Whitemail ago

(((The Democrats))) are kikes getting every evil destructive thing they want for us.

(((The Republicans))) are kikes keeping the goyim from getting what they need and keeping them from stopping (((the Democrats))) (see above)

Beta_Ray_Bill ago

I feel like it's been going on at least 3-6 months.

xenoPsychologist ago

yes. always kill a traitor before the enemy, jim-jam.

icecoldpopsicle ago

We are, I got my marching orders from the great Zion last month and I type personal attacks and distractions as fast as my crooked fingers will allow me. Ok gotta go apply some more nose ointment.

GratefulGrandmother ago

I haven't noticed any difference in the quantity of puke-tards on any boards. Yawn...same old BS to sift through all around. Being new to the boards (vermin boomer), should apparently make me sorry I was ever born. Bwahahaha

Idk which group catches more shade--boomers, jews, Qanon, anybody other than the clever little dick doing the "wah, w-wah-wah-wah."

P33psh04h ago

Lol wait what about the Kabbalah?

solo7 ago

Nope, but what I see is true hatred and antisemitism towards the Jews, with ugly accusations and bigotry.making false accusations. Your words alone showed my statement to be true.

Rawrination ago

The men of the USS Liberty have words for you. Fuck off kike.

Patriot1124 ago

Yup, shill heads figured they’d call us qtards... ignore’m

yruamoron ago

Anybody else feels like VOAT is being heavily manipulated by Jewish shills since the electoral fraud?

You're a fucking delusional moron.

Patriot1124 ago

😂wow, guess you think you’ve scored

Patriot1124 ago


Im_with_her ago

I love your delicious tears. Whaaaaaaaa...poor wittle racist homophobic anti-Semitic snowflakes. You don't want every ballot counted, you are the ones wanting to cheat. We just want each vote counted. Many were absentee and mail in ballots and are just as LEGITIMATE as yours. Face the facts keyboard warriors...A) we are winning, B) this country will be a beautiful black and brown place soon, C) your kind are dying out and your offspring embraces our ideas and will mate with us, and D) diversity is our strength. We have the numbers to win all elections now. Hahahahaha. #RESIST #NOTMYPRESIDENT #IMPEACH #BLM #LGBTQAIPK #DIVERSITY #NOWALLNOBAN

GhostSkin ago

Definitely the Qfags

Patriot1124 ago

Trumps President / still sore?

tannaberton ago

They will keep up their position of taking offense about anything said about anything. As long as they can steadily make it appear as though it comes from Russia, they will boo-hoo and pout and be given free reign and power to make the internet safe for 10 year old kids while proper and boring for everyone else. “The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.” Frank Zappa

logos_ethos ago

Post something critical of circumcision and see how many voats it gets. As of right now "Circumcision is not medically necessary. Parents usually know this but do it to their son so "he can look like his dad". Break the cycle and stop circumcising." has 281 upvotes, 22 downvotes (93% upvoted it). It was posted 23 hours ago.

Salty_Pirates_4_All ago


albatrosv15 ago

It was undeniable from the day when the trumptards arrived. Qlarp is the latest wave.

bob813 ago

The biggest jewish shill is our president.

hankylanky ago

You are crazy. I mean, seriously. You have a mental illness with a strong delusional and paranoid aspect to it. Please get help before you get a gun.

RemoteViewer1 ago

Heavily would be an understatement ,. Jews are shit house gays

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Since before the election. A while before.

TheNerdyCowboy ago

There is definitely more groups trying to control the direction of thought right now.. The JIDF seems to be adjusting due to their efforts fueling their opposition more than shutting it down. The Qult seems to be coming in waves the way the jidf used to so that is interesting.

eronburr ago

Voat was taken by shills just like 8ch, years ago. No other reason the creator received death threats and handed it off. Note all the drama about "needing tons of money for azure" and "we're being attacked". Play the victim and enjoy the spoils

Here_Comma_Suk_Dd ago

With bullshit like this towards the top I say bring em on.

keksupreme ago

it's the soros jews. this was also before the election though

SaveTheChildren ago

Note the anti flat earth front page post... yeah jew shillery

smokratez ago

Some guy from ri is part of the same group of trannies herassing anyone that speaks the truth on voat.

chuckletrousers ago

You need to stop spamming your idiotic fantasies, little tranny.

