14999999? ago

Agreed. The past couple of weeks it began to feel aa if I was reading comments for a POTUS tweet. There has definitely been a shift in the atmosphere here. What only a short while ago was a highly energized, positive, and encouraging forum has suddenly changed to chronic negativity and profanity, and an unusual amount of insults. That behavior is uncommon for most of us, just look back older posts and it becomes very obvious. There has also been a decline in sharing of one's faith in God and prayers shared amongst Patriots. I too am discouraged, but once I get over my initial disappointment and work through it I'll be back at it. No one who claimed to be awake or a truther will ever allow themselves to be lulled back to sleep, no matter how upset they are at not yet witnessing justice being served. What the shills don't get is that unlike NPC's we aren't motivated by group think or a need to have a hive mentality. We're here because the truth has caused us to unwittingly become loners. We're perfectly fine not being accepted by others. Just my observation.

14996439? ago

If the shills weren’t worried about Q, they would be here period. It won’t stop me from researching and moving on with the plan.

14995233? ago

Funny that you say if you just found Q today the first fifty post would let you know he was real. I found Q late August and after going back about 2 months it was game time for me! The amount of info I grabbed opened my eyes to what was happening.

14994876? ago

The more sky screeching = the better for Patriots.

14994777? ago

Great post. Patiently waiting

14994617? ago

I've been buckled up for so long I have red marks from the seat belt. In fact, the proverbial car has pulled over for gas and rest stops a number of times. These aren't shills, these are family members literally saying "are we there, yet?" Call me a shill, go ahead. I believe Mueller is the stealth bomber, but Q is really pissing me off. Everyone who says "buckle up" can go fuck themselves. We've been hearing this for months. 11-11 was total bullshit.

14994491? ago

your proof is bad and you should feel bad.

14996254? ago

Lol, your a fuckin loser.

14996952? ago

It's all so clear, you were right all along.

14994861? ago

I feel fuckin great...hoe.

14992692? ago

POTUS would be absolutely justified in declaring a state of martial law and taking control of all media. It is 100% Globalist controlled. It is a weapon being used against America by Globalists and traitors with the intent to overthrow the Republic.

14993921? ago

Not until they are revealed to be involved in treason or perversion. Before that people would see Trump as a Nazi.

14994797? ago

There is your Catch 22. I think it is widely accepted here that the media is a weaponized arm of the Deep State. Project Mockingbird and all that.

If a video in HD of Hillary Barry O and George Soros plotting the overthrow of the government and the killing of all opposition nationwide were released, the media would spin it as a forgery proving the depths of evil Orange Man represents.

And the Norimes would say Amen.

14992709? ago


14992596? ago

Maybe they aren't "shills" but, former Q supporters who are now disgruntled and angry?

14992654? ago

Doubt it

14992743? ago

No, that's me. I used to support Q. But, after yesterday, I stopped believing this bullshit. I'm not a paid shill. I am just calling bullshit on this whole thing until I see some arrests. And, I'm not going anywhere, so you're stuck with me until then.

14993792? ago


14993804? ago

I'm not going anywhere. Suck it up buttercup. We're here to stay.

14991763? ago

All we got is Trump and Q, JFKJr.

14991274? ago

Agreed OP! There over a hundred Soros funded Marxist commiefag satellite offices that literally have brainwashed minions typing shillshit all day long. The rest of us actually have f****** jobs.. So ignore the minion turds , they're no more Qers then a ton of lead is buoyant!

14992686? ago

Some people are former Q supporters who just like to hang out here and fuck with you.

14992882? ago

Keep telling yourself that, maybe then you'll have 1 believer..

14992936? ago

I am one. I stopped believing this bullshit after yesterday. I'm not going anywhere either. I'll be here every single day until we see some arrests. So, enjoy!

14995459? ago

You stopped believing but you are still waiting on arrests. LOL Some where deep down you like everyone else here wants to believe a hero is coming. That retribution will be paid. I laugh, but I am in the same boat, and so are most here.

14990852? ago

Big picture....The Left uses bird-dogging and gaslighting (notice how every Dem automatically says "we must count all the votes" without ever considering whether they were fraudulent? They all know instinctively exactly how to LIE to promote their interests).

