14992067? ago

I will add Michigan to that list. I can not beileve Stabebow was re-elected as well as so many Demoncrats. Also the passage of the proposals stinks to high heaven!

14979424? ago

Agree completely - our ancestors did not fight and die for us to sit back complacently and watch our country blatantly being stolen from us.

14974707? ago

Ok. So. When is Trump or someone (God) going to do one funking thing about it. Judicial Watch suits take 10 years. /// This whole life is all just central bank bullshit enslavement to the deep state. /// fuck them all.

14970279? ago

We can do this again. Clean up the vote and hold a secondary round if elections. There's no reason not to.

14969594? ago


14968454? ago

In iowa, the 1st US congressional district lost their GOP incumbent, yet somehow at the state level the GOP maintained control of all 3 branches?

Somehow Rep Steve King was able to keep his seat, but Rod Blum, who was much less controversial gets upset

14968125? ago

Live in Montana, can confirm. Tester cheated and won with late ballots from two liberal counties. Just like everywhere else. Please call the Secretary of State, Corey Stapleton. His number is :


Call and demand an investigation.

14967712? ago

Shit is going down. Q talked about laying a trap. Well the trap for DS and dems was the election (regaining power). This was the perfect setup. They fell right into it, but this time we knew. Q said we have it all. The hrc server, email and huma probably gave a detailed account on how the 2016 election was suppose to go down, and we knew where to look this time.

14967097? ago

It's a good thing that DHS are now in charge of election fraud. These people are stupid.

14965477? ago

Nevada too. We had a young Republican, Adam Laxalt, who was one of the few state attorney generals to oppose Obama's amnesty program because it was unconstitutional.The Dems bussed protestors from Las Vegas to try to bully him but he stood firm. Laxalt ran for governor but lost to a Dem by a slim margin.

14964582? ago

This is depressing. It's getting to the point where the military needs to take over the whole government.

14963747? ago

Shit,there was no question in my mind they rigged it when i saw the results in those states. Those are Yuge Trump support states.

14963675? ago

Q said they "know" Fraud happened and so frankly I find it hard to believe that they would not have had resources in place across the States to document what was going on. Watching from the UK and seeing the massive support for Trump the Midterms does not represent this at all, I really hope that this was anticipated and that they have been busy collecting evidence to shove in all thes stupid democrat mindless drones faces so obvious that even they cannot ignore.

14962980? ago

The Governorship of CT too...

14962653? ago

Digging into voter fraud and documenting it as good as possible, would be a good use of time for anon's at the moment.

14962422? ago

I've got a feeling things are fishy in the South Carolina elections too. Then again here in SC a lot of people are moving here to escape other terrible places but then they vote for the same things that created the problems they're fleeing. Not to mention all the illegals and even legal foreigners that come here and vote for their blue slave masters. Used to be real red where I live, now it's turning blue :[

14962262? ago

I'm surprised Tester won in MT, it is a known thing the democratic party paid for native american votes for tester 6 years ago.

14961998? ago

We need to redo this whole election. We need our government to take action against this fraud so that Americans can have the leaders they actually elected. Calling out the fraud is useless unless action is taken.

14961970? ago

This post should have 10,000 upvotes. Exactly what I was thinking just didn't spend the effort to get the numbers. Kudos to this patriot.

14961945? ago

Q said, "Watch CA."

Have you seen the map of all the red counties in CA?

Around San Francisco and Los Angeles it's blue, and a few other counties. All the rest are red!

People here can't believe that Gavin Newsom won for governor....

14961874? ago

Montana has always had an odd mix when it comes to federal reps. We only have one Representative and 2 Senators. Historically our senators are usually always one D and one R. This goes back decades. Also, Rosendale is not a native Montanan and that was most of the campaign rhetoric against him. Rosendale also was pretty brutal to some good Republican candidates in the primary, which turned off many R voters, most which in my opinion would have beaten Testor in the general election. I am a lifelong MT resident of nearly 60 years. We did vote R for the house by reelecting Greg Gianforte

14961848? ago

Just don't threaten to use your 2A rights to overthrow a corrupt government or you'll get ban hammered. Reddit is fucking cancer and T_D is nothing more than a pro Trump version of r/politics.

