selpai ago

Members of an ultra-Orthodox Jewish sect...

Everyone hates the ultra orthodox, no matter the religion. We don't live in a world conducive to a religious lifestyle, that is one purely devoted towards god. Even the Israelis are denouncing these guys.

The group, sometimes referred to as “the Jewish Taliban” by Israeli media, reassembled in San Juan La Laguna, a tourist village in western Guatemala, where they devoted themselves to prayer and religious study.

This particular group legitimately rapes kids.

VoatMikeNolan ago

Laughed my ass off, thanks!

blumen4alles ago

You are welcome, goat. It was one of the first things I saw this morning and it made me lol. Also reminded me of My Little Pony and BRONIES for some reason. I think I might be an old man trapped in a little girls body, a little girl trapped in an old mans body, or a pony. Either way, it is probably a life crisis somehow. I will promptly notify my employer and ask if they now qualify for a tax break.

videocodec ago

Imagine if Jews had landed a few years before Columbus and Cortez. The natives would have been like "oh hell no".

I_Always_Lie ago

@AmericanJew2 care to comment?

TheRomanovs ago


blumen4alles ago

Apparently you do not yet speak Pony. Was it not offered as a language course in sch⊕⊕l?

chrimony ago

Around 230 members of Lev Tahor, an intensely religious Jewish group that rejects the state of Israel,


moved to Guatemala earlier this year after fleeing amid allegations of child abuse in Canada

Rabbis suck on baby penises. That checks out.

Lev Tahor shuns technology and its female members wear black robes from head-to-toe, leaving only their faces exposed.

So they're akin to the Muzzies.

Canadian authorities were investigating the group on allegations of abuse and promoting underage marriage.

Just like the Muzzies.

The group’s founder, Rabbi Shlomo Helbrans,

Ha ha ha. Hahahahahaha.

spent two years in prison in New York after being convicted of kidnapping a teenage boy.


So according to Wikipedia, Rabbi Shlomo was deported from the US to Israel, then fled to Canada and granted "refugee" status. So he managed to get kicked of the United States, fled Israel, fled Canada, and his sect was ejected from a village in Guatemala. The only positive thing that happened is that this particular Rabbi died from drowning in a river in 2017, supposedly during a religious ritual -- but maybe somebody had enough and held his head under water.

andrew_jackson ago

Thank God for sending the river. Would gas.

Xantha ago

Dude, one of the sects leaders is named Rabbi Shlomo. Lol

Womb_Raider ago

Ha. That's a laugh. Tell your boss you're done posting for the day and lets see what they say to you.

Walk1 ago

Animals would not be very interesting to talk to if you could talk to them, although I have noticed they would be far more interesting to talk to than any Nigger I have met.

Womb_Raider ago

I'd rather anyone else provide clarity. Tallest is SBBH, like you.

Tallest_Skil ago

What the fuck does that even mean, you stupid whore? You want this document. Keep it handy for the future.

Justsomeone ago

Somewhere in the middle of a forest, there's a guy with a huge beard, wearing a loincloth and thinking to himself "fucking jews".

Womb_Raider ago

Wasn't the count 106? Didn't it just go up to 107 with Guatemala?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

it's 109 (110 with Guatemala?), I've literally never heard of anyone claiming 106 as the number.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

I've always heard 109. Although there's a bigger list floating around that says it's 359. But I've never heard the 106 figure.

Womb_Raider ago

Huh. I must be dyslexic. Sorry for ironically spreading confusion if that’s the case

0fsgivin ago

why did you get downvoted? What faggot downvotes an honest question/correction?

Womb_Raider ago

You'll come to learn who they are, it's the people who made the "109" comment, a group called SBBH. They are trying to spread disinformation... but I struggle to see why they would lie about 3 countries. It's such a small sum.

andrew_jackson ago

/v/rideordie is like the anti-SBBH. I pledge to purge voat of SBBH

0fsgivin ago

possibly fell for or are willfully propagating false data to make identarians look stupid?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Except it's actually 109 or higher depending on the criteria you use, but 109 is the most commonly cited number.

You've fucked up by taking Womb Raider for his word, when he gets caught in a mistake (or a lie) he digs his heels in and proclaims that everyone else is lying, and also it's SBBH's fault that he's wrong somehow. He refuses to accept that he's wrong so he goes into his "every time i make a mistake it's a conspiracy by SSBH" routine.

The guy is a paranoid nutcase.

0fsgivin ago

well to be honest. I dont see anyone posting sources...

MadWorld ago

He was on the modlist of the rPV group. Check the sidebar and use wayback if you want to research on finer details. Yet, he has little knowledge of SaneGoat, but expert on "SBBH/SRS" group that is "destroying Voat" (that is their narrative).

Freshmeat of the rPV group is known SaneGoat group, confirmed by Putt [1] [2]. He also likes to paint everyone as a part of SBBH cobal, check his comment history if you want to. Here is some bonus info if you want to kill some time: Check out his "SRS" sidebar, it is hilarious!

XD Now, start your own quest to find the army of (((freshmeat/Sane))) group...

0fsgivin ago

I meant sources on number of countries expelled from.

Maximum50 ago

The Guatemalans were probably jealous of their higher IQ and success. /s

AmazingAutist ago

I don't get it.

blumen4alles ago

I gnow how you feel, spectrum goat. I am still getting things - after they are explained to me. What is obvious to others is a mystery to me, yet what is a mystery to others is obvious to me. Get me off this ride.

ArchmageMordenkainen ago

Jews were expelled 109 times.

AmazingAutist ago

Ah. I thought it was jew-related but didn't see the connection, thanks.

andrew_jackson ago

Don't forget - every single time.

HeavyBrain ago

"200 years together"

Start with that.

Maroonsaint ago

That’s cause your mother was an alcoholic

drozzxd ago


glassuser ago

I didn't get it for a moment.

andrew_jackson ago

Needs more red pills, Bro.

glassuser ago

We all do, even when we've already had them.

ike_voat ago

That fairy looks like an imp in a dress.

Maroonsaint ago

Wtf is an imp

a100167 ago

Wooo! 110 baby!

blumen4alles ago

We need to get the count up to 127 and hold it there, FOREVER!!!

Be cool if the USA was # 111.

I think the founding freemason fathers would have liked that number.

Womb_Raider ago

The count was 106, not 109.

FrozenFire74 ago

Clearly they're going for the high score of expulsion. It's either that or the whole word is simply antisemitic. It's probably the world being fuckered...

WeekendBaker ago

“Am I spread I hatred?”


“No, it’s the world that is anti semitic”

andrew_jackson ago

Counting backwards to zero.