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SoberSecondThought ago

Well, sure, but we're talking about /v/pizzagate here. That's where ESOTERICshade spends most of his/her/its time. So we're talking about Hillary Clinton genuinely being involved in trafficking children for sex. Plus if you look at the original post in this thread, Crensch is denouncing JEM777 / Jenny Moore as a disinfo agent for saying that she has a 26-year-old male witness, on video, who says that Bill Clinton sexually assaulted him when he was seven years old.

So in theory, I agree that there's a point where paranoia interferes with normally functioning in life. But in the twists and turns of this particular story, we haven't come anywhere near that point yet. Lucky thing we have Glorious Leader Crensch to show us the way!

Vindicator ago

Are you honestly coming into this thread and claiming Jem777 was legit, @SoberSecondThought? After all the massive shilling and attempted fuckery attached to that George Webb psyop? We had numerous threads on this weeks ago, and no one, not ONE person could provide a single link backing up a single claim she made. @Crensch attempted to get to the bottom of THAT shitshow, and it was a total and complete bust. So save your innuendos and smears. You are weeks too late.

SoberSecondThought ago

My position now is the same as it was back then, when I argued it with you at length. I'm not trying to defend every statement she made, I don't even know all the statements she made. I didn't dispute the correctness of your banning her, and I didn't endorse any of the claims that were tossed around about the witness protection program or whatever. I barely knew the woman. I simply see no alternative to the conclusion that Jem777 was Jenny Moore and that Jenny Moore is in fact dead.

Any other interpretation of the sequence of events is just too contorted, for example that somehow George Webb made video of some OTHER woman who dragged him up to Racine WI, and that Jem777 somehow managed to get private photos of George and use them to fake being that woman to Srayzie after arguing with me about the value of investigating Racine ... or that George got One American Network to falsely report her death, and got Michael Flynn and Robyn Gritz and True Pundit to cooperate in faking her death, and so on. The arguments against either Jem777 not being Jenny, or Jenny not being dead, are just mind-bogglingly complicated. The rest of that debate was about other things and I very deliberately left those things to other people.

As for my innuendos and smears, well, I think I'm entitled to say that if Crensch is sounding the alarm that there are manipulative sockpuppets on /v/pizzagate, and that ESOTERICshade is one of them, then I did that first and better, like for example here. Crensch is due for some mockery, since he is many months too late in sounding the alarm on that.

But hey, maybe I'm a sockpuppet of ESOTERICshade too! Who can say? So I defer to our Glorious Leader to define the new standard of truth here on /v/pizzagate.

srayzie ago

I just love how you didn’t ping me since you are talking shit about me as usual....

I’ll just leave this right here.. It speaks for itself.

Major shill alert -
@Vindicator @Think-

SoberSecondThought ago

I've spent the past year being far politer to you than you have to me. You've called me mentally ill, and/or a shill, over and over, obsessively denouncing me. I've never made any kind of personal attack on you; I've only said that your opinions are mistaken, and given evidence of why they are.

I think I make you anxious, in a personal way, beyond the obvious disagreement we have about "Tory Smith" being HLI/Senate Anon/WIC/QAnon, and working for David Brock, and being paid for by Herb Sandler, and so on. It's almost as if there's something you're afraid that I will say about you ... like defending poor dead Tory Smith is way more important than it should be. So you keep jumping in with "Can you believe what a whack job liar this guy is? Can you believe it?!"

I'm going to break my long habit of not getting personal, and say this. What you're doing here, right now, is dumb. You know why? Two main reasons.

First, whenever any of my critics pick a fight with me, it only draws attention to the subjects they don't want mentioned. See, for example, this discussion of the Q psyop that I had with ESOTERICshade nine months ago. He just doesn't have the sense to shut up. He makes a claim, I post a link refuting it, he gets surly. You don't want to get into that kind of fight. It just sets up a convenient long-form record of how unreasonable you sound. You're better off letting me have the last word than continually replying and adding to the story.

However, second -- and this is really my main point -- you clearly think that having the last word here on Voat is what is important. It's not. As I've explained many times, we're playing for big stakes here. Getting more upvoats than I do is a poor substitute for actually winning.

srayzie ago

Too much to read as usual....

You’re a joke. You accuse a mentally ill, probably previously abused dead man of being all these other supposedly bad people. I’ve shown you pictures of him from before, when he was sick, and right before he died. It was totally obvious that he wasn’t faking his death. I heard his voice fade to barely above a whisper. I watched over months as he withered away.

Scared? Scared of what? If I was scared, I wouldn’t bring it up. I would avoid it. Oh, I wouldn’t doubt it if you say something about me. You tend to make some off the wall connections. Like, maybe I’ll be accused of being Allison Mack or something. Who knows. 🙄 You keep bringing me up. I never said Racine shouldn’t be investigated. The only problem I’ve had with you is what you did to Tory.

