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zyklon_b ago

Yes the QRV is a mossad op

NotHereForPizza ago

Ahh, the classic* redirection.

zyklon_b ago

How so?

NotHereForPizza ago

You've only done this... every single time.

Aeioulmao ago

Op is right on point, notice how in this thread everyone is saying it’s the Q followers, Q mocking as high as ever since the elections (as op says).

Ya know for a bunch of people trying so hard to mock Qultists without bringing jack shit to the table (except calling em all boomers, lol) you sure are reinforcing their opinion by shilling so hard against Q

NotHereForPizza ago

I've tried to warn them of this phenomena the entire time.

They just don't seem to get it. All they're doing is advancing Q's objective by continually saying it's just a larp, we're all boomers, or that we're all shills for saying, "I dunno... it seems like there's something to this, even if it isn't entirely true."

Aeioulmao ago

If Q is right at this point it is going down real soon. People oughta be panicking hard right now..

NotHereForPizza ago

Which seems to be, very clearly, the reason for this shit on Voat getting more and more annoying.

ScientificRacism ago

Well I scrolled through this thread hoping to see a Q follower actually give a proper response, and I didn't see a single rebuttal. Just people shouting at each other.

So is it that you people are above criticism? We can't even question you anymore? You're like Islamists. Religious zealots. No one can question your beliefs, or they're the enemy.

We have a lot more in common than we don't. Voaters as a whole are just asking for a bit of reality to be injected, yet you're using that as evidence as to why you're being criticized? Can you not see the circular logic there? We're always going to ask for factual information, that's never going to change, and everytime we ask for some reality, you'll use that as evidence that you're on the right track? That's literal insanity mate. That's honest to god mental illness. We're asking legitimate questions and we deserve a legitimate answer, instead you're taking us asking those questions as proof to your cause? Again, that's outright delusional.

NotHereForPizza ago

You can certainly question people.

The board is fully comprised of people literally sitting around and questioning each other. You just refuse to accept their answers.

Why can voters not be Q followers, fellow goat?

No true scotsman, eh?


I even received death threats actually.

ScientificRacism ago

Well to be fair, I take those about as seriously as I take the "death threats" that Buzzfeed reports on from the Twittersphere. I get your point though, it's pretty hilarious to see users of Voat getting that serious about shit they can't even prove in the first place. Plus that's definitely something an Islamist would do.


Q might actually be Muslims. The behavior profile fits.