By design, the constant hounding, charge-throwing and gaslighting are DESIGNED to wear us down, dispirit us and make us throw up our hands/walk away in disgust. MENTAL TOUGHNESS is required. Sometimes that requires self-discipline. We have to remember they have the media and that makes their schoolyard tactics much more effective.

Bottom line: Don't be propagandized. Toughen up mentally. We've chosen a horse, we CAN see progress in fits and starts. Don't quit; the defense always toughens up when you're inside the 5 yard line. We've picked a course of action. See it through.

14992180? ago


What a lot of people need to realise is that these fuckers will not play fair - they will utilise every last dirty trick to stab you in the back, and they will laugh while doing it. Gaslighting, projection, moving the goalposts, ad hominems and strawmen are just some of the tools these fuckwits will pull. And it will only get worse the more the fuckers are held accountable.

The only correct response to any of that shit is "I don't give a fuck, I'm doing it anyway".

People only advertise that they're leaving something/disillusioned by something for one reason, and one reason alone - to attempt to bring others with them. Doing so is the ultimate in attention whoring, which is yet another hallmark of a leftist cunt.

14994454? ago

I wish I could UV that more.

14990754? ago

14990331? ago

Never swallow the shill pill!

14989430? ago

Shills, how right you are.

14989404? ago

This is a nice post but all this is irrelevant until we see the result.

14989112? ago

The concern trolls are evolving. They like to sound like a former Q believer who has lost all hope and did a complete 180 and switched sides.

It's like browsing /r/Politics and seeing all the, "I used to support Trump, I even voted for him, now here is why I think he's a moron who is corrupt and colluding with Russia."

If a Q supporter truly lost hope, they wouldn't browse /v/QRV and concern troll. They would simply stop browsing /v/QRV.

Patriots, don't let these concern trolls bring you down. Simply downvoat, move them to the bottom of the pile and move on.

14993876? ago

I still check Q multiple times daily. But I don't expect anything to happen anytime soon. EVENTUALLY it will all play out, and we will find out the extent to which we were also a target of psyops. In the end Q will be a great story, but for those of us following closely, it may be disappointing as we were hyped up to see Congressmen, DC swamp creatures, celebrities, and perverts being taken down by the hundreds if not a few thousand.

14993200? ago

If no one voates up or down, they get ignored. Don't let them know you've even wasted time reading their bullshit. An ignored bully always lose interest.

14992616? ago

I didn't switch sides. I still hate the Liberals and Democrats. But, I'm also done believing in Q's bullshit. This is a LARP. I've been lied to one too many times.

14992072? ago

Exactly. People advertising they are disillusioned are just attention whores, which is the same MO that leftists have.

They also love to lob ad hominems at you if you dismiss them or call them out, too.

14990971? ago

If a Q supporter truly lost hope, they wouldn't browse /v/QRV and concern troll. They would simply stop browsing /v/QRV.

they make it so obvious

14989846? ago

If a Q supporter truly lost hope, they wouldn't browse /v/QRV and concern troll. They would simply stop browsing /v/QRV.

What makes you think that?

Yuri Bezmenov (ex-KGB agent) talks about how the biggest danger to any ideology are former supporters and that because of that communism killed many passionate supporters. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5It1zarINv0

No one will have more reason to spend time in Q board than someone who is used to spending time in a Q board, is disappointed and feels like having an axe to grind.

14990261? ago

fresh air troll - it stings only for a moment

14992633? ago

Fuck off. We're not going anywhere. You're stuck with us and our numbers are growing.

14994590? ago

you seem so dedicated to nothing

15036097? ago


14990438? ago

copypasta - seek the sunshine and the breeze

14990874? ago

Trust the kalergi plan.

15036080? ago

nope - independence for jerusalem as a city state

14990286? ago

What a great insight and arguments you give here.

14990537? ago

becuz you are all squalk

14990574? ago

Not an argument.

