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14987513? ago

Nothing you just presented, in your incoherent rambling, is anything that can be construed as proof of anything.

14987569? ago

I fucked your mother in the ass and then had her throat-polish my dick after.

Want me to prove it?

14987607? ago

Attacking the messanger, cute tactic. That typically means you have no coubter to the argument present. Ergo, debate over you lose.

14987643? ago

Attacking? Awww, shucks, my sensitive little safe-space dwelling cuck.

Have a moment of honesty. Tell us why Q is such a threat to you.

14989914? ago

Have a moment of honesty. Tell us why goats not believing in a random anon who hasn't provided any hard evidence so far is such a threat to you.

14990819? ago

Ignoring hard evidence is YOUR doing, not mine. There are like 250+ proofs. I cant MAKE you read AND understand them. Thats on you, friend.

But be cautioned, it is VERY dangerous. Q encourages to read! AND research! And to top it all off, he tells us to make up our own minds. DEMON!

14990897? ago

Will you ignore this: ?

14992372? ago

Too many errors in it to take seriously...sorry.

14992509? ago

So you will ignore it.

14992680? ago

Yes, because its inaccurate. The first bulletpoint is flat out wrong. Its clearly written with bias. Why would I pay attention to nonsense like that, hmm?

14992974? ago

Are they all wrong or just the first you singled out for some reason?

Do you always ignore information and arguments that come from a different bias than your own?

14992715? ago

Because you're a brainwashed Qtard who is a member of the cult.

14993800? ago

Oh? And what exactly does this "cult" believe?

14994110? ago

This cult believes a savior named Q will come and save them.

14994888? ago

If thats what you tell yourself, thats pathetic. Like, in no way shape or form has that ever been the message. Sad that you have to make shit up to make your argument.