Optional_Reading ago

Salty faggots ITT

Womb_Raider ago

Okay. Quit brigading.

Womb_Raider ago

I wouldn't be totally surprised if you had been that person, but no. I'm not going to make that accusation of you.

Womb_Raider ago

People would like you more if you didn't abuse votes, little one

Womb_Raider ago

You're a strange little fella.

Womb_Raider ago

That the extent of your resume?

Womb_Raider ago

You can't deny it. You're loyal to none other than yourself and your image of superiority.

Womb_Raider ago

If you're a victim to anything it's your own pathetic disingenuous behavior. I haven't done a thing to you.

Womb_Raider ago

Only in your sick and twisted world. It's a pun.

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KennethKenstar ago



ajimboalogo ago

What about all those Panic In DC posts...not a single one of those "predictions" came true. I guess all you have to do is put a question mark after everything...and claim it was merely a question, and not a statement? As ex-military, navy, and Communications Tech..I can assure you this Q "team" knows nothing of military capabilities..let alone military intelligence. Q go ba bye now!! 100% finished. Feels good.

Maximus83 ago

LARP or not q raised awareness. Brought millions together. Got people to research things on their own.

Whether or not q is a Larp doesnt matter. We are all on the same team. If someone wants to follow q just be qautious if you dont believe in q then thats fine.

Just keep fighting the socialist. We are all individual freedom fighters, fighting against, collectivist. Q followers are patriots for the most part. I love all of you.


VognerDuke76 ago

Pretty solid argument.

sycorax ago

this shit gets better and better every day hahahahahahahaha

bushka ago

Why would someone put so much effort into something like this just to mislead with disinformation? That is the MSMs job and they have it well covered. This isn't a money-making operation either so what would you suggest is the motive?

Seaknee ago


AlphabeticalAnon ago

OH twitter says! Follow the Jacked up censorship champion of them all to tell you who the pied piper is! Wow. Fuck off asshole!

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Astonisher667 ago

So OP, how many accounts have you used today to downvoat everyone who thinks you're a complete screaming retard?


I've been working all day, so I barely even looked at my inbox TBH. I just downvoted the obvious "WELL NO YOU'RE JUST DUMB TRUST THE PLAN" comments.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

LMAO! You're such a politician, OP.


I try real hard. Copy/pasted a post put together by some good people elsewhere, took the whole effort to change image links from imgur, then watched all day while I just made money. I'm reading over the comments now, thoroughly enjoying myself.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You're patting yourself on the back for others' work. Yep. Politician. And not good people, just some pissed off libtards. With money to burn.


Rather, I'm enjoying the warmth of a burn from proper tinder.

Astonisher667 ago

Tinder? Enjoying warmth? Mocking someone for lack of money? Wow you're a parasite.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Your nigger.kike ass steals everyone's money. And you will burn. Keep the tinder close. Oh so close. When you go up in flames for the burning you've done, the same is given to you 1000 fold.

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Astonisher667 ago



Hahahaha, what a fucking weirdo!

Astonisher667 ago

Tinder? Enjoying warmth? Mocking someone for lack of money? Wow you're a parasite AND a weirdo.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Says the nigger kike who's been desperate to divide people since racism isn't working anymore. Yeah you go and be a "normie" motherfucker. Here's another clue in, you won't steal anymore elections when the hammer comes down! Your queen Clinton is going down. It's just a matter of timing.


I agree!

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Do you really want her to get hers? What's with your username? Why does it spell out the name of an ancient deity (a not so nice one) and what's with the sudden Q hate? Hillary is who will be propped up again to run in 2020 if something isn't done before then.

friendshipistragic ago



Yes, it's a puzzle, never didn't think Q was gay.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Odd. Singular. Not plural. Not a single entity. Only where the "we" is concerned.

Think of it as a subgenius thing, as a "Bob" thing. It's still all of us.


Why are you even trying? You could have debunked my post for all of Voat, you're useless.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

What am I trying, asshole? You can't break me so you call me useless? That's your spiel. You've been debunked by several others here already. I hardly had to say a thing but you are obsessed with me. So wanna try dodging the question again? What's with the username "Dankghidorah"? Aka Dahak, aka Dinhidkagorah, and so on...


"You're gonna burn 1000 times more than us."

"You're an asshole."

Get necked.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I tell it like I see it. Neck yourself. There's a noose over there.




Debunk this: https://thefederalist.com/2018/10/29/trolling-fleecing-co-creator-q-hoax-explains-dangerous-evolution/

By the way, I'm actually impressed you're bothering with the username. There is word play in there, you're the first to actually give it a shot, so kudos. You're still off, but you're getting sort of warm.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

OH a nice little fake news site. No thanks and now I know you're a shill!


Good, you can finally fuck off then :D

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I won't be fucking off, you will be fucking off. Right off the cliff you go. Meep meep!


Thank god.


I can say you're wrong, but I already proved Q was wrong and you're kvetching. Keep that hamster wheel spinning, though. Nobody debunked anything. You can't even link to the "debunks" you're just wasting so much time.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You didn't prove a goddamned thing. That's just the point! You proved that you have a severe lack of reading comprehension and the ability to discern and understand OR you're literally trying to infiltrate the Q movement. Which is waaay worse than anything some anons might conjure up.


Q is gay and sucks my dick every day. You do, as well, by proxy. Keep coming back for more loads.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

LMAO in your dreams.

Astonisher667 ago

Wow you really think with all that goobeldygook bunch of words that you actually think you've not been debunked? Nice try but you're the one whose useless and you haven't debunked shit. All you do is proclaim some victory that just isn't there.


Link one debunking comment. You can't.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I can link plenty but I'm not your fucking nigger.

Astonisher667 ago

Yeah he's also got other accounts just down voting everyone who argues with him. Nobody cares enough about his shit to go to that kind of trouble, but just like the dems do, just cheat. Fucking Sorass sucker.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Yeah it becomes very obvious real fast. He's targeting us, and the number of downvoats for a single reply to just him, and it's obvious.

Astonisher667 ago

You worried that I won't like your shit? I'm laughing at you as you downvoat everything anyone says that go against you. I won't like your stuff. I can't because I have a brain and it's not controlled by you although you're really trying hard to control what others think. THAT is only thing you've proven here. But go ahead and down this reply too. It's the only power you'll ever have.

Astonisher667 ago

You suck Obama's dick. And probably his spouse's dick too. Sicko.

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Astonisher667 ago

Oh Twatter explaining what a Piper is...nice. (((BARF)))

Stopmotionhistory ago

Amazing and still missing the point. Donald Trump is as much a part of the shadow / Cabal what ever as the Clintons. The Cabal plays both sides. I think the "sloppy" Obama era folks needed cleaned out and that is what President Trump is doing. I don't think America is a real player anymore as China has surpassed the US in every way and America is going to be destroyed as a final act of the play. I trust Q is speaking truth, just not from a Patriots point of view...


China is a paper dragon created by the US during Bill Clinton's stint. If they even tried to do anything out of line, Taiwan would fuck them in the ass, hence why Trump is supporting them and as many East Asian countries as possible.

I agree with everything else you said basically. I support Trump, have no reason to believe Q has anything to do with Trump, and have been looking into these things for probably 4 years or so. Didn't need Q's help, nor would I ever associate myself with the LARP.

Stopmotionhistory ago

China has a written history of more than 5,000 years, A wall like none have ever created, a culture of strong work ethic and accountability. , Use your mind man, We have no chance against them. They produce all electronics with a backdoor into them, They are exploring the moon, they have a space station, who knows what else. USA are naïve and spoiled kids. I think we are about to get a whoopin! I like your split ruling class idea.


US has done all that and more. Chinese steal our tech and just reverse engineer it. Do they have Rods from God? We do. Do they have Voice of God? We do, have since the 70s.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

No I'm not going to lay Q to rest. I'm gonna fucking see how this plays out because I'm not a fucking retard. Or P'er as I call the anti Q fucks. Fuck that. I can't do anything but what I'm doing which is research and things I can personally do to expose corruption but I'll be damned if I lay anything to rest that hasn't been proven or disproven. Fuck off nigger.


Since you're too dumb to read, the most you can do is enlist actually.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

So you have no agument, just your usual ad hom attacks. I don't enlist and I stay to myself you nigger licker. Fuck off.


I actually posted proof Q is fake, hence your reading disability. Voat was looking into corruption before Q existed, Q does not have a copyright on what we're all here for.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Aw afraid someone stole your thunder? As for your precious list, the reading disability is proving to be YOU who cannot read properly. I can debunk all that shit but I honestly don't fucking care enough about convincing you that you're a moron. Or a shill. Which is more likely. Occam's Razor.

Astonisher667 ago

IKR? The idiot has all these pics and then putting claims where there were no claims to begin with. Also most of it is in military code. Some anons carry things a bit too far but Q never made any "predictions" either. That's the biggest flaw in these P'ers claims.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Tell me about it. Reading the OP was like reading about how daddy promised a new car but never delivered right on time when there was no time to anything Q ever fucking posted so, whaaa whaaaa! It literally sounds that bad.


I can debunk all that shit

You can't.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

But I can. And I just might.


Good luck, patriot.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Observer. I'm just observing. I fucking hate everybody. I don't cotton to any movement or thing. I'm bitter as hell and I would like nothing better than to fucking thrash all the niggers, kikes and liars.


Well you're in the right place at least.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

LOL I know!

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MrCooper12 ago

Shills, shills and more shills. Must be over target! Bombs away....

mrgreenjeans9 ago

would it be appropriate to blow a shofar for this event?

Mcmurdo32 ago

I am relatively new to this whole thing and the claims by Q are fantastical and do in some cases closely parallel some of the famous conspiracy theories we all know and love, but had laughed at. However, I had the opportunity to read the drops like a book instead of waiting for each one. Like you, I sought to approach it scientifically, asking: is Q Theory testable? How does it fit with actual observations? Can it be dis-proven? I've found that, taken as a whole, Q-Theory does explain what I have observed about current events as well as history better than do the traditional Left v Right explanations and that there does seem to be some kind of knowledge of the inner workings of government, the military, and the Trump Administration. Also, it is difficult to perpetrate an absolute hoax for over a year. Trump supporters do not need Q to justify their support of Trump and what he is doing. He has scored many accomplishments that are apparent on their own without confirmation by Q. Trump supporters also consist largely of people who have an inherent distrust of anything government and are extremely independent in their thinking. They are about the least likely to be "lead" as any group. If Q is a hoax, it would be quickly revealed and Trump's supporters would continue on in support of the Trump Administration without Q. Q's drops do require a lot of round-about reasoning and element of trust and faith to tie in to actual known events and situations, but your evidence presented to support the theory that Q is fake requires just as much round about reasoning, trust and faith. Hillary Clinton was already shown to be a stand in for the purge in Saudi Arabia, no doubt used in the first post to grab the attention of a crown who absolutely abhor her. Are the photos photoshopped? It is as easy these days to declare any photo photoshopped as it is to photoshop it and then declare it real. I think I detect a dislike and distrust on your part toward conservative internet news sites, so you would think that references to these point to falsehoods. So called legitimate news organizations have also straight up fabricated stories. It doesn't necessarily mean that particular story is. A pic of Obama in tribal attire holding an AK-47 has indeed been circulating on the web. Just some examples of why your evidence presented may be evidence to consider as I try to judge the validity of Q Theory, but I do not take as definitive proof that Q is fake. What would prove that Q is fake? If the "Plan" has not been executed, with success or failure in outcome, by the time Trump leaves office in 2025, then we will know that Q was a hoax.

libertarianleeluu ago

Read all the prior comments above. I was waiting for someone to LOGICALLY explain why we are still watching Q . Over and over again with their mental gymnastics to prove Q is larping, all while not even a SINGLE mention of the mathematically impossible probability of "coincidences" -- some call them "QPROOFS" which I see all the naysayers have clung to trying to dismiss crucial evidence because of "muh cult".
UMM guys YOUR confirmation bias is showing. Trust and believe 100's of thousands of people are watching this(Trump-Q) unfold and have not turned away because WE ARE SEEING RESULTS! sorry not sorry.

Astonisher667 ago

Thank you for being one of the few LOGICALLY thinking people here. All this Q hate just reminds me of the grabbing pussy hysteria but on the male side of things -- and I'm a guy and it disgusts me even more! Where the radical bitches were screaming about their pussies while literally exposing them, these Q haters are screaming about Q while waving their collective dicks around as if it's any different!

Again thank you for saying what I was thinking!

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Good post. Have an upvoat and an imaginary Internet point.


ThreeFourSevenOne ago

Hmmm. I'm detecting a distinct lack of trust in the plan in here.

Rotteuxx ago

What's the plan ? Sit back and watch the show ?

FeelTheBOOM ago

Why are you here? To save us from ourselves? To "help" us? Enlighten us? To put us on the "right" path? Q's actual proofs rebut your rebuttal. Go preach to your own choir, this one belongs to Q+ and Q team.

Rotteuxx ago

Fuck off

Voat belongs to those who question everything way before worshippers of a false idol.



NoRoyalty ago


Autosism17 ago


knightwarrior41 ago

Q is Larp and a cult as this point.note that no matter how many errors and false claims he makes his followers trust his posts with quasi-religious fervor....yup he is their harold camping

Food_Stamp ago


vladtep ago

I even see whites type shit like this:

They're going to be sorry when they kill us all off and they don't have any food!

OK, why don't you fight back before that happens? You'd think whites lost every war they ever fought against niggers when the opposite happened.

Nothing terrifies a white man more than victory...or being called a racist by some animal with no soul. lol

vladtep ago

Getting shot in the heart was part of my plan.

Now I will rise from the grave and haunt my enemies.

They won't even be able to walk down the street.

Uh wait, does that mean they're still alive and free? lol

vladtep ago

It's funny how they come here just for this Q shit, set up camp and start asking everyone "Why are you here?". lol

jduck51 ago

If Q is real or not he has got people to think for them self. Iv know abut all the bad stuff for years. But I count talk to people about it. Now there are lots of people talking about it.

Rotteuxx ago

he has got people to think for them self. Iv

No he hasn't, most worshippers are sheep reading what others choose to interpret his posts as & no more.

realnstuff ago

Why do you want to a expose "LARP"? Rather if you wanted to do it properly, you have to analyse each case of Q beeing right or wrong, to reach a "real" conclusion.  

Besides who cares there are only 2 outcomes either the naysayer will swallow a bbc or the Q people. I hope the naysayer will, otherwise be prepared for a dark future.

CivNatisFullRetard ago

He just analyzed several independent cases of Q "being" (you dumb faggot - couldn't even spell it right after your edit) wrong. Are you really this fucking dumb or are you a shill for Q's kike complacent LARP?

Your last statement proves that you are a subhuman moron. There are only two outcomes? Only in your retarded brain. It's not mutually exclusive but you don't even know what that means. Q is BS and so is the MSM like BBC. You're fucking worthless and so dumb I can't believe you can use a computer at all.

People as dumb as you should literally be killed. I'm not kidding. You're too fucking dumb to be apart of civilization. You should be euthanized immediately.

realnstuff ago

Are you an illiterate? I foremost criticised the onesided analysis. Only through a proper depth analysis will you persuade Q-people, besides showing the obvious scheme.  

I guess "Why do you want to expose a LARP" triggered you faggot hard, in my opinion you are as bad as the Qultists with trust the plan.  

I'm more than aware that Trump is clearly a kike puppet, with his backers, son in law etc.. There are still only two outcomes either Q is a LARP or it isn't, the dark future part still applies in this case.

icecoldpopsicle ago

I don't know and I don't have to time to verify one way or another !!! So that's that.

AR47 ago

Where is all the math and symbology? Come on that is the best part of this movement is seeing them reach a conclusion that supports their goddamn mentality.

Malakyzek ago

rofl. dude. apparently you should have waited a bit to post your dribble. just so you know.....we don't fall for your shit anymore. we....WE....are Q. and now to add to your butthurt....take a look at this new post and get busy packing your bugout bag.... Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.452 📁

2478 Nov 11 2018 12:58:18 (EST) Let the unsealing begin. Let the DEC[L]AS begin. Let the WORLD witness the TRUTH. We, the PEOPLE. JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW. Q

i am truly enjoying the show. lol

EnterTheUnKnown ago

Trust The Plan. Q Predicted this.

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UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Planned attack by people who have never been here before..

Deqlassified ago

Disinformation is real. Disinformation is necessary.

Thank you for playing your part. Your services are no longer needed at this time.

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting your god lied to you.

Deqlassified ago

I've admitted nothing - your shit-for-brains interpretation is meaningless.

Tallest_Skil ago

Thank you for admitting your god lied to you. It’s 11/12. Nothing happened. It’s over. Kill yourself immediately.

