"please think about this" - downvotes :)

pakprotector ago

Whether you believe it (and the proofs) or not, things are going to work how they work. I just never understood people that put so much energy into running down what others believe , their only evidence being that things aren't happening to their limited satisfaction. This is a much bigger picture and it is sad that you don't have what it takes to even try to grasp it.

Aletheiaphile ago

Unsure on the post number. On patriots fight? I don't know how much later the fire truck appeared after the post, but if Q knew about it in advance (so he could set the post number to that) then he would have to know the fire truck was going to be there. That needs at least some insider info!

If you find another fire truck with a Q on it let me know.

bopper ago

Fair enough. You would have to deal with the undeniable synchronicity tho between Trump and Q, shown by many undeniable proofs. You don't seem to be aware of all of them, with due respect. There are tons.

Even some Q haters admit that Q is with Trump (the proof leaves them no choice)...the only logical place to go for them is that Trump is in on something devious and diabolical, and this they indeed do say (they have no choice but to reach this conclusion).

You will (and are apparently) experience a bit of cognitive dissonance (if you are forced to deal with what I just said), and understandably so, because you like, and are fond of, Trump.

gman225 ago

Why bother? If you feel it's not to your liking, then sign off and move on. Maybe Matt Drudeg and Freerepublic and foxnews is more up your alley.

bopper ago

Christianity ... anything of value will be counterfeited.

bopper ago

Ah, so you're not open minded about it at this point..

Lauraingalls ago

Obviously not.

bopper ago

Well he fooled me, I feel like I wasted my time..

bopper ago

With due respect, for sure ... but it sounds like you don't really know enough about Q and what's been going on as far as proofs go, to make an informed decision, not yet. Not an insult to you.

MissleCopterStoped ago


Lauraingalls ago

Good advice.

bopper ago

At least you have a good attitude and seem to sincerely be seeking the truth of the matter.

Good luck to both of us. I've no time for games, that's for sure..

MissleCopterStoped ago

nice try, proof and evidence is the same thing. You are wasting my bandwidth, have a great day.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Well, see you got your answer, time to moveon.org and case is closed.

bopper ago

Yes, POTUS def knows about Q, everyone does at this point. For example, Time mag's 25 most influential people, Q is high up on the list. Secret Service knows about Q of course. I'm sure that Rosanne mentioned Q when she and POTUS spoke on the phone.

But as I say, examples would fail me. POTUS's tweet misspelling are on purpose, they're not accidents, esp the really egregious ones...

Anyway, too many proofs that Q and Trump are working together. I'd be the first to walk away from it all, but there's solid evidence they are together. Don't you remember just recently what General Flynn said, about an 'army of digital soldiers'?

I followed since the beginning, I've watched the synchronicity (of many things, not just tweets) over and over and over. It will take a lot to convince me, all these things would have to be explained, and I'm all ears. But I need to break from the PC right now.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Dont worry, OP will require you to provide proof, he did that with me earlier.

bopper ago

He won't get anymore lol. Wearing me out.

I've been with Q since November of last year.

The evidence (at least of him being with POTUS) is overwhelming.

I'd have to deny my own experience and common sense to say otherwise.

auralsects ago

LMAO dude why is it inconceivable to you that trump is a kikeshill like the last 7. His sheer force of personality? Super gay

bopper ago

Common sense goofball. At this point common sense dictates otherwise. You really think he could put on such an act? Can you not read people?

You are too jaded, it's affecting you. Sure Jews run the world, but your problem is that they are unstoppable and will continue perpetually, you cannot conceive otherwise, and that is an intellectual foible on your part and will end up ultimately screwing you.

Therefore, right back at you...

LMAO dude why is it inconceivable to you

auralsects ago

You really think he could put on such an act?

the fuck are you talking about old man. what act. he wants the US to be a dumbed-down non-white majority nation of vapid consumers ruled by a Jewish elite because that's who he is..

he will definitely start a jewish war with Iran and I can only hope someone you know dies in it

Sure Jews run the world, but your problem is that they are unstoppable and will continue perpetually, you cannot conceive otherwise,

LOL transparent attempt to come off as wiser, a defense mechanism because you know how tenuous your "trust the plan" KIKE BULLSHIT is.

my crowd has made more headway in 5 years than all you old-school NWO conspiritard faggots have in 40.

bopper ago

Bro, I'm trying to reason with you for a (brief) change rather than playing with you. Why do I try. No one (Trump) can 'put on' at such a degree.

