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14960502? ago

Interesting that it "illuminates"... like the Illuminati?

Here is another interesting aspect of the "Great Seal":

14961118? ago

We need rebuttals fast, otherwise this will be posted all over 4chan and twitter. Today's 11/11 !! Qpost 1234, the day all of America is supposed to be united again.

14961209? ago

Maybe we're being united by our hatred and disbelief in Q and his bullshit?

14961492? ago

If that's the case we're fucked. We have no plan for voter fraud we know is happening, we're trusting that someone will do something. Q could potentially be their last ditch effort to keep us passive until they can regain (through stealing) the final election in America as we know it. If we lose 2020, there will be no more United States of America, there will be no more American flag. Fuck do something Q, if you're really POTUS now is the time to drop a big hint. Militias are regrouping from going to the border and are headed towards Florida. It's about to get worse

14961684? ago

That's my fear. We're sitting around jerking off to 'patriot porn' while the Dems claw their way back into power. This is why I have been so adamant about demanding action from Q and POTUS. They work for us, the American taxpayer. NOW is the time for action! By the time January rolls around, it will be too late. This election MUST be declared invalid.