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Womb_Raider ago

Wasn't the count 106? Didn't it just go up to 107 with Guatemala?

0fsgivin ago

why did you get downvoted? What faggot downvotes an honest question/correction?

Womb_Raider ago

You'll come to learn who they are, it's the people who made the "109" comment, a group called SBBH. They are trying to spread disinformation... but I struggle to see why they would lie about 3 countries. It's such a small sum.

0fsgivin ago

possibly fell for or are willfully propagating false data to make identarians look stupid?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Except it's actually 109 or higher depending on the criteria you use, but 109 is the most commonly cited number.

You've fucked up by taking Womb Raider for his word, when he gets caught in a mistake (or a lie) he digs his heels in and proclaims that everyone else is lying, and also it's SBBH's fault that he's wrong somehow. He refuses to accept that he's wrong so he goes into his "every time i make a mistake it's a conspiracy by SSBH" routine.

The guy is a paranoid nutcase.

0fsgivin ago

well to be honest. I dont see anyone posting sources...

MadWorld ago

He was on the modlist of the rPV group. Check the sidebar and use wayback if you want to research on finer details. Yet, he has little knowledge of SaneGoat, but expert on "SBBH/SRS" group that is "destroying Voat" (that is their narrative).

Freshmeat of the rPV group is known SaneGoat group, confirmed by Putt [1] [2]. He also likes to paint everyone as a part of SBBH cobal, check his comment history if you want to. Here is some bonus info if you want to kill some time: Check out his "SRS" sidebar, it is hilarious!

XD Now, start your own quest to find the army of (((freshmeat/Sane))) group...

0fsgivin ago

I meant sources on number of countries expelled from.