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Mike_Foster ago

That's an awfully long list. Any Qtards care to offer a rebuttal?

hangry ago

No, they will shout "shill!" "paid by Soros!!" "WHY ARE YOU HERE????"

bopper ago

Why do you 'hang' here so much hangry lol?

hangry ago

I don't hang out in subs. I read the feed of everything coming into voat.

bopper ago

Okay. Dang where do you get the time..

hangry ago

Try it. Choose "all" at the top left of your screen, then "new." You can block whatever subs that don't interest you - I block adult subs, QRV, and a few others.

bopper ago

I've heard that, maybe I'll do it since you mention it..

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

So you sit there and watch whatever anyone throws at you....



When you go shopping do you walk into every store, regardless?

Do you use a satnav, or just drive at random?

Are you still reading me?

Even now, although I’m not agreeing with you, and therefore not worth reading...?

Rotteuxx ago

This is an extremely stupid series of short sentences, you should feel shame for exposing your lack of cognitive abilities.

You start off with an ad hominem attack on @hangry, insinuating that he has no critical thinking skills.

Then you double down on exposing your possible retardation by equating browsing/v/all/new with impulsive shopping habits.

Followed by an very moronic logical fallacy where you pretend that unless you have gps in your car, you're bound to drive randomly as if normal human beings don't have a decent sense of orientation.

And finally you quadruple down on stupidity by concluding that since you don't agree with @hangry, he probably won't even read your reply.

Seriously, don't try so hard. You don't have the IQ required.

srayzie ago

When it comes to @hangry who is always talking shit to me here, I don’t like the punk either.

Rotteuxx ago

But do you go around posting the stupidest of comments to reply to him and then try and defend your stupidity by downplaying what you wrote ?

srayzie ago

No. Our communication with him telling me he’s gonna block GreatAwakening and shit. I didn’t know him before this. I don’t know I’d he knew me.

Rotteuxx ago

You lost me

srayzie ago

Sorry. I was typing from my phone and auto correct screws me up. I’ll fix it.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago


You realise I clicked the wrong reply button, do you? Hence short apols...

So H and I have played before, several times and he eventually unbenned me...

I believe he always reads my replies, and I read his, because often he’s quite fun, as I’ve acknowledged often, though YOU aren’t up to speed...

Are you so slow that you didn’t get my analogy that sitting watching v/all, which catches every sub unless blocked, implies a lack of choice (i.e. a sense of orientation) that would otherwise allow you to more rationally choose the items on which you are going to spend your time, becomes virtually the same as driving without satnav, following each and every random road (submission) that appears next...

I’m not extolling my IQ or my qualifications.... nothing to see here...

Hand_of_Node ago

implies a lack of choice

Implies an interest in the world around you. I browse v/all, my voat subscriptions, voat preview, and 44 other tabs, at the moment. 7 of those tabs are for a site where I have 169 subscriptions in a wide variety of fields and/or topics. Several other tabs are similarly 'diverse'. Further, when I first moved to this area, I drove virtually every road and street within 10 miles, and many of the major or more significant roads and public thoroughfares outside the local area.

I'm not convinced that an obsessively narrow focus is a virtue.

bopper ago

Lol, you pegged me wrong, I'm just being nice. I'm a staunch Q supporter, and have been with Q since the beginning.

Srayzie the mod and I discussed starting this subverse, long time ago, we're good friends. BTW I like your comments, I see them all the time.

Hand_of_Node ago

I'm a staunch Q supporter, and have been with Q since the beginning.

Would you be willing to answer a few straightforward questions?

  1. Have you been in a cult previous to this?
  2. Have you studied mind-control techniques before?
  3. If yes to the previous question, what type and with whom?
  4. What specifically about this cult would you cite as its compelling attribute?
  5. Are you a jew?
  6. How would you rate your knowledge level of "the jews"?
  7. Do you believe in racism? (i.e. "each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race")
  8. In your worldview, are "the people" the ones who determine the direction of their countries, or are there "powerful forces" who control the agenda?

If I had more hours in the day, i'd be interesting in doing a study of the "Q believer" demographic. I don't, but am curious about the specific target demographic of this psyop, and the effectiveness of its techniques. Answer as many or as few as you like. Number references would be great.

bopper ago

Tomorrow if I can, never been in a cult, not a jew, aware of the JQ, race realist.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

I replied to Hangry.. I know we’re good, Bops...

bopper ago

Well CRAP lol...I thought so :)