14990555? ago

go out side and smell a flower

14990565? ago

get some fresh air

14990604? ago


14990616? ago

walk to the door open the door see what is outside

14990069? ago

If somebody has 10% hope and simply has doubts, I get why they'd want to browse the forum. However, if I used to be vegan and decided to start eating meat, I wouldn't spend my waking hours browsing vegan forums while trying to convince people to start eating meat. It all just seems a bit odd to me, if there are truly that many ex-believers, why they would have so much hate towards people still on the wagon and why they would spend so much time reading/discussing talking points that they don't believe in? Now, I'm not talking about people who simply cast a little doubt. That is normal.

There is only one conclusion one can come up with to answer the "why" to my questions above.

14992648? ago

I would spend time here because I'm angry and pissed off. And I'm going to make you angry and pissed off too. We're not going anywhere. Fuck off.

14992990? ago

lol ok

14990250? ago

Eating meat or being vegan is a lifestyle, it's not an ideology at it's core. Q is purely a political movement, not a lifestyle choice.

People who leave their political ideology or a religion are most of the time very anti towards their former ideology or religion. They feel deceived and pissed. Look at atheists and ex-moslems for an example.

The communists in russia knew this and because of this they killed many of their own supporters who one day all of a sudden ended up in gulag and didn't know why.

14990463? ago

Q is not a religion and veganism has become equally as much of an ideology as a lifestyle choice.

People who leave their political ideology or a religion are most of the time very anti towards their former ideology or religion. They feel deceived and pissed. Look at atheists and ex-moslems for an example.

I agree with the above statement, but Q is not a religion so comparing ex-religious people to ex-Q followers is comparing apples to oranges.

I'm not following your links to communist russia. I don't see the comparison to Q.

14990513? ago

Q is a political movement based on a leader who makes claims and promises to get a following.

Have you seen this: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2845858 ?

14989486? ago

While I respect your opinion, you are pretty delusional.

If you don't think that many people who are concerned are actual longtime followers you are super wrong.

Midterms was the chance for Q to finally prove "himself"

October was a PERFECT, FUCKING PERFECT TIME to actually drop something.

Nah. Don't get addicted to "hope porn"

14992095? ago

And you outed yourself as the very fuckwit who he's talking about.

14992199? ago

Yeah, not believing the plan 100% = shill

14992239? ago

Advertising that you are disillusioned serves only one purpose - to try and drag people away with you - aka classic attention whoring.

14990893? ago

No it wasn't. A drop before the elections would appear to be influencing them. That's what the dems have done every time - not a good look. Plus, if the goal of the midterms was to monitor and expose election manipulation, it also would not make sense to drop before midterms. Trump still got control of the senate, and the media talking heads have been visibly distraught since then. There have also been a ton of doubters when, from what I can tell, things are moving along pretty well.

The caravan has made it easy to talk about the dangers of open borders. The fake bombs injected the idea of a false flag into public perception. And now the democrats are blatantly attempting election fraud! All of this and more to be discussed over Thanksgiving tables with families.

It's weird how your perception of events is vastly different from mine despite watching the same movie.

14991170? ago

While I agree with your points, the momentum is not in "our" favor and so far it looks very discouraging in regards to election fraud.

leftie outlet - https://miami.cbslocal.com/2018/11/12/broward-judge-not-issuing-injuction-rick-scott-motion-impound-broward-election-equipment-records/

14992109? ago

Wait, you expect leftist MSM to report the facts on something? They sensationalise and outright lie about things.

You are basing your information on ever-shifting sands of the goalposts consistently moving.

14992187? ago

Just saw the link in T_D

14992226? ago

And you're assuming there aren't also shills there?

14992257? ago

Obviously, there are.

But you definitely don't call everyone who disagrees a shill.

14992282? ago

I'm not. I'm saying that you need to base your opinions on something which isn't MSM talking points.

14991373? ago

To justify military tribunals, don't the courts need to be exposed as being corrupted, too?

14991499? ago

Sadly, that won't happen anytime soon

14991640? ago

Ah, the blatant demoralizing. Good luck with everything homie

14991686? ago

You have to be blind to not think that the whole movement is demoralized after the midterms

14991732? ago

I've never seen so clearly brother. Perhaps take a week off and return with fresh eyes.