Gopherurself ago

Kill all traitors kill all jews kill all democrat shills

LSDyogi ago

Very poor subject line and very poorly supported in your comment. I'm giving you all the down votes I can

AmaleksHairyAss ago

You faggots always think you're being inundated with Jewish shills. This is because you're on a free speech platform where people are free to disagree with you, and you take any disagreement as a sign of The Jew.

Asshat69 ago

So you admit other platforms of speech are not free?

AmaleksHairyAss ago

I take issue with the word "admit", with your binary definition of freedom, and with the idea that is one thing is that means others are not.

Asshat69 ago

If my definition is so "binary" what do you consider freedom?

AmaleksHairyAss ago

We both know the definition of freedom. But something can be more or less free. On Voat I'm not free to post illegal material and if I post pro-liberal stuff I'll be soft censored. But I can post anything else. That's not complete freedom, but it is a large degree of freedom. On Reddit, by contrast, I have the above restrictions (substituting conservative for liberal) but with a much harsher and more likely penalty for breaking the unwritten rules. Also on Reddit I can't piss off a mod or advertiser too much. So there's much less freedom of speech, but there is some. By contrast again in an American polling booth I would literally be arrested for campaigning for my favorite candidate and in Russia I could be executed for openly supporting faggotry. These are different degrees of freedom of speech. In none of the above cases is my speech totally free or totally restricted.

Asshat69 ago

Ok makes sense

wt1984yb ago

There are tons of Jew shills here. JIDF and Mossad are probably monitoring the shit out of this.

Joe_McCarthy ago

People that call others shills rather than debate the issues at hand subvert Voat from common sense.

0fsgivin ago

Yah, go bring up the fact that ya Acosta is a douche but the footage tweeted by huckabee was doctored. Not gunna get much debate from fucking q tards.

Patriot1124 ago

.... maybe you think you’ve got it/ ya don’t . And I saw it / Acosta was pathetic... so....where’s your video to counter it. Go ahead and be sick....idiot

0fsgivin ago

It's pretty clear dude. It doesn't get much more obvious than this.


AndrewBlazeIt ago

Lotta glow in the dark CIA niggers round here recently.

REVATOR2029 ago

What are the swiss' fagz narrative?

ScientificRacism ago


Been seeing a lot of shit like this. I'm not an active user anymore, but I lurk, and I've been noticing the same trends you guys have.

Honey_Pot ago

The Gentleperson's Guide To Forum Spies (spooks, feds, etc.)


kalchaya ago

As I see it, the problem with this is it occurs to me that it could apply to absolutely anyone, saying absolutely anything, on absolutely any forum. So is it what it seems to be, or something more insidious? All in all, http://www.cryptome.org/ has a good rep, so there's that. On the other hand, the TLAs have been very successful at planting their disruptive disinformation everywhere.... this would definitely be very effective at spreading paranoia, and curtailing debate. I'm unsure what to make of it.

Rawrination ago

Wow. That should be a sticky at the top of the site! I've been a lurker on various forums for years but haven't known why people would know it was CIA or whatever. I'm sure I've fallen victim to a few of those before.

BadGoy1488 ago

They all need running over.

toobaditworks ago

They all need running over. -BadGoy1488

Found another JIDF/CIA/FED/Police/infiltrator 2 day old member calling for violence with an obvious name to blame a certain group of people.


BadGoy1488 ago

You stupid fucking autist. It was a reference to Terry A. Davis and his "glow in the dark CIA niggers" meme. If anyone is a fed here, it's you.

REVATOR2029 ago

I miss the violence thought. Oven is cold. Life is sad.

toobaditworks ago

Funny though you're another new user calling for violence. You feds working overtime?

