15009498? ago

Yeah, you're right.

Omag ago

It's not just about looking like dad. Most of the boys here are circumcised and my wife and I had it done on our son so he wouldn't be singled out in the locker room. He's 26 now and has complained about the decision many times. Ya can't have a do over on this one and I wish we hadn't done it.

Cav1stSGT ago

But The Thought was that The Comedic Industry uses Pecker Foreskins to make Chap Stick, for Shills.

Cav1stSGT ago

But aren't cosmetics like Chap Stick made from Pecker Foreskins?

14961514? ago

The mom feels really bad and I was trying to make her feel a little better.

Ban_Circumcision ago

thank you Empress!

Doglegwarrior ago

Thank you opm. this needs more traction this is the first domino in naming the jew! I csnt wait to look through the comments and see rhe ignorent fucking shills attacking this or blatant jdif fsggots attacking op or just stupid jews defending their fucking satanic blood ritual.

4ChinSnacker ago

Jesus was crucified too. So that justifies crucifying you own child right?

SearchVoatBot ago

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SuperDoobie ago

Nope. But you continue spending all your time thinking about other peoples cocks. You seem to enjoy it.

Awesome_trump ago

The whole reason that whites were tricked into doing this was so that the jews could not be identified and could shape shift into white society.

When we had our first son the nurse kept asking us to sign the forms for circumcision. We kept saying no. She kept being sent back asking with the consent forms and a pen. Finally on like the 4th or 5th attempt she looked annoyed at us and said "dr. xxxstein needs these forms signed right now." I looked her in the eyes and said "We said no, now go tell that jew if he assaults my son, I will find where he lives and he will pay for it if he tries to do that shit behind our backs. Go tell the jew bastard to fuck off and do not ask us to assault our son again". We were not asked again.

divine_human ago


its a terrible practise and it makes no sense whatsover that its being practised in 'christian' US. it often has health effects, changes sexual pleasure, and leads to a split relationship with the mother who, although she mostly knows better, succumbs to social pressure. (thus, breaks the trust of the child).

as i see it, its against the constitution. in a country that has enough water to wash, it should be prohibited; its mutilation that cannot be reverted, and should be up to the decision of the conerned adult, not a common practise that harms a great portion of the male population wtihout them having any choice whatsoever.

Runwithscissors ago

I’m not circumcised and it’s not all roses from my side.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

A barbarian advocating for barbarism.

callthehambulance ago

Yeah, he did consider that as an option. He ultimately made the choice - as an informed, consenting adult - to have a circumcision.

When you look at the other genital mutilation that has become accepted in society, I'd argue that an adult, making an informed choice for themselves, of their own volition, is nothing to really be upset over

Gargilius ago

Someone please explain something to me, probably a cultural difference issue, about the "he can look like his dad" argument: do you have regular 'let's compare our dicks' sessions with your dads and/or male relatives? is that a thing?

thebearfromstartrack ago

THey do this because your mom doesn't really like you. She "Loves" you, but she doesn't LIKE you. I heard my mom tell my dad that when I was a kid. Who ELSE could she be talking about?

Judasrope ago

Stop the noise! The real issue is how did this ever become practiced procedure in the USA. The manimupation of American people by the Jews placed in key decision making positions is obvious. Now we need to do something about it!

fritz_maurentod ago

I remember a caller on Molyjew's show whose circumcision went wrong. I was a nightmare and the guy was suicidal. Fuck it.

Hirion ago

Americans do it because they're willingly subservient to their (((chinese communist))) masters.

BadGoy1488 ago

Kikes like to coerce their host nation into following the same barbaric practice as they do, because it was historically used as a way to positively identify suspected crypto-kikes.

kiriyama999 ago

These diagram posts are incredibly helpful to getting the point across fast, thank you so much for posting this.

Long_Knife ago

jesus you people so fixated on jews and "tradwives"...At lease have the balls to come out and say Subservient Nazi Baby Factories. Hope you guys don'e get so depressed you kill yourselves and you entire families after you realize you're about 80 years too late to" the 1000 year reich"

14955685? ago

So people that want a wife that takes care of the home and raises the children are nazis?

Long_Knife ago

I don't think that's what I said. You leave out the whole "JQ" as you guys call it among other things. Shouldn't you get back to laying on your back and mass producing white babies.

moviefreak ago

Male genital mutilation should be a crime, like female genital mutilation. We want equal rights.

On the other hand, it will be easy to sort them out in the camps.

DyslexicsUntie ago

Don’t y’all boys get mushrooms growing under your foreskin if you don’t cut it off?

boekanier ago

Circumcising? That's jew stuff.

birds_sing ago

The answer is no. It's not because they're ignorant fuckheads. Parent don't do do these things because they're ignorant fuckheads. First of all they're not ignorant, they're just lacking life experience. There's a difference. And yes it may be true that they cry and whine all the time, and can't do anything for themselves, but that wouldn't make them fuckheads. Also, I've never in my life heard a parent say that the reason they vaccinated and circumcised was because their baby is an ignorant fuckhead. So no, it's not because babies are ignorant fuckheads.

137 ago


14954939? ago

Really? I mean, what's done is done and she can't change it now.

14954915? ago

Both babies had their own placenta and amniotic sac. The only thing they shared was the womb.

Scald85 ago

For some reason the extra skin I grew from jelqing and foreskin restoration is more sensitive than before. I think the average sensitivity might be the same, but it feels better because of increased girth and overall volume. It's certainly not as tight anywhere, and it's loose at the top just like the picture.

The brain isn't really damaged by circumcision. It will naturally adapt to more skin and size growth and correctly adjust itself without letting anything feel weird. I mean increasing sensitivity appropriately, not scaling down in response. Unfortunately, it can also fool you into thinking being cut is normal even if it makes sex less comfortable for your partner. The mental aspect has to be tackled first.

novictim ago

If you think that your child would want to cut his dick then why would you not wait to let him make that choice when they are an adult? A: Because this is not about choice. This is not about the bullshit health claims. This is about a religious cult's demands and nothing more.

blackzetsu ago

I feel like pornographic actresses should be educated by viewing this. Particularly the JOI category.