Yes of course I know about his Jewish connections. Is there no explanation for it rather than yours?

I never said or doubted how much headway you have made, I learn from you (sailors make use of all winds, even behind-hand).

transparent attempt to come off as wiser, a defense mechanism


If I met you, I would put a Harley track across your back, what do you think about that? You would BRAID my ponytail.


srayzie ago

If I met you, I would put a Harley track across your back, what do you think about that? You would BRAID my ponytail.

Iโ€™m impressed! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

Oh I know. He said he hopes my brothers limbs were blown off when he went to Afghanistan to serve. Heโ€™s disgusting. Donโ€™t even worry about that paid shill @Bopper.

auralsects ago

with K-Mac's evolutionary biology theory youre close to the final red-pill old man:

  • Jews are a perennial plague on the earth with a subconscious and irreversible hostility to gentiles

  • we must exterminate 100% of their satanic race like any parasite or vermin

  • Anyone advocating for less is a witting or unwitting gatekeeper

  • Hitler was asked to gas them all by the Muslims but unfortunately refused, thus the Muslims are our greatest allies

bopper ago

At the risk of being slammed by others I don't disagree with most of this. How and why they (jews) got this way, and their future (are they redeemable?), we'd disagree on.

auralsects ago

dude they are quite obviously cursed by God and doomed to inevitable annihilation.

their own holy books say so in quoting their own prophets whom they slaughtered for scolding/warning their wicked ways.

that's certainly how the non-jew-brainwashed muslims see it


interesting how "Judeo-Christian" became a term precisely when things went to shit and jews started dominating academics https://gab.ai/media/image/bq-5be61fc0c0cb5.png

bopper ago

Fascinating stuff, that last line and graph.

I don't agree with contemporary Christian professors, "They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate." Most are deceived.

auralsects ago

No one (Trump) can 'put on' at such a degree.

he isn't "putting on" shit. he openly loves jews and shills for them, just like this Trumpian nationalist hero Bolsonaro in Brazil who gives speeches at Freemason lodges and publishes videos from his home with a menorah in the background. because his followers are dipshits.

then Jewanon says "Israel is last" one time and youre convinced its 4d chess or something LMAO

Is there no explanation for it rather than yours?

was his father funding the original israeli army and settlements part of the "long game"

if he actually did strategically marry off his slut daughter to a satanic kike like a piece of meat that would be the best thing he ever did and I might like him LOL

bopper ago

'Putting on,' crossing swords with the Jew media, lowering taxes, considering funding govt. by tariffs rather than IRS, dismantling NKorea, implementing nationalist policies, America first, plans for defunding the UN Etc. This is all an elaborate scheme on his part?

auralsects ago

BAHAHA peak boomer, muh taxes, are you for fucking real bro?

Trump and Jewanon are doubling down on this melting-pot charade. "WWG1WGA" MY BLACK ASS, you saw the vote breakdown by race -- and did you notice white women were the only group to not vote with the rest of their race?

white kids are already a minority and even mass deportations will not affect our replacement.

Yes it's all fucking bullshit, slow-walking the racial awakening until resistance will be numerically impossible.

crossing swords with the Jew media is easy on demand because they are legitimate retarded hysterical kikes who we tricked into saying milk was racist, the OK-sign is racist, etc. it's inherent in their mentality from generations of being singled out for belonging to such a foul race.

this is the only future, so Hillary's blatant anti-white agenda would have been far better.

bopper ago

I know. Depressing. I just think that Trump and Q are idealistic. Neither one likely had the experience, like me, of being a lower middle class white boy living through forced busing and integration. Where blacks would steal you blind and the white teachers were too afraid to do anything about it. Tends to make one quite bitter.

it's inherent in their mentality from generations of being singled out for belonging to such a foul race.

