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14989112? ago

The concern trolls are evolving. They like to sound like a former Q believer who has lost all hope and did a complete 180 and switched sides.

It's like browsing /r/Politics and seeing all the, "I used to support Trump, I even voted for him, now here is why I think he's a moron who is corrupt and colluding with Russia."

If a Q supporter truly lost hope, they wouldn't browse /v/QRV and concern troll. They would simply stop browsing /v/QRV.

Patriots, don't let these concern trolls bring you down. Simply downvoat, move them to the bottom of the pile and move on.

14989846? ago

If a Q supporter truly lost hope, they wouldn't browse /v/QRV and concern troll. They would simply stop browsing /v/QRV.

What makes you think that?

Yuri Bezmenov (ex-KGB agent) talks about how the biggest danger to any ideology are former supporters and that because of that communism killed many passionate supporters.

No one will have more reason to spend time in Q board than someone who is used to spending time in a Q board, is disappointed and feels like having an axe to grind.

14990069? ago

If somebody has 10% hope and simply has doubts, I get why they'd want to browse the forum. However, if I used to be vegan and decided to start eating meat, I wouldn't spend my waking hours browsing vegan forums while trying to convince people to start eating meat. It all just seems a bit odd to me, if there are truly that many ex-believers, why they would have so much hate towards people still on the wagon and why they would spend so much time reading/discussing talking points that they don't believe in? Now, I'm not talking about people who simply cast a little doubt. That is normal.

There is only one conclusion one can come up with to answer the "why" to my questions above.

14990250? ago

Eating meat or being vegan is a lifestyle, it's not an ideology at it's core. Q is purely a political movement, not a lifestyle choice.

People who leave their political ideology or a religion are most of the time very anti towards their former ideology or religion. They feel deceived and pissed. Look at atheists and ex-moslems for an example.

The communists in russia knew this and because of this they killed many of their own supporters who one day all of a sudden ended up in gulag and didn't know why.

14990463? ago

Q is not a religion and veganism has become equally as much of an ideology as a lifestyle choice.

People who leave their political ideology or a religion are most of the time very anti towards their former ideology or religion. They feel deceived and pissed. Look at atheists and ex-moslems for an example.

I agree with the above statement, but Q is not a religion so comparing ex-religious people to ex-Q followers is comparing apples to oranges.

I'm not following your links to communist russia. I don't see the comparison to Q.

14990513? ago

Q is a political movement based on a leader who makes claims and promises to get a following.

Have you seen this: ?