Xax ago

Kikes wanted to blend in with (((their))) host populace so circumcision was advocated as hygiene. Stop circumcising your sons.

tokui ago

The foreskin ain't that sensitive. Faggot.

14953215? ago

So edgy. Go back to Reddit

tokui ago

I've never had a reddit account dumbass. Why dont you stick to gab you attention whore.

14953394? ago

Nah, you're a reddit fag that needs the oven.

tokui ago

You're sensitive faggot, ain't you? Why the fuck are you here on voat pushing your brainwash swill with your thin kikeskin. We're gonna ride you.

tokui ago

You're the twat cunt, why don't you stay over there, your trad wife schtick stink isn't a good fit here.

Nadeshda ago

Dude, I appreciate @Empress and this comment seems like you were really having a bad day or something.

Many of us here endorse traditional values and seriously this was a bit much. So what you are circumcised and other aren’t. It really doesn’t matter in the end.

I scrolled your comment history as we spoke tonight in v/alternativehealth and so far this is the only comment that sucks ass.

Dude just no man... okay? :)

tokui ago

She's reposting she knows nothing about. As an owner, no woman or fag can drain my balls just by schlurping my foreskin. They might as well be chewing a skintag.

Nadeshda ago

Lol... :) I get your point :)

Schlurping now that’s a word I don’t see often :D

I think I will calmly schlurp my coffee and bid you a good morning! :)

Chewing on skin tags weird visual going on of hobbies retarded people may have... dude... lol

14953749? ago

Meh, what do you know member of 2 months

AR47 ago

The old saying of.

I came into this world screaming, and covered in someone else's blood doesn't mean I am afraid not to go out the same way.

Comes to mind with people like this one you are going at it with.


Amen to that just imagine the outrage if this were done to females... oh right Female Genital Mutilation.

It's so disgusting the different variations the Jews have invented too, sucking it off with their mouth, anyone who does that or lets it happen to their kids needs to be dragged into the street and hacked apart with knives.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

It was sold as a health thing, that ((doctors)) recommended, and possibly still do. I was baptized Catholic, but my parents still had part of my dick chopped off because a doctor told them to.

Sarevok ago

The thing that really pisses me off is the fact that it alters your brain.


Cleanhobo ago

booom... No one will cut the end off my sons dick off while I still stand.

Trish_Pantscotti ago

If your kid wants to cut off part of his body then he can do it when he's an adult and has converted to Islam and identifies as a woman.

Elbower_of_Quants ago

A lot of fucking dads feel like shit about this... threads like this do nothing to lessen the load. Bad calls in the past cannot be rectified by or through guilt. Though I fully support new dads reading this and learning from our fucking anguish. God help us... and I'm a fucking atheist.

SuperDoobie ago

How about you choose not to circumcise your kids and leave the rest of us alone. Take your ugly, nasty, cheese filled, turtle dick and go back to reddit.

14952720? ago

How bout you stop acting like a dyke and thinking you can do whatever you want to a child so long as it's a male child.

SuperDoobie ago

Acting like a dyke? You mean fucking women? No, I will continue doing that. Enjoy your fudge packing and spending all your time talking about other men's dicks, you seem to enjoy both those activities.

DawnPendraig ago

No, I was bullied into it not knowing anything because I was told I waa having a girl despite my gut feeling he was a boy. I was drugged and had almost died from blood loss and complications from the c-section. Doctor wrecked me not cutting open enough for my son's very large head. He will be 6ft 5 when he grows up.

I was obsessed keeping him in my sight so they didn't vaccinate him but they circumcised him after bullying me and manipulating my husband who was made to feel like I thought some thing was wrong with him as his was done.

My son was finally latching and nursing too and after that he was in pain and despondent and refused to latch. I had to pump and lost my milk with all the complications so we made raw milk baby formula from WestonAPrice.org and he thrived.

He healed fine and it's ok but I regret it bitterly and would give almost anything to undo it.

Every expecting parent MUST write down a birth plan and notarize it and give it to doctor and nurses before hand.

They bully you and try to "upsell" anything they can. It's disgusting. I wish I could have done a home birth with a midwife.

14952746? ago

I'm so sorry. <3

DawnPendraig ago

Thanks. I will be explaining to him soon. And I hope he can forgive me. He is 11.

For now let him think all is normal I guess.

14952879? ago

My guess is that he'll forgive you no problem.

HomerChimpson ago

If his dad had lost a testicle would they remove one from the kid?

ProgNaziGator ago

In previous discussions on this women have noted sexual effects. With reduced sensations circumcised guys are always racing to finish. Also that without the skin sleeve it increases vaginal friction.

Ina_Pickle ago

Blatantly false. My husband more than doubled his staying power after he was circumsized. It was a benefit we did not expect. He had a hair trigger when intact. Literally the 30 second man.

Plus, how many women will complain about their man banging them harder and faster? Exactly zero, and you are a liar you say otherwise.

I don't think you are a liar though. I just don't think you have the actual experience to back up the ideas you absorbed online.

ProgNaziGator ago

Shill out cranky, as I said just repeating what other women have said when we have had this same conversation here in the past. Thanks for sharing your experience but maybe your experience doesn't speak for everyone everywhere?

Or do you just know what's right and anyone that disagrees with you is fake news? Also, what if a women said she liked sex alot better after female circumsison, would that make you pro FGM? You first.

Ina_Pickle ago

You are compairing apples to oranges. FgM specifically targets the major nerve endings in the clitorus to inrentionally deaden sensation. Male circumcision does not. It removes a large mucous membrane.

Also thanks for being honest. It takes a big person to admit when they have zero clue what they are talking about and are basing their world view on something other than personally obtained and verfied knowledge.

ProgNaziGator ago

I did so in the first post that you freaked out about.

You might want to research sensation loss for circumscised males.

14952599? ago

I really hope my son thanks me for not having him cut. We'll see.

ProgNaziGator ago

If he complains give him 200$ or a pair of lawn shears. ;)

ProgNaziGator ago

I have triplet boys on the spectrum, lots of scare talk about infections etc. Decided, hey "can always take more off later."

7 yrs old, not one infection. No special cleaning beyond, weekly baths. So glad I went against advice!!!

