14970288? ago

How odd, seeing how 11/11 doesn't always land on the same day every year. You'd think the seasons, the sun's location would have something to do with that. Nov. 11, 2016 was a Friday. Nov. 11, 2015 was a Wed. Nov. 11, 2014 was a Tuesday..etc. Surely the Sun isn't in the same location on the same day of every year? It seems if the sun's location is on different days, then the illumination wouldn't correspond to a perfect alignment date as suggested. It may be a general time frame but not an exact 11/11 day. Think about it. jmo

14971016? ago

I believe the portal for the sun alignment is wide enough to deal with it. Stonehenge still has the equinoxes in the same spot.

14969121? ago

Awesome. Sorry not much else, there were 66 comments so I had to make it 67 just cuz... SEMPER FI.

14969625? ago

Thank you for your service.

14967373? ago

If this only lights up one day per year, why is there NO ONE there to witness the few minutes it is lit up???

14969604? ago

Uh. It's in Anthem, AZ the pic is from Adam Spinnell. He asked to take the pic without people. Go to twistedsifter.com now to see a article that shows all of it, with people.

14968520? ago

Anthem, Ariz. – The Anthem Community Council invites the public to attend the annual Veterans Day Ceremony at 10 a.m., Sunday, Nov. 11, at the Anthem Veterans Memorial. The program will honor the service of all veterans and their families, as well as the 100th anniversary of Armistice, the silencing of weapons that brought the end of World War I at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918. The ceremony concludes at 11:11 a.m., in honor of Armistice, with the solar illumination of the Great Seal of the United States through the five armed services pillar ellipses (weather permitting).

14968951? ago

Look at the picture. The effect is in its prime, but no one there. hence, shens. Photoshop, or someone using a spotlight to fake the sun on a non 11-11 @ 11:11 day...

14967461? ago

Need a sunny day. I'm sure there are people who go.

14967837? ago

This picture was allegedly taken during the 5 minutes of the entire year that the sun hits it right...and only 1 guy shows up to see It? I call shens

14963342? ago

Fucking epic, I never saw this before! God Bless this Nation, & all Patriots!

14962916? ago

Oh man, I'm so glad you posted this annonymously!

14962017? ago

Read latest q drop

14962076? ago

Will do!

14962549? ago

Also an L in the killbox?

14961735? ago

Next year they will have a sixth pillar to represent the Space Force!

14962178? ago

Where is this monument located at?

14961521? ago

Is this actually true or just something neat people choose to believe in?

14961368? ago

In 20,000 years, they'll be like "Who built these ancient monuments and why did they worship birds?"

14961422? ago

That's fucking funny! God I love my country!

14961182? ago

That's going to need to be updated with space force.

14961132? ago

Thank you Q+ for protecting us. ((()))

14960993? ago

God bless the USA. WWG1WGA

14960921? ago

5 columns ? You mean... 5th COLUMN ?

ahem... but if all the wars are FAKE and INTENTIONAL then Veterans were not killed in honorable battles...

they were MURDERED and sacrificed on a PYRE of Greed and Avarice

14960770? ago

Very neat!

14960661? ago

6 forces now

14960767? ago


14961405? ago

would so re-enlist for that.

14960656? ago


14960618? ago

Thank you to all veterans and their families for your sacrifices for this nation, from me and my military family.

14960589? ago

gonna need a taller one for the space force.

14960553? ago

Sounds like a very important day for them.

...would be a real shame if something very bad for them happened on it, wouldn't it?

14961221? ago

Thanks for all you do for us . +

14960502? ago

Interesting that it "illuminates"... like the Illuminati?

Here is another interesting aspect of the "Great Seal":


14964310? ago

I think that is pretty cool and actually pretty creative. I'm a veteran and I know all about the illuminati but sometimes a monument is just a monument and I like this one.

14967469? ago

Yes, they like to hide their symbols everywhere, in plain sight. It proves that they own you.

14969142? ago

Amen brother patriot, Thank You for your service. We may have chewed some of the same dirt...WWG1WGA

14962630? ago

It technically doesn't illuminate the Great Seal. The pillars shade the surrounding area of the Great Seal so the eye/brain interprets it as illuminated when it is no brighter than the rest of sun-exposed surroundings.

14964080? ago

Ha! Thank you, Capt. Obvious.
Now, please tell us why the sky is blue, while we all watch you with blank stares....

14962691? ago

I know how it works. But, it's symbolic. The Illuminati love symbolism.

14963307? ago

The illuminati do not exist.

14963358? ago

Really? Then why did George Washington mention them?