14961443? ago

Sons of the Revolution dittos, my American brother.

14961168? ago

Everyone everywhere stop paying all TAXES until voting is fixed. We will not have a corrupt government.

14961362? ago

I like that idea!

14961023? ago


14960964? ago


14960915? ago

  1. Require ID to vote.
  2. Redo the votes Done

14960748? ago

Or people changed their mind when presented with new information.

Imagine that?

Why you present conjecture as fact is subject to consideration. My initial assumption is that you're trying to control the narrative as Q followers are starting to learn that they're victims of a hoax.

14961711? ago

Exactly. It's not a mystery. Trump is historically unpopular, he's never acheived majority approval (even got elected while losing the popular vote by almost 3 million votes). The Republicans have controlled the entire federal government for 2 years, And have done nothing but flail about, managing only to pass a tax cut primarily aimed at corporations and the wealthiest citizens. And even with this advantage, Trump manages to self inflicted wounds and sews chaos and division. Republicans should be losing.

14961027? ago

What new information were they presented? Go FUCK YOURSELF you fucking shill.

14961233? ago

That republicans are idiots and bad for the country.

They are being ousted and will be not much more than a footnote in future history books. This is a good thing.

14960546? ago

A lot of people voted Morrisey although not the best candidate to run. The "word" was out though and a lot of people were pull n straight Rep. tickets. At one point, machin wanted to BTS out of Morrisey. I believe that's when the dems and manchin knew it was time to pull the job off which I believe manchin knew he lost, and taking it out on Morrisey and the WV people. Most dems are old fashion reagan democrats who pulled the lever for Trump. The "rat" party I noticed here is more of the old fashion "for the people" party which they don't realize was hi-jacked. They knew enough to vote for Trump though.

14960160? ago

Tester stole the election in 2006 thru voter fraud on the reservations I the state. Corruptocrat Gov Brian Schweitzer admitted as much in a speech to trial lawyers years later. Native Natuons Independence should not extend to national elections! Tribal corruption is rampant.

14960146? ago

I think Morrisey won! Most voters voted a straight ticket! All 3 congressional districts elected republicans!

14959958? ago

libtards spent the last two years rigging this election while qtards were pacified with silly fairy tales. tired of losing yet?

14959893? ago

Citation please

14959795? ago

Dont forget WI. Milwaukee was the first city to "find" so called missing ballots

14962728? ago

WI was a solid Trump state in '16. I suspect the results here too.

14959776? ago

So? And?

14959734? ago

Yeah what the fuck! John Tester won in Montana? WTF?!?!!

14959680? ago

We agree, the votes were way off or too close in every state. Come on Q bring it on.

14959601? ago

When will people realize this has been happening for decades...if not centuries

14959461? ago

I’m hoping that Trump had operatives posted at all the blue dots on this map. [Map of undocumented immigrants] (https://cdn.qmap.pub/images/6ec465bb8725c8a2386d50ed8d0b92925316a93659528d2d4758bb6c8b8407bc.jpg)

14959383? ago

And Connecticut. Wouldn't surprise me if between electronic, illegal voter, and other on-the-ground shenanigans there wasn't significant fraud in all 50 states. Remember, the GOP were toothless to go to court on any of this stuff for the last 32 years...

And yeah, the GOP is used to being toothless in general.

14959380? ago

Chill dude. Q team's taking care of it. They've recorded all of it. Now to wake up those still asleep. Shhh..the show's starting. Pass the popcorn...;)

14959371? ago

Oregon is a Voat by mail state...You KNOW its rigged.

14959368? ago

I don't think the vote was rigged in WV. A lot of people go by the political candidates personality and whichever one they recognize on the ballot and Mansion used to be governor. Not so long ago WV was a blue state until the Dems went totally progressive. A lot of older people who are Dems don't understand that the parties change over time so they keep voting democrat. That being said, I don't know why the people in WV would vote for someone sponsoring a gun control bill. We have no permit required conceal carrry. We have guns. Lots of guns. But half of the people in WV are dumbass, "free shit" loving retards who aren't even aware of what Mansion stands for and how he voted in Congress.