One thing is that, DO NOT pull the childs foreskin back! They pee right through the foreskin. No problems. The foreskin is actually attached to the penis head and will slowly loosen as they get older.

In retrospect its like saying if you don't cut your nose off you'll get colds. Or if a girl doesn't cut her lips off shell get pee infections. Foreskins like labia and noses actually keep infections out, not in!

Stuffed_Crust ago

"weekly baths..."

Um... What?

ReadPastHeadlines ago

our nurse told us to peel it back for cleaning and we looked at her like she was an idiot and did not follow that advice.

these nurses... anything outside of full vaccine schedule and circumcision and they don't know what to do

ProgNaziGator ago

So glad you stopped her!

we had a pre school teacher think she needed to do the same. Caused bleeding had to talk to her about how that didnt need to be done.

I am now at the point a circumscised willy looks weird and aggressive.

yewotm8 ago

Why the fuck would "infection" be a common thing? Europeans were not cut for thousands of years and we had no issues with our dicks falling off. Now we have soap and antibiotics and its supposed to be a real concern? Anybody who seriously proposes something like that can get fucked.

ProgNaziGator ago

But that's the "common perception." Was amazed it was totally and completely wrong even with zero extra cleaning.

AmericanJew2 ago

I stated this above, Jews were nomadic desert people and they probably didn’t wash much. Sand and desert and not washing and foreskin probably lead to a lot of infections and irritation so it made sense back then.

We have showers now, it makes no sense at all anymore.

14952540? ago

I have b/g di di twins. When I'm feeling overwhelmed I find comfort watching parents of triplets routines on youtube.

ProgNaziGator ago

Haha, so true.


14952618? ago

Cannot imagine the newborn stage with triplets. You must be incredible at multitasking.

ProgNaziGator ago

Ha! Quite the opposite. Wife works from home has been fired three times. Have had a nanny, private and public preschools. It's been hard. Not only do they fees off each other into hysterical excitement and hysterical upset, they even take turns throwing tantrums and even walking up. One is up late, one gets up middle of the night, and another wakes up early waking his brothers up who are now tired and fussy all day. Every day is a marathon of madness. If I ever write a parenting book I will title it "Shitting and Shouting."

How are your twins? Do you have older young kids to help?

14953081? ago

If I ever write a parenting book I will title it "Shitting and Shouting."

HAHAHA that's great!

They were born early and spent some time in NICU but have been thriving and you'd never know they are preemies. Lots of family came out to help for the first few months and that's really what got us through. I hired someone to come in a few morning a week so I can catch up on some much needed sleep- helps a ton. Right now they're teething so well..you know how that goes. These are our only 2 kids and they're our rainbow babies.

ProgNaziGator ago


Maybe I should watch quadruplet parents on YouTube to feel better?

Family is huge with multiples. I can't stand my mother in law, but even I am grateful to see her come to help!

Good luck on teething, right when it stops it starts again and around 3am of nonstop crying your like your brain finally reminds you oh.... i''ll bet there teething again. Mild Fevers were usually how i could talk teething crying from other crying.

My sisters and I all have young kids and we have gotten into random group text chats at 3.am. because we were all up.

Tldr, Multiples is HAAARD on us, but i love that they grow up together.

14953767? ago

I'm up pretty much around the clock. It's so hard but I love it at the same time.

Futt_Buckinton ago

34 male uncut and let me tell you sex is amazing

NotHereForPizza ago

Learn of trauma.

Its_over_9000 ago

A crazy amount of people in the US think it is medically necessary.

SparkyOutrage ago

it is a most disgusting, barbaric, mentally sick practice of the desert life-only-after-death cult religions; it should be outlawed around the world

coucou ago

Dead against it. Also -I didn't know, but my Jewish friends told me- 1) Some rabbi think the baby feels nothing when you circumsise him MY FOOT!!!, and some disgusting rabbi pieces of shit suck the baby's dick after the ¨operation¨. Orthodox rabbis no doubt. Talk about the hygiene, and desecration of the little baby' s body. With my Jewish friends, we had a fantasy of grabbing a rabbi and re-cicrumsise him without anesthesia OUR WAY , as you may guess! Hahahahaha!

callthehambulance ago

It's very, very rarely sometimes medically needed. But those cases are a tiny, tiny minority. Also, some people choose it when they get older. My ex was when he was 16, and he knew the risks, the outcomes, and that it would sort his phimosis. Only in those tiny minority of cases is it ever okay :)

TestForScience ago

It was Kellogg, the owner now deceased owner of Kellogg's brand cereal, that pushed so hard for it in America. Not joking. Look it up.
He thought it was degenerate to enjoy sex, so he wanted to make sure it wasn't as enjoyable.

captainstrange ago

In his defense, before christianity we were all a bunch of bloodthirsty pagans occupying our time with only two things 1. fucking, and 2. killing, both of which we did to excess.

Cutting off the foreskin was like burning the bridge after you cross it. No going back to fucking like animals out in the open, like a bunch of heathens.

kijoja ago

Europeans don’t circumcise. It’s just Jews and Americans, but because of Jews and Rabbinic revenge.

captainstrange ago

Americans are european, at least 50% of us anyway, and we do circumcise.

HST ago

Oh yeah the Roman Empire was nothing special.

captainstrange ago

Apparently I pissed off a couple dozen people with my apologetics.

It's an under-appreciated pastime.

HST ago


A couple dozen.

captainstrange ago

Good enough government work.

stray502 ago

No they dont they do it because it stops baby boys from getting a lot of painful infections. I should know I had 2 boys.

TendieChadster ago

Aaah yes, almost every non jew outside the USA has painful penis infections.

14951549? ago

Did you circumcise them?

FlappyJappy ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCuy163srRc dont forget to share this video whenever circumcision comes up. the BIGGEST red pill on the subject

Raxotic ago

Can't forget the Jew-lover Christards.

Sarevok ago

Biblical Israelites do not = modern "jews"


God speaks out against fake jews in a book of the Bible about the future

Rev 2:9 and 3:9

Go ahead prove me wrong. I dare ya.