14991795? ago

It is a good advice.

Probably a month. I will keep watching youtubers and see if something is actually happening.

14989566? ago

I simply have hope. It's 100% fine that we disagree on that. You do you and I'll do me. But you can't expect to get any respect from me by calling me delusional and being into "hope porn". It is entirely possible for you to disagree while not needing the urge to feed your ego of superiority.

14989768? ago

You can trust, but at this point, it is pretty weird to believe. We are all emotionally attached to this movement but it's time to think logically.

There might be a little truth to what I said. So far, it does not look like anything will happen. The timing is just not right. October was the correct timing.

If you still believe Q at 100% I would like to hear your LOGICAL reasoning. You shouldn't put so much trust in an entity on the internet.

I am not saying I don't believe Q, but I only believe at 5% at best. It will be hard to win me over.

14989849? ago

I literally have nothing to lose by following Q.

I personally feel letting things happen and collecting evidence is the best move. Why do you think October was the best time to act?

14989932? ago

Because of midterms and "october surprise"

Dems had their own surprises for example synagogue shooting.

14990213? ago

fisa declass ig report if those two things dont happen then you can say they dont have a plan - but if thats what happens then everybody is jost sold out.

14990127? ago

So we want the same things, just casting doubts and hopes in difference places.

14990408? ago

Obviously. But it's unlikely to happen, in all honesty.

Q should recognize how demotivated the whole movement is and not say "shills on attack" ( just like how other Q followers call others who disagree)

14990561? ago

I understand people are losing motivation. If nothing comes to light, they'll feel duped and I get it. But even for the people who have lost motivation, the first sign of arrests, it doesn't matter what they're feeling now, that motivation will instantly return and those same people will be there to guide others who won't understand.

Q has red pilled millions of people, whether they believe Q is real or not. Q doesn't care how people feel now. He only cares how people feel when/if shit hits the fan.

But like I said before, I really don't care if people believe or doubt. I only care about concern trolls going above and beyond to divide the community. Regardless if Q is real or not, we are all on the same team and want the same outcomes.

14990667? ago

The community is already divided.

Q made our expectations high.

Personal question, how long will you still trust the plan? Midterms was my breaking point, and I've been saying it since all the reddit groups.

If nothing happens to the people who did voter fraud will you still believe the plan?

14990778? ago

If nothing happens to the voter fraud, I will absolutely not believe in the plan. Fortunately, we are less than 1 week removed from the midterms so there is plenty of time for actions to be made.

Whether Q is real or not shouldn't dictate what team we're on. We shouldn't let whether Q is real or not divide us. We all want the same things. If Q turns out to be a LARP, we all want the same things and need to stay together.

14990890? ago

There is time, I agree.

I like what you said in the last paragraph but we all have put so much trust in this entity.

Lets just wait and see

14990945? ago

Agreed. Let's see what happens. If Q does turn out to be a LARP, I'll be in the first wave of massive protests. If protests don't work, I'll be the first to bring my arsenal to the front lines. Until it comes to that, like you said, lets just wait and see.

14989346? ago

I got Trumps back 100%. Q has to back up his/her talk before I buy in. Remember, research on your own. I can browse on here as well. Why not? There are still good talking points and you actually learn some things. It's ok to question Q. YOU SHOULD question everything.

14994652? ago

Correct. Q is all talk, no action. I'm with Trump. I drank the Qool aid but there isn't sugar in the mixture. All talk - no action.

14993155? ago

There's a difference between questioning Q, and being an anti-Q zealot cultist hell bent on disproving Q.

Not saying you're the later. You shouldn't take addressing the later as addressing you if you're the former.

14989370? ago

I agree with everything you said. This is logic I can get behind.

14989332? ago

I think Sunday if the doubters just voice their concern because secretly they want to believe and they want somebody to hand over proof while being to lazy reread drops and research info

14988942? ago

shillin' ain't easy..

14988915? ago

As the attacks intensify, we are steadfast. Truth of FEAR AND DESPERATION. Tick tock motherfuckers

14989874? ago

Tick tock motherfuckers

Next month: Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock

Next year: Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock

Next Election cycle: Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock...

