, immigration based on Jewish bloodline, and it's illegal for a Jew to marry a non-Jew. Massive hypocrisy.


Bing11 ago

Point 1: The tweet references something dead. I'm not a Trump fan either (he's done several things I admire, but he's also broken some important promises; and he's not exactly smooth on foreign relations). Point 2 and 3: Need sources that he supports these things. You know how non-valuable unsourced claims are. Point 4: I cannot hear/understand the voice in the background. If Ben is a warhawk, I'm listening and would reject him on those stances 100%. Do you have any other sources (maybe something I can read?)? The accent and echo is killing me...

John_B_14 ago

SHAPIRO: I Will Never Vote For Donald Trump.

March 4, 2016

Ben Shapiro said he became a "Never Trumper" because of Trump's "racism". Yet, Ben Shapiro is a zionist.

This was 2016, meaning Trump vs Hillary. In the 2016 election, did you support Trump against Hillary? In 2016, lots of Jewish Republicans suddenly became "Never Trumpers". This included Ben Shapiro, Bill Kristol, Max Boot, Jonah Goldberg. This massive betrayal almost gave us President Hillary Clinton. Again, this is 2016, not 2019. You said "I haven't seen him say anything I strongly disagree with." In 2016, did you see Ben Shapiro become a "Never Trumper"?

Ben Shapiro supported the Iraq War.

Ben Shapiro supported war in Syria & Iran.

CameraCode0 ago

No response 🤔

Empire_of_the_mind ago

You're either a diaspora jew yourself or criminally under-informed.

Bing11 ago

Do you have an example to counter my observation? I don't care who he is if he spouts truths. You're fighting a war of minds; race and religion are ancillary. Give me a reason to dislike him. Something he said or did; ideally more than one, and significant (I don't care if he don't eat meat with cheese).

This is an opportunity to win the mind (and vote) of a US-born citizen of German/Irish ancestry and baptised Catholic. Don't forgo the debate by ignoring the finer points of the argument. Whichever side reduces the other to charactertures will lose my consideration.

Bing11 ago

Doesn't this make you a hypocrite? I responded to them with copy/paste because they didn't make any argument. Would you like to?

MoteMoteKek11 ago

He’s a fucking 100% pure ashkenazi Jew, playing as a cuckservative. Basically a Jew acting as controlled opposition.

Bing11 ago

Cool. Do you have an example to counter my observation? I don't care who he is if he spouts truths. You're fighting a war of minds; race and religion are ancillary. Give me a reason to dislike him. Something he said or did; ideally more than one, and significant (I don't care if he don't eat meat with cheese).

This is an opportunity to win the vote of a US-born citizen of German/Irish ancestry and baptised Catholic. Don't forgo the debate by ignoring the finer points of the argument. Whichever side reduces the other to charactertures will lose my consideration.

beefartist ago

No one gives a fuck about your vote and it doesn't make a bit of difference anyhow.

HiJoker ago

He was a weaselly faggot anti-trump turd that supported that one dumb bitch that tried shoving her pussy pass off on trump and got pulled off of him. She of course went batshit and that little faglet shoved his jew nose up her ass.

He's a little jew cunt that kvetches about us not getting in a war for Israel against Iran. Fuck him and anyone like him and any stupid gullible retards that listen to him.

Bing11 ago

Cool. Do you have an example to counter my observation? I don't care who he is if he spouts truths. You're fighting a war of minds; race and religion are ancillary. Give me a reason to dislike him. Something he said or did; ideally more than one, and significant (I don't care if he don't eat meat with cheese).

This is an opportunity to win the vote of a US-born citizen of German/Irish ancestry and baptised Catholic. Don't forgo the debate by ignoring the finer points of the argument. Whichever side reduces the other to charactertures will lose my consideration.

HiJoker ago

What? First you seem to have a reading comprehension problem as I've already said what the little cunt has done. He was an anti-trump faglet during the 2016 election. He's a fucking Jew and a warmongering cunt of one that kvetched and whined that we didn't run in and blow up Iran for the goddamned jews.

That's far and above anything required for me to hate the faglet. I don't give a fuck where you stand on it. I don't need your permission to like or dislike him nor do I owe you the political pablum you want shoved down your baby bird mouth.