Raxotic ago

Lol. Why do I give a shit? Fuck all middle-eastern religions. They have literally nothing to do with our folk. In fact, why don't all you (((Christians))) pack up your shit and move over there so all you Abrahamaic retards can live together and the rest of the world doesn't have to deal with your dumbass shit.

Sarevok ago

I'm actually surprised you responded. Not calling you character into question, but rather when I've brought this information/belief forward I don't get a response. Would you care to have a back and forth or well you just leave it at I don't care because its an awfully big coincidence to deal with?

Raxotic ago

What's a coincidence? There's no coincidence. I don't think you get it, dude. I don't give a fuck what the bible, or koran, or torah or any of that other shit says, it literally has nothing to do with our folk and needs to be excised from our people.

You would get the same response from me if you quoted some African religion, or hindu religion or any other religion other than Native European.

Sarevok ago

any other religion other than Native European.

Are you referring to the religions that are dead?

Also there is a huge coincidence with the study I provided backing up the khazarian theory aka fake jews and the verses provided.

Raxotic ago

Are you referring to the religions that are dead?

That's an odd way of putting it, but yes.

fake Jews

Don't care. Has nothing to do with Europe. I'll put it another way. If it originates outside of Europe, I don't care. I won't even read that thing you posted because what does it have to do with Europe? Anyone who is a real Jew or a fake Jew or associates themself with Jewry should be expelled from Europe. Fin.

perro_negro ago

Where I am from (South America) everyone used to do it. Catholics adopted the practice for some (((reason))).

TendieChadster ago

Where from? I'm from South America too and genital mutilation isn't a thing over here (Uruguay, Argentina). Unless you're a filthy jew of course

perro_negro ago

Lima. Muy diferente de Buenos Aires. Estuve dos años ahi. Nunca he ido a Montevideo, pero en Buenos Aires habian turistas Uruguayos todo el tiempo.

TendieChadster ago

No sabía que le cortan la pija a los peruanos. En 20 días voy a conocer tu país. Saludos, hermano sudaca,

perro_negro ago

Espero que no lo sepas! Significa que no eres maricon. Pero si, lo hacian a practicamente todo el mundo hace 30-40 años. Estas en Voat asi que me imagino que conoces un poco de historia pero basicamente los españoles dividieron su pedazo de Sudamerica entre el virreynato del Rio de la Plata y el Virreynato del Peru. Las cosas son parecidas en ambos lados, pero diferentes.

soae ago

We broke the cycle as well. At first, I told my wife “of course we’ll get him circumcised”, she said “why?”, I had no response. Why should a boy be circumcised? After thinking about it, I realized there was no reason! So glad my son is whole. I would never change that.

Even if someday he decides he wants to be circumcised (though I doubt he ever would), he can make that decision as an adult.

14951077? ago

Even if someday he decides he wants to be circumcised (though I doubt he ever would), he can make that decision as an adult.

That's exactly how I feel about it.

wolfsktaag ago

christians need to remember that God instructed the jews to do this to their boys, he didnt instruct the world to. if you are a christian and circumcising your boys, you are simply mutilating your child's genitalia

GoBackToReddit ago

What interests me about this topic is how it flip from being "good" to being "bad" based on who is paying the bill...

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

God damn American parents and Jews are the most hellish demonic fuck faces and need to be silenced shut the fuck up and stop mutilating your babies genitals assholes.

birds_sing ago

Saying, "People voted for Trump because they're racists", is the same logic as saying that, "Parents circumcise their sons to look like their fathers".

There are plenty of reasons why people voted for Trump and voting for him doesn't make someone racist. Same with circumcision.

Parents circumcise their sons for the same reasons they vaccinate them.

Also, (I might as well say this before the replies) voting for Trump doesn't mean you're racist, just like defending circumcision doesn't mean you're a Jew.

FlappyJappy ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCuy163srRc all the reasons given in favour of circumcision however are based on nothing but lies, and all the people who created those lies happen to be jewish, as well as the people who made those lies mainstream beliefs. so yes defending circumcision makes you a jewish pawn.

birds_sing ago

all the reasons in favour of circumcision however are based on nothing but lies

All? All the reasons are lies? All of them?

so yes defending circumcision makes you a jewish pawn.

Does defending circumcision make someone a Jewish pawn, or does blindly believing things make someone a Jewish pawn? For example - Blindly believing a talking head that only racists voted for Trump, or blindly believing some degenerate standing on a stage attempting to push an agenda. (The degenerate Jew line I heard them say was something like, "God forbid we see someone naked or experiencing pleasure on TV". Then there was the whole cutting off a girls clit for the sole reason of taking away sexual pleasure is EXACTLY THE SAME as removing some foreskin for medical reasons. Exactly the same apparently.)

I stand by what I said. Parents circumcise their sons for the same reasons why they vaccinate them; it's not because they want them to look like their fathers. If you want to discuss that, we can. If you want to argue that the Earth is flat, or take things that others say out of context so that you can repeat some bullshit that some Jew or degen said that you blindly believed, then go do that somewhere else.

captainstrange ago

I was circumcised because my parents thought it was a tradition and it'd be weird if our son wasn't circumcised while his father is.

See, wrong all ready, and it only took a single sample to make it so.

birds_sing ago

I said,

Saying, "People voted for Trump because they're racists", is the same logic as saying that, "Parents circumcise their sons to look like their fathers".

Of course I then went on to say,

There are plenty of reasons why people voted for Trump and voting for him doesn't make someone racist. Same with circumcision.

There's plenty of reasons why people voted for him. Maybe some people did vote for him because they're racist, but that wasn't the only reason why people voted for him. And that if someone voted for him, that doesn't automatically make the voter racist. The same logic can be used with circumcision.

But according to you I was wrong. And the reason is because the SOLE REASON you were circumcised was so that you and your daddy could have matching penises. (I want to say - Awww, that's so cute. - But it isn't cute. It's just weird. I don't know why you're going around telling people that. Maybe that wasn't really the only reason, but you're desperately trying to find ways in which you can play the victim and/or go around telling everyone that you and your daddy have matching penises.)

Now my question is this - According to your logic, if an openly racist person says they voted for Trump, then what does that say about all Trump voters? - You see I'm not understanding your logic. (Or maybe there is no logic and you're just trying to find ways to play the victim and tell everyone that you and your daddy have matching penises.)

captainstrange ago

You misunderstand.

