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14989112? ago

The concern trolls are evolving. They like to sound like a former Q believer who has lost all hope and did a complete 180 and switched sides.

It's like browsing /r/Politics and seeing all the, "I used to support Trump, I even voted for him, now here is why I think he's a moron who is corrupt and colluding with Russia."

If a Q supporter truly lost hope, they wouldn't browse /v/QRV and concern troll. They would simply stop browsing /v/QRV.

Patriots, don't let these concern trolls bring you down. Simply downvoat, move them to the bottom of the pile and move on.

14989846? ago

If a Q supporter truly lost hope, they wouldn't browse /v/QRV and concern troll. They would simply stop browsing /v/QRV.

What makes you think that?

Yuri Bezmenov (ex-KGB agent) talks about how the biggest danger to any ideology are former supporters and that because of that communism killed many passionate supporters.

No one will have more reason to spend time in Q board than someone who is used to spending time in a Q board, is disappointed and feels like having an axe to grind.

14990261? ago

fresh air troll - it stings only for a moment

15036097? ago


14990438? ago

copypasta - seek the sunshine and the breeze

14990874? ago

Trust the kalergi plan.

15036080? ago

nope - independence for jerusalem as a city state