REVATOR2029 ago

I always called for war. I never change these motherfuckers killed my dad, my people, my family friends, and stole thousands if not millions out of us. Not giving a shit posing as a leftist for a day. Come back to see me in 3 weeks or a year and I will see same. We knew at least 50 people they directly attempted to kill. Please understand. I FUCKING HATE THESE PEOPLE WITH ALL MY GUTS. THEY ARE CRIMINALS. THE CRIMINALS. DEATH.

moviefreak ago

Nope. I am sure there are no jewish shills on Voat...Next question?

Are you fucking kidding me, we are under siege like never before! But we will make it, don't worry. It's just the enemy showing his schnautz. And we will just laugh him off.

Patriot1124 ago

Lmao.... agreed

AmericanJew2 ago

What exactly is a shill? I mean according to Voat?

You know what, I am going to post this as a discussion question.

ScientificRacism ago

For me it's a catch all term for people trying to subvert the website or truth.


Like this guy on a new account promoting violence. Agent Provocateur etc.

They could just be idiotic kids larping though, It's not like I genuinely believe they're all paid shills or whatever.

I don't think Voat minds having opposing opinions. Like people can question our beliefs, the vast majority of us wouldn't shout "shill!" just for someone having a different opinion. It's one of the things that attracted me to Voat in the first place. I used to come here and criticize people, and we would have conversations. If you criticize people on Reddit they either flip out, block you, or you get banned.

SpunRecord ago

And hopefully in the mean time we can identify all the democrats, then have national parties where we go door to door and string them up.

Rawrination ago

I love your username niggerfaggot! :D <3

toobaditworks ago

Shills can be anything from a retarded troll acting on it's own to an actual member of a group who gets paid to troll online forums, newspapers, and media in general with their own narrative. Think of JIDF or ShareBlue/Correct the Record and their astroturfing using the Buffer software.

BadGoy1488 ago

You think literally everyone is a shill or a cop. You accused me of being FBI for referencing a well known meme. Paranoid fucktards like you do nearly as much harm as actual shills.

toobaditworks ago

No I don't think everyone is a shill or cop. I think YOU are. You posted a threat to kill people. You said nothing about a meme. You said people need to be ran over. Paranoia? You literally said:

"They all need running over. -BadGoy1488"

And then you come here and attack me to try to get me angry. So you're throwing up red flags all over the place. 1. promoting violence. And 2. anger trolling. Both of which are what FBI/Feds/Police do online to troll people into getting angry and make threats themselves or to cause them to agree with you on your call to violence. Then they go after them in real life and use this as a way to shut down websites. So you're the one in the wrong here. And you probably are a FED or a Police faggot.

The Gentleperson's Guide To Forum Spies

If you are acting like this then don't be surprised when they call you out on it.

BadGoy1488 ago

497 submissions to infowars
415 submissions to AlexJones

Ah, now it's starting to make sense. You're a fucking Alex Jewnes-tard. And you've got the audacity to call me a "shill". That's fucking hilarious.

BadGoy1488 ago

Yawwwwwwwwwnnnn. I posted a reply that was obviously in reference to the well known Terry A. Davis "CIA nigger" meme.

The fact that you're refusing to believe it was harmless meming and pushing the issue beyond any rational limit is clear evidence that you're the shill here, not me.

toobaditworks ago

It's always the fed's that hate on Jones so yeah you just confirmed it. You're a fed.

497 submissions to infowars

415 submissions to AlexJones

I'm the owner of those subs and only person who can post on those subs so of course there's all those submissions. Thanks for reminding me I need to post some more. FED.

BadGoy1488 ago

It's hard to tell if you're a bad troll or just really retarded. I'm guessing probably both.

toobaditworks ago

Bullshit. I'm a great troll.

haveyoursafespace1 ago

If you are being manipulated, shoot your self. We don't need weak minded faggots like you.

VeteransRJewPoodles ago

Blah blah blah blah red team good blah blah blah blah everyone who disagrees with me is a jew blah blah blah whites are perfect angels and never cuck for jews blah blah blah blah jesus wasn't a jew who preached the torah in synogogues blah blah blah blah

BadGoy1488 ago

Shalom, Rabbi. How's the weather in Tel Aviv?