Establishing legitimacy

Let’s talk about statistics. Let’s talk about the concept itself. Q-level clearance exists within the Department of Energy. What the fuck does that have to do with anything regarding the court system? What the fuck does that have to do with anything Q-LARP has claimed it knows? Look at the number of people who have Q-level clearance. All none of them. What’s the likelihood that any of them are committing an executable offense by posting on a fucking imageboard? Look at the posts. Why don’t they say anything? Someone that important–if it actually has knowledge he wants to disseminate–is also not going to type cryptic bullshit. It’s also not going to ask questions that it doesn’t answer. The sum total of Q-LARP is an exercise in postdiction. Everything it has said is too vague to actually mean anything. It never says anything of any value or specificity. A combination of pareidolia, confirmation bias, and apophenia does the rest. PEOPLE ARE LOST. THEY ARE BROKEN. THEY FEEL WORTHLESS AND WEAK AND POWERLESS. WHAT BETTER WAY TO PREY ON THEM THAN TO CONTROL THE OPPOSITION? They won’t fucking question you if you can trick them this way.

Establishing trustworthiness

Someone that important is, statistically, owned by jews. It’s just that simple. In fact, Q-LARP is entirely owned by jews. It admits it. It openly admits to being civic nationalist. It doesn’t support a restoration of the US or Europe to being white-only nations. It doesn’t support deportation of nonwhites. Since the first week, it has called for protection of nonwhites, from the whites who would see them deported/killed. It openly calls for regime change in Iran for the sole purpose of fulfilling the Oded Yinon Plan. Q-LARP has publicly stated it has no intention of removing jews from the West or punishing jews collectively.

Establishing realism

What purpose is served by leaking the proceedings of nationwide martial law and the arrest of three quarters of the US government… eight months early? Why is that helpful to anyone except the people toward whom it is supposedly directed? Oh, and why has it taken so long? 8 months of waiting is 8 months to prepare. You realize that even the group that Q-LARP talks about is one of the highest flight risks on earth, right? Why would anyone want to give them time to escape? How does that help us? It doesn’t. It helps THEM. It helps them so much that it hurts us. This is on purpose. Q-LARP exists to create an Orwellian narrative about “the bad people being arrested”, so that when all the good people are arrested they will say that good people are bad people, and the stupid Q-LARPing masses will simply believe it and help commit their own genocide. We’ve already seen this for 70 years. Why do you think it isn’t continuing?

Why would someone ostensibly leaking the proceedings not actually leak any information? Why would someone who claims to be on our side not give us a playbook for how to operate during the event? Why isn’t it telling us how to become leaders of our community to calm the terrified millions around us–who will inevitably exist once the media starts reporting on the “Trump coup”, or when they see their favorite media reporters arrested by the military live on air? Why is Q-LARP a civic nationalist? How does that help America? How is Trump is magically insulated during what will be painted internationally as a soft coup? Why would the apparatus allow him to engage in this coup to the extent that he would actually be protected? Why does the coup–by Q-LARP’s own admission–not cover the actual PROBLEMS facing this country? Everything Q-LARP has said points to the action as being “Part A of the ZOG wants to get rid of Part B of the ZOG.”

Establishing results

If there is something, why is nothing Q-LARP said would happen happening? Where’s the Emergency Broadcast System announcement? Where’s Trump using Obama’s emergency television override to speak to the people? Where’s the martial law? Where are the riots it talked about? Antifa couldn’t even get off their asses for a completely unrelated outing. Where’s the Huma arrest? Where are the Podesta arrests? They were supposed to be in custody by now; no one has any information on that beyond your continued shilling campaign.

Establishing psychology

Already touched on this at the end of the first section. So Q-LARP’s going to arrest most of the US government, right? All the bad people going away. And what’s this? It says that WE won’t have to grab our guns and help out? Why, that’s exactly what we would want! Happy day! All of our dreams are coming true, and we didn’t even have to put in an ounce of work ourselves! Hooray! It’s over! We’re saved! Don’t ever question the validity of these claims! Just spend MONTHS ignoring everything else that is ACTUALLY happening in the news, never mind your own wildly successful campaign of “It’s okay to be white.” Because nothing ever came from YOU doing an honest day’s work!


Explain your reason for believing otherwise.

Establishing inconsistencies

  • If, as Q-LARP says, there are more patriots than traitors in the government, why did they let the last 70 years happen?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, Obama went to North Korea, where is the evidence?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, the CIA/alphabet agencies were responsible for the 11 minute Twitter takedown of POTUS account, where is the evidence?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, elections no longer matter, where is the evidence?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, martial law is inbound, where is the evidence?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, mass arrests of the government are inbound, where is the evidence?

srayzie ago

It would take forever to show all the thieve is to know. But you can start here...

Lots of Q Proofs...

eronburr ago

Add this if you want proof it was proven long ago.


deusnexus.wordpress.com was taken down and some archives scrubbed. But it showed a lot of what Q claims started late last year as actually starting under Obama in 2012.

Nadeshda ago

Use the Archived link here ->http://archive.is/ctXjT

eronburr ago

archive . IS/FO/TODAY is censored. I've tried to use it for certain things, archive confirmed good, shared with others and they call me crazy. I recheck the url and the page I archived isn't there and instead it's something absurd like a UFO conspiracy site or something about Antarctica.

archive.org for the most part works, and frankly using archive.is to archive an archive.org url is best (keep them honest)

Nadeshda ago

Okay thx

ThreeFourSevenOne ago

Ha, Q just posted saying this is the week the world learns the truth, indictments being unsealed, etc

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago


Check Q today


Mylon ago

If Q were real, he could give us some real intel. Less of these vague hints and bullshit and some real concrete data ala Wikileaks. The will to pour over that data is clearly here and patriots would find anything incriminating inside. Instead all we get is this vague bullshit. "Trust the plan" and "WWG1WGA" is scary stuff that commands obedience and does not foster free thought. Q's primary goal seems to build trust, not to enlighten and enable.

MrShekelstein ago

That's a nice list there libtard, now post all the times Q was correct.

Tallest_Skil ago

He did.

2fast4u92 ago

Q is a kike shill designed to push "muh civic nationalism" to prevent racial awakening

FireMarshallBill ago

The only tear in that theory is that Q directed people to Voat; Redpill central.

2fast4u92 ago

Hmm, I was under the impression it was due to plebbit censorship. Either way, his whole idea of "America has no color" is a fatal flaw. We will never succeed with a huge 3rd world population.


Voat is in their way, so Q is come to destroy, or try to.

Ocelot ago

Not necessarily. Qultists have been galvanized to the point of insurmountable fait (or delusion). Voat had been gaining traction which is why so many CivNat morons have been foisted off onto us at an increasing rate. Then just as Million Dollar Extreme and its associated subs are banned, the Q niggers descend on this site like Somalis on the coast of Italy.

It's an intentional dilution of the voat site culture. The more fucking idiots we have posting their shit here and following muh Q and muh alt-lite figurehead and muh based nigger, the more time true users spend arguing with them rather than discussing and creating memes and propaganda, and the more they simply say fuck it and check out of the site.

2fast4u92 ago

This could be true. They mostly just stay in their own subs and circle jerk though. Qrv being anonymous makes bombing them with redpills easy. The other subs just dismiss anyone who argues against their rhetoric for the most part. I try to drop good redpills in qrv daily and upvote others who do similar. The way groupthink works, if they see others agree they are more likely to do so themselves

Ocelot ago

They mostly just stay in their own subs and circle jerk though

Mostly indeed, yet I see their apostles spamming /politics, /news, /funny, and /all in general every day. Consider that ten actual thousand of them came to this site in the initial wave, and more come every day. If only 1% of them make accounts and post in a committed fashion, that's still 100 dedicated forum sliders sitting on their asses spamming garbage all day. Around 50% of the posts or more that I see in the big default subs that aren't obviously full far-right are from Q niggers. We had a problem before that with staying focused, with only about half the posts in the defaults being redpilled and on-target. Now it's down to like 20%.

By the way, "Sieg" is misspelled in your bio :)

auralsects ago



srayzie ago

Sorry fixed it.

You should want to see peoole using critical thinking skills and exposing the deep state. You should want all this brought to light. Q isn’t hurting anyone. So this type of stuff is very suspicious to me.

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CVT ago

Twitter thread explaining what a pied piper operation is and how Qanon is one: https://twitter.com/suzi3d/status/1000060738923319296?lang=en

SATAN_loves_YOU ago

At this point, anyone who believes this Q nonsense is literally retarded. Like tap your chest and bite your ear level of retarded. Remember that kid in a wheel chair from school? The one that drooled on himself and would randomly yell "beep beep!" Yeah, Qtards are more retarded than that kid.

Qtards remind me of that retarded puppet from that prank call show. "I peed in the pool! Yay!"

I worked with one of those diversity hires for a while. He was pretty fucking autistic, but he wasn't half as retarded as those Q wackadoodles. The kid could stack boxes, put shit on shelves and sweep floors. He did a lot of stupid shit, but I have 100% faith that this full blown autist would look at the Q shit and say "dats fooken wetoddid!" And then go back to sweeping floors and neatly stacking boxes.

mightnotbearobot ago

Qtards are like Trumptards. Even in the face of absolute proof of incompetence, lies, stupidity and unreliability they will defend him to the hilt.

Astonisher667 ago

Go back up into HRC's ass, what the hell are you doing out, nigger?

Lesson25 ago

Hey, you, get off of my cloud...

Movies are fake. Books are fake. Tv shows are fake. Video games are fake. But millions still like to watch, read, and play all of those mediums.

Why does it bother you what others think or believe? Insecurity?

I don't care if it is real or not because I have had a good time researching and discussing the various topics presented there with others. It's fun and interesting.

What is your deal with people enjoying themselves and learning?

Astonisher667 ago

These Q haters have a real insecurity problem or really are shills. Just fuck 'em and feed 'em fish heads!

ADaniels ago


PixieJean ago

LOL, trust the plan, LOL. What exactly is the lan?

zyklon_b ago


PGLiterati ago

You've put in an awful lot of effort here to debunk Q, which is fine, but I think you've rather missed the most salient points. These are: 1) Psyop or not, prankster or not, Q has given voice to disparate voices across the country and has a whole host of people engaging in politics in a manner unparalleled in recent history; 2) It has kept stories in the news cycle that likely would have otherwise disappeared; 3) It activated a lot of previously disenfranchise and voiceless people which probably contributed to a large voter turn-out and 4) It has deeply aggravated many people--call them the shadow government and the media--which may be one of the points--to unsettle a certain segment of the population.

PixieJean ago

What good is it if all of the illegal bullshit and fraud goes on without consequence? If "the plan" was real, there would be positive results, there would be positive change. But the only results that I am seeing is the the left keeps on keeping on without being stopped. We see the corruption, it is right here in our faces, they do not even try to hide it anymore because they know that they are invincible. They keep on going, just like the energizer bunny.

PGLiterati ago

Wait and see, it is still unfolding. Meanwhile here's what we have so far: 1) No Hillary in the White House; 2) No carbon tax, no Paris Accord; 3) Two constitutionalist judges on the SC; 4) The TPP is gone. That more than satisfies me for the moment. We've had layer after layer of corruption for decades. Many cannot be removed from their positions of power. In places where there are democratic strongholds they cover each other, of course. It takes time. Get frustrated and angry if you want--I already went through that in 2000 with the hanging chads--I worked my ass off in that election because I knew it would be a disaster if Bush became President--and unfortunately I was correct. Not that I supported Gore--I have to say, Anyway--I am going to wait until the dust settles. I can't do anything as I don't live in one of the many states with election fraud. You do realize that the Dems and the media want us foaming at the mouth, right? That is part of their plan.

PixieJean ago

I get that. I've spent a lifetime, more than half a century watching the corruption unfold.

PGLiterati ago

Yeah, same here. And now I know it started even before that--at least with the end of WWII--sustained and systematic, I mean.

Astonisher667 ago

We all have...Q really is this faint beacon of hope...and I for one will not just give up. If nothing if ever done, then we'll know. How do we know if we've lost? When Hillary runs again in 2020 and wins, then we'll know it was all a fake. But that hasn't happened and let's hope it never does. We dodged one hell of a bullet in 2016!

zyklon_b ago


knarnia ago

Even if just for entertainment value... Q beats 99% of what is offered on television.

GhostSkin ago

They will just call you a shill and continue to blindly follow like the retarded sheep tgey are. Please repost this everyday.

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BeefBourgignon ago

The biggest tip-off was that one of the most prominent QTards here on Voat is a woman. When has a female-led movement ever been anything but a wild goose chase? Women are hysterical, their minds are all about hamster wheeling and repetitive, looped thought patterns.

Astonisher667 ago

Your history only goes back as far as the Clintons, then?

Yeah you're a retard.

nubbyhubby ago

Time will tell. My hope will stay strong until January, by that time how the mid-terms are handled will tell the Tale. I do think that will be the make or break time.

Beta_Ray_Bill ago

Didn't he also predict Marshall law would be in effect today? 11/11

Survival_gluten ago

qtards shit themselves when backed into a corner and start to cry.

Astonisher667 ago

So you basically

ironnickel ago

And yet you, in caring so much about how it is not real, are wrapped up in it. You are like a vegan atheist green party voter on this issue.

srayzie ago

Hey OP of less than 4 hours. This is a bunch of garbage showing you don’t even know what the hell you’re talking about. You’re misleading. And then you have your helper shill @TeranNotTerran posting it all over for you. Soros has you working in a Sunday! Oh my. Could it be the 11th? 😱

We are over the target. Q and Trump scare the hell out of the deep state and so they hire losers like you that don’t give a crap about our country, to be their puppets and do their dirty work. I’m sure you make your parents proud.

We’ve been doing this for over a year. We could write a fricken book showing the amazing things that have occurred, and are still occurring. Someday, there will be books and documentaries. Obviously, I have a sub to run, and you’re distraction technique isn’t going to make me take half a day gathering everything to show you how much this post sucks. If someone else has the time, by all means, go for it.

People who have followed Q will see right thru this. People who don’t know Q well enough will hopefully look into it further to see that this is filled with bullshit. It’s funny that you pick TODAY to do this. Lol

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hafen ago

Q predicted this.

zyklon_b ago

thank you

GentleRenegade ago

You want a fight and nobody around. Must be frustrating. :-)

SlapRackPull ago

Thank you for the post, good read. There is one thing Q has accomplished. The eyes of normies have been opened to the fact that what they thought they knew was all a lie. From there we can debate what truth is. If all Q accomplishes is to wake people up to the lies, all worth it.

BigSekz ago

To be quiet honest, you do not understand the Q operation. That being said this looks like the writings of a Schill since we have been pounded with attacks for the last 2 weeks. Thus we must be truly burning the Left's Ass. Funny how these rebuttals show up when you're losing! The Pain is going to be unbearable for the Mindless Minions of the Doxa philosophy...

Triple_Agent ago

Day is not over yet.

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GracieTracie2 ago

I’d like to see the Q post that you’re talking about. Was it a Q decoder that said this or Q himself. If you’re quoting anyone please show the links. Please back up so i have the info to make informed decisions. The Q proofs are backed up with actual posts, tweets and articles. This

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ironnickel ago

You seem really invested in this. Perhaps you would like to develop a hobby?

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MindRacer ago

From day one, I keep an open mind. Would be nice if Q is honorable, but there is always the great possibility that its all an alt propaganda tool.

Time will tell... so far, criminals walk care free - that concerns me BIGLY... I also need the actual evidence of satanic crimes and would be nice to know more about aliens and advance tech.... nothing delivered really of value yet.

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Lauraingalls ago

Don't you have anything BETTER ro do with your time?

fluhthreeex ago


FeelTheBOOM ago

So this is the most important thing you have to do today? Your essay took time, thought and some effort. It is well written, but misleading. As I said before, "you are going to need a good recipe"

Lauraingalls ago

Well at least you're honest with saying NO.

TheBuddha ago

Excellent work. Thanks and saved.


Thank zyklon_b, who should thank the good people involved with putting this together. RIP my inbox, though.

TheBuddha ago

The best way to thank @zyklon_b is to say:


E-thugin' is not just a hobby, it's a lifestyle!

zyklon_b ago



TheBuddha ago

Damned right!!!

basedmangod2015 ago

so youre telling me Q was bullshit all along? no fucking way.

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crazy_eyes ago

you sure put a lot of work in for for a LARP


This was posted 3 months ago elsewhere, actually. I just switched the imgur links to catbox links.

ScientificRacism ago

It's because this particular Larp has what appears to be thousands of people convinced even though the evidence piles up to the point of buddy being able to write an honest to god essay on it.

Your response is basically summed up as "Why do you care? Just be apathetic."


I just realized...




crazy_eyes ago

I merely made an observation.

Who is this you people you are talking about?

Who is the average voat user?

Hand_of_Node ago

Who is this 'you people' you are talking about?

Qcumbers = Breatharians = Sannyasins = Any_cultmember

There's a distinct lack of detectable IQ. "An anonymous entity is posting riddles on the internet and I believe that entity is going to save us all."