This is what I find fascinating...

MissleCopterStoped ago

Yeah, I am in process of putting the concern fag trolls on ignore right now.

MissleCopterStoped ago

You created the post and I asked the question, the burden is on you pal.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Show me proof of this elaborate hoax then?

Aletheiaphile ago

Your work is appreciated.

What about the fire truck with the Q on it? Do any other trucks have Q on them?

MissleCopterStoped ago

When did the news cover NoKo except to say they were going to nuke us?

Show me the video from MSM of Kim Jung Un crossing the DMZ demarc lime to shake SoKoโ€™s presidents hand video.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Why would you be concerned with being us being duped? What is your motivation behind helping us?

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

It doesnโ€™t matter if Q is real. The corruption that has been exposed, and the awakening that is taking place are both, without question, real. Thatโ€™s what matters.

Anonymouse_cheese ago

Part of the problem for those who doubt is that future proves past. Q says things but instead of waiting to see what happens, others make guesses and assumptions about what he might mean and when a certain idea takes hold and then doesn't happen according to their guesses and assumptions then the old adage is proven true, "to assume makes an ass out of u and me." Most of us are smart enough to take each "interpretation" with a grain of salt because when future proves past it's usually more brilliant than what we were supposing. We let go of our guesses to take the truth when it appears. It's like trying to guess what a wrapped up present might be. You have hopes and guesses and when you open it you see the truth. Sometimes it's what you guessed, sometimes it's better than you guessed and sometimes it's a little disappointing but it is what it is and you accept it whatever it turns out to be. What we want to see it mean when we want to see it isn't always the best for the ultimate outcome. Every present is a present unto itself but it's also a piece of a much larger present that is being built. Just because we want a laser gun but we get a gear cog instead doesn't mean the gear cog isn't important to the whole gig present being built. Having a laser gun with no gear to cause the trigger to be pulled makes the laser gun useless. So we have all learned to start being more patient without losing our anticipation or faith in what is being built. We wait to see where the gear will fit in even if we don't understand its significance at first and we won't understand it for awhile yet. We wait, we watch, we learn.

bopper ago

others make guesses and assumptions

this has been a big problem for the Q movement right here, anons running with things...

Anonymouse_cheese ago

You're ridiculous. What are you? Msm only taking little sound bites to try and make it fit what you want to say and leave out the main point? Maybe you should be Anderson Cooper...or maybe you ARE Anderson Cooper! Danh danh daaaaaannnh! Nah, just a wannabe at most.

bopper ago

I'm agreeing with you, I'm saying that anons read into Q certain things and say that Q made certain 'predictions' when he did not, and it makes the Q movement look bad.

Anonymouse_cheese ago

If that's the case then I truly apologize but my main point is that the majority of us wait and learn. We have certain hopes but the majority of us don't go off the deep end with a single hoped for outcome. If it weren't true then we wouldn't be the ongoing movement that we are. My point is that it is not a problem of the Q movement. It is a problem for those who aren't experienced enough in life yet to overcome their need for instant gratification and snowflake mentality. That's not the Q movement. There are the naive and there are the shills who want it to look like it's the movement and who try to role play it's the movement with bad play acting; but don"t say it's the problem with the whole movement because that is a lie and it mskes you look like a shill trying to take down and discourage Qanon movement members like Anderso Cooper.

bopper ago

don"t say it's the problem with the whole movement because that is a lie

Indeed, that's correct. I think I just didn't come across right.

Besides, it's only natural for anons to try and guess and then make prognostications about what Q meant and what will happen, I do it myself.

Anonymouse_cheese ago

Ah, a discerner. ThanQ for the clarification. Glad we got it sorted out. Amazing what civil discourse can do.

bopper ago

Yes, and keeping the emotional side out of the equation helps lol..

Lauraingalls ago

That was good, kind of reminded me of,

Ralphie: "I want an official Red Ryder, carbine action, two-hundred shot range model air rifle!" Mrs. Parker: "No, you'll shoot your eye out." Your viewpoint is really good. LOL. Ralphie did get the gun though, which was nice.

