carmencita ago

Someone has posted in another post that Dr. Bruce Hensel May be connected to the crimes against Heather. I have not been able to look into this but wanted you to be aware if you were not.

qbabygirl ago

Can her MOTHER have her exumed?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Could you fix this link, please. -

rickki6 ago

fantastic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! shared

Joe10jo ago


darkknight111 ago

Add on to post:

The connection summary is Gabe -> Tenet -> Jeb Bush -> Skull and Bones.

Gabe -> Tenet Employee (ex employee of Carlyle) -> Bush -> Skull and Bones.

I have the goods connecting Gabe to the Bronfmans (thus Mega) and Mega to MOS. I’m saving those for another thread.

carmencita ago

@Wolftrail7272 always told me that if we connected the dots between the Clintons and Tenet it would bring them down. They are still standing so it must run deep.

3141592653 ago

Excellent work