Lauraingalls ago

I know!!! Weird.

justsayingmayne ago

thats total proof that Q is reel guise!!!

no way would anyone want to inform their community about the truth

TrueAmerican ago

Anyone who entertained the idea of Q being real for more than 5 minutes is a fucking IDIOT in my book...

justsayingmayne ago

I thought he was real for about 10 minutes, does that make me an idiot?

zyklon_b ago

you cool by me 1990

lord_nougat ago

I would like to read your book.

YugeDick ago

It's a really long list of names. Little more than half the names of everyone. Because averages.

Lauraingalls ago

No you wouldn't!

lord_nougat ago

Maybe just the ACTION PACKED parts?

Lauraingalls ago


samy90a44 ago

Q is obviously a massive Online US Govt (FBI, OHS, CIA) PsyOp's Campaign to trigger unbalanced individuals into acting out and making things worse for everyone. Put simply, "Q" is a Classic Jew SHILL. Period.

-- IGNORE the Q because it's a Honeypot! ---

ForTheUltimate ago

archive links would of been better

YugeDick ago

ForTheUltimate ago


ironnickel ago

Wow 23 rebuttals for 2600 posts, several of them being upset he posts photoshopped memes?

NotHereForPizza ago

The funny thing about this is that, firstly, this "Q" guy never had any noteriety prior to their/his posting on half for the first time. So, it's probably a larp, right?

When was the last time internet intellectuals consistently tried to disprove a larp... two years later? Why would this amount of people STILL be setting out, day after day, to disprove something like this? Come on, we have orgs like WAPO coming out against things we've all known to be true for long before WAPO had to weigh in for years. We've seen this same pattern for years.

I don't even care if Q is right or wrong. I never have and I really don't think I ever will very much. The thing is, and speaking of internet intellectuals, plenty of people from /pol/ and other boards or other chans are and have been aware of the things being told to us by Q for a considerable amount of time. Benghazi was six years ago now, but anons have known about HRC's involvement and plenty about the incident for all of these years. But, let's go further back: when did Hillary first get promoted to the cabinet? 2009. Anons have known about her involvement since then. That's nine years. We didn't need Q to tell us about this. This list could get longer and longer, but I don't need to keep making points like this... if you don't see the point and if you don't see how obvious this is, I can't do much to help you, and regardless, my instincts would tell me you're objective is to waste my time with this, as has happened to me countless times.

But, this is the beauty of it: we never needed Q to know of the connections which they've helped us make. All that Q did was group optics, give us targets, and point us in given directions so that we'd know where to focus our attention. Do you know how many times things like this has happened? More times than I could ever care to count.

See, this is how anons can spot spooks, shills, normies, and retards. We've been aware of these things for a long time, we've seen these same patterns unfold many times, and we've seen the same reactions from "random passersby", corporate news orgs, and gatekeepeing journalists.

The thing is, we've never gone off of Q's accuracy, especially since it's been made clear to us that this is a military operation and that operators very fucking obviously need to use disinformation to cover tracks (and for a plethora of reasons). Nah, quite the opposite, actually. You know, it's funny, so many people are under the impression that ideas with merit should be rewarded with attention and that that attention is deemed valid due to the positive attention it receives. However, under today's intelligence apparatus and due to corruption which even laymen have been exposed to, it works in the exact opposite way: you judge validity in these spheres based on how much noise is made AGAINST an idea, a movement, or a cause.

You people are fucking amateurs, and we spot it immediately EVERY FUCKING TIME.

Astupidname69 ago

Wow it's almost like you retards invaded our site, shit the place up and now we want gone.

Violate yourself with a pineapple.

NotHereForPizza ago

I've been here for years.

Anon has been Everywhere for years.

You're merely displaying your ignorance. You don't even know who anon is.

We're your mothers, your children, your brothers, and your best friends. Anon is no one or anyone.

You lot are so fucking obvious.

TeddyJackson ago

Anon has been Everywhere for years. You're merely displaying your ignorance. You don't even know who anon is.

The only thing you useless idiot qoomers are good for is a laugh when you say the the dumbest shit we've ever seen and we get a laugh.

NotHereForPizza ago

You, confronted with being shown your own ignorance, can only call us "qoomers", "boomers", or shills.

We've won. There's only time before us.

TeddyJackson ago


Kill yourself you retarded shill.

NotHereForPizza ago

Oh, I get it. You're Tallest_Skii

TeddyJackson ago

wow, what a great counter argument.

NotHereForPizza ago

Why do I have to argue with you?

Are you just here to waste my time?

TeddyJackson ago

Why do I have to argue with you? Are you just here to waste my time?



Silly shill, you've been outed.

Astupidname69 ago

Wow, it actually takes skill to write something that autistic.

when you mothership arrives, don't just drink the koolaid, fucking chug it.

NotHereForPizza ago

You're only making your ignorance more obvious. You're just helping, at this point.

Obelisk79 ago

Clinging to the whole 'disinformation is real' and 'this is a covert military op' argument eh? Anyone who has dealt with the military and particularly it's intelligence structures will tell you that this presupposition is a farce.

Sukidesu ago

Spoken like a man with a paper ass.

Obelisk79 ago

Gullible puppet

NotHereForPizza ago

It's funny you say that, actually. I've known people involved in MIL for quite some time.

Just how many of us do you think are MIL, know MIL personel, or are taught/paid/watched by MIL?

You know little to nothing about anons. It's very clear to us. If you had followed along with us as we've aged and grown more accustomed to the internet and its deep crevices, you would know how foolish you look.

MIL has groomed us for very specific reasons. Hell, some of us ARE MIL. You have no idea what you're talking about.

Obelisk79 ago

Funny you mention that. I am in the military. I've worked and interacted with the intelligence components both as an enlisted and an officer. The MIL has 'groomed' you for nothing. I'm not saying Q has been a terrible influence in generating a large number of conservative activists. But the probability that Q is an actual government insider AND part of some decades-in-the-making military intelligence op with the intent of subverting corrupt players in our government is so low it's completely laughable. 'the plan' is a hoax that provides the disenfranchised with hope. I'm all for hope, but hope built on a foundation of deception is fundamentally wrong.

NotHereForPizza ago

Why would someone low enough in the ranks ever be occupied by something top secret?

There's a reason top MIL doesn't speak a word about any of this. Have you ever tried to ask someone CURRENTLY in high ranking position in MIL about the Q thing? They won't even respond to you.

Hydrocephalus ago

The reason we are making fun of q stuff is all you fags came here and started shitting up the place. If the q crowd stopped and went somewhere else, we wouldn't bother with it anymore.

NotHereForPizza ago

It's funny that you group me in with "the Q guys".

I was on Voat for years before I ever even heard of Q.

Anon has been on Voat for quite a while.

I just call it how I see it. No reason to believe Q and there never was. What makes me stick around and keep scooping Intel from Q itself, the board(s) and other sources related to the Q thing is people like you, people like SBBH who desperately wants us to leave, and orgs like WAPO who are leading the charge against the movement. Not to mention the DEMs and DS trying to grt people to quit talking about it.

Its like you don't know that MOS follows us everywhere and has only ever helped us be more confident that we were right in our assumptions about Q.

You dumbasses help the movement more than you'll ever know.

Hydrocephalus ago

I don't desperately want you to leave, I enjoy making fun of yoh qtards. I just answered your question of why we continue to make fun of you. It is because you are here and you guys are a lot of fun to make fun of because you all believe a lot of stupid shit.

NotHereForPizza ago

That's how we know you're full of shit or just retarded, though. These aren't things we believe, they're things we're curious about until we're given a reason to stop being curious about them.

All of the anons (at least the originals - the proprietors of the memes and the original digging) who have been following Q would be stupid to just assume anything they're told is true. Hell, it seems like one of the things that's attracted so many in the first place was Q insisting we think for ourselves.

What cult do you know of that insist each of its followers think for themselves?

Are you really going this far, all for a larp? There's been so many dumbasses dedicated to ensuring people think that I'm stupid, crazy, or "mentally ill". This happens to me each time I talk about things like SBBH being comprised of shills and reddit mods, Q, and other fun things I don't need to talk about here on Voat (I can only assume it'd just make things worse). When you devote this much time, all that does is make me more curious about what you're trying to hide.

Hydrocephalus ago

This whole wall of text is the reason we keep provoking you guys, the amount of butthurt that gets triggered by pointing out you guys are stupid for following q is hilarious. The best part is you guys never quit, there is always mkre salt to mine from the q tards. Anyway what super secret reason do you have to justify the "trust sessions" bullshit?

NotHereForPizza ago

I have no reason to believe any of that.

You constantly talking about how it's nothing makes me more curious. That's about all there is to it.

Hydrocephalus ago

I have no reason to believe any of that

And yet you still follow q. I'm not saying q is nothing, I'm saying it's an obvious prank, akin to john edwards pretending he can talk to dead people. And so long as you guys are out there publicly fslling for it, I am going to keep making fun, because it is fun.

NotHereForPizza ago

It seems more and more like you're only really upset that I follow Q.

Now, why would that upset you?

Hydrocephalus ago

Sounds like you're projecting. I'm not upset, I think it's funny, you're like someone buying beanie babies when they were $1000 apiece because "it's a good investment". And since you're here being stupid in public, I'll have fun making fun of you.

zyklon_b ago

never question the plan 1990

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SquarebobSpongebutt ago

Q was a liberal larp to keep conservatives complacent.

ajimboalogo ago

That makes more sense than anything any Qultist can tell me.

TestForScience ago

Damn... 07/31/18 - instead of accepting it’s fake, they instead start of the convo by saying that their must be hidden pixels in it as a message.
It’s the Latter Day Saints all over again. “It didn’t work this time, but I’m still right!” “Oops, didn’t work this either, but I’m still right!”
And all the while a bunch of idiots are sitting around in a field with their thumbs up their asses.

Seaknee ago

Ask Crenshaw about Q

Seaknee ago

Macron obviously does not have a proper understanding of some words in the english lanquage, Sorry off topic, but that pussy just pissed me off a little when he opened his pie hole.

Seaknee ago

Most Qtard's are into hidden history, go down that rabbit hole and come back when it all makes sense.

1Mystere ago

Why would history be ‘hidden’?

Seaknee ago

To make you a slave to the beast system, true story.

Seaknee ago

Q is not about predicting the future, Q is the final push where Social Journalism replaces Mainstream Corporate Journalism

ajimboalogo ago

He predicted Dowdy would not be the next AG...now he is on the short list. More disinfo huh??

Seaknee ago

Disinfo is everywhere, in chaos the pattern is random, AI can function in random patterns but humans are easily confused. AI has begun to spread disinfo - we are screwed.

ScientificRacism ago

Honestly, Q is the equivilent to unsourced blogposts that tell people lifehacks about how to self cleanse by shoving pineapples up your asshole.

If that's the future of journalism, damn. I don't know mate. That's not a future I want. I don't want us to just believe everything anyone on the Internet says, so long as it's aligned with our preconceived notions. That's not healthy. Hell, it's not even journalism.

Seaknee ago

Dude, the US military generals have had it with the evil satanic cabal that runs the world and is taking them out, it sounds to me like you are going down with them, Cunt

Hand_of_Node ago

The generals are going to shove pineapples up their asses? What the hell? What is the source of this information?

Seaknee ago

When someone comments like that is is coming from a place of sorrows, pray for this person

LurkMaster ago

This, I believe this will happen after everything comes down.

YugeDick ago

Q followers believe Q predicts future events. That is why they obsess over proving predictions to prove Q's validity.

Seaknee ago

There is a group pretending to be Q followers that are trying to discredit Q, thats them, Q just drops crumbs and you have bake your own bread. Google do you see me Q if you want to have a look at the true Qtards. wwg1wga

Hand_of_Node ago

When We Gas 1, We Gas All

So, "Q" drops crumbs, and "you have to bake your own bread". Yes, this sounds highly credible... (by which I mean, it sounds laughable ridiculous.) My question is, what is wrong with the target demographic that they would need communications posted in riddle form?

Seaknee ago

That is an excellent question my friend, I hope you find the answer, that is what Q is about, good luck, bye. wwg1youcancomewithus

Hand_of_Node ago

I've tried asking, but haven't received any serious answers. Whatever appeals in the marketing of the "Q" psyop is more of a repellent to me. The facade it presents is apparently shiny and 'heartstring-tugging', but that's all perverted by the deception and probable malevolent intent.

Looking at it from the outside is like being in a family, in a household, and having some of the family members get convinced by slick talk into becoming heroin addicts. They're now all about the heroin, and nothing you say to them can be seen outside that context. Now you have to wonder what the slickster supplying them has planned, and how it's going to affect your family.

Seaknee ago

Looking for answers is whats Q is all about, welcome, keep looking for answers. Ending the alphabet agencies drug dealing is part of the plan. The group that formed Q grew tired of turning a blind eye to drug dealing and human trafficking being done by operatives within our own country. They knew early on that this would be going beyond US borders and it has, it's worldwide and it is real. President trump makes Q hand signs at his rally's, search do you see me Q and see all of the beautiful people that are ready for the republic to be restored. They know the true definition of republic, democracy and patriotism not the one spun by our beloved msm, They are not dedicated to a country or govt, but to THE PEOPLE. <press release> we are taking our country back. wwg1wga and you can come along or not, it's your choice.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You're talking to a shill, he's a nasty little asshole. Don't waste your time.

Seaknee ago

Our children were damaged for profit, as is evident here. I guess Dan Crenshaw inspired me, they can't help it if they are fucked up. They are hard to talk to.

Hand_of_Node ago

I'm not looking for the equivalent of a heroin addiction, despite the apparent initial enjoyment. I see Q working to placate the core of the republican/conservative demographic, and the Op appears to be working very well. Dems are going to get away with stealing the elections yet again. Nothing will be down.

Seaknee ago

Yes the plan is working well, Dimms are committing crimes, we know everything, it's called boomerang suicide.

singlebrain1 ago

I thought Q gave us inside drops on black hat activities that are later reported in the media. I am confused.

Womb_Raider ago

He does. YugeDick is trying to destroy Q's image.

YugeDick ago

Later reported in the media

That's where the predictions idea comes from. Problem is that if it really was inside info it would be right all the time.

StarAnon ago

Q Sheeple believe that. People who follow Q's advice do not. People who do the research know this is a psy-op.
It's important to be no one's rube.

slope ago

Why a "psy-op" and not just the work of a bored troll. Just some guy who posts this stuff from his desk for laughs instead of cruising facebook.

test0 ago


Wall Of Text

14959520? ago

Embrace the wall. Feel the wall. Love the wall.

Hydrocephalus ago

Build the wall!

StoneRights ago

If someone still believes in Q after reading this post, they are absolutely fucking retarded.

ThreeFourSevenOne ago

Joke's on you - Q just posted a link to an nbcnews article quoting an anonymous source on who the next AG will be. #QPROOF

ajimboalogo ago

And remember when Q said it WAS NOT DOWDY. LMAO or was that more fucking disinformation you fucking moron.

ThreeFourSevenOne ago

I was kidding, genius.

Hand_of_Node ago

When you realize you're in a cult and how dumb you're going to look to everyone including yourself, but it seems like it's too late to back out now...

Is the end game here to crush the hopes of conservatives so badly that they'll just give up in humiliation and despair? Imagine how the Breatharians felt after their fearless leader (Wiley Brooks) was caught eating at McDonalds... And those hundreds of thousands of Sanyassans dressed in red when they realized their fearless leader (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh) had poisoned that Oregon town, and was amassing machine guns to defend his 93 Rolls Royces...

No, they're going to avert their eyes as long as possible, Patriot. Perhaps this nightmare will somehow go away if it's ignored long enough. They're like all those Californians living in the high risk fire areas, just hoping they can live out their lives before the fire happens.

Toomanydelaccounts ago

I started to argue in another thread and just pointed to this one. They literally replied that this thread was complete nonsense. There are still people that believe in codes and a “choose your own adventure to save the USA.” They’re so blinded they start looking at the facts and just shit down like any die-hard politically active person does (right or left).

The sad part is, they’re all digging for crap but nothing has really come of it other than the community sharing more info about corruption and how people are linked. Even if Q were actually real, as opposed to a full LARP or some type of Gov operation, he/they can’t divulge 90% of the info they have. I personally think it’s a LARP and the government is just letting it go because it supports the current administrations goals to fight corruption and such.

ScientificRacism ago

they’re all digging for crap but nothing has really come of it


Didn't you know that Q single handedly killed John McCain and emboldened all of Germany to reject Merkel? That was strictly Q.


Shit, now I believe.

zyklon_b ago

Copy and spread this post if you know a sub to put it in

GhostSkin ago

Yes! Im going to post it everyday

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

Q has been compromised.

CallASpadeASpade ago

Q getting compromised was part of the plan! Great work Patriot! Hillary will be in jail next week!

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Q predicted you would post this rebuttal.

SlapRackPull ago

Damn I missed that post. ;)

BadGoy1488 ago

Q predicted you'd post this reply.