14988629? ago

Shill Shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shills shill shill shsill shill shill $h!lL SHILL media matters reeeeeeeee


Hahahahahahahaha hardly

14990329? ago

pay attention

14988161? ago

No matter the ones who are speaking ugly shilling words- they are the disfranchised. I know of what I speak. I used to belong to a Union as an educator and watched, first hand, Dems coercing others and lying in order to get the upper hand. We are all on Lexington Commons, Patriots, and we stand armed to repel the invaders.

14987996? ago

I am 100% a real person

proceeds to regurgitate shill talking points

14992400? ago

I'm a 110.010% real person

Make Argentina Granola Again

14989965? ago

"I am 100% not an NPC"

proceeds to call anything that so much as twitches a shill

"I value freethought"

proceeds to call anything and anyone that doesn't scream "WOO MAGA POTUS AND Q ARE THE GREATEST EVER AND CAN NEVER POSSIBLY EVER DO ANY WRONG AT ALL" a shill

14988590? ago

How much you get paid shill

14988041? ago

Did someone doubt that?

14987541? ago

you had me until you said "woke" .. I fucking hate that word.

14995188? ago

Anyone who uses the word woke is most certainly not woke ... but I feel ya sometimes I’ll use it so the leftist NPCs can understand

14989352? ago

ditto...fucking despise it.

14988621? ago

Actually I agree. It's shorthand ghetto

14992702? ago

Which is shorthand for nigger.

14988560? ago


14987550? ago

I do too, but a majority of people use it to communicate efficiently.

14987513? ago

Nothing you just presented, in your incoherent rambling, is anything that can be construed as proof of anything.

14989361? ago


14987569? ago

I fucked your mother in the ass and then had her throat-polish my dick after.

Want me to prove it?

14987607? ago

Attacking the messanger, cute tactic. That typically means you have no coubter to the argument present. Ergo, debate over you lose.

14987643? ago

Attacking? Awww, shucks, my sensitive little safe-space dwelling cuck.

Have a moment of honesty. Tell us why Q is such a threat to you.

14989914? ago

Have a moment of honesty. Tell us why goats not believing in a random anon who hasn't provided any hard evidence so far is such a threat to you.

14990819? ago

Ignoring hard evidence is YOUR doing, not mine. There are like 250+ proofs. I cant MAKE you read AND understand them. Thats on you, friend.

But be cautioned, it is VERY dangerous. Q encourages to read! AND research! And to top it all off, he tells us to make up our own minds. DEMON!

14990897? ago

Will you ignore this: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2845858 ?

14992372? ago

Too many errors in it to take seriously...sorry.

14992509? ago

So you will ignore it.

14992680? ago

Yes, because its inaccurate. The first bulletpoint is flat out wrong. Its clearly written with bias. Why would I pay attention to nonsense like that, hmm?

14992974? ago

Are they all wrong or just the first you singled out for some reason?

Do you always ignore information and arguments that come from a different bias than your own?

14992715? ago

Because you're a brainwashed Qtard who is a member of the cult.

14993800? ago

Oh? And what exactly does this "cult" believe?

14994110? ago

This cult believes a savior named Q will come and save them.

14994888? ago

If thats what you tell yourself, thats pathetic. Like, in no way shape or form has that ever been the message. Sad that you have to make shit up to make your argument.

14987678? ago

Ahhhh another liberal tactic. Attack the messanger when someone doesnt conform to the narrative. When that doesnt work just repeatedly call them a shill until they stop questioning you.

Aka: Projection. The libtards go to move.

14988080? ago

Funny. You don't like that I dug you a little, and suddenly that changes my entire political alignment?

You went full retard bud.

14988215? ago

Good post OP. The shills can keep getting their shit pushed in back in their Soapbox.

14989077? ago

Threatening to rape and assault my mother is "digging me"? Eat a dick shill boy. Take your projection somewhere else.

14989121? ago

I think you replied to the wrong comment.

14989153? ago

It appears so. My apologies patriot, thought you were OP. My mistake.

14989258? ago

No worries.