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shadow332 ago

By whom?



shadow332 ago

This is a soapbox account. It's worth noting. 3+ year account and his first comment of all time was three days ago.

You can downvote brigade me, call me jewish, call me sane goat, whatever it is you losers choose to do.

Either way the pattern is clear: SBBH is trying to "meme" Qtards and various derogatory Q-names to deflate the movement and a majority of posts criticizing Q on voat are of SBBH origin.

You people are afraid of the Q movement and I suspect it's because it threatens your income.

How many accounts have attacked me since I expressed doubt over a 3.4 year account making this post when they only started commenting three days ago, and posting 10 days ago? They made a single post 3.3 years ago and then the account went dead. A single post.

Now that I ask questions about this strange account spreading doubt on Q, I have 4...5 accounts attacking me? Who happen to be related to SBBH?

Looks like an organized group looking to control narrative to me.

I'm not virtue signaling a god damned thing, don't use that poisoned term against me Harzso.

I have many friends, some people aren't worth befriending. I'd rather be friends with bleeding heart liberals than with any singular member of SBBH's paid brigade.

I have contributed many thoughts on the Q movement. You people are banking on impatience. I have patience. We see widespread voter fraud and Q is addressing it, yet here you all are saying he's doing nothing and the world is ending. I'd say you're morons but you aren't - you're conniving swindlers trying to Jew the good people here out of fighting for themselves and believing in something.

You're just baiting me into commenting more so you can continue to downvote brigade my posts. I won't assert that Q's word is God, but I believe Q is real and is advocating for us in a very difficult battle. If you don't think something is happening regarding all these resignations and indictments, I think you're low IQ.



shadow332 ago

Are you saying I'M A TROLL?


Are you saying that double posting is not impolite you double nigger?

shadow332 ago

I am impolite and it's proven by womb_raider that you are COINTELPRO.


Wrong user bro, isnt it a bit early to be drinking already? Or are you australian?

shadow332 ago

I'm just joking with you.


Me too, sorry for callling you australian.

shadow332 ago

Haha you must be a kiwi