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

Q predicted you would say that.

70times7 ago

Q picked his nose

lord_nougat ago

Jesus wept.

YugeDick ago

Jesus wiped*

lord_nougat ago

Cleanliness is next to godliness!

YugeDick ago

Well this just became my new favorite copy pasta. Hope you don't mind.

Arrvee ago

LARP or not, the corruption and treason at the highest levels of our government is a real thing.

SuzeQ2018 ago

EXACTLY!! WHY these 'doubters' even bother is beyond me. There is CORRUPTION AT MONUMENTAL LEVELS in our government and it doesn't matter if Q IS REAL OR NOT. WHAT MATTERS is Q's MESSAGE and it is SHOCKING!!

ajimboalogo ago

Therein lies the rub. Q followers are being lulled into a sense of complacency...someone is working behind the scenes. Just gonna sit by my PC and eat popcorn. Can you imagine Q being a Hillary shill...setting up this superhero, giving the far right so much hope and energy...to find out in 2020 that still nothing has come to bare (assuming Q can keep this up for another 2 years)....how many gonna jump ship? Hillary in a landslide...or whoever the DNC choses.

NotHereForPizza ago

Wow, come on man. You're not supposed to agree with Q guys. They're trying to divide us.

Get back on the plantation!

ScientificRacism ago

Alright, and your point is what exactly? That we should believe everything that everyone says on the Internet that aligns with our preconceived notions?

We don't need Q to tell us what all of Voat has known well before Q showed up.

bob813 ago

No shit, boomer. There are countless factual books written on this, which will actually increase your IQ, knowledge and understanding and these books reveal corruption on all sides, they arent particular to a party and dont involve joining a cult like Q.

Fenrir-1488 ago

No fucking shit. Literally no one left, right, or center thinks that the government isn’t corrupt.

What’s that have to do with some faggot wasting people’s time and causing them to clutter the site with useless garbage?

Qutedrop ago

Q’s purpose is to motivate people to trust Trump, to vote, to break free from the MSM. He’s quite successful at all of those.

If you think his purpose is to provide you with insider info you’re retarded. It would be illegal and stupid for him to do so.

It’s a psyop plain and simple. Thanks Obama for making this legal to use on Americans. Thanks Q for using it to Trump’s advantage.

NoRoyalty ago

It's so easy to spot the trolls in this thread. They think they're fooling us. We smell their fear.

vladtep ago

You mean to keep the goyim on the voting plantation.

kevf4 ago

Nobody claimed that government corruption doesn't exist. This Q disinformation campaign can only cause more harm than good.

SuzeQ2018 ago

How? Details please.

SlapRackPull ago

And if all Q accomplishes is opening some normies eyes so they can find truth on their own apart from Q then it’s a great thing. Those who have made Q some kind of god are still lost.

shifty_pete ago

True, the damaging thing is Q’s “trust the plan” making all these worthless boomers content to sit back instead of getting out there and actually doing something.

KennethKenstar ago

Damn, suddenly I think Q is a great idea. Keep posting shills.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

They would be slaughtered.

Honey_Pot ago

Fuck you, shill. Stop trying to divide Voat.

weezkitty ago

Even without Q, there have been plenty of people on here with the "Trump god emperor" bullshit. Putting unconditional trust in the government is sure to fuck you over

NoRoyalty ago

Doing what??

Womb_Raider ago

As opposed to what? Boomers weren't 'getting out there and doing something' before he showed up. Since Q has appeared, we've seen many Government employees resign, we've seen corrupt people like McCain die... to cancer, supposedly, we've seen Angela Merkel lose power. We've seen so much progress since the appearance of Q. Is it coincidence?

Hand_of_Node ago

We've seen so much progress since the appearance of Q. Is it coincidence?

Are you even serious? The answer is yes. I know people are emotionally invested in this belief, but it's beyond any rationality.

Womb_Raider ago

Time will tell

Hand_of_Node ago

Yes, although the problem I see here is the classic "I need more time because of" [reasons]. It's a tried and true tactic. For what it's worth, I still hope you turn out to be correct, even if all the evidence is against you.

ScientificRacism ago

Yes, it is.

The only alternative is that some shadowy figure named Q killed McCain and infiltrated the German Government to manipulate their political parties.

And that does nothing to explain the myriad of false claims Q has made.

We need more than faith, Womb.

Womb_Raider ago

This user has so far shared a total of 1 links, started a total of 0 discussions and submitted a total of 19 comments.

Cute alt account...

As for your comment, I understand Q is unlikely to have directly had a hand in the changes in Germany, that’s more a reference to morale and social change. It’s an unfair stretch, I’ll give you that. The changes in the US government, however, almost warrant the term monumental. It may not be Q related, I’m not certain either way, but I do trust our President and it seems to me he endorses or at least acknowledges Q, so until the President loses my faith or changes his stance, I’m holding any negative judgment out of respect for him.

CrudOMatic ago

Wow. This is stunning confirmation bias. Put down the Q crackpipe. This is a clear psyop, though it could be a super-deep LARP by lefties for lulz. What makes me think it's a psyop is when he says the deep state is in Iran. FULL STOP. The deep state has been wanting regime change in Iran for decades, because surprise, surprise, Iran is one of the few countries left that doesn't have a Rothschild-owned foreign central bank. Knowing that bit of info, it's clear exactly WHO and WHERE the deep state is.

Rotteuxx ago

Ebola came back with a vengeance since Q popped up.

Countless white women are getting raped by niggers ans shit skins at exponential rates since Q popped up.

Democrat public servants resigning in a Republican administration & the death of a geezer suffering from one of the most aggressive cancers one can be diagnosed with has fuck all to do with Qlarp.

Do you actually think McCain was taken behind a shed ?

Womb_Raider ago

Ebola is trivial. You're trying to overplay it to suit your narrative.

White women getting raped by niggers is caused by mass immigration. This is because of seeds sown before Q appeared. The rapes will continue until those European countries get their house in order. Doesn't have shit to do with the USA.

The resignations are Dem AND Repub. Don't try to spread fake news, faggot. It's not partisan. You made a big error implying it is.

I don't know for sure what happened to McCain, I fear my confirmation bias makes me want to say yes he was executed, but at his age with cancer... it's possible it was an organic death, but he looked pretty good in his most recent public appearance...

bushka ago

If it's true that McCain had brain cancer then that is what he died from. In the end they often withdraw aggressive treatment - just like they did with him. He was likely put on comfort measures only and that typically includes sufficient opiates to make passing as painless as it can be. Many people believe he was executed because of a comment made by John Kasich that McCain was put to death. He is Catholic. I knew this Catholic nurse who refused to take care of a patient because the feeding tube keeping them alive was being disconnected and to her it was murder and she wouldn't be complicit. This is how these people think, that's why he said McCain was put to death.

Womb_Raider ago

I’m not convinced, but we’ll have to ask Kasich to know for certain.

bushka ago

I am convinced. It is the nature of the cancer.

Womb_Raider ago

Let me know when you have a video of him saying such things

toobaditworks ago

McCain went to the doctor and the doctor gave him a thumbs down.

Rotteuxx ago

Ebola is trivial. You're trying to overplay it to suit your narrative.

As trivial as bringing up Merkel, it has shit to do with the U.S.

It's not partisan. You made a big error implying it is.

Just like you implying Q has anything to do with this.

As a matter of fact, dems & gop being let go gently only shows that there is no will to prosecute traitors as Qlarp pretends.

Conspiremylove ago

Best reply in this thread.

zyklon_b ago

Cohencidence and you are too smart to believe in Q so you are paid

Womb_Raider ago

That's not even an argument. I wish I was paid to argue with you financed frauds.

fluhthreeex ago

My grandson was born since Q appeared. He has been a miracle to my family and I know to the world. Maybe my grandson is responsible for these things.

toobaditworks ago

A R is born. All hail Lord R.

StarAnon ago

Maybe, he's Q. Maybe, he's R.

123456788 ago

Ok, you're a Q non-believer, which is fine. Might I ask what you're doing instead of remaining content and sitting back? Please tell me what the non-believers are doing to take action? Genuine question and hoping for a genuine response.

Hand_of_Node ago

Are you suggesting that joining a mysterious cult with probable malevolent intent is better than literally doing nothing?

GhostSkin ago

What are you doing to take action? How have you personally made any difference whatsoever? How is solving Little Riddles making any difference in the real world? How is gossiping amongst other people that are in your group making any difference whatsoever? You are doing nothing and you do not matter.

123456788 ago

What are you doing to take action?

Literally the same thing as everyone who responded to me. I preach red pills in real life and online, support my candidates and raise campaign funds.

How have you personally made any difference whatsoever?

This question is redundant.

How is solving Little Riddles making any difference in the real world?

I don't solve riddles. I simply read Q drops as I believe it's MI communication with us. Q has redpilled a ton of people, you can't deny that. I also don't talk about Q in real life, I simply talk about facts and beliefs.

How is gossiping amongst other people that are in your group making any difference whatsoever?

This is also redundant.

You are doing nothing and you do not matter.

What are you doing that's making a huge difference that I am not doing?

Lastly, why so much hate when we believe in the same things and want the same outcome? You're making zero fucking sense right now. Unless you're a paid shill trying to divide the Voat members, I don't understand you're logic and what you think you're hoping to accomplish here. It's coming across as petty as fuck to be honest.

GhostSkin ago

I don't think you're probably spreading red pills I think you're discussing these topics amongst people who already agree with you. Whenever someone questions Q people they are immediately called a shill and ignored. You are in a cult and that is the sad truth.

123456788 ago

Lots of assumptions there. I really don't care if people disagree with me. But people who disagree while spewing hate, tend to be shills. True patriots disagree with respect. You are not. Tell your manager you need better $hill training.

GhostSkin ago

You just proved my point.

123456788 ago

You still haven't directly answered my only question. What are you personally doing above and beyond that of somebody who believes in Q? If we believe in the same things and want the same things, doesn't that put us on the same team?

One love.

GhostSkin ago

Nothing. The difference is I never claimed to have been. I don't fool myself. I can't tell you though I have serve my country through military service.

Hayride ago

They're posting "kike" "n-word" "boomers" "faggot" etc., etc. like they've got keyboard tourette's.

CrudOMatic ago

WTF exactly are qoomers doing other than sitting back and trusting the plan? That's the point of 'trust the plan' - to get you to sit idly by and wait for Trump to save you instead of saving yourself. This is called 'slave mentality' and Q is slave mentality on steroids.

123456788 ago

Tell me what you're doing to make a difference that people who believe in Q are not doing? The answer is, you are not doing anything above and beyond.

You are acting how a liberal acts to a Trump supporter in real life. You are acting like a petty child.

Hand_of_Node ago

People who are literally doing nothing are superior to people who willingly do the bidding of our enemy. That was a decent try at deflection, but you need practice, Moshe.

AR47 ago

I know what I do.

Stopped caring about being a Republican or a Democrat and focused on being an AMERICAN. This entire movement is ment to futher segregate the people of this nation to insight a civil uprising that non of us will come out on top of.

You remember the banks being too big to fail? Well the entire thing of American dream and way of life is a lie. It is failing and they must shift the blame because people have realized it and they need a new goal so this presidential election and looming prediction of Justice for what you are supposed to think is right all the sudden matters.

News flash or "BREAKING" If that gets your attention.......it doesn't. This president is doing nothing but enriching himself and his friends. They are all in a big club and we ain't! Pick the boogy man and focus on them like Jew, or political party......doesn't matter.

It is just evil people doing evil things to be the worst of all.....greed

No matter who wins we will certainly lose.

NoRoyalty ago

Why don't you just kill yourself then?

RockmanRaiden ago

Seems to me that they're content on bashing Q supporters. Projecting their own uselessness.

Rotteuxx ago

Projecting their own uselessness.

Being a tool that falls for a larp is pretty fucking useless buddy, projecting...

zyklon_b ago


PixieJean ago

We voted for conservatives, and the left is steeling all of those votes and reversing the will of the people. Q wrote that the mid term was sage. Well I guess he meant that the midterms were safe for the left to remove and replace conservative votes with leftist/socialist/commie votes.

Q is the LARP, Q is the SHILL.

123456788 ago

No one has been sworn in. We have no idea what will happen with investigations, recounts, special elections.

NoRoyalty ago

Very true. We must be patient and allow enough time for investigations in each state before DHS can bring findings before the American public. Internal leaks reveal that DHS installed very hi tech cameras in polling areas over 29 states. Ask yourself why.

shifty_pete ago

I engage in debate with peers, I drop red pills, and I encourage those around me to look at the real events around them. I do not tell them to get involved with the cult of personality that is Q since that makes conservatives look moronic.

123456788 ago

I don't talk about Q in real life. We preach the same shit, dropping red pills. Knowing we're on the same team, why so much hostility?

mwoew8t5cs ago

So you are doing exactly what the Q followers are doing, but from a different perspective.

Hand_of_Node ago

No, Qcumbers have joined a cult that's likely using them for a harmful purpose. "Let's rejoice that our country is being overrun by foreigners who hate us" Nice job, buddy. You're working for the enemy.

123456788 ago

They don't understand that we're on the same team. Unless these are paid shills, there is no reason these people are that retarded.

VoatsNewfag ago

Q is the perspective of praying that someone else will the dirty work for you. "Enjoy the show. Trust the plan."

123456788 ago

The only people who responded to my question talked about raising campaign funds and red pilling people. I'm doing the exact same shit and we are preaching the exact same shit. I follow Q, but have never used it as a talking point in real life. I use facts and logic. With that being said, why so much hate?

VoatsNewfag ago

For the same reason voat despises r/the_donald even though they too simply post redpills and talk with others. Voat and the Q community have a lot of common ground and so does voat and v/thedonald.

Yet when v/thedonald tried to migrate over here we scared them off within a week. Their community was probably 10 to 100 times as large, v/thedonald still is among the biggest subverses and yet it's pretty much dead nowadays.

We saw the very same reaction from the Q community. Qanons attacked regular voat users that have been here for years and are well received as being deep state clowns that "followed them over here to paint Q as a nazi. We're totally winning guys if they go to these lengths.". At some point almost half of regular voat was banned in their new subverse until the moderators were bullied into submission by the entirety of voat.

The moderator of that subverse did a lot of questionable stuff like vote manipulation. And they deleted comments that simply criticized them. Besides that they acted very arrogant. https://voat.co/v/theawakening/2725448 After this they made still comments on how they intend to moderate their subverse after having a bunch of public polls (after manipulating votes on voat!).

Very few Qanons criticized their moderators, which told the rest of voat a lot about the Q community. They didn't wait years until their migration to voat because they were ignorant of alternatives or hoped to reach a bigger audience on reddit, they liked it. And it seems like many are still longing for their reddit tier moderation while still believing that they are on reddit surrounded by shills and NPCs. Everytime something controversial gets posted on v/QRV a bunch of Qanons get triggered. And their go to response is calling everything they dislike a shill.

If you question a goat they might call you a shill too, but they will usually still argue your contestation while insulting you. They might link to the minessota transracial adoption study, cousin marriage in islam or genetic studies on arabs. (all wikipedia links). Or they might link to articles about bone marrow transplantation and race. Goats usually try to always cite sources. Goats so far were also entirely right when they said that we will likely not get the black vote in the midterms despite kanye west.

Question a Qanon and all you get is "wow, so many shills in this thread. All for a LARP? We're winning folks". This goes entirely against the culture of voat and the idea of redpilling. "listen and believe" is not redpilling. And this might not apply to all of the Q community but certainly a very big chunk of it.

NoRoyalty ago

What dirty work are you wanting us to do ? Have you been personally involved in organizing or participating in dirty work?

VoatsNewfag ago

What work do you think Q will do for you?

NoRoyalty ago

Spoken with all the il-logic of a liberal. I ask you a question and instead of answering you return with another question. And this is what you learn in college in 2018. Don't waste my time.

VoatsNewfag ago

The answer is that Qanons, most Goats and even most natsocs want the same things to my knowledge. A mass awakening, uncovering government corruption and pedophilia involved among high ranking politicians, arrests or perhaps even military tribunals and executions.

What it takes to get there? Oh, I don't know. My bet isn't on praying that someone will magically provide all this to you in the background. Assassination attempts or sending mail bombs will not work either, if that's what you hope for me to say.

mwoew8t5cs ago

That's an oversimplification. Q urges to think for one's self, to get out and research, to red pill people, to vote, etc. The only action that Q discourages is illegality and violence.

VoatsNewfag ago

Red pill on what? To tell others that they too should trust the plan and enjoy the show or to spread information about voting patterns etc.? Because over in /q/QRV they don't seem to like the latter all that much. Even when I try to use neutral sources like wikipedia they are still not found of anything that is too political incorrect. In the last weeks they always told me that they'll get the black vote and as far I know they didn't.

