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nospyingpls ago

I won't judge a book by its' cover so I'll have to assume he probably states the same in the book.

Bing11 ago

Very true. On top of that, for all that voat likes to hate on him, I haven't seen him say anything I strongly disagree with.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

You're either a diaspora jew yourself or criminally under-informed.

Bing11 ago

Do you have an example to counter my observation? I don't care who he is if he spouts truths. You're fighting a war of minds; race and religion are ancillary. Give me a reason to dislike him. Something he said or did; ideally more than one, and significant (I don't care if he don't eat meat with cheese).

This is an opportunity to win the mind (and vote) of a US-born citizen of German/Irish ancestry and baptised Catholic. Don't forgo the debate by ignoring the finer points of the argument. Whichever side reduces the other to charactertures will lose my consideration.

Bing11 ago

Doesn't this make you a hypocrite? I responded to them with copy/paste because they didn't make any argument. Would you like to?