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Arrvee ago

LARP or not, the corruption and treason at the highest levels of our government is a real thing.

shifty_pete ago

True, the damaging thing is Q’s “trust the plan” making all these worthless boomers content to sit back instead of getting out there and actually doing something.

Womb_Raider ago

As opposed to what? Boomers weren't 'getting out there and doing something' before he showed up. Since Q has appeared, we've seen many Government employees resign, we've seen corrupt people like McCain die... to cancer, supposedly, we've seen Angela Merkel lose power. We've seen so much progress since the appearance of Q. Is it coincidence?

Hand_of_Node ago

We've seen so much progress since the appearance of Q. Is it coincidence?

Are you even serious? The answer is yes. I know people are emotionally invested in this belief, but it's beyond any rationality.

Womb_Raider ago

Time will tell

Hand_of_Node ago

Yes, although the problem I see here is the classic "I need more time because of" [reasons]. It's a tried and true tactic. For what it's worth, I still hope you turn out to be correct, even if all the evidence is against you.

ScientificRacism ago

Yes, it is.

The only alternative is that some shadowy figure named Q killed McCain and infiltrated the German Government to manipulate their political parties.

And that does nothing to explain the myriad of false claims Q has made.

We need more than faith, Womb.

Womb_Raider ago

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Cute alt account...

As for your comment, I understand Q is unlikely to have directly had a hand in the changes in Germany, that’s more a reference to morale and social change. It’s an unfair stretch, I’ll give you that. The changes in the US government, however, almost warrant the term monumental. It may not be Q related, I’m not certain either way, but I do trust our President and it seems to me he endorses or at least acknowledges Q, so until the President loses my faith or changes his stance, I’m holding any negative judgment out of respect for him.

CrudOMatic ago

Wow. This is stunning confirmation bias. Put down the Q crackpipe. This is a clear psyop, though it could be a super-deep LARP by lefties for lulz. What makes me think it's a psyop is when he says the deep state is in Iran. FULL STOP. The deep state has been wanting regime change in Iran for decades, because surprise, surprise, Iran is one of the few countries left that doesn't have a Rothschild-owned foreign central bank. Knowing that bit of info, it's clear exactly WHO and WHERE the deep state is.

Rotteuxx ago

Ebola came back with a vengeance since Q popped up.

Countless white women are getting raped by niggers ans shit skins at exponential rates since Q popped up.

Democrat public servants resigning in a Republican administration & the death of a geezer suffering from one of the most aggressive cancers one can be diagnosed with has fuck all to do with Qlarp.

Do you actually think McCain was taken behind a shed ?

Womb_Raider ago

Ebola is trivial. You're trying to overplay it to suit your narrative.

White women getting raped by niggers is caused by mass immigration. This is because of seeds sown before Q appeared. The rapes will continue until those European countries get their house in order. Doesn't have shit to do with the USA.

The resignations are Dem AND Repub. Don't try to spread fake news, faggot. It's not partisan. You made a big error implying it is.

I don't know for sure what happened to McCain, I fear my confirmation bias makes me want to say yes he was executed, but at his age with cancer... it's possible it was an organic death, but he looked pretty good in his most recent public appearance...

bushka ago

If it's true that McCain had brain cancer then that is what he died from. In the end they often withdraw aggressive treatment - just like they did with him. He was likely put on comfort measures only and that typically includes sufficient opiates to make passing as painless as it can be. Many people believe he was executed because of a comment made by John Kasich that McCain was put to death. He is Catholic. I knew this Catholic nurse who refused to take care of a patient because the feeding tube keeping them alive was being disconnected and to her it was murder and she wouldn't be complicit. This is how these people think, that's why he said McCain was put to death.

Womb_Raider ago

I’m not convinced, but we’ll have to ask Kasich to know for certain.

bushka ago

I am convinced. It is the nature of the cancer.

Womb_Raider ago

Let me know when you have a video of him saying such things

toobaditworks ago

McCain went to the doctor and the doctor gave him a thumbs down.

Rotteuxx ago

Ebola is trivial. You're trying to overplay it to suit your narrative.

As trivial as bringing up Merkel, it has shit to do with the U.S.

It's not partisan. You made a big error implying it is.

Just like you implying Q has anything to do with this.

As a matter of fact, dems & gop being let go gently only shows that there is no will to prosecute traitors as Qlarp pretends.

Conspiremylove ago

Best reply in this thread.

zyklon_b ago

Cohencidence and you are too smart to believe in Q so you are paid

Womb_Raider ago

That's not even an argument. I wish I was paid to argue with you financed frauds.

fluhthreeex ago

My grandson was born since Q appeared. He has been a miracle to my family and I know to the world. Maybe my grandson is responsible for these things.

toobaditworks ago

A R is born. All hail Lord R.

StarAnon ago

Maybe, he's Q. Maybe, he's R.