14959277? ago

Do you bother reading the Q drops before you become concerned? This week will be big. Q team knew what they were up to, these people are stupid. Project Veratas had them on tape before the 2016 election explaining exactly how they cheat. Nothing was done in public, but measures were taken this time to catch them all red handed... Relax, we did our part, we voted. Now that Whitaker is in place, heads will roll. Just watch and trust the plan. WWG1WGA

14979465? ago

It is not a coincidence that the consent decree was lifted right before the election.

14964581? ago

And just watching and waiting is exactly what the vote fraudsters want us to do.

14964708? ago

Obviously, you haven't see the Q drops today... Boy, exciting times. It's happening now. Fraudsters beware!

14959871? ago

I'll just leave this right....here. https://voat.co/v/whatever/2845858

14962679? ago

Instead of being a negative ass wipe why dont you put together all the proos of what Q said and all the shit that has happened because it was a lot. Its because of people like you that children are still being raped tortured killed and sold as sex slaves. Congrats you must be proud.

14959914? ago

Hey, why is OP of that thread 3.4 years account age and only started commenting this week??

14959971? ago

Some of us have more than one account. I maintain one on my phone and one on my home machine.

But, heaven forbid you look at the information instead of the account showing it to you.

14960064? ago

So you're saying people have several accounts and use them together to manufacture a consensus about a subject?

Isn't that basically twitter bots spreading a narrative ... but on voat?

14960118? ago

Oh sweet jesus. It's always been a thing to have multiple accounts. Give me a break, some of us are adults and refuse to play the "muh internet points!" game.

14961064? ago

You're talking to @womb_raider.

They're mentally handicapped.

14961294? ago


14960251? ago

I didn't say a god damned thing about internet points. This is about perception and control. Using multiple accounts is like using a second identity to vote in an election. You're making it appear like more than one voice are expressing a view when in reality it's a lone person. It's manipulation and deceit.

14959898? ago

That post is nonsensical.

14960012? ago

Wait, a post that lists facts with screenshots is "nonsensical" while half of the people here worship someone that talks in code so you can all "figure out" things in a "choose your own adventure" format? Wow. Time to stop drinking the kool-aid.

14960024? ago

Trump endorses Q. Trump has made good progress. To doubt Trump is ignorance.

14960088? ago

He has NEVER endorsed Q.

He's pointed a lot (and note: most of the crap you all believe has come directly from Q) and POTUS said something like "they do good work" - but that's a quote from a random dude on the internet. He's never come out and directly talked about Q.

14960275? ago

He has obviously endorsed Q and you're doing everything you can to deny that. He points to Q at every recent rally. He poses with people wearing Q apparel. He acknowledges Q. He TWEETS phrases Q uses frequently. He's not ignorant of this movement, so why would he use the same phrases with emphasis?

You're trying so hard. Why?

14960549? ago

I second this. This dude is throwing shade on Q but not looking at the 100’s of proofs. Fuck off to whatever gay subverse you normally hangout on.

14959990? ago

How so?

14960048? ago

It ignores all of the good points and foretellings Q has made, so it's only telling half of a story. It's propaganda by omission of fact

14960947? ago

Any super credible predictions that ONLY and insider could have made? No time travel, but actual inside information that no one could have predicted that came to pass?

14961036? ago

Of course not.

They think future proves past and just adjust events after the fact to pretend it was an accurate prediction.

They are small minded people.

14960807? ago

Cool, I await your rebuttal with the foretellings that Q has made in a similar style as to what is in question so anyone can do an easy comparison.

14959177? ago

The time for ACTION is now!

Action > Words

14959142? ago

When are we going to rule this election as invalid? There is ample evidence to prove this thing has been rigged on a massive scale! It's time to declare the election invalid, secure the polls, and schedule a new election. If that doesn't happen then the rule of law in America is dead.

