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14959277? ago

Do you bother reading the Q drops before you become concerned? This week will be big. Q team knew what they were up to, these people are stupid. Project Veratas had them on tape before the 2016 election explaining exactly how they cheat. Nothing was done in public, but measures were taken this time to catch them all red handed... Relax, we did our part, we voted. Now that Whitaker is in place, heads will roll. Just watch and trust the plan. WWG1WGA

14959871? ago

I'll just leave this

14962679? ago

Instead of being a negative ass wipe why dont you put together all the proos of what Q said and all the shit that has happened because it was a lot. Its because of people like you that children are still being raped tortured killed and sold as sex slaves. Congrats you must be proud.

14959914? ago

Hey, why is OP of that thread 3.4 years account age and only started commenting this week??

14959971? ago

Some of us have more than one account. I maintain one on my phone and one on my home machine.

But, heaven forbid you look at the information instead of the account showing it to you.

14960064? ago

So you're saying people have several accounts and use them together to manufacture a consensus about a subject?

Isn't that basically twitter bots spreading a narrative ... but on voat?

14960118? ago

Oh sweet jesus. It's always been a thing to have multiple accounts. Give me a break, some of us are adults and refuse to play the "muh internet points!" game.

14961064? ago

You're talking to @womb_raider.

They're mentally handicapped.

14961294? ago


14960251? ago

I didn't say a god damned thing about internet points. This is about perception and control. Using multiple accounts is like using a second identity to vote in an election. You're making it appear like more than one voice are expressing a view when in reality it's a lone person. It's manipulation and deceit.

14959898? ago

That post is nonsensical.

14960012? ago

Wait, a post that lists facts with screenshots is "nonsensical" while half of the people here worship someone that talks in code so you can all "figure out" things in a "choose your own adventure" format? Wow. Time to stop drinking the kool-aid.

14960024? ago

Trump endorses Q. Trump has made good progress. To doubt Trump is ignorance.

14960088? ago

He has NEVER endorsed Q.

He's pointed a lot (and note: most of the crap you all believe has come directly from Q) and POTUS said something like "they do good work" - but that's a quote from a random dude on the internet. He's never come out and directly talked about Q.

14960275? ago

He has obviously endorsed Q and you're doing everything you can to deny that. He points to Q at every recent rally. He poses with people wearing Q apparel. He acknowledges Q. He TWEETS phrases Q uses frequently. He's not ignorant of this movement, so why would he use the same phrases with emphasis?

You're trying so hard. Why?

14960549? ago

I second this. This dude is throwing shade on Q but not looking at the 100’s of proofs. Fuck off to whatever gay subverse you normally hangout on.

14959990? ago

How so?

14960048? ago

It ignores all of the good points and foretellings Q has made, so it's only telling half of a story. It's propaganda by omission of fact

14960947? ago

Any super credible predictions that ONLY and insider could have made? No time travel, but actual inside information that no one could have predicted that came to pass?

14961036? ago

Of course not.

They think future proves past and just adjust events after the fact to pretend it was an accurate prediction.

They are small minded people.

14960807? ago

Cool, I await your rebuttal with the foretellings that Q has made in a similar style as to what is in question so anyone can do an easy comparison.