Doglegwarrior ago

Yes yes and yes.. someone posted a jdif tactics thing and tacktic number 5 is to distract with personal attacks. When i post something looking for ideas and suggestions 80 percent of the time no matter how low key the issue is i get personal attacks that have almost nothing to do with the post. There is an obvious group of troll fsggot jews or jdif here to keep people from actualy discussing issues. Especialy issues involving jews. But i did just see a post about circumcision and not many attacks just a lot of goats agreeing that circuncision is really fucked up.

bob813 ago

Republicans are more ZOG'd then dems tbh.

historicity ago

My spidey senses pick up a lot of beaners, but I'm new, so.

Dank-AssAyyLMAOs ago

Nope. You like most voaters just don't like when someone disagrees with you and you throw a tantrum.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Its the qtards.

You don't need to send real jidf shills when the qtards do it all for you.

IheartSwimming ago

Q promotes free thinking


SukkhaMadiqqa ago

Q is the JIDF. They have created an army of brainwashed zombies who won't do anything on their own except go to Trump rally's and share photos and memes online.

Patriot1124 ago

....get lost

knightwarrior41 ago

Its the qtards.

You don't need to send real jidf shills when the qtards do it all for you.

much as true .also Q predicted this LAWL

jollux ago

Optional_Reading ago

It’s this faggot ☝🏽

BlackGrapeDrank ago

Qtard = jidf shills, it was their only successful campaign

REVATOR2029 ago

Same shit.

majb ago

I have seen the term jidf thrown around here for a while. I just now searched what it stood for. This world never fails to disgust me.

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

No, it's the kikes

omacu ago

Its the Qtards. Fo sho

MDEneverdies1488 ago

Honestly, I'm fed up with them. And the thing that pisses me off the most is the fact that my account says I joined during the Q invasion. I'm a MDE refugee not a Qmolian

toobaditworks ago

Put that in your bio. :)

jollux ago

it's in his username

BlueDrache ago

I'm so glad for the "Q" badges.

Unfortunately, it means any throwaway accounts have an uphill battle.

Datgoyoverthere ago

Yeah and anyone that came over with the MDE ban gets lumped in with the qumbrains, that q badge is a mark on my soul

MDEneverdies1488 ago

Same, brother

MrDarkWater ago

I think the boomers were used against us. Here's the timeline:

q on /pol/, /pol/acks dig with skepticism but the info is good, boomer gets memed hard, YouTube Qanon wave, boomers on YouTube, t-shirt sales, Reddit growth including boomers new to online shitposting and free speech, Reddit ban, voat asylum, voat does voat, now voat with the leftover most hardcore followers who don't have anything to offer but bad optics for qanon

GapingAnus ago

I think the boomers were used against us.

Exhibit A on how you spot exactly the people in question.

REVATOR2029 ago

ALL THE BOOMERS should fucking die and shuv their meds up their asses. Fucking fat, lazy, arrogant boomers.

GapingAnus ago

t.Member for 3 days

REVATOR2029 ago

Sorry had to change handle. Can't be seen under same name for too long. I fingerprint easily. Yet come back in 3 montjs... ill be same. No changes in perspective or who killed my friends and family.

GapingAnus ago

Jesus, you're sad. Nut up and take responsibility for your own life just like everyone else. Nobody owes you shit.

talmoridor-x ago

Exactly. Voat used to have very interesting and redpilled conversations before the Q flood.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

bad optics?


MrPim ago

Reddit ban, voat asylum, voat does voat, exodus to 8chan, Q sends them back to voat,now voat with the leftover most hardcore followers plus even more Qtards who don't have anything to offer but bad optics for qanon

You forgot a step or two.

LetsBeNakedOutside ago

Nah, some of us enjoy shitposting in what has turned into yet another reddit-esque hugbox.

Scablifter ago

Only to be expected, and its getting worse. It will get worse until it gets better, which it will do. POTUS is at least 5 steps ahead of the lot of these snotgobblers, its pretty to watch. Their mohels swallowed the wrong bit of them.

PhilKDick ago

A mohel I know says he's a spitter, not a swallower. I didn't ask whether he was a chewer, though.

zyklon_b ago

Yes the QRV is a mossad op

NotHereForPizza ago

Ahh, the classic* redirection.

