For those who are new here, Heather O'Rourke was a child actress in the 70's and 80's who met a tragic end at the age of 12. Last year, a post by entylawyer on Crazy Days and Nights explained that Heather O'Rourke was basically raped after filming Rocky Road (which was cancelled after 6 episodes were quickly filmed in order to cover this incident up). This incident was the root cause of her death. Warning, this is a very stomach churning lead! The CDAN that started this lead. Devom Odessa and Marcianne Warman are potential witnesses. All hits for Heather O'Rourke on this site. The initial thread. Part 2. Contains details about the cause of death. Part 3. Information about how Heather O'Rourke was skinned to make shoe leather, and the likely threats against MacCauly Culkin as a result. Jaclyn Bernstein is a potential witness. Part 4. Focuses on the "Other Show" (Happy Days). Most likely suspects are Garry Marshall, Bobby Hoffman (both dead) and Henry Winkler. Part 5 focuses on Hollywood Center Studios (location of Rocky Road) and the possible 3rd culprit. Part 6. Finds the date of the incident mentioned in the blind and proves the official story is wrong. Part 7. Focuses on the suspiscious Giardia infection and the sites of the Poltergeist crimes. Part 8. Finds Spielberg financial ties and identifies a new accomplice. Part 9. Identifies the most probable root cause of Heather’s death via the fatal incident along with reexamines old evidence due to new findings. Part 10. Focuses on an attempted false flag along with more on Henry Winkler being suspiscious. Part 11. Focuses on trying to find the identity of the man who bragged about “Heather skin shoes”. Part 12. ID’s the man who talked about “Heather skin shoes.” Part 13. Exposes Gabe Hoffman as a traitor to the exposure of Pedowood. Part 14. Digs regarding Podesta art depicting Heather and shows the “skinning” story may be more feasible than previously believed. Part 15. Deduces the time line for the crimes and ID’s two new suspects. Part 16. Focuses on potential Chris Colombus victims and the shills attacking this case. Part 17. Looks into possible Spielberg ties to Jeffery Epstein and ID’s a new suspect for the Happy Days incident. Performs calculations regarding the red shoe claims. Operation Poltergeist. Meme War Op. Part 18. Debunks a red herring and digs deeper into the Rocky Road Incident to find a new suspect. Part19. Connects the dots regarding the Clintons and MANY suspects and accomplices in this case. Part 20. Shows Gabe Hoffman’s sordid connections. Joint effort with Total Disclosure. Part 21. Further digs on various suspects and accomplices (namely Tom Steyer and Rob Reiner). Part 22. Looks at the likely strength of the alibis of suspected culprits based on theor work schedules. Part 23. Contains an RN’s account of what likely happened to Heather.
This chapter focuses on the Mormon Mafia connection to this case. Son of Richard Bretzing was deployed to Oregon 3 weeks before assassination of LaVoy Fincium. Richard admits to running Jimmy Hoffa investigation into the ground. In Detroit shortly before Hoffman disappeared. Document connecting the Bretzings to the Bundy Ranch incidents of 2016. Bruce Jessen (head CIA torture doctor) was a mormon bishop. So is James Mitchell. Symbology analysis for several spielberg films. Spielberg allegedly in a satanic cult. Video about Crispin Glover’s infamous Spielberg essay. Steven Spielberg is connected to Laurel Canyon.
-Poltergeist Series. Three incidents over a period of 5 years ranging from 1982 to summer of 1987. The crimes themselves occured in Simi Valley, California, Culver City, CA, Altadena, CA, and Chicago, Illinois. Suspects: Steven Spielberg, Frank Marshall.
Accomplices: Judy Wix
-Happy Days: Most Likely Suspects: Garry Marshall (dead), Bobby Hoffman (dead), Henry Winkler, Tom Hanks, Rob Reiner. Accomplice: Penny Marshall (dead).
-The Fatal Incident. Note that this incident is the START of Heather's fatal down turn rather than a quick death. Location: On the set of Rocky Road. Hollywood, California.
Time: November 7, 1986. The incident backstage involved anally violating her with a foreign object. 3 men were involved. Execs flocked to the studio, so its possible for a culprit to be one of the flockers. A medic was called in likely because what they did perforated her colon. The injury was severe enough that it also inflicted either penetrative or blunt force trauma on her small intestine, more specifically, her ileum. For this reason, I suspect that the object itself was a hard object. Possibly made of metal or some other hard material. I’d say the object in question was about 10-14” long. Heather's illness (the one that was covered up) first started to manifest around December 1986. I suspect that the Chrons diagnosis was the cover up. The episode was released in May of 1987. She was on medication throughout filming of Poltergeist 3 as her condition worsened. Heather's health took its fatal downward spiral on 1/31/1988 before she died on 2/1/1988. The funeral was an open casket event on 2/5/1988. The "skinning" was most likely on the following night, with the casket being looted. This crime is fully possible because Heather was interred in an above ground mausolium according to accounts of those who attended the funeral.
Suspects (Rocky Road): Gene Abravaya, Arthur Annecharico, Chris Colombus, Richard Vane.
Accomplice (others): Wesley Staples. Corey Feldman. He actively covers for the big pedowood names and their crimes, which would make him an accomplice. Other accomplices include the MSM, Patrick Little and Tom Steyer due to their involvement in the attempted false flag along with Gabe Hoffman for protecting Steven Spielberg. Fredrick Brennan for deplatforming 8chan, a site that was providing informants in this case.
-Cause of Death: Sepsis infection and intestinal stenosis of the ileum (last 1/3 of small intestine) due to repeated anal rape related injuries and infections. The main incident responsible was the injury to her small intestines as a result of the Rocky Road incident.
shewhomustbeobeyed ago
Hi @darkknight111, The 2nd twitter link in your submission is no longer available.
This one -
Sorry I didn't get it archived for you.
Shillaxe ago
Wow what a dig ! Not sure if a connection exists here but: Hyperion Aviation LLC , which owns two of Epsteins helicopters, is owned by Ghisilane Maxwell. The contact for Hyperion is one Kym WINKLER Huntley, Winkler ?
Anyways, again, great digs !
TruthAllAround ago
What is one of the most memorable lines from the movie Goonies?
“Rocky Road?”
Actor John Matuszak who played Sloth was from the Racine and Milwaukee area. How did he die and what was he known for?
What is The Goonies about and who was involved?
What horror movie starring Corey Haim and Mario Lopez was filmed in the area?
Who is The Godfather of gore?
How are Lloyd Kaufman and Troma films connected to Racine?
What is the Sphinx Head Society and who graduated with Lloyd Kaufman?
What is Teen Mania and how is it connected to George Bush, 1000 points of light, Warren Buffett and Racine, Wisconsin?
What is The Land of Canaan?
What is Carthage?
What is America’s Deadliest Home Video?
How are these linked to elite Freemasons and Luciferian pedophiles in Racine and Milwaukee?
Why are Mark Wahlberg and Caron Butler making a movie together?
Who is Kristin Bauer van Straten, what fake religion does she practice and how is she connected to the Clintons, Podestas and Emanuels?
What was Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s real name?
Why was That 70’s Show set in Racine, Wisconsin and what fake religion dominated the cast?
What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?
derram ago : : : :
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