MissleCopterStoped ago

I say keep em, otherwise they will just make new names.

Maybe the Board Owner can block a specific domain that shills are coming from?

Scablifter ago

They are probably paid good shekels for invasion, who knows how many of these cockwombles there are? Sitting in some grubby rented office spaces all over the globe, with quotas to fill and patriots to silence, this is war.

Rotteuxx ago

Look at this fucking 2 month old immigrant wanting to kick out the natives.

Most of the non-Qlarp users in that thread are old goats or at least over a year old.

Just because we don't worship your false god doesn't mean we're shills. You're just too stupid (as you've demonstrated here : https://voat.co/v/whatever/2845858/14962419/ ) to accept that your beliefs & worship aren't universal.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Obviously I meant downvote...

and the submission turned up on Great Awakening, where they don’t usually graze, so that would make them the immigrants, according to you?

but an old groat like you would know that...

Anyway, stop complaining about my freedom of speech.

babywayne ago

I'm conflicted. As much as I'd like to, doubters, even trolls and shills, have freedom of speech. Granted, I question the logic of trolling a sub whose subject matter you disagree with; I would find more productive use for my time, but whatever.

OptimusPrime4 ago

We need to speak louder and drown out the shills. If I were hearing shill garbage in the market square I would not be silent and would not be meek, they would know they are not welcome and their bullying would be called out toe to toe.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

I meant DOWNVOAT them, and that’s an exercise of our free speech....

they’re exercising theirs, after all...

babywayne ago

Roger that

Lauraingalls ago


UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Polite for downvote... 👍or 👎


Lauraingalls ago

ok. LOL.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

You can just look at their stats.

Nothing done here...

hangry ago

How is a link proving Q is provably wrong a shill post?

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Because you advertised it far and wide and every twat in the world with half a brain and a half of bourbon in themselves is spouting nonsense...

hangry ago

I don't know what you mean. The post isn't my post. I just asked how, given the truths that are in it respecting the Q movement, can it be called a shill post.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Damn it, H, just when I was actually beginning to dislike you, you said something true. You didn’t post the submission....

But the attack does have a bit of style and planning, reminiscent of your previous ‘performances’ and I’d bet you’re involved....

Given that Q is a real phenomenon, you are misguided to use the old MSM trick of implying an answer whilst asking a question.

Given that I’m right, your words, which I have crossed out here, “given the truths that are in it respecting the Q movement, must themselves be wrong...

30:15 let, second serve.....

You know that sitting here bombarded by people whose only intention seems to be to piss in my soup, there is a natural response to react...

SBBH looks like a good fun place to generally take the piss, and wind up one another for fun, without anything overly important or relevant being involved...

My problem is that Q and the people who are inspired by Q to NOT take anything at face value, including drops by Q, but instead to verify everything, to track down and investigate what’s happening in the world, and try to open other peoples eyes to that...

Given that I’m right, I’m not going to benn you....

We are not sitting here in Great Awakening, trying to take the piss out of each other. We are, bizarrely, much more akin to a group of people scared by what’s going on, and figuratively praying to our Gods for everyone’s survival.

So you come into our ‘church’ and effectively ‘run’ about being rude and obnoxious, ‘smashing’ things up and destroying our sense of purpose..

These people are sick and this is not a joke shop...

hangry ago

Hey, I'm for Trump. I'm for draining the Swamp. I'm for arresting those who have broken the law. I am with you in those regards. I'm not for scams, not for fake predictions, "disinformation," and the Qcult. Implying an answer whilst asking a question is standard debate technique, not limited to MSM. I wasn't involved, have never been involved, in other people's posts. You seem to think there is some kind of voat cabal organized to discredit Q. If there is, I'm unaware of it. It is so easy to point out the fallacies of Q there is no need for a cabal. I think you're a good bloke, and if we met we would have some drinks and laughs. I've nothing against you personally.