In fact, fuck you. I've got better things to do, like sleep. You seemingly overly entitled fuck, you'd probably be at home with leftist cunts with that attitude. Do your own goddamn thinking about it all.

Oh yeah, lastly if the warmongering by the little prick isn't enough, then jesus h. I want nothing to do with you. American lives and resources and the devastation to the region which would only bring us more shitskins as refugees is enough. No?

Bing11 ago

You didn't provide any links in the previous post, or in this one, so I'm left with your comment.

If someone claimed you were [INSERT YOUR BIGGEST INSULT HERE], wouldn't you demand they back it up with proof you knew didn't exist? Here I'm not even asking you for proof that I know doesn't exist, just proof. Can you provide any of it? If he's a war-monger I'll redact my statement, but for all the names I've been called so far I haven't even seen evidence of that.

holaymackal ago

This guy anti-semites

ratsmack ago

I'm having a little difficulty understanding here... but I think you are you trying to tell me you don't care for the guy.

HiJoker ago

What? You don't feel the love?

Maltherian1 ago

He supports the browning of America

Bing11 ago

Source? And by "browning" do you mean this post and my reply? I'd prefer Thomas Sowell to Hillary Clinton any day.

Thereunto ago

Perhaps the takeaway is to mindful in our judgement of book covers. We need to move away from terms like "black" and "white".

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

I'd prefer Patrick Little

CameraCode0 ago

If you know the exact quote he was referencing, why did you ask for a source? Perhaps it's to waste your enemies' time and deflect from any of the hard questions?




McFluffy ago

the problem is you dont get to choose individuals. you either get 10,000 white people to live in your town or you get 10,000 brown people of all different backgrounds.

now compare the white trash % of white people versus that black trash % of black people. which group would you rather take your chances with?

Bing11 ago

But you're isolating on one variable. You're judging Thomas Sowell at birth and forgiving Hillary Clinton her mishaps until it's too late. In this world we have more of her and less of him.

I want a culture of intelligence; the ability to think rationally and be honest is more valuable to me than most anything else. The correlation of one variable (race) isn't enough to convince me. I would bet my house that economic status (ex: went to private school, graduated high school, has 2 parents at home, etc.) is more important than race. I'm not sold on the idea, but if you wanted to argue that "only landowners get a vote" I'd be much more likely to support that claim that a race-based one. Otherwise we're no better than those who judge us for being white. (In before "you're Jewish" -- I was baptised catholic, dated a few Jewish girls in college, and am happily married to a Christian woman.)

McFluffy ago

I want a culture of intelligence

then go fuck off to one of their countries and preach that shit. i want a culture of practicality. whites no longer have a homeland to go back to.

isn't enough to convince me.

is a bullet through your skull enough to convince you? because it doesn't matter if it isnt. someone who is oh so smart like you would NEVER "lower" your self to violence even if your christian wife was being raped. you dont have the conviction to fight and thus you dont have what it takes to see the truth.

everything, and i mean everything, is based on the way that people see the world and what they can do with the information that they get from their observations. you know what determines that? how they evolved. if you cant even begin to grasp that concept then there is nothing more to say. this debate will need to move onto the non verbal form to determine who is correct as at the end of the day might makes right. i dont have to convince you, i just have to get you, and your kind, out of my world.

Bing11 ago

Me: I want a culture of intelligence You: then go fuck off to one of their countries and preach that shit. i want a culture of practicality. whites no longer have a homeland to go back to.

Dude, if you fail an argument on supporting a culture of intelligence, maybe you're this guy.

Let me know if you want to actually debate this. I'd love to learn why my current views are wrong, but so far all you've done is try to offend me by showing me your views, and let me say... I wouldn't be bragging to anyone about what you're packing.

sbt2160p ago

Saying “I want a culture of ____” implies that you want a particular race to be the majority. Culture and race are highly intertwined. Culture is, in fact, downstream of biology.

Bing11 ago

Saying “I want a culture of ____” implies that you want a particular race to be the majority.

Two questions:

  1. How so? How is what you're suggesting not a causation, but a correlation.

  2. Your own graph suggests I would prefer an "asian" culture to a "white" one. Are you suggesting we favors "asians" to "whites" if we're to base this on race?