14963486? ago

That's a letter to Washington, you fucking nitwit.

14963583? ago

But, read his reply. He mentions the Illuminati. So, if they aren't real, why is he talking about them? If I wrote to the President and asked about what he thought about the Smurfs, do you think he would give me a reply?

14963629? ago

Back then? Absolutely. The volume of mail was much lower.

To be clear, they did exist at one time. They're long since defunct and there's no substantive evidence to suggest they exist today. It's sort of like the Masons. They used to have lots of power and influence, including said Washington. Today, they're toothless and largely a charitable organization.

14963703? ago

To be clear, they did exist at one time.

That's not what you said. You implied they never existed at all. The Freemasons have replaced the Illuminati. But, they still teach the same thing. Basically, the Freemasons have become the Illuminati. They are far from toothless. Every single President we've had in recent times has been a 33rd Degree Mason. The low level ranks are just idiots raising money for charity. But, the high level ranks worship Lucifer. The Illuminati is not dead. It still exists in the mind of the people and is carried out via the practices of the Freemasons.

14963999? ago

No, I implied no such thing. You assigned that on your own.

Maybe you can use that example to rethink many of your other assumptions? Introspection is not a bad thing.

14964037? ago

You're the one claiming the Illuminati doesn't exist. I can open my wallet, flip over a dollar bill, and see that it exists. It's printed on my money and staring me in the face.

14964465? ago

No, it is not. In fact, look into the people who designed it. They were just regular people.

You show signs of schizophrenia. You see signs and symbols and assign meaning to them because your ego is frail or because of chemical imbalances. The system has failed you. You should have had a better education and you should have access to mental health care.

14965977? ago

You can live in denial if you want. I can't make you wake up.

14961118? ago


We need rebuttals fast, otherwise this will be posted all over 4chan and twitter. Today's 11/11 !! Qpost 1234, the day all of America is supposed to be united again.

14961209? ago

Maybe we're being united by our hatred and disbelief in Q and his bullshit?

14961492? ago

If that's the case we're fucked. We have no plan for voter fraud we know is happening, we're trusting that someone will do something. Q could potentially be their last ditch effort to keep us passive until they can regain (through stealing) the final election in America as we know it. If we lose 2020, there will be no more United States of America, there will be no more American flag. Fuck do something Q, if you're really POTUS now is the time to drop a big hint. Militias are regrouping from going to the border and are headed towards Florida. It's about to get worse

14961684? ago

That's my fear. We're sitting around jerking off to 'patriot porn' while the Dems claw their way back into power. This is why I have been so adamant about demanding action from Q and POTUS. They work for us, the American taxpayer. NOW is the time for action! By the time January rolls around, it will be too late. This election MUST be declared invalid.

14960478? ago

Thank you so much! I'm here in DC to revel in my patriotism... Sitting here in front of the tomb of the unknown soldier... God I love our country!

14963274? ago

No, you're not. Stop lying.

14960408? ago


14960149? ago

That is incredible. Thanks for"enlightening" me.

14960143? ago

Yes we know. This is only the 15th time this has been posted to inflict predictive programming about the 11/11 bulshit being pushed by the shills.

14963425? ago

Q NEVER mentioned 11:11, you can't find it anywhere!

Oh wait, or did Q say that by 11-11 the Iran issue would be solved, the largest parade ever would be seen and America would be unified?

I forget.

14966575? ago

Pretty clear in Q drop 1234: AMERICA WILL BE UNIFIED AGAIN! 11.11.18. Q

14960580? ago

I and many others here in the comments have never heard of this before. It's quite fascinating, really.

14960607? ago

Just don’t fall for the 11/11 bait. It’s shills trying to disappoint patriots and point to Q as a fraud because the date the shills made up wasn’t any thing.

14963446? ago

Shills don't need to disappoint Patriots, Q does that all by himself.

14960675? ago

Not everyone who says or does something you disagree with is a shill. That's pretty small, narrow-minded thinking.

Regardless of what it is or means, it's a very interesting coincidence. However you are correct in regards to not getting our hopes up. We should never get our hopes up when it comes to Q, we should know this by now.

"Moves and counter moves." The cabal aren't just going to let Q and the gang just have their way without a fight. There will be a lot of Bait, disinformation, and misdirection in Q's drops. We have seen this a number of times now.

14960967? ago

Many also seem to forget that things can happen even though the press, or anyone else is not writing about it.

14960734? ago

Those who push shill talking points are shills or useful idiots which are equivalent to shills.

14960102? ago

I have never seen this before, thank you for posting. WWG1WGA

14960089? ago

That's outstanding and a very nice tribute.