If you're wrong about Q telling others about him is actively damaging the right. Because you could had spread facts instead of a conspiracy theory that might be proven wrong in a few years and will make us look like fools.

shifty_pete ago

No. Because I’m not trying to convince anyone that there is an insider named “Q” leaving cryptic messages on the internet and pretending like there is some secret plan. We’re in the midst of a political war, and we don’t have enough allies. Following a ghost is a fool’s errand.

mwoew8t5cs ago

But you ARE trying to convince people that there ISN'T an insider named Q... You sound as patriotic as some Q people sound. You are just arguing about the validity of Q. Why not just ignore it?

shifty_pete ago

I don’t bring up Q with anyone.

mwoew8t5cs ago

Wait, what is this entire thread about?

shifty_pete ago

Are you really dumb enough to conflate this thread with conversations I have in real life?

Rotteuxx ago

Because it has a pacifying effect on people who should be getting angry and organized in real life.

Trust the plan, don't take action, don't get involved... that sounds pretty fucking anti patriotic to me when it's every citizens duty to uphold your constitution.

NoRoyalty ago

Get organized to do what? Have you organized anything?

Womb_Raider ago

Actually he asked that we get involved in local political scenes, and asked us to make memes to spread to normies. Q is asking us to be very involved.

Rotteuxx ago

local political scenes

I guess Q misspelled local militia & thinks that memes can change the world.

NoRoyalty ago

Political memes have been very effective in combatting disinformation. Surely you recognize that. In the EU they are discussing banning memes. I wonder why.

Womb_Raider ago

He mentioned we should be armed also.

mwoew8t5cs ago

Q never said don't take action or don't get involved. Never said anything like that.

shifty_pete ago


justsayingmayne ago

watching the mental gymnastics in this thread is hilarious

Whentwurf ago

making money to give to uncucked candidates and promoting white identity instead of nostradamus tier BULLSHIT.

123456788 ago

Excellent! Glad you're taking action.

NoRoyalty ago

I've been doing the same thing. Why do you accuse me of doing nothing??

Whentwurf ago

I didnt

babywayne ago

Was 123456789 taken? ;-)

Good question though. You won't get a response, because they don't have one. Apparently their action is to troll internet boards about topics they don't even believe in. Odd lot, them.

123456788 ago

I honestly didn't plan to stay on Voat so I pistol whipped an account together and here I am a while later.

I got some responses, but every response was "Talking with people". "Red pilling people".

We are literally on the same team, have the same beliefs and preaching the same stuff. I don't understand the Q hate from some people. Unless they're paid shills, I truly can't understand the hate when we are on the same team.

Hand_of_Node ago

I don't understand the Q hate from some people.

People outside the cult can see you working for the enemy. Some of us object to that.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Yes BW.. vote every single one down...it hits them EVERYWHERE....

YugeDick ago

I am not a Qultist.

For my part I actively engaged in real life, in person conversations with liberals to sway their opinions and inform them of the benefits of conservation and the problems with liberalism.

What do you do to change the world?

123456788 ago

I, too, converse with people on both the internet and real life to try and sway opinions. I do not talk about Q in my daily life. I also don't talk about Trump. I talk about policy and beliefs. Apparently being a Q believer on the internet is the equivalent of being a Trump voter. I stay in the closet or else immature fucks will try to talk down to me.

knightwarrior41 ago

What do you do to change the world?

interesting phrase there,only communists use it.have you change it? no,the world is still the same.

Mittermeyer ago

only communists want to change the world

The absolute stare of the Qult.

mwoew8t5cs ago

Where do you find liberals who are willing and capable of having intelligent conversations about conservatism and problems with liberalism? The non-conservatives that I know simply end the conversation.

NoRoyalty ago

Answer: you won't. Only the hard-core liberals remain after the "let's accuse all white men of rape and destroy their lives" show.

olieman ago

True.. Where I come from, it's a liberal (word use lightly) hell hole. All of the reason, common sense, logic and truth is all used in vein.

mwoew8t5cs ago

Do you believe that Q followers don't do the same?

VoatsNewfag ago

If you tell others that there is a hidden military organisation that will soon change the whole world and reveal politicians as pedophiles or worse you sound like a lunatic. If you tell them to enjoy the show and trust the plan you encourage passivity and dependence.

If you tell others about voting patterns, demographic shifts, wikileaks, project veritas you are providing facts - you sound sane if you provide verifiable facts. If you tell them to spread awareness and that drastic immediate change is required you're making a call for action.

123456788 ago

I don't mention Q or Trump in daily life. I use policy, beliefs and facts. We preach the same shit so why the hate?

NoRoyalty ago

WHY are you assuming Q believers can't walk and chew gum at the same time?? Stop with the insults.

VoatsNewfag ago

You cannot call for passivity and call for action at the same time. Besides that if Q turns out to be wrong, you are doing harm to the right by spreading a hoax.

YugeDick ago

In general, I doubt it. There are always exceptions.

CallASpadeASpade ago

And it’s going to get worse as the demographic situation devolves and we descend into 3rd world status but the Qtards will all be dead by then so not their problem.

VandalayIndustries ago

Upvoted spade

Doglegwarrior ago

Good point

FuckYesJefferson ago

I think you mean "good point PATRIOT"

Samchay6 ago

Yeah, great point...but what's the plan? Sit on your ass and wait for the state to protect you from itself?

Without an actual plan of action, this is just a patriots support group.

FuckYesJefferson ago

Q predicted you'd say that

Humansized ago

Qtards will just double down on their cult.

vladtep ago

They have no alternative until another master comes along with more appealing catch phrases.

HappyMealBullshit ago

Stop being a testosterone deprived betamale faggot who gives attention to other annoying faggots. How many soymilk latte's have you slurped down in the past 24 hours? You and all the Q fags are ballless, spineless cucks who let niggers and beaners fuck your women while you wait for your Chinese made gas station dick pills to kick in.

Fucking faggot.

gabara ago

You have been visited by the
@Womb_Raider of Miscegenation
You can be free of his cuckolding and misery
but only if you reply to this comment with:
FUCK YOU @Womb_Raider!

Doglegwarrior ago

A perfect low iq respone. Didnt make a sing point. You just went on a middle school level personal attack. How do you breath and walk at the same time you low iq fuck. I fucking hate people like you. You are mentsly fucked up. Yes i attacked you personaly but that is all you know and all you can do logic and reason are above your pay grade you stupid fuck. Go to reddit or go drive off a cliff if you could figure out how to start a car. Shit you are not smart enough to drive.. fuck. Ok go out side hold your breath and run head first into the nearest tree that should bump your iq up a little bit you dickless fuck

HappyMealBullshit ago

Wow I went on a "middle school level personal attack"? DAMN!

You must be the one starting these California fires with all your sick burns.

Doglegwarrior ago

Yes my burns so sick i literaly can start fires. I am taking this as a complement even though you intended it as sarcssim.

YugeDick ago

Did your girlfriend cheat on you again Happy? Sorry to hear that. Time to hit the gym again. Amirite?

Mr_Sir ago

But aren't you giving attention to OP an alleged faggot?

Womb_Raider ago

This is a soapbox account. It's worth noting. 3+ year account and his first comment of all time was three days ago.

gabara ago

You have been visited by the
@Womb_Raider of Miscegenation
You can be free of his cuckolding and misery
but only if you reply to this comment with:
FUCK YOU @Womb_Raider!

shadow332 ago

What's a soapbox account and why would affect what's in this post?

zyklon_b ago

he is a paid criminal shill ignore 1990

shadow332 ago

Thanks, I don't know this guy, but he thinks I'm a jew lel

zyklon_b ago

he works for the Jewish Interenet Defense Force

Womb_Raider ago

SoapBoxOpenBorders [O]

You're an owner of a Soap Box subverse. SoapBox members are basically JIDF on voat. They employ COINTELPRO tactics to divide and conquer, and you are suddenly using dozens of accounts to concern troll the Q movement.

You are trying to black pill people into losing faith.

shadow332 ago

You're an owner of a Soap Box subverse.

And? Why are you accusing me of having dozens of accounts? This is my only account. I don't understadn all the other accusations:

You are trying to black pill people into losing faith.

No, the opposite: I try to wake them up to the JQ. How can I be JIDF if I am nothing but against jews?

to concern troll the Q movement.

No. I only looked into the Q people recently and a good number of them sound like reddit retards and boomers. Their intentions are good but they seem to ignore the jews' role in our government. They need to work on that. That's basically my opinion on them.

Womb_Raider ago

Q has said he's saving zionists for last. They make too good a victim if tackled first.

You are an SBBH account and you are defending fellow SBBH account DANKGHIDORAH. He has a 3.4 year aged account but his oldest fucking comments is 3 days old. This is a parked account. Shills park accounts and shills defend parked accounts.

You people are so transparent it's a joke.

shadow332 ago

Why still haven't you answered how you think I'm JIDF? I don't see how that is "transparent" to you, or any sane person for that matter.

Womb_Raider ago

How many accounts have attacked me since I expressed doubt over a 3.4 year account making this post when they only started commenting three days ago, and posting 10 days ago? They made a single post 3.3 years ago and then the account went dead. A single post.

Now that I ask questions about this strange account spreading doubt on Q, I have 4...5 accounts attacking me? Who happen to be related to SBBH?

Looks like an organized group looking to control narrative to me.

shadow332 ago

But I, personally have ZERO to do with accounts attacking you, I don't even know you. That's why I asked you about what you said in the first place. I can't speak for the other accounts. But I still don't get how you think I would even be remotely jewish lol

Womb_Raider ago

That's not true. You're part of 3 of the main SBBH subs. RidersoftheReich, Identitarians (Which is an attempt to subvert the good sub /v/Identitarian, and SoapBoxOpenBorders. You're absolutely related to the other accounts attacking me and it's hilarious to see you try to deny it. You people are sloppy as hell.

shadow332 ago

That's not true.

Me being in those subs doesn't have any bearing on whether I would want to "attack" you or not. I don't, actually.

to subvert the good sub /v/Identitarian,

The "good sub" is basically dead. I'm not attacking you so I have nothing to deny.

Womb_Raider ago

It has bearing on you defending OP, one of your own. There's no coincidence here.

shadow332 ago

I'm not defending OP, I just asked you a question about your comment.

Womb_Raider ago

In defense of OP.

shadow332 ago

No. Jeez, forget it... ok? I'm sorry I asked.

Womb_Raider ago

You and I have spoken before, I accused you of being SBBH months ago. You're a fool to pretend you don't understand what it is. You're not sorry you asked, even saying you are is an act to impact an audience.

Do you want me to present a compilation of your comment activity with fellow SBBH accounts? I can even give you a percentage of your activity with versus a percentage of activity without SBBH. Your account so far is overwhelmingly participating with SoapBox accounts - and is a member of the SoapBox subs.

To pretend you're ignorant of what soapbox is and then point out that you're a member and know that is hilarious. You're selectively feigning ignorance.

Everything you've done in this thread is to change the perception of a reader rather than communicate with me.

You said you don't even know me but I can link you to the last time we spoke. You're a poor liar.

shadow332 ago

but I can link you to the last time we spoke.

No, really, it's fine. I give up here.

Womb_Raider ago


shadow332 ago


LampshadeMaker ago

Then maybe this is a false flag to make Q appear legit because everyone knows q is a kike psyop. We'll drain the swamp of kike child murderers and rapists, goy. You just sit back, relax and watch the ball game.

14958878? ago

Lol keep it up shekelberg.

@gabara looky here "mr" baby raider is concerned about the evil sbbh again cuz he's a Qcumber!

gabara ago

You have been visited by the
@Womb_Raider of Miscegenation
You can be free of his cuckolding and misery
but only if you reply to this comment with:
FUCK YOU @Womb_Raider!

14959610? ago

Fuck you @womb_raider! Well until you actually start legitimately arguing good points to prove Q ain't a bunch of bullshit to keep the awakening masses placated...

Womb_Raider ago

It's not my responsibility to tell people what to believe. I just point out when someone speaking is a manipulative liar.

14959936? ago

Oh so you really don't have any knowledge regarding the subject at hand. No rebuttals, only emotional whimpering.

Womb_Raider ago

I am an observer at the same security clearance as you, child. I can only speculate and theorize while waiting for the future. I don't put all of my eggs in the Q basket, I merely entertain the concept while waiting for results.

So far, Trump's presidency has given us results and Trump is acknowledging Q in public. That says enough for me.

At this point, if you say you doubt Q you also doubt President Trump, who is doing so much for the American people it's insane. If you want to doubt him, well, we aren't even on the same political wavelength at that point. You'd be anti-American from my perspective if that were the case.

14960291? ago

This isn't about President Trump - it's about multiple "predictions" that never happened or even happened the way they claimed to be perpetuated by an anonymous source that sure has helped get people to realize the shitstorm this country is in but is also keeping them placated and focused on what almighty Q "predicts" rather than actually do anything. Lol trust the fuckin plan, right? Don't do a damned thing, trust a President surrounded by Zionists that hate America and what it stood for cuz I'm sure he hasn't been personally threatened or his Jewish family hasn't been threatened or anything.

Isn't there some huge "prediction" that's supposed to happen today? Still waiting for Mrs Clinton to be put in prison... half the reason I voted for Trump.

Womb_Raider ago

Q spoke of voter fraud days before it came to light. He called it - it happened. He said he has traps in place. What are you doing to help this country personally? I've seen how you spend your time on voat, you don't do anything productive or politically motivating. You seed hate, disharmony, and attack individual users. You want me to look to you for advice on fixing the country? What a joke.

There were references to 11/11, and it's not even noon yet. You're expecting it to be done at midnight on 11/11? How fucking ridiculous can you people be?

14960421? ago

You don't know a goddamn thing about me much like me about you so don't stand there and assume like an asshole.

We've known about voter fraud for years now.

Womb_Raider ago

Nothing left to say?

14963125? ago

You obviously need to win internet battles more than me so take it so you don't go on suicide watch or something.

I'd rather you argue against OP's assertions than waste time arguing about "muh sbbh brigade". Otherwise logically reasoning - OP makes a better argument than Qtards "just have faaaaith!" And well all you've spewed so far at me and others are emotional responses that lack substance.

Womb_Raider ago

I'm surprised you're so Anti-Trump.

14963195? ago

More emotional responses. Are you a woman?

I voted for the guy, and have some faith but I am entitled to question him as much as support him.

Womb_Raider ago

Voicing surprise at a discovery is unisex, actually. I'm a man.

I don't think you do support him. Based on your rhetoric you want to destroy his progress.

14963409? ago

There ya go making assumptions.

Why are you still talking to me? Stop wasting your energy on me and go and make a reasonable argument against OP's bullshit? That's all I ask of you. You are more knowledgeable than me on this subject and I am more than sure you actually have some good points that's not based on feelings.

Womb_Raider ago

We've known about voter fraud for years now.

And have our political leaders acknowledged it? Fuck no. But Trump and Q (They're a team.) are acknowledging it. They're putting it in the spotlight. They're forcing the media to address it. They're forcing normies to be exposed to it, they wouldn't otherwise.

It's amazing to see you people work so diligently to shit on anything productive in this fucking country.

gabara ago

I'm with you. At best Q is some random faggot. At worst it's controlled opposition. It's 11/11 and nothing happened.

Samchay6 ago

Spot on observation.

14959697? ago

Most Americans are complacent even with the slow but sure erosion of freedoms and democracy. As long as they got their fb and sugary coffees and tv shows.

Samchay6 ago

Well the Boomer QFUCKS sat on their asses while their hippie peers fucking destroyed America, so I don't know why I expected anything better this time.

Trust the Plan: Sit on your ass, get diabetes, and wait for the state to protect you from itself

Not a great plan.

14960319? ago

It's a great plan for embracing communism!

gabara ago

The hollow men. There will be no collapse.

14959805? ago

I hate it. I don't want to die a slave or a serf.

gabara ago

We are all serfs of the Government

Womb_Raider ago

You can downvote brigade me, call me jewish, call me sane goat, whatever it is you losers choose to do.

Either way the pattern is clear: SBBH is trying to "meme" Qtards and various derogatory Q-names to deflate the movement and a majority of posts criticizing Q on voat are of SBBH origin.

You people are afraid of the Q movement and I suspect it's because it threatens your income.

14958981? ago

Them qtards seem to be handling the trolling well and don't need the likes of you to virtue signal for them.

Sbbh can have their say just like everyone else here. Not sbbh fault you're an insufferable cunt of a person incapable of making friends.

Also instead of wasting your effort on "my sbbh" why not counter argue the points made in this submission? You know? Actually contribute something useful to the conversation?

Womb_Raider ago

I'm not virtue signaling a god damned thing, don't use that poisoned term against me Harzso.

I have many friends, some people aren't worth befriending. I'd rather be friends with bleeding heart liberals than with any singular member of SBBH's paid brigade.

I have contributed many thoughts on the Q movement. You people are banking on impatience. I have patience. We see widespread voter fraud and Q is addressing it, yet here you all are saying he's doing nothing and the world is ending. I'd say you're morons but you aren't - you're conniving swindlers trying to Jew the good people here out of fighting for themselves and believing in something.