BTW: Upvoat for being able to follow the logic.

sbt2160p ago

You can point to things like "crime rate" or "test scores", but they're only causation, as you say. If you dig into it, you can see the core thing driving the problems:

Inter-racial differences are better explained by family structure than economic conditions. There are large differences in family structure between whites and blacks, in particular.

From that point, you can extrapolate further. If blacks tend to form family structures in this way, then they tend to support particular governmental structures to support it (read: welfare). And then you can note how they have absolutely no intent of realizing the same American Dream that you and I grew up with. Their dreams, instead, fit right in with the globalists.

As for that SAT scores graph, I don't necessarily think that a single standardized academic test is a good measure of which culture I'd prefer to live in and around. That's probably one of a hundred different relevant measurements.

Don-Keyhote ago

Fucking Christcucks are the worst. Don't you see its redundant to call you a kike?

Thomas Sowell is literally a meme, as the exception that proves the rule.

I would bet my house that economic status (ex: went to private school, graduated high school, has 2 parents at home, etc.)

Uh it's called NIGGERS ADOPTED INTO RICH WHITE FAMILIES they still do more crime and have lower IQs.

Bing11 ago

Take a deep breath. Can you consider another person's perspective? Can you imagine what it's like being the batter in a baseball game you're watching? Can you imagine being someone else? If so, can you take it further and imagine being someone you hate? Can you play devil's advocate? If not, I suggest you learn to before you get into political debates. Political debates are a war of minds. Killing an opponent only makes a martyr; it's a short-term victory at a long-term cost, because now moderates (what you would likely call me) are rallying against your tyranny. Learn diplomacy. Learn to play the devil's advocate. I promise, no matter how anti-mainstream your ideas, if you want them to garner traction, you need to be able to solidify them against scrutiny.

That said, here's my reply: Are you arguing that no black families naturally emerged in the US as educated and well-spoken? Inversely are you arguing that no white families in the US are uneducated and poorly-spoken? I can readily provide you counter-examples of both, if your argument is based upon "the only well-spoken black people are adopted by whites." If Thomas Sowell is the "exception that proves the rule" I'll ask you to:

  1. Define how an "exception proves a rule". You're dismissing logic to favor some cliche saying. You have to be better than that if you want to convince me. (You can always reject this claim and elevate your argument to one of sound logic, of course.)

  2. What is the "rule" it proves? It sounds like a statistic-based one, which opens the door to a whole suite of counter-arguments, but I'd love to hear it.

Thereunto ago

Killing an opponent only makes a martyr

Killing them means they win

Don-Keyhote ago

Shut the fuck up, boomer. Sanctimonious faggot ass shit, nobody wants to convince you of shit. The damage to the country is done and you will eventually be slaughtered by the nigger hordes you love so much, if there's any justice

Bing11 ago

I'll take that as a "no, I can't envision any viewpoint but the one I hold" and that you'd prefer turn a blind eye to the tenuousness that your ideal holds. Are you an "always Trumper"? Do you identify as the "voat standard" Nazi? How do you rectify this?

Someday you'll have to pick logic vs passion. It doesn't matter if passion if blue or red, you only get to pick one. Logic always wins. I suggest you pick it, and learn to communicate it.

Thatsmybutthole ago

Rat kike

Thereunto ago

Always Trumper / voat standard Nazi

I was following along right up until this comment where you seem to completely reverse your stance on superficial judgements and empathy. You accuse others of having a hive-mind response to stimuli but by using propaganda buzz words you show that you are perhaps the one stuck into a demagogic trance.

Bing11 ago

Upvoat. You're totally right. I was letting the emotion of the dozens of downvoats get to me, and I got tired of being called a "crypo-Jew", "kike", etc, so I left for the night.

You're right, I abandoned my principals on the grounds of exhaustion, which is a poor excuse. I will try to revisit these threads tomorrow or the day after to continue the debate when I have the time and clarity. But meanwhile: you called me out justifiably. It's not like those who hurled blind insults.

Don-Keyhote ago

No one likes Trump, faggot, he's a crypto-Jew.

CameraCode0 ago

because intelligent black people and poor White people exist, that means blacks don't commit over 50 percent of all violent crimes despite being 13 percent of the population.