I think you’re a lying shill who selfishly framed a dead man to try to destroy 3 other people. It’s not about having the last word. If you bring my name up, then I have a right to defend myself. You’re twisting what I’ve said.

Where did WIC go by the way?

SoberSecondThought ago

Oh honey child. So dumb. Taking your last question first, WIC didn't leave. "Tory Smith" has just stopped using that particular sockpuppet.

As I've said several times before, if "Tory Smith" was mentally ill, what about Alexandra Meadors (who used her Galactic Connection channel to introduce him to a wide audience)? Was she mentally ill too? What was her motive for accusing Mike Pence, his wife, his Attorney General, and various state troopers of raping and murdering children? Because she did!

You can't defend him as mentally ill and then simply ignore her motive in enabling him. She had a responsibility not to exploit a vulnerable man and an even bigger responsibility not to spread insane slander around the Internet. If you want to insist that "Tory Smith" was innocent, and wasn't a David Brock psyop to cover up the Glenn Beck whistleblower case of 2013, then of course you can do that. But then the true villain of the piece, by your own argument, is this miserable bitch Meadors, who profited off his mental illness and spread unbelievably vicious lies. And again, since "Tory Smith" signed off his channel literally the same day Pence accepted the VP slot with Trump, and Meadors immediately made an hour-long tribute video, there is a clear political angle to be pursued here. So even if you reject my argument that it was a psyop to cover up child sex trafficking by accusing the people who helped Beck's whistleblower, it was still Meadors making a calculated attack on Pence for some purpose. And it would still be very relevant to Pizzagate, given the kind of accusation that Meadors was making.

Why are you so pissed at me, and yet completely silent about Meadors? Why does her bizarre behavior not ring huge alarm bells of suspicion for you? I've asked that question several times now and you have never responded.

The other thing is about me bringing your name up in regard to Jenny Moore. No, I'm not twisting what you said. In this epic thread, you claimed she was a "limited hangout," and you said a lot of stuff about other people like Gothamgirl and "Sarah" and whoever, but as far as I can see, you didn't deny either that Jenny was Jem777 or that Jenny was dead. I don't care about your other drama, as I very clearly explained above. So what do you imagine I'm accusing you of? What are you defending yourself against here? Guilty conscience maybe, since you were so very publicly going after a dead person's reputation? I thought you were against people doing that! Poor Jenny, barely dead 48 hours and you launch a gigantic thread devoted to trashing her as being a liar and a manipulator and connected to someone who was stalking you.

Do you see why I said it's a bad idea to argue with me?

srayzie ago

Why are you so pissed at me, and yet completely silent about Meadors? Why does her bizarre behavior not ring huge alarm bells of suspicion for you? I've asked that question several times now and you have never responded.

  • Deflection... This is about what YOU are doing.

The other thing is about me bringing your name up in regard to Jenny Moore. No, I'm not twisting what you said. In this epic thread, you claimed she was a "limited hangout," and you said a lot of stuff about other people...

  • Deflection and manipulation.

You’re very manipulative. You didn’t bring my name up just because I brought up Jem. You forgot this part...

Srayzie after arguing with me about the value of investigating Racine.

My saying Jem was a Limited hangout has nothing to do with lying about how much I value investigating Racine.

You don’t care about my drama? Yet, you start naming people I argued with.

  • Deflection and manipulation. Trying to cause more drama.

You didn’t deny Jenny was dead...

  • Deflection and misleading.

Why would I deny it? There’s a big difference between my knowing this person, collecting information, provided tweets, screenshots of conversation, pictures, and video, and your baseless accusation about someone you didn’t even know.

So what do you imagine I'm accusing you of? What are you defending yourself against here?

  • Directing attention off of you by putting it on me.

I came to correct the lie that you said regarding my views on Racine. I don’t like people like you that are manipulative. You didn’t ping me because you were lying about me.

Guilty conscience maybe, since you were so very publicly going after a dead person's reputation?

  • Deflection and now manipulating the conversation to try to make me the bad guy.

I actually did feel bad. The night that I wrote that, I found out that her death was being questioned. By then it was too late. It was already posted. Second, other people that knew what I knew, were pushing me to come forward because people should have the right to know information and make up their own minds because lies were being spread.

The difference is, I felt bad I let myself be pressured into something that my gut kept telling me was not the right time. You don’t feel bad. You continue. You don’t give a shit about this man’s family.

Poor Jenny, barely dead 48 hours and you launch a gigantic thread devoted to trashing her as being a liar and a manipulator and connected to someone who was stalking you.

  • Deflection and Manipulation. Trying to make me look like the bad guy.

Do you see why I said it's a bad idea to argue with me?

*Grandiose opinion of yourself. Narcissistic need to be right. Manipulation.