SearchVoatBot ago

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14959207? ago

Still waiting for you to contribute any sort of counterargument against OP rather than continue with the bullshit agenda that sbbh is something it is not. Otherwise Dank has made decent points and if you got something useful to say against them I'd be fuckin interested in hearing.

Othereise... Virtue signaller for Qcumbers!

Womb_Raider ago

You're just baiting me into commenting more so you can continue to downvote brigade my posts. I won't assert that Q's word is God, but I believe Q is real and is advocating for us in a very difficult battle. If you don't think something is happening regarding all these resignations and indictments, I think you're low IQ.

14959378? ago

I don't downvote brigade anymore than your lot does. In fact maybe I'm one of those people in the middle about Q that goes back and forth between "hmm maybe there is something to this" to "holy shit look at these followers mentality following anonymous words despite that the predictions barely pass off as even happened or close to have happened at all - bunch of cultist..."

How about I see Danks argument as it is laid out for the individual to discern themselves as well - and well here you are claiming to be a Q follower but you're not conversing you're standing around bitching about another sub instead. All emotional rather than logical and all I want is to see logical arguments telling Dank he's wrong not "reeee sbbh!"

Womb_Raider ago

I do not engage in organized voting. You people do.

YugeDick ago

Because strawman is the best they've got.

14959088? ago

It's pathetic.

hangry ago

Fuck off. You have no idea what you're talking about. I'm a SBBH owner and am pure white American who voted for The Donald. Stop being a cunt.

Womb_Raider ago

and am pure white American who voted for The Donald.

Weak trolling.

hangry ago

True nonetheless.

YugeDick ago


Weak argument.

Womb_Raider ago

How many of your accounts are you going to bring out?

YugeDick ago

Uh... This is only my second one. It wouldn't take much digging to identify my other one and see I haven't signed into it since I made this one.

Check for yourself. I'll wait here. Need a hint? Check my subverse ownership.

You're a paranoid fool whose feelings are hurt because you got proved to be a fool today. I know it's hard to realize you're in a cult but you're gonna be ok once you admit the reality of it.

14959448? ago

He argues like an emotional thot of a "woman" and here I was hoping I'd get more out of him other than "reeee sbbh touched my peepee"...

Womb_Raider ago

You're going to claim I made a strawman when I'm accusing @hangry of being SBBH as well, and you can clearly see in his profile that he is, in fact, SBBH as well.

You're a fool making an ironic accusation.

zyklon_b ago

get some professioanal help

Womb_Raider ago

I’m quite alright. I recommend sampling your own advice.

zyklon_b ago

why are you crying out in pain as you attack SBBH?

Womb_Raider ago

Many people are victimized by you

zyklon_b ago

name one?

Womb_Raider ago

Amalek, Sane

zyklon_b ago

Wrong I never participated even once in trolling of amalek and you can ask him . womb you was I chat and you seen sane tell me either I was with him or against and he caused the breakup. I was neutral. I do not know why u insist on bein "jealous"? or whatever but I am innocent and care about yalls well being

Womb_Raider ago

That's a lie. I was not a witness to that conversation. I wouldn't believe you unless Sane themselves said it.

zyklon_b ago

You are a fucking liar and know good and well Sgis and I were cool until he got pushed over the edge

Womb_Raider ago

Sane hated your entire group. Hated you. You are the most outlandish person alive.

hangry ago

I am SBBH never said otherwise. It is your warm, kind, and friendly home away from home on the interwebs.

Womb_Raider ago

That's why SBBH is downvoating me en masse, eh?

WhiteRonin ago

You like me are targeted by our associations. Both sides will claim we chose the wrong team. We both get downvotes because of that.

I haven’t heard or read of any calls to get you.

Are there people on sbbh that don’t like you? Probably.

But thi k about who it is.

Womb_Raider ago

It appears to be a majority of SBBH. You, once, were one of my most volatile detractors too. Don't forget that.

WhiteRonin ago

I don’t remember. Yeah, I plan need you a few times but you were like most people I ran into.

Tallest is my toy and will stay that way.

Womb_Raider ago

None of that made sense.

WhiteRonin ago

Sorry. “Plan need” should have been “pinged” and to give a better meaning to this. Those pings weren’t in a good way but being an ass. But that was in the early days when we ran into each other.

After or PMs, I just raze you now every so often. I don’t think I even bother fresh that much since then. However, like I said, Tallest isn’t off my shit list. He has that amazing staying power on that list that has surpassed all other goats.

Womb_Raider ago

I got 5 downvotes for saying what you said didn’t make sense. I was right, but your people downvoted me to punish my voice.

Womb_Raider ago

WhiteRonin ago

I lost 2 for my badly worded content so your people down voted me.

Look, we can go back and forth making assumptions or just deal with stupid down votes.

Who is making all the claims that SBBH is XYZ in anon / qrv and to for all new refugees to see? See how we will get into a circular debate? It’s rather retarded trying to find the first instance where this all started.

Do you we start blaming people for up voting friends and down voting those we don’t like?

Look, we can cry all day about aloud fee feez or just grow a pair and move on. Isn’t this what we tell refugees?

We got an asshole running around crying libel but yet slanders a whole sub. So, because like I said earlier, you get put into that group just as much as I get put into mine. Personally, That Little fucker kept crossing the line with me even after I told him I promised gassy that I’d cool it down. I’ve kept my promise to gassy even though I don’t like that dude. Tallest didn’t want a part of it. He talks shit and I call him out.

I don’t screw with freahmeat unless it’s him in anon. But I haven’t pinged him in months.

So look at what’s going on here. A party is a dick to b party. Both parties friends do the votes. If both a and b would just stay away from each other votes wouldn’t happen.

We could test something to prove a point. You might like what I’m suggesting but it’s the smallest group to work with. Tell your people to stop posting about the big bad meanie sbbh for 2 weeks. I’m gonna bet that down vote should drop seriously and only a few with bugs up tenor asses will still do it. If Tallest leaves me alone - I’m still willing to call that truce.

I sort of like you dude that’s why I don’t bother you and if I do comment it’s like I said part of the raze or part of the post. I don’t go out of my way to look for you.

Womb_Raider ago

I don’t have a “group”. You people bunch all SBBH-critics into one super mass and it’s erroneous. That said, even the SBBH detractors don’t engage in organized voting. SBBH does. I’ve seen my account downvoted across the board many times, meaning someone is going into my comment history and methodically DVing my most recent 10-20 comments. I don’t see that from anyone else. It’s not cool.

As for the rest of what you said, I would stop talking about SBBH if it were clear the manipulation would cease, but what you’ve done to PG and GA is obvious. There’s a difference between trolling and attempting to control the website’s content or even to a lesser extent control the content of a subverse - particularly a subverse your people did not create originally. Those are all valid points.

I don't know what more to say on the topic honestly.

WhiteRonin ago

Dude I was I trying to be chill and now you go on about me or sbbh as me. Your usage of “you” is vague and triggering. Not cool buddy.

I quote you, “You people bunch all SBBH-critics into one super mass and it’s erroneous.”

Then you go on about how things “you people” did.


Clarify for me if I’m wrong but you just said group people is erroneous but then rant about how you just grouped people. This is crazy talk to be honest.

IIRC, te last time I actually posted in PG was like day 2 or 3. Probably day 2. So, nope not me.

As for GA. Sryazie keeps an eye on me and we pm every so often which is normally after I dug up a traitor that has been verified by vindicator. She obvisously checks out my claims. She knows I’m a fence sitter about Q and she knows I keep the shit posting out. Well, I’ve slipped a few through but it’s been normally when all kinds of other shit got through too. I barely post enough to be noticed by Q anons.i even respectfully stayed away on 11.11.

Some sbbh will side with one or the other and hardly both.

As for your downvotes, clean your realProtectVoat group up before considering sbbh. I get down voted 2-3 on the average. Yes, rPV does what you claim they don’t. The days of when me and Tallest go at it, I definitely see down votes continue. So, stop whining and deal with it.

I also told you that this blame A or B is a circular logic problem. And I even suggested a way to test yours and mine theories.

Your recent 10-20 comments were here. And you were in the fight just as much as the others. ZB was being honest. You can tell by how he rolls. If he was being a dick he is being a dick. If he’s like above when he said he up coated you he was being legit. Being paranoid is a bad habit. Yeah, I start up with people and then if I cool down and ask for clarification shit normally ends up cool and misunderstandings get cleared up.

I highly suggest learning the word sorry and mean it. You can still be a dick about it but people will relaize that you weren’t being a dick about what they thought you were being a dick about.

You never did apologize for screen shorting our pm and turning it a float post about how you are turning me. Even then, I looked away and didn’t give you shit for being a fuck. You broke my trust buddy and I thought we could be cool with each other even being form different sides of the track.

So why do you consistently want to get into about this shit? It’s fucking childish dude. Are you still in school?

Womb_Raider ago

You’ve not been shy of your SBBH affiliation before now...

WhiteRonin ago


Why you wanting to get into it?

I am not them and what they did is their responsibility. I take responsibility for my actions.

Womb_Raider ago

Yet act like part of a hivemind

WhiteRonin ago

It’s sad that I’ve been cool with you during these last few exchanges but I’m not gonna sit here and let you insult me.

Don’t even bothering replying.

TheBuddha ago

Because we don't like you.

Womb_Raider ago

Admitting to downvote brigading is pretty classy.

TheBuddha ago

Not brigading, just disliking you. It's hardly our fault that you're an inbred moron that's entirely unlivable and a complete failure of a human. That's your fault.

Womb_Raider ago

I don't give a damn about the approval of sub-human propagandists.

TheBuddha ago

Obviously you do, or you'd not be crying about it like the useless cunt you are. Don't try lying to someone who can actually process information more complex than a bumper sticker. Your lies are obvious.

Your impotent rage makes me smile. Earlier, I saw you claim you had friends. Yet another lie. The truth is that you're pathetic with nary a single meaningful accomplishment to your name, and that is never going to change.

Sucks to be you.

Womb_Raider ago

I make noise for the people you try to manipulate, not for you.

TheBuddha ago

Funny how you have gone from not caring to caring.

You sure do tell a lot of lies. Insecurity and inferiority, not a complex as you really are inferior, will do that.

Womb_Raider ago

Who said I didn’t care about real voaters? I always have. I’ve been butting heads with the SaneGoats and the SBBHs since I got here. Fact.

I haven’t lied about that at all. Your kangaroo court is funny, SBBH.

SearchVoatBot ago

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TheBuddha ago

There you go lying again.

Actual goats will see this.

By the way, you should notice that I've not actually even downvoted a single one of your trash comments. If you think they're organized (which is a requirement for it to be brigading) you're even dumber than previously ascertained.

Womb_Raider ago

Show me if you're so confident.

Your account hasn't downvoated me [today], yes. A brigade doesn't require every account you possess. Technically a brigade could be one user with five accounts. A brigade doesn't require 12 accounts or some arbitrary number to become a brigade, it's about intent.

TheBuddha ago

Here's a couple that I found close enough together to fit into one screenshot.


I didn't put more energy into it, but the fact that your responses to me are 0/0 should be indicative of that.

Womb_Raider ago

Is that so?

zyklon_b ago

I upvoted to cancel dvs given

Womb_Raider ago

If you use one account to upvoat me, and you use another to downvoat me, does that mean I should like you?

WhiteRonin ago

Actually, that’s -2 by your math. Lol

Womb_Raider ago

Er... thanks for that, I meant to switch up and down and instead put down twice on my edit. I make mistakes.

WhiteRonin ago

I know what you meant but had to make fun of you. ;-)

zyklon_b ago

I like you. I disagree with the getting paid to be here but know you are a decent human and mostly good although misled

Womb_Raider ago

Don't play games. I know where the downvoats are coming from. I know more or less the individuals giving them out. You can play good cop bad cop, but ten minutes from now you're as bad or worse than the other personalities. We've been here before.

Why do you people care so much about destroying the Q movement? Are you afraid he will destroy your piggy bank?

WhiteRonin ago

I don’t think he’s lieing. You know his style. Breath real deep for about 10 minutes and think.

ZB/BJ goes for the juggler doesn’t he? Why would he say otherwise?

zyklon_b ago

I have NEVER downvoted anything intnetionally

Womb_Raider ago

My sides are splitting with laughter. I think I even have a screenshot of you saying you have.

zyklon_b ago

A doctored screenshot asshole.

look I know you are a paid criminal shill

Womb_Raider ago

Actually it's an archive if I'm not mistaken... those can't be doctored as far as I'm aware.

I don't get paid a dime for this - and honestly, who would pay me to do this? There's a lot more incentive to pay you to argue for the things you argue for than to pay me to argue against you. After all, you say you're just a bunch of trolls.

What man in their right mind is going to pay someone to counter trolls? You don't even make any sense.

zyklon_b ago

name 1 thing I have ever argued for besides free speech

Womb_Raider ago

You regularly call for the banning of users. Hell, sometimes you call for murder

SearchVoatBot ago

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zyklon_b ago

"I am a performance artist ALL here is satire" what part of that do you not comprehend

albatrosv15 ago

Including that comment you just posted?

zyklon_b ago


hangry ago

Is it because you're an asshole?

Womb_Raider ago

SBBH accuses people of raping children, you do understand that, right?

hangry ago

Where were you in 1990?

zyklon_b ago

@womb_raider raped and murdered a white infant in 1990

Womb_Raider ago

And I'm supposedly the asshole.

YugeDick ago

Claiming that because someone is part of a particular group and therefore their argument is wrong. That is a strawman. That is what you did.

What you did not do is refute the claims on their own merit.

You provided no argument. You used a strawman tactic to discredit the claims. You have no argument. You fail.

Womb_Raider ago

All I did was say he was trolling. That's not a strawman, even by your definition. You fail by your own logic, no?

YugeDick ago

All you did was say he was trolling. Yet you did not prove that this post was indeed a trolling post. Maybe you proved that he does troll but you did not prove that this is a trolling post.

You did not refute the claims made in the post. You fail.

Womb_Raider ago

I stated plainly in another comment that OP is highlighting failed predictions and ignoring successful predictions. It's propaganda via selective information.

It's like CNN half-reporting something, it's fake news without full context. You deny that?

YugeDick ago

And yet you do not call out those who support Q's validity by only pointing out successful predictions while they ignore the failures. It's like cnn half reporting something, it's fake news without full context. You deny that?

Your hypocrisy is rank.

Womb_Raider ago

Show me where I have denied the failed predictions. I've acknowledged them in comments many times. I've said Q team is human and imperfect. They are predicting a dynamic situation and vying for control over a nationwide, perhaps global, behemoth criminal network. We know that network exists.

We know that network has power. If you were that group fighting Q, would you not go out of your way to make his predictions fail to lower the morale of his following? You would. It's not outside the realm of reason to speculate this may have happened.

Still, Q has brought much progress since his appearance. It's possible he's not legitimate. I can never know for certain. Based on the circumstances and events since 2016, I'm pretty confident he exists and is genuinely fighting for Americans. I think he, or they, hold(s) the same views as the men who founded this country.

RabbiMohel ago

Womb_Raider is one of sanegoats accounts


Womb_Raider ago

Keep trying, faggot.

NeedleStack ago

Thanks! I haven't read your entire post but I have a question about the first two images. Since they don't have the "Q !" attribution, could they have been written by someone else? Or did the "Q !" attribution/sticky (whatever you call it) start after that?

Anyone have his November 11 'reunification' prophesy? I can't seem to find it. But it's 11/11 today so.. tick tock..

Derpfroot ago

That was before he knew about tripcodes and just posted as anonymous. Though anonymous, they are still attributed to him.

NeedleStack ago


derram ago

https://archive.fo/IW4R1 :

            Trump NDAs can’t silence ex-White House officials: legal experts | Reuters

This has been an automated message.

Mike_Foster ago

That's an awfully long list. Any Qtards care to offer a rebuttal?

ajimboalogo ago

SHILL SHILL lmao. Baby eating...fucking shill. Q was probably Hillary FFS.

NoRoyalty ago

Why don't you libtards go back to reddit?

cjtendon ago

Any Qtards care to offer a rebuttal?

Well, if you're impressed by that long list, I don't think you paid very close attention to it.

Here's the first Q drop from qmap:


If I were going to try to explain this, I might mention that the first mention of arrest in drop #1 was not even from Q - it was from a different Anon. I believe that is true, but heck, I don't know; this could have been two members of Q team replying to each other, or one writer with two IP addresses.

However, I doubt that trying to explain the details will get me very far, because people will regard this as an opportunity to write insults rather than listen to details.

My standpoint is that Q almost always writes unfalsifiable claims, and thus the list of "failures" is not a list of failed predictions, it's a list of times when people ascribed their own interpretations to vague and ambiguous claims, and then their interpretations turned out wrong. Instead of saying, "Gosh I was silly to try to interpret something so vague," people say, "Those guys writing vague hints are liars!"