14959079? ago


14959069? ago

I dont know about the rest of you, but in my area the entire polling place was run by...women.

14979505? ago

Pretty sure you wouldn't be on this earth if it weren't for a woman called your mother. So, before you indict half of the human race, perhaps you might consider that most murderers are men.

14979654? ago

Oh you are correct. Of course, I have spent the last year informing and correcting said mother to keep her on track, same with the mother in law and wife. MSM is powerful. Daughter is too indoctrinated by other WOMEN at college to reach. So yeah lady, I am aware that you are the "life bringers" while we men are pretty much killers of all. AMIRIGHT? And thanks, ladies, for illustrating my point so damn well!

14980381? ago

Actually, life requires contribution by both male and female of the species. Clearly you overlooked my comment about indicting half of the human race. Why do you even have a wife? Could have avoided the daughter too. Why perpetuate the species when you know half of them will be female? Thank you for making the point that YOU are a HATER regardless of your gender.

14959530? ago

I’m a woman, and you have something there. Not sure what, but it’s something. Similarly, when I was looking up the “No one is above the law” moveon.org “protests” (which turned out to be much ado about nothing, thankfully, BTW) they practically all (like 90%) were led by...you guessed it...a woman. Data is still there, look it up.

Don’t want to be everything is MKUltra, but we know women are more easily “programmed.” And maybe they’re programmed in a softer, less organized, maybe even less nefarious kind of way, just that they’re simply more pliable?

I don’t know, but a data point at any rate.

14961323? ago

At my location also. It is pretty weird when you notice it. But these are temporary jobs or volunteers and there are perhaps more women who are not the primary workers in the household and are available for temporary work.

14959208? ago

I know what you mean. I'm a woman, I couldn't be trusted at a polling place. I wanted Republicans to win so bad that I would be tempted to cheat, which is why I won't volunteer. I don't need to be tempted like that. We women can't always control our emotions.

14973333? ago

"We women can't always control our emotions."

The real knock on women is that they are natural traitors. They always side with the one that they perceive as being powerful.

(((Hollywood))) knows this very well. That is why their movies and tv are now full of weak-bodied and non-influential white men and tall, powerful, and decisive naggers.

They know that the female hindbrain will then say "Must have powerful monkeyman". So then we will have race-mixing and the destruction of White fertility.

Women have no loyalty. They just say "What I want today is what is right. And if I want something different tomorrow, that will be right too."

Just how they are.

15102105? ago

Right, and men are always loyal as to whom they mate with.


14961087? ago

I think the commentor merely was indicating that women r a majority democratic voting demographic is all.

14961238? ago

That's what THEY want you to think. REAL women LOVE a REAL man, that man would be TRUMP!

14960293? ago

Requires two R & D to look and register vote

14959863? ago

Nice sarcasm! Love the delivery!

14960344? ago

<3 someone who understands me! <3

14979768? ago

LOL, If I got a nickel every time a woman thought written text can convey sarcasm I would have a big pile of nickels! I bet you receive snarky emails too! Ladies try this, just read and try not to include your emotions in the text someone else put down. i made a valid observation not a condemnation.

14979911? ago


14959428? ago

Speak for yourself. I'm a woman and I can control my emotions. I want to tell you to fuck off, but I won't.

14959580? ago

Well I will. Fuck Off 1495208! you do not speak for any intelligent woman that I know

14959535? ago

I was speaking for myself. I know my limitations, which is why I don't want to tempt myself. I'm a good girl and plan to stay that way. I also don't have a dirty mouth, I won't respond with nasty language. WWG1WGA, girlfriend!

14963637? ago

You're right. You are very emotional. You would actually consider voter fraud? I may have a nasty mouth, but I would never even consider doing something lke that. I'm honest. I've never stolen anything. Ever. I've had plenty stolen from me though. I have no sympathy for thieves.

14959288? ago

Well, rather than point at women in general I should have pointed out that they could largely lean left, and there was a distinct lack of men volunteers.

14959421? ago

You do know that, for example, white women voted on average for Trump, right?

