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Womb_Raider ago

This is a soapbox account. It's worth noting. 3+ year account and his first comment of all time was three days ago.

shadow332 ago

What's a soapbox account and why would affect what's in this post?

Womb_Raider ago

SoapBoxOpenBorders [O]

You're an owner of a Soap Box subverse. SoapBox members are basically JIDF on voat. They employ COINTELPRO tactics to divide and conquer, and you are suddenly using dozens of accounts to concern troll the Q movement.

You are trying to black pill people into losing faith.

hangry ago

Fuck off. You have no idea what you're talking about. I'm a SBBH owner and am pure white American who voted for The Donald. Stop being a cunt.

Womb_Raider ago

and am pure white American who voted for The Donald.

Weak trolling.

YugeDick ago


Weak argument.

Womb_Raider ago

How many of your accounts are you going to bring out?

YugeDick ago

Uh... This is only my second one. It wouldn't take much digging to identify my other one and see I haven't signed into it since I made this one.

Check for yourself. I'll wait here. Need a hint? Check my subverse ownership.

You're a paranoid fool whose feelings are hurt because you got proved to be a fool today. I know it's hard to realize you're in a cult but you're gonna be ok once you admit the reality of it.

Womb_Raider ago

You're going to claim I made a strawman when I'm accusing @hangry of being SBBH as well, and you can clearly see in his profile that he is, in fact, SBBH as well.

You're a fool making an ironic accusation.

hangry ago

I am SBBH never said otherwise. It is your warm, kind, and friendly home away from home on the interwebs.

Womb_Raider ago

That's why SBBH is downvoating me en masse, eh?

WhiteRonin ago

You like me are targeted by our associations. Both sides will claim we chose the wrong team. We both get downvotes because of that.

I haven’t heard or read of any calls to get you.

Are there people on sbbh that don’t like you? Probably.

But thi k about who it is.

Womb_Raider ago

It appears to be a majority of SBBH. You, once, were one of my most volatile detractors too. Don't forget that.

WhiteRonin ago

I don’t remember. Yeah, I plan need you a few times but you were like most people I ran into.

Tallest is my toy and will stay that way.

Womb_Raider ago

None of that made sense.

WhiteRonin ago

Sorry. “Plan need” should have been “pinged” and to give a better meaning to this. Those pings weren’t in a good way but being an ass. But that was in the early days when we ran into each other.

After or PMs, I just raze you now every so often. I don’t think I even bother fresh that much since then. However, like I said, Tallest isn’t off my shit list. He has that amazing staying power on that list that has surpassed all other goats.

Womb_Raider ago

I got 5 downvotes for saying what you said didn’t make sense. I was right, but your people downvoted me to punish my voice.

WhiteRonin ago

I lost 2 for my badly worded content so your people down voted me.

Look, we can go back and forth making assumptions or just deal with stupid down votes.

Who is making all the claims that SBBH is XYZ in anon / qrv and to for all new refugees to see? See how we will get into a circular debate? It’s rather retarded trying to find the first instance where this all started.

Do you we start blaming people for up voting friends and down voting those we don’t like?

Look, we can cry all day about aloud fee feez or just grow a pair and move on. Isn’t this what we tell refugees?

We got an asshole running around crying libel but yet slanders a whole sub. So, because like I said earlier, you get put into that group just as much as I get put into mine. Personally, That Little fucker kept crossing the line with me even after I told him I promised gassy that I’d cool it down. I’ve kept my promise to gassy even though I don’t like that dude. Tallest didn’t want a part of it. He talks shit and I call him out.

I don’t screw with freahmeat unless it’s him in anon. But I haven’t pinged him in months.

So look at what’s going on here. A party is a dick to b party. Both parties friends do the votes. If both a and b would just stay away from each other votes wouldn’t happen.

We could test something to prove a point. You might like what I’m suggesting but it’s the smallest group to work with. Tell your people to stop posting about the big bad meanie sbbh for 2 weeks. I’m gonna bet that down vote should drop seriously and only a few with bugs up tenor asses will still do it. If Tallest leaves me alone - I’m still willing to call that truce.

I sort of like you dude that’s why I don’t bother you and if I do comment it’s like I said part of the raze or part of the post. I don’t go out of my way to look for you.

Womb_Raider ago

I don’t have a “group”. You people bunch all SBBH-critics into one super mass and it’s erroneous. That said, even the SBBH detractors don’t engage in organized voting. SBBH does. I’ve seen my account downvoted across the board many times, meaning someone is going into my comment history and methodically DVing my most recent 10-20 comments. I don’t see that from anyone else. It’s not cool.

As for the rest of what you said, I would stop talking about SBBH if it were clear the manipulation would cease, but what you’ve done to PG and GA is obvious. There’s a difference between trolling and attempting to control the website’s content or even to a lesser extent control the content of a subverse - particularly a subverse your people did not create originally. Those are all valid points.

I don't know what more to say on the topic honestly.

WhiteRonin ago

Dude I was I trying to be chill and now you go on about me or sbbh as me. Your usage of “you” is vague and triggering. Not cool buddy.

I quote you, “You people bunch all SBBH-critics into one super mass and it’s erroneous.”

Then you go on about how things “you people” did.


Clarify for me if I’m wrong but you just said group people is erroneous but then rant about how you just grouped people. This is crazy talk to be honest.

IIRC, te last time I actually posted in PG was like day 2 or 3. Probably day 2. So, nope not me.

As for GA. Sryazie keeps an eye on me and we pm every so often which is normally after I dug up a traitor that has been verified by vindicator. She obvisously checks out my claims. She knows I’m a fence sitter about Q and she knows I keep the shit posting out. Well, I’ve slipped a few through but it’s been normally when all kinds of other shit got through too. I barely post enough to be noticed by Q anons.i even respectfully stayed away on 11.11.

Some sbbh will side with one or the other and hardly both.

As for your downvotes, clean your realProtectVoat group up before considering sbbh. I get down voted 2-3 on the average. Yes, rPV does what you claim they don’t. The days of when me and Tallest go at it, I definitely see down votes continue. So, stop whining and deal with it.

I also told you that this blame A or B is a circular logic problem. And I even suggested a way to test yours and mine theories.

Your recent 10-20 comments were here. And you were in the fight just as much as the others. ZB was being honest. You can tell by how he rolls. If he was being a dick he is being a dick. If he’s like above when he said he up coated you he was being legit. Being paranoid is a bad habit. Yeah, I start up with people and then if I cool down and ask for clarification shit normally ends up cool and misunderstandings get cleared up.

I highly suggest learning the word sorry and mean it. You can still be a dick about it but people will relaize that you weren’t being a dick about what they thought you were being a dick about.

You never did apologize for screen shorting our pm and turning it a float post about how you are turning me. Even then, I looked away and didn’t give you shit for being a fuck. You broke my trust buddy and I thought we could be cool with each other even being form different sides of the track.

So why do you consistently want to get into about this shit? It’s fucking childish dude. Are you still in school?

Womb_Raider ago

You’ve not been shy of your SBBH affiliation before now...

WhiteRonin ago


Why you wanting to get into it?

I am not them and what they did is their responsibility. I take responsibility for my actions.

Womb_Raider ago

Yet act like part of a hivemind

WhiteRonin ago

It’s sad that I’ve been cool with you during these last few exchanges but I’m not gonna sit here and let you insult me.

Don’t even bothering replying.