Cocky are we? Go back and read my replies to your post. I think it’s vice versa. I took your lies and I shredded your whole post. You’ve tried several times using your manipulative techniques that you were trained to do. You don’t like the fact that I call you out and don’t fall for your shit.

You like to try to use psychology on people when making your arguments. You show many traits of one with Narcissistic personality disorder. That’s why you could care less what you’re doing to others. You’re doing what you’re trained to do. Too bad for you that I’m not an idiot and see right thru you.

I’ve said what I had to say. I defended the lie you said about me and Racine. Look what you turned it into. Even tho I addressed every lame thing you said, your narcissism is going to make you respond so you can have the last word. You will try to take the heat off of you being a shitty person, and direct the attention on me. You need to feel like you won. That’s why you will not give up on your stupid ass lie regarding Tory Smith, even tho you know it’s bullshit. You look like a fool.

I’m not giving you the satisfaction by feeding your narcissism. I don’t need to respond. Why waste my time when you’re destroying your own credibility. You don’t need my help. Other mods know you’re a shill too BITCH.

This person had been spinning lies for a long time. 100% shill. No doubt.

@Vindicator @Think- @Kevdude @Crensch

SoberSecondThought ago

Jesus Christ, woman. Can you not read simple English? Well, you obviously can, you're just hoping to muddy the waters. Here is what I said:

Any other interpretation of the sequence of events is just too contorted, for example that somehow George Webb made video of some OTHER woman who dragged him up to Racine WI, and that Jem777 somehow managed to get private photos of George and use them to fake being that woman to Srayzie after arguing with me about the value of investigating Racine.

I said that Jem777 argued with me about the value of investigating Racine. There is no lie here about you and Racine, because there isn't even a statement about you and Racine. Which you know perfectly well, since you had to quote a meaningless sentence fragment starting with "Srayzie" even to make it look like I said something. But suppose we accept your way of reading the sentence. Your indignation still doesn't make sense because you and I clearly DID disagree about Racine. You defended WIC, I said WIC was another sockpuppet. We did argue about Racine, not that I mentioned it here, and not that it matters in the least. I was not misrepresenting you in any way, no matter how you read this sentence. You're not defending yourself against a lie, you're muddying the waters. Again.

Me: Why are you so pissed at me, and yet completely silent about Meadors?

You: Deflection... This is about what YOU are doing.

No, it really isn't. You and I got along perfectly well until I said that "Tory Smith" was faking. Don't make me quote you, you know it's true. Then you went 100 percent against me, and you have stayed 100 percent against me for the past year, based on that one thing.

You don't give a shit about this man's family.

I have yet to see any evidence of his family. All we have is the word of Alexandra Meadors, which is my point. Your version of events is that for months, you watched "Tory Smith" spout gibberish about "blue avians" and "Galactics," and say that he was being continually raped, and infected with anthrax, and reading people's DNA, and counting up thousands of child murders, and so on. Your version of events is that you could see that he was mentally ill, but you nonetheless believed that he was dying. And you're pissed off that I am "framing" him.

But then why the hell do you not care that the only person who provably knew him, let him do all that screwed-up stuff? Why do you not want some sort of investigation into this human trainwreck of wild child sex trafficking allegations? Why are you totally against me for even bringing it up?

It makes no sense. What motive did Alexandra Meadors have to promote his videos and encourage him to make more videos attacking the governor of Indiana? Why did nobody in his family stop him? Why didn't they take down his insane rambling bullshit, rather than leave it up to humiliate him forever?

If you care about "Tory Smith" and his alleged family, why does that betrayal not bother you or make you suspicious? If your version of events is true, then he was used to commit dozens of crimes. If he WASN'T lying, if he honestly believed all that crap, then encouraging him make all those videos and leaving them online was vicious abuse.

In short, if you are right, then "Tory Smith" is dead, and Alexandra Meadors needs to go to jail for making false rape and murder accusations against Mike Pence and countless other people. Whereas if you are wrong and I am right, then "Tory Smith" and Alexandra Meadors both need to go to jail. Either way, there's a huge hole in your complaint about me.

Your whole case for me being a whack job, a shill, a shitty person, a narcissist, and all the other names you have called me, consists of this one thing. You're really pissed, really defensive, really flailing, and it doesn't make sense. It has never made sense.

I don’t need to respond. Why waste my time when you’re destroying your own credibility. You don’t need my help. Other mods know you’re a shill too BITCH.

Let's not forget that I've already denounced @Think- as being just another sockpuppet of "Tory Smith". But sure, call in your friends and give me a beat-down. Call in Glorious Leader Crensch and destroy me.

srayzie ago

I will reply to just one thing because I’m not wasting my time on this bullshit. I’m dying laughing. @Think- is one of my closest friends here. You are out of your fricken mind!!