Same for older women. Demographics are a tricky game.

14961102? ago

The post we are talking about didn’t say white women. It only cites “women”.

14959518? ago

Yes, I do. And I am sure you realize this election did not feature Trump. Demographics are indeed tricky.

14959391? ago

I didn't pay that much attention. There were men and women at mine, but I think there were more women. However, I'm in a mostly Republican area, well normally. I had to vote at a different location this time because our regular place was wiped out by the hurricane.

14959063? ago

The biggest issue to me is how do we get the “left” side to see that there’s a fraud issue? We can shout about it all day long. We can post memes on Twatter all day long. We can sit in this forum and preach to the choir all day long. At the end of all these long days though, the media ignores or deflects the fraud issues and the rest of the “left” just screams that the “right” is making all this up.

This optics issue is one that runs through every Q related topic for me and I think may be a source of the frustration for many. They’re stating it differently and jumping to conclusions like “ no arrests by 11.11.18 = Q is a fraud”. I don’t believe this but can empathize with the frustration. For me it’s more about how is Q team (that’s us too) going to truly red pill the “normies” and work towards unity.

15001335? ago

They won't care - "by any means necessary"

14961331? ago

Charge them, convict them, throw their asses in prison.

14979443? ago

gallows is for traitors. they are all traitors.

14961523? ago

^ THIS. If we are unwilling to defend the basic instruments of civil society,Why would a public employee?

14960990? ago

Think about people you know on the left. Who among them would actually seek out truth, do their own research, look at multiple sources? They are liberal mainly because they don't do exactly that. It's much easier for them to seek confirmation bias that's constantly pushed out by msm. So many are conditioned and brainwashed, only wide scale public disclosure would impact their thought process. Msm will avoid this at all cost, so the question is, how can this be accomplished? No joke, I wouldn't be surprised to see a ff actual bombing at CNN hq rather than release this type of news.

14969532? ago

It won't. Fuck the lot of them.

14959877? ago

The Truth WILL set them free. Truth is everlasting and unchangeable. Objective TRUTH.

14959937? ago

Yes, the truth is already here. Why don’t others want to see it?

14959514? ago

Unfortunately, this is going to take longer then we all thought if the vote rigging goes to the SC. I don't like it when dates that don't get hit make us all look bad just like everyone else here. It doesn't really matter though because we all know in our hearts pentagon people are fighting the cabal. They'll all come back though after things become blatantly obvious even to them because they're mostly a bunch of conformists and idiots. So it's okay if they think badly of us because of the missed date. They all secretly fear what we are saying is true and they actually care what we think of them otherwise they would pay no attention to us and Q.

14959402? ago

We need proof. They aren't gonna believe it otherwise. The number of illegals voting, the stuff going on in FL, the access from online stuff, with evidence that such routes were used as well, etc.

14959840? ago

Pretty sure there is proof being assembled as we speak

14964563? ago

Lots of votes are already tossed into the pool -- without any means of extracting them now from the total.

14959488? ago

Let’s go higher level. We have proof of HRC email misconduct. Where has that gone? Answer: around and around in circles with the MSM and the “left” turning a blind eye. Now what?

14979456? ago

63K sealed indictments. Do you really think nothing will be done with those?

14980231? ago

Of course not. I’m saying the MSM and the lefties won’t believe it and will call POTUS a dictator for jailing them. My point is that each persons perception is reality and we need to change the perception put out by the MSM which in turn influences the lefties.

14962577? ago

No one turned a blind eye. Obama pardoned all of them for their crimes they committed no matter what it was right up til the day he left offcie. Trump has to get them on new crimes what the fuck do you think they have been doing?

14968261? ago

Fuck...Not trying to be hostile... You're saying the media and those on the left do not turn a blind eye to illegal activities?

14965306? ago

I thought Treason was exempt from any pardon.

14960272? ago

Probably have to DECLAS first and DEFRAUD elections second to pull public

14959149? ago

You are correct and not the only one who thinks about this. Not only that but how do you pivot the media into even talking about things. It's really the million dollar question and needs to be planned for or it won't work. Hoping that they have a good plan for it.