I was only arguing the one point, not against your whole post.

Now my question is this - According to your logic, if an openly racist person says they voted for Trump, then what does that say about all Trump voters

So you're against 'racism', right? Sure as shit sounds like it. You know the default 'anti-racist' position today?

"All white people are responsible for everyone elses problems, ever. End white people. White genocide now."

Thats not hyperbole.

ipso fucking facto, you're an anti-white pro-genocidal racist.

Congrats shithead, your glowing in the fucking dark.

Go apologize to your rabbi for being that fucking incompetent, and then stick your head in an oven you silly faggot.

birds_sing ago

You go around telling random strangers that you and your daddy have matching penises. You're a fucking loser. You cry and whine about being a victim.

Then you fail at acting all tough by calling someone "fucking incompetent", "shithead", implying they're a Jew, and of course the worst thing, the toughest thing you could think of you saved for the end. You called them..... "silly".

You make up a bunch of bullshit, take things completely out of context because you're to weak to admit you're wrong, that you aren't a victim. But you feel you have to throw your little hissy fit all because someone denied you the ability to play the victim.

I understand you're life must be extremely difficult since the only thing you have going for you is that you and your daddy have matching penises.

But you need to realise that your standing in society is NOT determined by how much of a victim you can portray yourself to be. - That's something a Rabbi won't tell you, but I will. - So don't think you can come here and play the victim without be called out on it.

Now fuck off and take your "I'm a victim, I'm a victim" act with you.

captainstrange ago

Hahahaha you're so triggered, it's hilarious.

You're really projecting this victim card hard.

Don't strain yourself cunt.

implying they're a Jew,

Your new nickname will henceforth be jewish cunt.

worst thing, the toughest thing you could think of you saved for the end

Oh, I could have said much worse things. Withering things. Be glad that I have spared you my neckbeard wrath.

I understand your life must be extremely difficult since the only thing you have going for you is that you and your daddy have matching penises.

Thank you. You seem inordinately obssessed with this detail. I suggest you stop focusing on my penis you jewish faggot.

Now fuck off and take your "I'm a victim, I'm a victim" act with you.

Remarkable! It's like you write my retorts for me!

Shit, you can't be a jew. Jews don't work for free.

birds_sing ago

What are you trying to do? Are you now saying that you aren't a victim, but instead you're a warrior who's using a social platform to enact justice?

And when someone proves you wrong, points out your flawed logic and your false victimhood, you attempt to twist their words. But when that fails you claim that what they've done is invalidated because they're a Nazi Jew?

Your tactics are extremely silly transparent. But you've done a very good job of showing me, and this site, the type of "victim" you really are.

captainstrange ago

Hahahaha, the audacity of your shitposting is hilarious jewish cunt.

And when someone proves you wrong, points out your flawed logic and your false victimhood,

You've done none of these things you deluded jewish cunt.

, you attempt to twist their words.

projection on your part, jewish cunt.

Your tactics are extremely silly transparent.

Projection again, jewish cunt.

But you've done a very good job of showing me, and this site, the type of "victim" you really

And even more projection, jewish cunt.

birds_sing ago

You poor, poor victim. Don't you know your victimhood is irrelevant and your SJW tactics don't work here?

Screaming Nazi Jew does nothing here. It doesn't invalidate anything that's been said.

Now, how about you man up and stop inventing ways in which you're a victim.

captainstrange ago

I laugh every time you write 'victim.'

The only victim here is you, jewish cunt.

A victim of my derisive laughter.

Thanks for the free entertainment. Good night.

birds_sing ago

Your SJW tactic of screaming Nazi Jew does nothing here. It doesn't invalidate anything that's been said.

Now, how about you man the fuck up.

captainstrange ago

Hahaha, "DONT CALL OUT THE JEWS!" is the card you're gonna play?

You do realize you're on voat?

You're either a JIDF shill or a jesuit faggot trying to play the reverse-psychology card, cunt.

birds_sing ago

I'm playing 3 cards.

  • The - Man The Fuck Up - card.

  • The - Stop Crying Like a SJW Because It Doesn't Work Here - card.

  • And the - Stop Playing the Victim - card.

I'm playing all 3 of these cards. What's your counter? Will you man the fuck up or not? Will you scream NAAAZZII JOOOS? Will you continue to cry about being a victim?

captainstrange ago

Your cards are weak and hilarious.

Don't get new cards.

They're very entertaining.

Will you man the fuck up or not

Will you?


Haha. Oh lord, thats funny.

Will you continue to cry about being a victim?

Will you continue to project your inadequacies?

birds_sing ago

Will you?

I'm in no way crying and whining about being a victim.

Now will you, yourself, man up and quit playing the victim, instead of avoiding doing that by pulling SJW tactics like claiming projection and screaming NAZI JOOS?

captainstrange ago

I'm in no way crying and whining about being a victim.

When will you man up and stop crying about being a victim?

Now will you, yourself, man up and quit playing the victim, instead of avoiding doing that by pulling SJW tactics like claiming projection and screaming NAZI JOOS? white man bad?

birds_sing ago

Are you going to man up and stop playing the victim or not?

This is an honest question that has nothing to do with me or anyone else.

Will you or won't you? It's an honest question.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Yep exactly what my dad said. And if looking like dad is so important, why are we importing billions of brown people per year?

anamazonslittle ago

And who ever sees their dad's dick?

coucou ago

At conception.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

Cycle broken here.

ReadPastHeadlines ago

had to end at some point. in a time before voat, we decided there was no point to it and that it's a grotesque practice which we do not wish to participate

Hand_of_Node ago


Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

It's funny. I didn't question circumcision. It was actually my wife that did, and refused it. I would have hated myself if my kids had been circumcised and knew what I do now.

middle_path ago

That's crazy. I've been redpilling people on it since I learned what it was. It never made sense to me, never will.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

I grew up a Rush Limbaugh NPC, and never took the jew pill until going through several accounts here. Hardest pill to swallow.

middle_path ago

That pill is still stuck in my throat. Blaming all the world's problems on one group of people seems too simplistic. Like the SJWs blaming whites for everything.