Who the hell cares about what your crazy opinions are? You have got to have some mental issues to believe that everyone is a dead man. Even one of my closest friends 😂🤣 Holy shit. I didn’t know it was THIS bad. I had to tell her who Tory Smith was. WOW.

Want to know a little secret? Before starting a family, I used to be working with mentally ill people. Some were so entertaining. Your imagination would make my day go by faster.

Ok well let’s see how long it takes for you to accuse me of being someone. Maybe Charles Manson is still alive and it’s @Crensch. 🤭 Maybe John McCain didn’t really die and it’s @Vindicator 🤔 I heard that @HeyGeorge is really George Michael and fell off the stage while performing “I want your sex”. I was told that @Kevdude identifies as an Asian female piano teacher. That’s suspicious. He must be Tory Smith too.

Think- and Kevdude, you guys must be some sick mother fuckers to fake your death and end up on Voat! LMAO! HeyGeorge, get your shit together!

SoberSecondThought ago

Well, I did warn you this would happen. Late last night I predicted that you would make claims, I would refute them, and you'd go off on some rhetorical tangent of name-calling and "Who cares what you think?"

I'm sure we'll be doing this again at some point. I just want to make this observation, for the benefit of any newcomer who has been reading this exchange and is struggling to understand what is going on.

When FBI Anon came onto /pol/ back in July 2016, he warned us that the truth about the Clinton Foundation, and the way our government was run, would be more horrible than we could imagine. Glenn Beck said the same thing in June 2013, that the truth would bring down the government.

Srayzie mocks the idea that any of the mods could be sockpuppets controlled by David Brock on behalf of the Clintons. But if you were the Clintons, given the stakes involved, how much effort would you be willing to make to keep Voat (one of the few truly independent forums on the planet) under control? How many mods of /v/pizzagate would you want to be your people?

Vindicator ago

SST, you've made it abundantly clear that you are here to spew disinfo. Quite a few of your claims are ridiculous -- to the point where I consider you more of a joke than even an effective shill.

Why all the comment diarrhea about two YouTubers no one gives a shit about. YouTubers have never been vital to the investigation we do here. Most users don't even watch those posted here.

I find it quite telling that you are here trying to take the heat off of EsotericShade and shift it to the mod team. Frankly, I don't know why @srayzie is even bothering with you. It's a waste of keystrokes.

You cannot point to a SINGLE piece of evidence that ANY mod of v/pizzagate is doing anything to help Brock or the Clintons. "Srayzie mocks the idea that any of the mods could be sockpuppets controlled by David Brock on behalf of the Clintons," is an attempt to smear by innuendo, to leverage confirmation bias to attempt to make people see something that is not there. It's a fundamentally dishonest approach to "argumentation".

You've been trying to smear the mod team ever since you "denounced" @think- in the same limp-wristed, evidence-free manner. It's tactics like these that make me tend to think @Crensch and many on Voat are onto something with their disgust at "kikery."

SoberSecondThought ago

Why all the comment diarrhea about two YouTubers no one gives a shit about.

Apart from them accusing the governor of Indiana of raping and murdering children? And apart from Trump picking that same guy to be his Vice President? Is this not /v/pizzagate? Holy crap man, have you had a stroke? Are you experiencing slurred speech or trouble typing?

YouTubers have never been vital to the investigation we do here. Most users don't even watch those posted here.

Wait, now all of YouTube is irrelevant too? What about Ryan O'Neal exposing James Alefantis as having threatened his life? What about Titus Frost covering the findings of Bigfish and the attempts to intimidate him by smashing up his car and house? And for that matter, what about your hero QAnon? Most of his following comes from YouTube.

Without YouTube there isn't a Pizzagate investigation. There are no creepy video clips of pedophile bands at Comet Pizza, no videos of the Pegasus Museum, no clips of Alefantis lying to Megyn Kelly, no Ben Swann, no traffic surveillance camera being turned away from Comet Pizza, and on and on. What the hell are you even talking about?

I find it quite telling that you are here trying to take the heat off of EsotericShade and shift it to the mod team.

Again, you may need to be checked for a brain aneurysm or something. Can nobody here read simple English sentences? When did I do this?

Crensch and many on Voat are onto something with their disgust at "kikery".

You're determined to throw every last shred of logic out the window, aren't you? You think if you shout "Jew" at me it's going to change anyone's mind who knows anything about investigating and evidence?

This has been a surreal exchange. But it has answered some questions, so I thank you for that.

srayzie ago

@Vindicator, it wasn’t a waste of key strokes. I seriously had a good laugh.


I just want to make this observation, for the benefit of any newcomer who has been reading this exchange and is struggling to understand what is going on.

I would love that. We have how fuckin PSYCHO you are on record. Now have your last word you narcissistic freak. I know you’ve just got to!