14961190? ago

lol we can't pivot the media - they are owned by the enemy.

14961015? ago

They won’t. U had the podesta emails talking about eating semen, breastmilk, and men steal blood. But apparently to big msm it’s not the content of the emails it’s the way that they were acquired. That leads me to this other question. If arrests occur will the msm even report on it?

14976782? ago

There will be a big shakeup in the media when all of the reporters on the naughty list Q gave us a while back. That should start rolling with the FISA and IG report. I thought it odd that Acosta wasn’t on it. I keep thinking he may actually be an actor on our side. Disrupt to prove how biased and disruptive the media is.

14961823? ago

The MSM will be part of it (the arrests).

Have you seen the list of MSM who have collaborated with the Democrats? Q Team has it all.

Election tampering and worse.

14958959? ago

Pitchforks? Hey, leave that to us Brits, we need pitchforks instead of our illegal butter knives! Use your guns.

14958908? ago

You are on to something. Great research patriot. Fraud is what democrats do best outside of squandering taxpayer money.

14958884? ago

It didn't help that the motherfucking Fox assholes called the House with almost 90 minutes left to vote in Montana. Cocksuckers. Kevin Brady just let Fox have it too on Maria Bartiromo's show.

14958872? ago

We should execute all these vote rigging traitors no immunity deals. Start with the Bush faction paperclip nazis, Black Sun, Thule Gesalcraft, Antarctic Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst, etc, all get public lethal injections first then move on to the Democrats so they can't claim partisanship.

14959363? ago

Start our own Center for Disease Control, iradicate the virus that democrat Socialism is spreading...

14959114? ago

And then we get a good 40%+ of the nation (led by MSM) calling Trump a dictator. That’s not going to end well.

14958814? ago

One difference between the 2016 and 2018 elections is that voters in 2018 have been subjected to almost two years of nonstop vile MSM anti-Trump propaganda. That wears on people after a while (the old "repeat a lie enough and it becomes the truth" trick). Also, Trump's win in WV was a bit of a fluke and may have been nothing more than a reaction to Clinton threatening their mines. WV has long been a democrat state.

14958876? ago

It was not a fluke and WV has been red for a while now so you are way off, they voted for Bush/McCain/Romney. It hasn't been Blue for the Presidency in almost 20 years now. And again, look at the rally's in WV, ask around, go to the streets, the people there don't believe in the MSM bullshit, they are all aboard the Trump Train, so your argument is invalid and simply incorrect.

14959528? ago

There is more to red / blue characterization of a state than just presidential election results. Look at their senators. All democrats back to 1958 with the exception of the last few years with one republican (Capito). WV runs on mining which equals unions which equals democrats. The majority of its governors over the last century have been democrats. Rally turnout doesn't mean much because it is self-selective. Why would democrats show up at a Trump rally, or republicans show up at a Biden rally?

14960732? ago

I got news for ya buddy, Morissey won the mining counties so that argument is false. The mining industry is dead and has been for a long time, it does not control the majority of state voters anymore, it's just a good soundbyte.

14958770? ago

Well said Patriot, Hear, Hear!

14958745? ago

PA numbers are similar I’m guessing. I wish I had the ability to find out.

14958779? ago

Download the data from Real Clear Politics and plug it into a spreadsheet for comparison!

14958706? ago

In MT, Rosendale had a comfortable lead with all the counties except Cascade and Gallatin reporting. Both counties didn't report the vote until the next day, when they had enough votes to deliver the victory to Tester.

14969072? ago

That shit of waiting so they can come up with enough ballots (ie.e change ballots or generate some) to bring a candidate home with the win after seeing all other counties report in needs to stop.

What needs to happen is none of the returns for any counties can be released until ALL the counties have turned them in. It then immediately goes from 0% reporting to 100% reporting all at once.

Only then will we truly have fair elections.

14962239? ago

I watched it happen! Live in MT myself

14958596? ago

Thanks for confirming what I already thought!