No, those guys are neither liars nor failed prophets. They are extremely vague and ambiguous, and maybe that is objectionable, but most of the idiots who object to Q are really just making it clear that they jump to conclusions a lot.

Hand_of_Node ago

My standpoint is that Q almost always writes unfalsifiable claims, and thus the list of "failures" is not a list of failed predictions, it's a list of times when people ascribed their own interpretations to vague and ambiguous claims, and then their interpretations turned out wrong. Instead of saying, "Gosh I was silly to try to interpret something so vague," people say, "Those guys writing vague hints are liars!"

What stronger claim to credibility could one ask for than unfalsifiable claims in riddle form on a chan site? Where does the desperation to believe this "stuff" come from?

cjtendon ago

desperation to believe

If you think you're arguing honestly, you don't know what the word "believe" means. Nothing I have written indicates faith in Q, any more than I have faith in a cop, a soldier, or a garbage truck driver. If you know that you're arguing dishonestly, you should review your bad choices in life and resolve to become a better, more honest person.

Aeioulmao ago

The desperation comes from the feeling we all have in common (goats and qoats) that the world was and is getting fucked by people who want to do exactly that.

That’s why the movement is so strong from mere “unfalsifiable claims in riddle form on a chan site” as you put it, although I’m sure you wouldn’t call em that if you researched it a bit for yourself

Hand_of_Node ago

The format itself is anti-credibility for me, and when you add in all that cult membership-retention stuff like 'trust the plan' and 'WWG1WGA', it becomes practically indistinguishable from all the cults I've seen in the past. You know how they shape marketing campaigns to appeal to certain demographics? The "Q" psyop was designed to repel me.

I do see the appeal of authority figures promising they're looking out for your best interests and that everything will turn out okay.

F_Scott ago

All part of the plan.

BlueyTheCat ago

It can't be denied that the Q movement has inspired many to do more research and to learn more about our government.

As well it has opened a lot of eyes to what's really going on around us.

Once you see, you can't unsee! This is a small example.. https://twitter.com/jusdeplorableme/status/1042948989715308545

Also this Gen Flynn proof is pretty cool.. https://twitter.com/88YahamaKeys/status/1041110611910897665

Plus there are many many other QProofs.

Hand_of_Node ago

Plus there are many many other QProofs.

I can't tell if this is a troll, or someone who really thinks some random image is "proof" of the psyop. What the hell?

SlapRackPull ago

QTard reporting in! Followed Q from Dec. 2017. I have been chasing truth since 9/11 opened my eyes. IMO if Q is leading people away from MSM and into any kind of critical thinking, is a win. Those who worship Q have only moved away from their MSM gods and replaced them with Q. Q is a supplement to finding truth NOT the end all of what is, was and to be. Grateful for Q as He/they have broken so many out of the delusion, see where they go from here.

Mcmurdo32 ago

Also it is the Anons who are supposed to be piecing together what the Q drops are revealing. I have found them to be a great alternative resource for information as well.

Deepstateopwreckingq ago

No, Q replaced your "evil msm" with a cult demanding faith in "follow the plan" or followers were ousted as "liberal cucks". This didn't help anyone and turned into propoganda.

ajimboalogo ago

99% of Q believers are Fox enthusiasts...so I'm gonna have to argue that point.

Hand_of_Node ago

if Q is leading people away from MSM and into any kind of critical thinking,

Is there a place where that's happening? I don't read the riddles, or partake of the "bread" baked by the self-styled "bakers", but a number of those loaves appear to promote white replacement, and blindness to racial reality. From appearances, "Q" seems to be a jewish op to enhance Trumps credibility, which frankly was stronger before the "Q" psyop came along.

SlapRackPull ago

If Q is on the evil jew end of this game than we all have beds at a fema camp waiting. As the Q movement moves around the Chan’s, Reddit, and now voat. That’s a lot of data on who is “in” the patriot movement. If Q is legit. Yes I have seen a lot of people waken up to the reality that MSM is completely owned and a corporate DS scam spewing lies and propaganda to the masses. Now they have to search truth, they know it won’t be spoon fed to them. Last, assuming Q is legit, VOAT is well known for its content before Qsent his army here. Q wants the Qtards to find the Jew connection on there own. No race is created equal to another, never has been or will be. If your White, Asian, brown be proud of it. Just don’t believe the lie that we are created the same.

KennethKenstar ago

lol why? It's pure echo chamber here. The only people who post here are literal retards. Seems pretty awesome to me.

Mcmurdo32 ago

You're posting here.

KennethKenstar ago

keep posting retard

Hand_of_Node ago

I'm not a Qcumber and just read posts as they appear in v/all. However, I've seen the "they're trying to divide us" (Yay, multicult!) stuff, and read all the "anti-racist" comments by the Qcumbers. Maybe you're saying there's a core of Qcumbers with functioning brains, but I'm just going by the average of what I see. If I saw some evidence for what I think you're saying, I might actually accept that premise.

pby1000 ago

Besides "Trust the plan!". No, nothing.

Apply_Filters ago

Wouldn't the most obvious explanation be that Q also must post "disinformation" in order to influence the decision making of the enemy?

And also, Q doesn't claim to be a prophet that predicts future events like Edgar Cayce or Criswell, or Nostrodamus.
Of course some idiots look at it like that, I guess. I don't.

In my opinion, this is a military operation. With preparations involved that probably rival those of the invasion of France in 1944. And there will be versions of a General Patton, commanding a phantom invasion army in the UK, talking up a huge landing in the Calais area, to throw off the Germans so they commit their forces to face him, while the real operation is headed for Normandy...

And frankly, all the nitpicking over possible photoshopping of letterheads is not convincing to me. I don't know what the 'official' letterhead looks like. And I doubt if anyone here or those who pore over the images do either. And who's to say if there aren't different letterheads, for crissake? Or that a president can't change it multiple times at his own whim? o.O

Idk... And I'm the first to admit I haven't a fcuking clue as to what is really going on.
But I am sure as hell, that there are things going on that are NOT being told to us in the msm. In fact, that almost all of what they tell us is to divert us from the important stuff so that we only know what they want us to know, and understand next to nothing about how they are manipulate us night and day, upside down and sideways.
They hate Trump, and so I like him. It even appears he might be the only thing that stands in their way...
Idk. I truly don't.
But I am mightily concerned about how things appear to be. Shit ain't right, man.
Shit is fucked up.
But if there is such a clandestine war going on whoever is fighting the good fight, and hopefully someone is, then they need to be subtle as a fox, slipperier than the slickest eel. And smarter than probably all of us put together times two.
May God bless you with his grace, because as they say: no one here gets out alive.

Whentwurf ago

They hate Trump, and so I like him

I guess you supported Regan and W Bush then. How'd that work out?

Seriously. Issues matter. People don't. Not even trump. If you dont oppose immigration and jews running the media you are a cuck.

Apply_Filters ago

guess you supported Regan and W Bush then

No, I was not a fan of either one at the time. Not sure how you are coming to your conclusions.
Always had a creepy feeling about the Bush family and now obviously DS would be the easy guess about them. Look at how they get such fond and warm hugs and kisses from "mrs" obama...

Seriously. Issues matter. People don't. Not even trump. If you dont oppose immigration and jews running the media you are a cuck.

Seems as if you think you know everything. Got it all figured out, huh?
It's quite similar to how an NPC thinks.
I'm not saying you are one. Just making the observation of the similarity.

Whentwurf ago

Seems as if you think you know everything. Got it all figured out, huh? lol this coming from a Qtard is rich

Hand_of_Node ago

In my opinion, this is a military operation.

To discredit and demoralize conservatives so throughly that they'll never recover? Once the Qcumbers realize how easily and completely they've been had, what do you expect will happen? I have to admit it's a very impressive operation, and they've brilliantly targeted the most vulnerable core of the conservative demographic.

I'll be the first to congratulate Qcumbers if they "win the superlotto", but the odds look slim.

Apply_Filters ago

Yeah. So much is unknown. And might have to remain that way for awhile...?

It would sure be nice if by the end of today we could all point to some dramatic decisive actions being taken.

Hand_of_Node ago

I try not to be too cynical, but it's not easy.

Apply_Filters ago

me too, believe it or not.

Hand_of_Node ago

Based on your responses I've seen, I believe you've retained enough rationality to engage with non-cult members. While I'm mainly engaged with other interests and topics, I'm also very curious about what causes a person to be susceptible to the techniques employed by the "Q" psyop. Like, how does a person hear the Amway pitch and think, "Wow, that's just what I'm looking for!"? I don't see anything in "Qanon" that indicates credibility. Really, everything about it seems way too sketchy to even take seriously, but the fact remains that it's effective on some people. The question is why?

There's no rational basis, so what's in the target demographic that makes them so susceptible to this operation? I'm not saying I can't see the appeal in a secret superman coming to save the day in these crazy times, but superman isn't real. A superman posting riddles on the internet is so ridiculous that I have no idea how that can even get past peoples basic credibility filters. Look, I know the official US mental illness rate is 18.2%, and that "sociatal-change" has gone so far off the rails that even reality seems questionable, but how can people take this seriously?

I would be thrilled if a selfless politician came along who was dedicated to restoring our freedoms and making everything great again, but we don't live in a world where that can actually happen. We just don't. Too many people, too much technology, and too many threats as a result. No politician is going to burn it all down. If they even tried, destruction would result. I do see the appeal in believing in a "Q", but my rational mind can't make the claims fit into current reality.

At the same time, I believe people deserve the consequences they create, for good or for bad, so I limit myself to these expository comments on the internet.

Apply_Filters ago

I can only speak for myself.
It all begins with a lack of trust in official narratives. Whether its the evening news, history books, or the bible, etc.
I find myself just naturally trying to read between the lines in nearly any situation or with any subject.

This might be the most important ingredient necessary for a person to be 'vulnerable' to the "Q psyop"...

Hand_of_Node ago

I want to write more, to respect your thoughtful post, but cannot at the moment. (I tried, for more than an hour, but was not satisfied with what I had written... I plan to write more to answer you, but it must wait till later.

Fully appreciate this, as I experience it all too often. Thanks for not settling for an inadequate reply.

Apply_Filters ago

Not sure if you are still interested in this or not. It's been awhile.

I've been thinking more on how to answer your question, mainly because trying to understand my own thinking on this is rather interesting to me, too!
My lack of trust in official narratives and explanations goes back a long time for me, for personal reasons. I think that is an important factor to lead a person to become fascinated with this "Q".
(Again, I am only speaking for myself)...
If a person doesn't trust the mainstream explanations, then their natural need for a 'cohesive' worldview must be met somehow, and thus playing detective becomes a logical choice. You end up having to build your own understanding.
In other words, it means thinking for yourself. But results will vary, depending upon one's intelligence, and probably the relative amount of accumulated general bullshit clogging up the brain already, that has to be identified, reassessed and then reconnected in hopefully a better way. And then done repeatedly.
I think I may have been doing this for much of my life. So I was already 'out there' and well experienced in reconstructing alternative explanations for the world and all its craziness.
And perhaps most people would say that they do this to some degree? I'm not sure. I would hope so. It comes naturally to me now, perhaps.

Another important factor is probably this Christian element to the Q drops. It appeals to me. Honestly, if this had happened more than three years ago, I would have ridiculed this Q stuff immediately the moment I saw any quotations from the Bible.
Early in life I was a Christian, and a fairly serious one too. But then for nearly all of my adult life I was either atheist or agnostic, and fairly judgmental and quite an asshole about it at times!

But, I shit you not, I had a complete turn-about, perhaps three years ago. Found God. Capital G. Our good buddy Jesus Christ is my savior, the whole freakin nine yards, man!
Never thought it would happen like it did. Not to me!
I was too smart, too educated, too savvy and worldly, and all that Jesus stuff was silly fairy tales and bedtimes stories for weak minded morons. (It's a whole 'nother thread of posts there, haha.)
But anyway, it happened to me. A weird tale, truly. But it can happen. I am proof.
So we've got another reason for how the Q stuff, with the Bible quotes, pushes some of my buttons.

I wish more action was happening. If there are to be big revelations and evidence of vote fraud and endemic corruption to be revealed in CA and hopefully other places, SHEESH! I wish it would happen already!
The midterm results were a big let down, though. It's probably one reason why I haven't been posting here lately.

Hand_of_Node ago

Another important factor is probably this Christian element to the Q drops. It appeals to me.

Of course it does. The "Q" psyop is almost certainly targeting White Christians to continue or increase their support of Trump, who is wholly owned by the jews. I'm not privy to the details of their plan, but the evidence of Trumps ownership is overwhelming, and he really does appear to be working with the psyop, although he hasn't come right out and said it.

IMO, one of the main reasons the naysayers are so against the "Q" psyop is because the jews are making such an open mockery of our core demographics, and they apparently can't even see it. If you have a family, how would you feel if someone tricked them into becoming addicted to heroin? Perhaps not the perfect metaphor, but it's a lot like that.

Try to step outside of it all and see it from an 'outsiders' point of view. Look at Trumps jew connections. Look at the difference between the rhetoric and the results. Consider the credibility of a supposedly powerful authority figure in our government posting riddles on a chan site about being on 'our' side, and how they're going to purge the jews and their minions from our country. What a plot, eh?

Apply_Filters ago

That's a kick in the gut right there... Ouch.
Must recompute. click-click...

Hand_of_Node ago

IKR? But how wonderful would it be if it were only true...

Am I excessively cynical?

Apply_Filters ago

There might be a fine line between skepticism and cynicism, but IMHO, it is always good to look at everything with a clear and level head, and not let our emotions get the best of us.

It's hard to say for sure on this Q phenomenon. Might be a LARP. I admit that. My first reaction to an anon on 4chan who seemed to be claiming insider knowledge was, "That's a load of hooey."
If it is a LARP, though, it sure seems gosh darn sophisticated.
I'm enjoying the show, regardless.

zyklon_b ago

professional shill alert

Apply_Filters ago

I guess one man's shill is another man's worthy adversary, another man's chief corner stone, and another man's pain in the buttocks.

zyklon_b ago

orange man = zog puppet

Apply_Filters ago

This is not the zog puppet you are looking for...

zyklon_b ago

I am not looking for anybody just trolling 1990

Apply_Filters ago

lol, ik.
I was just attempting to be clever... :P

zyklon_b ago

It was good you need visit v/soapboxbanhammer

Apply_Filters ago

It's a funny place! I'm still working on being cool enough to post there.

zyklon_b ago

11.11 was a metaphor for 1-1-2019

Apply_Filters ago

Hey, maybe you're right?
Anyway, shill alert: Maybe something big is going down today as we speak, and the message of 11.11 was not for the us, the public, but more mindgames for the DS...?

The day's not over, either.

zyklon_b ago

we shall see

Trish_Pantscotti ago

Get your eels off my internet.

VandalayIndustries ago

Shit hasn’t been right since the Clintons were first elected. There has been a systematic takeover of the power structure of the government since then to allow the elite to do whatever the fuck they want and nobody will be held responsible. Who would do so? The media? Judges? Lawmakers?

Nah, it’s a giant shit show free for all with the average schlub being fleeced, controlled and divided.

The media will make sure it never gets better, that’s their job.

Deepstateopwreckingq ago

Had to scroll down a ways to find the first idiot blaming everything on the Clintons. There's hope for the right after all.

TeddyJackson ago

Indirectly saying things were right under Bush Sr. who killed JFK and tried to kill Reagan.

mightnotbearobot ago

Shit hasn't been right since America wanted independence. You fucked it up when you tried to make tea incorrectly.

VandalayIndustries ago

Lol. Nice!

zyklon_b ago

since 1974 and creation of petrodolar

Apply_Filters ago

I'm 100% certain that things-not-being-right go back, far back, even long before a young Bill Clinton shook JFK's hand.

VandalayIndustries ago

Can’t argue that.

pby1000 ago

Yes, disinformation, but people are getting tired of waiting. What excuse is there now?

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Err check out today’s posts..

Suggestion that DECLAS and UNSEALING are go....

Wouldn’t that be nice....

ThreeFourSevenOne ago

The problem is he's suggested that before.

pby1000 ago

I am looking at it now. Did Q post DEC[L]AS?

GodsAngell ago

Something better happen by January 1, 2019, because that is when the Martial Law Exec Order from March 1, 2018 goes into effect. This E.O. effectively removes all loop holes, so that these criminals can be tried via Military Tribunal.

Its not effective until Jan 1, 2019. We've waited 2 years, we can wait a few more weeks.

ThreeFourSevenOne ago

So why did Q ask if we were ready for declas and unsealed indictments a month ago, only to disappear for a couple of weeks while fuck all happened? It's Q and his own HUGE promises that have hurt his credibility.

pby1000 ago


StarAnon ago

Let them get tired of waiting. Are their lives on the line? The process takes time. If you'd never heard of Q, what would you be doing right now? Go do it, and then come back.