MissleCopterStoped ago

I got a leg lamp I put in the window during Christmas.

Lauraingalls ago

OMG. So funny.

Anonymouse_cheese ago

Lol! He did get the gun. :)

Lauraingalls ago

Sometimes we get WHAT WE WANT, even though it may NOT look like it, until we wait. LOL.

Anonymouse_cheese ago

That's true! Lol

Zadim ago

I have seen photos of it during a surgery in 2009!

bopper ago

Thanks. I get the point. But, again, this does not address all the many synchronized tweets between POTUS and Q which are quite undeniable. Just one example, why would POTUS misspell 'memembers,' and at the same time that Q was calling for memes...

I could go on and on, there's too many. Also, why hasn't POTUS disavowed the Q phenom. Anyway, examples would fail me. Unless and until these synchronized tweets and other proofs are explained, I can't and won't deny. Trust me, I can drop the whole thing if need be, no problem. I'm too old for nonsense.

Zadim ago

Do you have a brain? You ever see your brain? You ever know anyone that has seen your brain? Do you know anyone who knows anyone that has seen yoyr brain?

Proof you have no brain.

bopper ago

07/31/18 - For his 1776th post, Q uploads an image that's supposed to function as 'proof' that he's working with Trump (Trump's signature + "#1776"). However, not only are the '#' and '1' very different from Trump's own handwriting, but even Q's followers found evidence that it's another photoshop jo

Is this it? Doesn't even scratch the surface, doesn't address the synchronized tweets at all. And multitudinous other things.

bopper ago

Oh, thanks. I'll check it out. It's quite long, didn't read all of it.

Anonymouse_cheese ago

Sure you are. There are all kinds of rebuttals posted for you to view and learn everyday. You have no interest in learning if Q is real and "saving" anyone but your own pathetic self. You are a desperate liar trying to stop the unstoppable. God is Truth and cannot be stopped. You are no Patriot out to save other Patriots.

bopper ago

And what's the explanation for the obvious POTUS connection?

Zadim ago

Dont have to be a govt anything. Hopefully you are sensible and will have an epiphany of Q

Anonymouse_cheese ago

Yup, I'd say you're very misinformed. What does VOAT history have to do with anything? Lots of people do for all different kinds of viewpoints...freedom of speech remember? The amount of time a lie is believed doesn't make it the truth. You make no sense.

hangry ago

I don't doubt the historic orthodox christian faith. It's history, after all. Qcult is a different bird than that.

Lauraingalls ago


UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Good interaction Laura... ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Lauraingalls ago

Thanks SO much. It's fun.

Lauraingalls ago

I did consider it and I believe.

hangry ago

The True Believers will not be convinced. They have too much emotion invested.

MissleCopterStoped ago

What time does your shift start? After all, you brought up the point of being paid on your own when no one else did.

Odius1 ago

Could be your right, could be Q is right. Don't know yet let's just watch and see shall we?

hangry ago

11.5 more hours until 11.11 has past. When nothing happens, we'll see.

bopper ago

What's supposed to happen? On 11/11. Which Q post talks about it? (Anyone.)

I forget and have been somewhat out of the loop.

hangry ago

something....anything will be interpreted to be the something

Odius1 ago

So I'm not a paladin of truth and justice? Fine I'll take my 20 sided die and go home you meanies.

Lauraingalls ago

It's a WAR between GOOD and EVIL.

hangry ago

"Why are you here?" wait for it....

Lauraingalls ago

Spend time acting LIKE MSM trying to disprove Q.

Zadim ago

Is this you? Sure sounds like it.


Lauraingalls ago

Don't you have anything BETTER to do?

pakprotector ago

Why are you working so hard to rebut something you donโ€™t believe?

MelaniaBuiltMyHotRod ago

Kinda like what they do with Christinity

pakprotector ago

Agreed - never understood that, except maybe with the lobster metaphor. They can't raise up, so they resort to trying to drag others to their level of misery. Good luck with that. Wheat from the chaff... totally killing my metaphors.

Lauraingalls ago