That being said, there's a lot of evidence for it. I just don't think it's that simple.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

Not all the world's problems, but a disproportionate number of them. I turn to history on this, specifically the Jewish rebellions in the Roman Empire, and the commentaries written about the jewish people's actions before during and after. Up until that pill stuck in my throat, I never questioned the events as laid out in standard history. Once I started reading further into it, especially reading the side of those historians who were disregarded due to paganism or opposition to christianity, you start learning about things like the jewish genocide attempts against everyone who wasn't them.

From there, it just turned into a snowball of 'what else do I not have the whole story on'.

middle_path ago

That's fair. I've had to face a lot of hard truths on this and it's not that I don't want to seem anti-semetic. I don't care what people think. I just know the human condition.

People in Japan have vending machines that distribute used panties, yet there are no Jews to cause that degeneracy there. Just little examples like that.

I think Voat and pol is hovering over the target. They're pretty polarized, but not completely wrong. It's so easy, once you go down the rabbit hole, to think that's all their is.

I don't know, man. Been studying history, occultism, ancient religions, psychology, and a mess of other stuff for years now trying to make sense of what it means to be human. Had to face some painful truths, but I don't think Voat has the whole picture. I certainly don't think I do either.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

Rabbit holes have many warrens. I'm a bit of a mystic. To go down rabbit holes means finding many things unpleasing to me or my theology. The JQ, in my eyes, is but one head of the hydra.

middle_path ago


Waiyu_Dudat ago

I agree with your perspective. The Jews have huge influence, but if you think it's the final red pill, I think you'll be sorely disappointed when the Jewish race is gone yet the "evil" remains. I'm a fucking retarded newb compared to the elites, but I know enough about politics and maintaining power that I know of I got into power, I wouldn't let myself become an easy target, such as the constant push for the JQ has done. I don't believe it's many to be a secret, I think is a scapegoat for some other more nefarious group like the Masons/Templars/some other occult, esoteric type beliefs. Otherwise, why is it so many Jews name the Jew and blame them with a smirk on their face (Barbara Specter, as an example)? Ashkenz are Satanists that want to use Hasids and other Jewish groups as scapegoats.

137 ago

Rush is a fat jewess tranny

14951058? ago

Good on her and good on you for taking her opinion into consideration.

ke4ke ago

I never heard the "look like his Dad" argument. What most Christians don't realize is that Paul said that immersion (baptism) is the New Covenant replacement for circumcision. Show Christians Colossians 2:11-12. The actual circumcision covenant is made only with true Israel, no one else.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Evil fucking kikes.

Germ22 ago

The sensitivity chart seem like bullshit.
The glans meatus is way more sensitive than some flab of skin. The foreskin is there to protect the most sensitive part of the penis and retract when arouse to make sex more pleasurable.
I agree with the message, stop circumcising!

Travisty ago

I disagree with this sensitivity chart. At least for me.

Scald85 ago

Genetics make all the difference. If you're actually Semitic or African it's something long adapted for.

Its_over_9000 ago

Were you circumsized late enough in life to remember the difference? Or circumsized shortly after birth like most?

Travisty ago

Not cut

Its_over_9000 ago

Oh, I see.

Ina_Pickle ago

My husband was circumsized after our marriage. He reports sensitivity levels did not lower, but did change location. Before it was only the tip that was sensitive. Now he says the area where the skin was removed is equally sensitive.

Asked if he regrets. Answer: heck no

coucou ago

From what I know, late in life (except Phymosis medical condition) is among the muzzs. They do it it when you are 14 years old, you can imagine the added trauma.

Rellik88 ago

No one like dog dicks. My son's will be cut.

Hey if you want to look like a Moslem down thier go for it.

callthehambulance ago

Muslims circumcise, you idiot. So, your son will have a penis a Kike and Muzzie will fetishize. Go you.

Charlez6 ago

Women liked them so much for the entirety of human history that they preferentially fucked the guys with a dick exactly the way it has evolved to be now. The same reason pussy feels so good to us.

Don't kid yourself. Hacking at your scarred dick isn't going to make it magically better than thousands of generations of evolution.

DawnPendraig ago

Not to mention other animals all have some kind of sheath. We don't cut it off horses or dogs etc. It's there for protection.

It made sense to me after it was too late when I started to do research.

Trousersnake1488 ago

You are literally a jew acolyte dick worshipper for this mindset. Stop looking at your kids dick and tryna emulate kikes weirdo

Inquisitioner ago

Why not let your son decide at 18 years of age or something like that? Don't be like those parents who decide their kids are gay or trans without any fucking consent on the kid's part.

Henknz ago

Khitan Circumcision Khitan or Khatna is the term for male circumcision carried out as an Islamic rite by Muslims. Male circumcision is widespread in Islam and accepted as established practice by all Islamic schools of jurisprudence. It is considered a sign of belonging to the wider Islamic community. More at Wikipedia

HomerChimpson ago

Hey if he wants his kid to look like a Moslem down thiere he should go for it.

Henknz ago

You hit the nail on the head Sorry mean dick on the head

PuritySpiral ago

I never understood the 'he can look like his dad' argument. When I want to see if my kid looks like me, I'll look at his eyes, facial structure, hair, ect. Not his dick.

coucou ago

Absolutely, my friend!

TendieChadster ago

The mindset is: "I'm circumcised therefore it's not a bad thing to circumcise my kid".

yewotm8 ago

Definition of cognitive dissonance.

DawnPendraig ago

They use that as a technique to bully parents. Makes the dad feel like the mom thinks he is defective. And you are exhausted from no sleep and worry as wife goes through a painful and scary ordeal. They know just how to make more $$$

As bad as used car salesmen. Worse because it's going to effect a life forever.

goatsandbros ago

I've never actually heard that argument, except when people describe reasons others give for circumcision.

Henknz ago

This is relay hilarious.... "he can looks like his dad"..... If than circumcised witch dad are we talking about the neighbor the milkman or the real dad that means it do not matter after the cut you look like the dad ?

14951123? ago

You have to go back.