People like you are the reason America is becoming a shithole and rape and violent crimes are on the rise. This is what you are doing to your children. You've made your choices; you will not be accepted into our majority-White communities when you and your family are surrounded by the non-Whites that you so love. It's about statistics, not individuals. You are a liability and threat to our safety and freedom.

Bing11 ago

...who are you quoting? That's not in my comment at all. Literally anyone who reads it can see it. If you want to make an argument about statistics, bring that forward instead of hiding behind race-based stats which ignore my original points.

Look, if you want to alienate a christian white male who visits voat regularly, go ahead. But if you don't think I'm asking sincere questions, feel free to identify the flaws in my argument. Emotional responses are worthless, regardless of if they're from Elizabeth Warren or some anon on Voat. I only respect logic. Bring logic or bow out. You want allies, not enemies here.

CameraCode0 ago

You argue like a slimy kike. Everyone is aware of my point and you will not be able to convince or distract anyone with your silver tongue. It doesn't have to literally be in your comment for you to imply it, that's what an implication is. You know exactly what the statistics are, don't play dumb. Everyone here, you included, knows that blacks commit massively higher crime than Whites, even when controlling for all aspects, including income and upbringing. As the comment by Don said, blacks still commit more crime than poor Whites even at top-teir incomes. Don't try to hide behind these facts by requesting sources. Like I said, everyone here knows this as common knowledge, if you think it's untrue then try to prove it. I don't give a shit about alienating you, considering your insincerity. You aren't interested in changing your mind and will not consider the possibility of being wrong, judging by how much you avoid the fact that rich blacks commit more crime than poor Whites.

I know you will feel compelled to reply to this and "refute" some supposed flaw you see in my language (not in my logic) do or do not, but you are wasting your time. I don't care what your response is. We all know your type. The only reason I am even writing this out is not for you, but because I want to type out what all of us are thinking of you so your slimy argumentative tactics are clear to everyone.

In closing I will include one of my favorite quotes that I think we will all agree is relevant here (beside you of course, which you will vehemently deny).

The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck. I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying. Gradually I began to hate them.

ratsmack ago

And probably encourages the browning like a good little tribesman would.

TopTierCIAShill ago

hes a jew for christ sakes fuck you're gullible

Bing11 ago

I'm not the "voat standard". I don't dislike people on the grounds of their heritage or race. Give me a reason to dislike HIM rather than his race or religion. If I were to assume YOU are the voat standard, then wouldn't judging you by your race or religion (without judging you INDIVIDUALLY) be equally stupid?

beefartist ago

So you are a smug, virtue signalling, over educated prick who refuses to view the world as it is and instead treats it like data from a study.

gazillions ago

As a white person I'll stack up judgment about my people as a group over any other.

"I don't dislike people on the grounds of their heritage or race" I bet you feel no remorse over judging them to be exactly like whites if only they're given a chance to be exactly like whites. I bet you also like the non whites that are just like whites.

Bing11 ago

I bet you also like the non whites that are just like whites.

Can you elaborate? I think this is the crux of the argument I'm rejecting.

beefartist ago

He is saying the blacks that you think are good are only good BECAUSE they act white. To spin it around if a white kid pulled his pants down, turned his stolen hat sideways and started playing the knock out game you would say he was behaving poorly, when in reality he would behaving BLACKLY. You can't pretend culture doesn't exist and that it doesn't run through race.

ratsmack ago

... jew for christ sakes ...

That's just wrong on many levels.

TopTierCIAShill ago

He's a chew for jrist sakes* FTFY

ratsmack ago

His sister has big tits though, so there's that.

TopTierCIAShill ago

Khazarian milkers have big areolas, YUCK

Mittermeyer ago

Hers aren't that big, but she has acne on them. Her nudes are out there

CameraCode0 ago

That's not her, it's some other Jew unfortunately.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

area you sure? looks JUST like her.

OricaTonithos ago

Is that as close as he gets to admitting the US might have chosen the wrong allies for WWII?

Empire_of_the_mind ago

This little fuckwad thinks he's being clever with a play on words as the title of his book. Classic self-important arrogance from the tribe that is frequently able to trick the middling into believing they're much higher IQ than they really are.