Honey_Pot ago

Also many attacks against boomers. Def trying to divide the base here.

NotHereForPizza ago





In that order. They're pretty effective. Too bad autists are way too used to their tactics.

Patriot1124 ago


zyklon_b ago

How so?

NotHereForPizza ago

You've only done this... every single time.

Aeioulmao ago

Op is right on point, notice how in this thread everyone is saying it’s the Q followers, Q mocking as high as ever since the elections (as op says).

Ya know for a bunch of people trying so hard to mock Qultists without bringing jack shit to the table (except calling em all boomers, lol) you sure are reinforcing their opinion by shilling so hard against Q

ScientificRacism ago

Honestly, I haven't been very active since the Q migration. So my take here lacks the bias that most active users have.

From my perspective, Voat as a whole has criticized numerous specific claims from Q, and from what I've seen as a quasi outsider, every single one of their criticisms has been valid in the sense that what Q claimed would happen did not happen.

Your reactions always seem to be misdirection, like I don't think I've ever seen a Q member acknowledge that what they have been told would happen ended up being either a lie or simply did not occur. At this point, I don't really understand why members of Q still have faith in Q.

That all being said, I sort of understand why they call you cultists. You guys give off a cult vibe. You have a lot of faith in your leader and it seems genuinely misplaced. I respect that you guys at least have open minds and seem to give a shit about what's going on in the world and with this current Presidential administration.

I think if you guys acknowledged reality a bit more often Voat in general would have less of an issue with you. There's a lot of misinformation in the world right now, and I'm not even talking about Q. I believe that the Q followers and Voat as a whole have more in common than they don't. Personally I'd like to see Voat be a little more accepting of you guys, but at the same time for some of y'all to get your heads out of the clouds. Maybe start making some plans for if Q is just a larp of some variety.

NotHereForPizza ago

I've tried to warn them of this phenomena the entire time.

They just don't seem to get it. All they're doing is advancing Q's objective by continually saying it's just a larp, we're all boomers, or that we're all shills for saying, "I dunno... it seems like there's something to this, even if it isn't entirely true."

Aeioulmao ago

If Q is right at this point it is going down real soon. People oughta be panicking hard right now..

ScientificRacism ago

That's what you guys were saying months ago though? You guys are acting like the boy who cried wolf.

NotHereForPizza ago

We are moving the goal posts. But, if you knew anything about game theory, you'd be well aware that timetables change and no man is beholden to evil's preference when it comes to time lines.

NotHereForPizza ago

Which seems to be, very clearly, the reason for this shit on Voat getting more and more annoying.

ScientificRacism ago


Well I scrolled through this thread hoping to see a Q follower actually give a proper response, and I didn't see a single rebuttal. Just people shouting at each other.

So is it that you people are above criticism? We can't even question you anymore? You're like Islamists. Religious zealots. No one can question your beliefs, or they're the enemy.

We have a lot more in common than we don't. Voaters as a whole are just asking for a bit of reality to be injected, yet you're using that as evidence as to why you're being criticized? Can you not see the circular logic there? We're always going to ask for factual information, that's never going to change, and everytime we ask for some reality, you'll use that as evidence that you're on the right track? That's literal insanity mate. That's honest to god mental illness. We're asking legitimate questions and we deserve a legitimate answer, instead you're taking us asking those questions as proof to your cause? Again, that's outright delusional.

NotHereForPizza ago

You can certainly question people.

The board is fully comprised of people literally sitting around and questioning each other. You just refuse to accept their answers.

Why can voters not be Q followers, fellow goat?

No true scotsman, eh?


I even received death threats actually.

ScientificRacism ago

Well to be fair, I take those about as seriously as I take the "death threats" that Buzzfeed reports on from the Twittersphere. I get your point though, it's pretty hilarious to see users of Voat getting that serious about shit they can't even prove in the first place. Plus that's definitely something an Islamist would do.


Q might actually be Muslims. The behavior profile fits.

valk2 ago

Same ole Shills, different day.