A whole lot of people all over this country had had enough! Groups were getting together, having discussions about how to take back our country. Who needed taken out. How to best go about it. Making plans for the war that was already started by the deep state.

And along came q. Relax everyone! Don't worry about a thing! Q's got this. Set back and wait.....wait......wait........wait...

So while we have all been waiting around, nothing is being DONE. They stole the house and by the time they're done they will have the senate to. Q may actually be a way to draw out the folks that were doing the planning I mentioned before. We are all on here, using their tracking devices they sold us to get on here. Making it much easier to figure out which ones of us might be real threats vs not. Making it easier to round up the real threats. Did you ever think gitmo just might be for us and not them? I don't want to believe anything I've just written but it's something we should keep in mind. If we get to 01/01/2019 and still nothing but wait wait wait then we can forget it. This is all crap and it's back up to us if we want our country back.

StarAnon ago

I think what you're saying here shows you're in panic mode. Many people feel what you feel in regards to "what if?". The Q Team never told you to sit around, and wait. Educate yourself on the topics given to you. Ask yourself, "What would I be doing now, if I hadn't come across Q?" Do THAT! You would be reading, and brainstorming on these topics. Don't let this stuff stay in your head.
It's really tough for all of us. It's like being in labor. Just when you believe you can't take it anymore, the baby comes.
Too many indicators are pointing towards the baby coming.
God bless you! I see someone downvoted you. I think you probably have your heart in the right place. Try to step back for a couple of days, and allow yourself to settle a bit. [They] are too quiet right now … that's a sign of something. Q or not … when [they] are silent, something's happening; good or bad.

Whentwurf ago

Clearly you haven't heard of Ranon yet. He's the new Q. He has the REAL inside scoop, it's just that 99% of what he says is horseshit, and there's no way to know what is and what isn't because "then the enemy might find out".



StarAnon ago

I'm curious about your research into this 'r'. What topic has he talked to you about? Does he talk in your head, or is there a link?
I know you think what's happening is a joke. So, could you provide links for us to research on the fake fires/deaths, fake voter fraud, etc. I love to research, but you're not giving me a whole lot grist for the mill. You're not bad at trolling though.

Thumbs up on the troll skill.

Whentwurf ago

Voter fraud being real doesn't make Q real because he mentioned it once. You're a sucker. The sooner you stop the better.

StarAnon ago

Oh, Ok, then! You would know Thank you! ::: snicker :::

Whentwurf ago

God you're a cunt

StarAnon ago

LMAO Thanks :)

SaveTheChildren ago


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EnterTheUnKnown ago

All i See is BBQ, Off to get some smoked ribs.

Womb_Raider ago

Interesting. So both @SaveTheChildren and spoof @SaveTheChiIdren accounts were SoapBox?

zyklon_b ago

Dang dude that's old

Womb_Raider ago

You think I forget what you people do?

zyklon_b ago

you people are the free speech truth advocates of the internet

Womb_Raider ago

Someone has to be. You certainly aren't.

zyklon_b ago

sarcasm shill.

Womb_Raider ago

You just admitted to me that you made a sockpuppet of your own account. You tried to make SaveTheChildren look legitimate. You used that account to poison the Pizzagate debate.

This confirms my suspicion that you made efforts to take control of /v/Pizzagate, which only makes me more certain you did the same to /v/GreatAwakening.

You've given away a lot today and you don't even realize it.

SaveTheChildren ago

You know im stc and I have no connection to sbbh trannies. They spoofed me cuz i talk about trannies and flat earth etc.

Womb_Raider ago

I don't believe you at all. You're most likely them. Beatle was surprised I even remembered your account or the spoof of it. He was surprised I'd figured it out.

SaveTheChildren ago

Im hans wormhat... i run a youtube truth channel. I dont have time to be a sbbh shill Do you even know anything about me?

Womb_Raider ago

So you saw this comment days ago, continued to make other comments, and 3-4 days later you bring it up? Suddenly you want to say this?

I'm not buying it, kike. Go enjoy beatle's dick.

SaveTheChildren ago

Youre a tranny

zyklon_b ago

Dude it was me that started the 1st pg controversary with @kingkongwaswrong for a ban over an allege3d threat and that's when I installed sbbh mods. HISTORY LESSON

Womb_Raider ago

Kevdude was the one who installed SBBH mods.

zyklon_b ago

who did the planning and carrying out of the operation smart guy?

Womb_Raider ago

Not you.

gabara ago


zyklon_b ago

1990 !!

mwoew8t5cs ago

I keep seeing people posting that number. What does it represent?

gabara ago

It's the year user @9-11 raped and murdered a small child. Just ask @zyklon_b

mwoew8t5cs ago

How do people know who that user is and what he did pre-internet?

zyklon_b ago

Yes @womb_raider and @9-11 raped and murdered a white infant in 1990.

gabara ago

Twice! They're Satanists!

kneo24 ago

And @freshmeat watched em do it!

zyklon_b ago

A certain voat user raped and murdered a child in 1990 and beat it on a technicality, we type 1990 so he knows we are watching him

mwoew8t5cs ago

I would appreciate if you could point me to a thread about that. I find it hard to believe that one can get away with murder based on a technicality. Unless your name is Hillary Clinton.

kneo24 ago

G predicted this!

gabara ago

G Anon has never been wrong.

kneo24 ago

Trust the G!

Inquisitioner ago

You are better at memes than a legion of thousands of boomers.

gabara ago


hangry ago

No, they will shout "shill!" "paid by Soros!!" "WHY ARE YOU HERE????"

SuzeQ2018 ago


hangry ago

I know, right?

ArmourFou ago

Everyone I don't like is bought and paid for by Soros. Coincidence?! I think not.

justsayingmayne ago


moblodite ago

it is sad that little Jimmy Acosta cant do WH press conferences till who know when, and he got so bored that he came here to post more fake facts as seen above, What a very feeble attempt to bash Q, Arguing Q is like arguing the Bible, or arguing climate change, In the end all useless verbal puke. We all have "Free Will" and can believe what we believe to be right.. Period. Trump, Q and America first or Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer and NWO agenda. I will believe what I feel is right and I don't care one bit what you or anyone else thinks about it, No free thinking Patriot buys one word of your Crap above but you are also free to think however twisted you want! **America getting fixed is all that matters in the end. I **

justsayingmayne ago

free thinking

follows anonymous larper and "trusts the plan"

pick one, sweetie ;)

moblodite ago

I am free to pick my own path to do or think as I so wish.. so your point is pointless.. My ** FREE WILL ** get over it. Go talk to somebody who cares about your opinion because DILLIGAF ! LMAO

justsayingmayne ago

Sure you are. That's why you're emotionally lashing out at me.

Astupidname69 ago

Damn nigga, thought dis was da welfare line. Gotta get dem gibs an sheit.

justsayingmayne ago

i love nigger babble, its hilarious

hangry ago

I gotta get my Soros pay somehow.

bopper ago

Why do you 'hang' here so much hangry lol?

srayzie ago

Bopper, angry @hangry loves to talk shit to me and try to analyze Q, when he is ignorant about the subject. He’s one of “those” types. Also, he says he’s going to block this sub, but always ends up here.

What’s funny is the other subs hate me and call me SBBH because I shitpost. So because of that, I’m accused of everything under the sun. They say that since most shills go there and make their lives miserable, and leave GA alone is because of my “SBBH gang”. This is a free speech site and I can shit post wherever I want.

This is the exact comment that Neon Narcissistic Revolt left me on Gab the other day, and I get it from here too lol...

Your personal SBBH army intentionally cripples accounts by downvote brigading them; manipulating the system to effectively censor and blacklist people they decide they don't like?

And then you your henchmen took to SBBH and started coordinating to cripple users' accounts with more brigading, driving good people away from the site like a gang of bullies and thugs - posting the most vile stuff they could get away with, to scare good people away.

So this just proves that I’m not immune to the shilling. My little “bullies and thugs” friends @HeyGeorge and @Trigglypuff are always here trying to get me in trouble. 😂

@Shizy @Clamhurt_Legbeard

bopper ago

They try to get you in trouble because it's FUN.

srayzie ago

I know 😂

clamhurt_legbeard ago

u/heygeorge is literally George Soros' personal account.

You're trying to destroy America!

srayzie ago

I agree! That son of a bitch! 😂

Mittermeyer ago

You do realize this is "whatever" and not one of your Q hugbox subverses right? Do you mean why does he hang out on Voat?

bopper ago

Yeah I know. I guess I mainly mean why so interested in Q and Qtards..

Hand_of_Node ago

You might as well wonder why anyone has an interest in heroin users, or why anyone cares when someones mind has been subverted. While there are many cults, and have been in the past, political cults have the capacity to be particularly dangerous to our society. From the outside looking in, it appears that most of the Qcumbers don't have the capacity to recognize that they've been mentally captured by a cult.

hangry ago

I don't hang out in subs. I read the feed of everything coming into voat.

bopper ago

Okay. Dang where do you get the time..

Hand_of_Node ago

Everyone gets 24 hours per day. That's just how it works.

hangry ago

Try it. Choose "all" at the top left of your screen, then "new." You can block whatever subs that don't interest you - I block adult subs, QRV, and a few others.

bopper ago

I've heard that, maybe I'll do it since you mention it..

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

So you sit there and watch whatever anyone throws at you....



When you go shopping do you walk into every store, regardless?

Do you use a satnav, or just drive at random?

Are you still reading me?

Even now, although I’m not agreeing with you, and therefore not worth reading...?

Rotteuxx ago

This is an extremely stupid series of short sentences, you should feel shame for exposing your lack of cognitive abilities.

You start off with an ad hominem attack on @hangry, insinuating that he has no critical thinking skills.

Then you double down on exposing your possible retardation by equating browsing/v/all/new with impulsive shopping habits.

Followed by an very moronic logical fallacy where you pretend that unless you have gps in your car, you're bound to drive randomly as if normal human beings don't have a decent sense of orientation.

And finally you quadruple down on stupidity by concluding that since you don't agree with @hangry, he probably won't even read your reply.

Seriously, don't try so hard. You don't have the IQ required.

srayzie ago

When it comes to @hangry who is always talking shit to me here, I don’t like the punk either.

Rotteuxx ago

But do you go around posting the stupidest of comments to reply to him and then try and defend your stupidity by downplaying what you wrote ?

srayzie ago

No. Our communication with him telling me he’s gonna block GreatAwakening and shit. I didn’t know him before this. I don’t know I’d he knew me.

Rotteuxx ago

You lost me

srayzie ago

Sorry. I was typing from my phone and auto correct screws me up. I’ll fix it.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago


You realise I clicked the wrong reply button, do you? Hence short apols...

So H and I have played before, several times and he eventually unbenned me...

I believe he always reads my replies, and I read his, because often he’s quite fun, as I’ve acknowledged often, though YOU aren’t up to speed...

Are you so slow that you didn’t get my analogy that sitting watching v/all, which catches every sub unless blocked, implies a lack of choice (i.e. a sense of orientation) that would otherwise allow you to more rationally choose the items on which you are going to spend your time, becomes virtually the same as driving without satnav, following each and every random road (submission) that appears next...

I’m not extolling my IQ or my qualifications.... nothing to see here...

Hand_of_Node ago

implies a lack of choice

Implies an interest in the world around you. I browse v/all, my voat subscriptions, voat preview, and 44 other tabs, at the moment. 7 of those tabs are for a site where I have 169 subscriptions in a wide variety of fields and/or topics. Several other tabs are similarly 'diverse'. Further, when I first moved to this area, I drove virtually every road and street within 10 miles, and many of the major or more significant roads and public thoroughfares outside the local area.

I'm not convinced that an obsessively narrow focus is a virtue.

bopper ago

Lol, you pegged me wrong, I'm just being nice. I'm a staunch Q supporter, and have been with Q since the beginning.

Srayzie the mod and I discussed starting this subverse, long time ago, we're good friends. BTW I like your comments, I see them all the time.

Hand_of_Node ago

I'm a staunch Q supporter, and have been with Q since the beginning.

Would you be willing to answer a few straightforward questions?

  1. Have you been in a cult previous to this?
  2. Have you studied mind-control techniques before?
  3. If yes to the previous question, what type and with whom?
  4. What specifically about this cult would you cite as its compelling attribute?
  5. Are you a jew?
  6. How would you rate your knowledge level of "the jews"?
  7. Do you believe in racism? (i.e. "each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race")
  8. In your worldview, are "the people" the ones who determine the direction of their countries, or are there "powerful forces" who control the agenda?

If I had more hours in the day, i'd be interesting in doing a study of the "Q believer" demographic. I don't, but am curious about the specific target demographic of this psyop, and the effectiveness of its techniques. Answer as many or as few as you like. Number references would be great.

bopper ago

Tomorrow if I can, never been in a cult, not a jew, aware of the JQ, race realist.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

I replied to Hangry.. I know we’re good, Bops...

bopper ago

Well CRAP lol...I thought so :)

hangry ago

There it is! "Why are you here??"

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Why don’t you go?

Hand_of_Node ago

Why did you come to our site?

Samchay6 ago

Maybe he wants to spurn you and your fellow "followers of Q" to think of an actual plan of action.

Shizy ago

What's your plan of action?

14958899? ago

I'm a fan of their reply "so you don't actually have an argument" or "it's a faith!"

Astonisher667 ago

You don't have an argument. You're just literally bitching. Go put on your pussy hat and go back to twitter.

Hand_of_Node ago

Fuck off, tool of the enemy.

Astonisher667 ago

I am your enemy, you pussy hat wearing nigger.

Hand_of_Node ago

Your retardation knows no bounds. You've made yourself a tool of the enemy, just as if you were an unprotected computer on the internet making yourself available to a botnet.

Astonisher667 ago

You're so triggered that you're using threats now to seem like some big bad ass! You sure can't seem to handle rejection very well. And using your alternate accounts to down voat people who disagree with your so your number looks higher than it really is, is the epitome of minus negative IQ.

Hand_of_Node ago

Okay, crazy person. lol

Astonisher667 ago

lol your insult is from grade school. Seriously is that all you got? Wow what an insult, dipshit. I'm sure your inbreeding might be an excuse for why you're so ignorant. Arrogant. And outright flippant, but you're just so unhinged.

Hand_of_Node ago

Sorry, you're at the unpaid insult level.

Astonisher667 ago

What else do you give away?

PixieJean ago

Yeah, all you have to do is ask a quesion and several QFools come outin force to name call, belitte and attempt to shame.

Astonisher667 ago

Yeah the FOOLS! Not the real base. Try to keep up! There is a war going on, we are at war. They will use all tactics to demoralize everyone.

Hand_of_Node ago

There is a war going on, we are at war.

Which is why some are upset that the Qcumbers offered themselves up to be used by the enemy. Thanks goys, that's real Patriotic Israelcentric of you.

Astonisher667 ago

Your words are simply toxic. Designed to get everyone to lose hope and to accept your jewish overlords. So you can fuck off, you pussy hat wearing Madonna.

SuzeQ2018 ago

Thank you for putting my thoughts into words so I didn't have to reply to this satanic piece of pond scum. 😆WWG1WGA!

Astonisher667 ago

It's a troll with multiple personalities. And he's very triggered. He'll go and downvoat all your comments with his stash of alternates to appear bigger than he really is. His kind has been doing this here and his kind are trying to steal elections.

SuzeQ2018 ago

I don't venture outside QRV and the main page much, so thanks for the details. Sounds like this troll is protesting a bit too much, so we're definitely over target!

Astonisher667 ago

Exactly. Who puts so much effort into trying to demoralize this Q thing unless there's an alterior motive? I mean, warn people that it may be a psyops or whatever and that there is cause for suspicion, and doubt, fine. Make it known and move on, without insulting people, using language like Qtards and shit like that because all that does is reinforce the standing with Q.

SuzeQ2018 ago

yep it's like they have absolutely NO clue how human nature works and that they give themselves away by protesting too much!

Hand_of_Node ago

You're simply stupid. Have a glass of bleach.

Astonisher667 ago

I'm sure it beats SORASS drink. Your favorite.

Hand_of_Node ago

Just saw someone describe you.

I posted something the other day about how it specifically targeted Evangelical Christians (particularly Baby Boomers). It was a psyop custom made for them. They intermix their faith in God with their faith in Q and they refuse to believe anyone who disagrees. Disagreeing with them only causes them to dig their heels in and fight you harder. They see it as a personal attack on them and their faith in God. Plus, they've been completely shut down as a group. Not one of them will act until Q says so. They parrot back stuff about thinking for yourself but, they operate like a hive mind. Whoever came up with this psyop was a fucking genius. It's a way to take out your fiercest enemy without firing a shot.

Astonisher667 ago

Since I'm atheist, you're standing in negative zero with your bleating. Nobody gives a shit about your trolling ass.

Hand_of_Node ago

Your downvotes are making me laugh.

Astonisher667 ago

I'm not downvoting you. Paranoid much?