Romanium ago

Great comment.

fightknightHERO ago

Circumcision is genital mutilation

AmericanJew2 ago

Agreed. I am a Jew and this is a barbaric practice that must stop. So was Theodore Herzel and others, the silenced minority.

No God of mine would command that I cut a chunk of my son's dick off. Any one that tells you otherwise is insane.

To be fair, this may have been a legitimate practice back in the ancient days of the desert, where people did not wash often, and sand could get in your foreskin and cause irritation or infection. The thing is, WE DONT LIVE IN A FUCKING DESERT ANYMORE. I shower every day, no need for this barbarism anymore.

TheDonaldTrump ago

fuck off kike!

AmericanJew2 ago

Eat a bag of dicks, aryan fag keyboard warrior.

Btw, your handle is our president who has a Jewish son in law and his daughter converted to Judaism. You are an imbecile.

Doglegwarrior ago

Watch eric cloppers video. It is long but i pretty much gaurntee after you watch the video your desert sand theory will never enter your mind again or at least it will not escape your lips. Long video but as a jew you should watch it and it is by a jew so you can trust the source a little more. Also he was fired from harvard 24 hours after his show so you know he pissed some jews off.


AmericanJew2 ago

Brother that is a 2hr plus video.

Just give me a TLDR, I already refused to circumcise my son, and I will do the same with any other son I have.

Doglegwarrior ago

Ya i know its long. But im going to make this statement to you.

It is one of the most important videos i have ever watched. It moved me to action to activly fight this evil.

Ok that being said the reason i think it is important is that it comes from a very smart guy who is a jew and he took 5 years to study this issue before he condensed it as much as he could. It was still a 2 hour show in the end. After watching this video you will be able to answer every single question about circumcision and why it is not just wrong on every level but is actualy worse then wrong it is evil. But i get it... 2 hours out of your sunday is way to much to ask.

AmericanJew2 ago

I agree, it is evil. If I have time, I will start it in my que. Thanks for the post

Doglegwarrior ago

Sounds good trust me it will give you the ammo you need if any moron ever tries to defend circumcsion. It is 100 percent indefensable.

moviefreak ago

Lol. Trying to troll the trolls?

novictim ago

The other day I revealed that I am a lesbian tranny Jewish Satan worshipping Catholic Protestant dedicated to Mohammad and Sharia who is very fond of Marxism and big government. No one seemed to have a problem with that here. It was such a wonderful surprise to realize that. I also told people about the fact that I am only one meter high, weigh 200kilograms and have nipple rings and am bald and you know what? VOAT Goats were very accepting of that. Luckily, I was not black, right?

So a big and hearty "Welcome!" to you, @AmericanJew2! Be authentic and keep your skin thick and you will find these idiots here to be no problem.

AmericanJew2 ago

You think I give two shits what these wannabe aryan faggot keyboard warriors think?

The truth is they are probably all JIDF doing a reverse psyop trying to give credence to MSM normie NPCs reeeing that Voat is supposedly anti-se-racyistismic or whatever the fuck.

novictim ago

It's all very confusing. Beer usually helps.

coucou ago

Oh my, the RATS brigade is going to fall on you, my friend! For your information, I coined this term, R All The Same = RATS. Don't you know that Joooozzzzs are all the same? The other day, there was a post ¨80% of Joooooozzzzzs vote democrats. I said Great, means we have 20% of patriotic Joooooooooooozzzzzzzzzs! I was downvoated. Hahahaha! Yes you are right, practices which were once advisable have no place in this age. I mean, not eating pork, it was because of trichinosis, for instance.

HomerChimpson ago

Thiiiiiiissss stuff really detracts from your point. Your argument doesn't attempt to stand on its own merit if you try to imply stupidity by bastardizing words. If the ideas you are refuting are as stupid as you claim they are, then there is no need to put retarded emphasis on anything.

Not arguing your point. Just your approach.

coucou ago

You are not clear in your speech. It is mushy. I just do not understand what you are talking about. Are you trying to muddle the waters to confuse me, or what? Sounds like it. You do not like my RATS approach ? If so, why?

HomerChimpson ago

Jooooooossss. This shit belittles your point. It makes you seem stupid instead of whomever you are mocking.

coucou ago

Thing is your comment is thoroughly humiliating to me, I feel defeated, demeaned, and I need therapy. I am so tearful! Errr... I am joking! The ¨Whomever you're mocking¨, could it be you, Ahmed?

HomerChimpson ago

Oh, I get it, you are stupid. My mistake.

coucou ago

Va fa enculo! (Italian 101) . I love you too!

goytoynamedtroy ago

>I am a Jew

Stopped reading right there.

Honey_Pot ago

Moron. you need to at least listen to what people are saying and have the intellectual fortitude to be able to differentiate and parse.

AmericanJew2 ago

You are a moron, that’s why you can’t read.

carlip ago

Its possible he doing a "fellow white people" thing

CarthOSassy ago

The thinking had stopped long ago, so you were already good on that front.

coucou ago


iownyou ago

Yup, jews are rats.

coucou ago

Could be, prove it, but you sound to me like a RATS! And it is not a compliment, loser ! I noticed that Joooooooooozzzzzzzs are usually quite educated, and if you are jealous because you have spelling problems, then, listen, behave like a Jew and you will be clever. And by the way, I will never defend a toxic Jew, so there.

aLegoInYourShoe ago

Well, you'll hopefully be deported to a desert soon enough, so I wouldn't rule it out if I were you.

coucou ago

Calm down, Ahmed! You are going to shit your prayer mat, and alla will not be pleased!

Hand_of_Node ago

Remember, if you live in a food desert, you should have your lips removed.


Great point.


coucou ago

Not at all, you have to be clever, Ahmed, You work hard, you install a drop-by-drop irrigation system, and you grow things, all because you have a Jewish brain instead of a cran. Then you sell ORANGES!

QuickMafs ago

This is a reminder that fucking kikes control America

coucou ago

Some, and we have to get rid of them. But some Jews are victims just as we are. Calm down, goyim boy!

MDEneverdies1488 ago

Cut off the finger to save the whole hand. I'm not saying gas the kikes, just get them the fuck out of European countries. Then gas the kikes

An_Hero_OP ago

Nah fuck that. Gas the likes. Race war now.

QuickMafs ago

Most, you mean most and all it takes is most

coucou ago

Calm down, Ahmed ! Your lover goat is eagerly waiting for you!

neogag ago

Your #NotAllJews is a lot less impactful since you seem to be for #YesAllMuslims

coucou ago

I do not give a shit about bad muslims. and I do not give a shit about bad Jooooooooooooooooozzzzzzzs. All I want is to have good people on the patriot side! I am not a RATS!

coucou ago

Prove it. When did I say all muslims, asshole! When , Ahmed?

neogag ago

You call people who criticize Jews Muslims...

coucou ago

Could be because all Ahmeds are bent on killing all Joooooooooozzzs. And bent on killing all Kaffirs. And bent on killing all non-real muslims, you know, it is crazy because you are so stupid, calling yourself not-real-muslim and the guys on the other side they say exactly the same, Maybe you should launch a ¨MUSLIM LIVES MATTER¨ so that your brothers would stop massacring each other. In the meantime, somewhat, it gives us a break. But I must say that your antiques make myself and my friends laugh so much, that well,, we fall off our chairs.

neogag ago

Can't tell if low IQ or early onset Alzheimer's. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

coucou ago

Since you ask for a diagnostic, Dear Neogag, I think it is both below average IQ and latest stage of Alzheimers's. Don't worry, you won't remember that tomorrow.

neogag ago

I'm sure that sounded better in your head...

coucou ago

See, you didn't remember the question. Sounded better in your head, it is the later stage. What is your name ? When were you born? Which country? Oh boy, advanced stage!

QuickMafs ago

You realize camelfuckers practice it as well right JIDF?

coucou ago

That's right! I know that. They do it, as far as I know, when the boy is 14 years old. It is even worse. But from what I know about the cran, they took lots of things out of the talmud, which, from what I read, is full of hatred against the goyim. Can you translate JIDF, please? I have trouble with acronyms at times, given the fact that English is not my native language. In advance, most grateful.

QuickMafs ago

DDG it and take some English classes faggot

coucou ago

Va te faire enculer chez les Grecs, grosse pédouse de merde! Nardine bebek! That's for the French and Arabian class, father fucker!

QuickMafs ago

Adorable eurofag

coucou ago

Va fa enculo!

QuickMafs ago

Europe’s soft underbelly

coucou ago

Listen, when you grow a dick which can reach the awesome length of 1 inch (when erect) and 1/2 inch diameter (when erect), you get back to me. In the meantime, avoid ridiculing yourself on this platform. Europe's soft underbelly ? Soft indeed, but what about your pitiful underbelly, minidick ? Oh, and I guess you belong to the legion who lament they can't find a good woman ? Are you one of those Incels ?

QuickMafs ago


coucou ago

Baby pacifier / dummy size! And it is a compliment!

QuickMafs ago

Someone’s obsessed with penis

RedTeamGoodNPC ago

I am confused.

Circumcism is an old testament thing.

Jesus wants us "spiritually" circumsized.

Why are christians circumsizing their children if they don't believe in the "old" part of the "holy" bible?

I am so confused.

ke4ke ago

Baptism, immersion, replaces circumcision. Most Christians don't know this. Colossians 2:11-12.

Humansized ago

Christianity is judaism for goyim. "Worship our god and mutilate your kids dicks"

2fast4u92 ago

Some Christians, unfortunately I would say the majority, have bought into the Jewish bullshit that has been added to our faith over the years. The ones you find here take the bible literally and as such, consider the old testament as just a book of history. If taken literally, one gets the very strong idea from the new testament, that the OT is null and void, and that the Jews (which, by the way, doesn't mean the White Israelites who formed the first Church, but rather the Judeans and Edomite's of the south tribes who were responsible for Christs murder, this is one of the biggest issues in how Christianity is taught now) have fallen from God and are the Synagoge of Satan. I only read from the 1599 Geneva Bible. It is the oldest complete translation and therefore the most accurate. One must be able to comprehend the use of some middle English to read it, but that shouldn't be an issue for anyone with a white level iq.

TheAntiZealot ago

The 1599 Geneva Bible [...] is the oldest complete translation and therefore the most accurate.

Awesome! Thanks for the reference!

Phantom42 ago

So, it's the Jews but not the Jews but it really is the Jews.

Got it.

Sieg Heil, Gott mit uns.

2fast4u92 ago

The word "Jews" was coined long after the Bible was written. But essentially, the White Isrralites don't exist anymore, they left after the resurrection to convert the Pagans and bred themselves out of existence. They are often called the lost tribes. The leftovers who stayed were ravaged my Muslims and have basically wanted revenge ever since. These are who we call Jews. They claim to be the chosen, but they are not. There really should be a Bible translation that differentiates between these two groups completely, and doesn't use the term "Jew" pre-Christ.

Gott Mit Uns

Phantom42 ago

Which answers Revelations when it mentions those who say they're Jews, but are not. They're a Synagogue of Satan. All of them.

Could explain why they're so ugly too. Evil corrupts your body. Just look at Ooga Obongo when he was President to now. Totally different. Looks like he's aged 20 years in 2.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Our parents got tricked and never read the bible. If priests pushed it, it was either because they were complicit or, more likely, were just normie tier and didnt understand the bible and its chronology.

DawnPendraig ago

Doctors tell you the kid will get nasty infections and smell and be disgusting to his future wife etc.

I am still so angry about it. Sigh

fightknightHERO ago

Christianity officially started as a Jewish Cult at the time when Jesus was crucified...

Trousersnake1488 ago

Yeah, explain that, faggir rabbi

Henknz ago

and Roman Catholic church took it word wide under the banner of Christianity.

RedTeamGoodNPC2 ago

I am sure 9 out of 10 catholic priests love children with cut dicks to those who are natural.

Henknz ago

Pedo comes to mind .....

RedTeamGoodNPC2 ago

Tell that to the christians on voat and in the alt right and see what happens.

Trousersnake1488 ago

You think alt right likes Republicans, you are a retard.

I am curcumsized because my retard parents didnt know and did it because that's what you did. I would never circumsise my son and I tell all my friends about the Jewish trick.

Genesis 34