sodePllAlliK ago

The Man with One Red Shoe

"An agent of the United States CIA is arrested in Morocco on drug-smuggling charges. The person behind the smuggling operation is CIA deputy director Burton Cooper, who hopes the resulting scandal will lead to the resignation of CIA Director Ross, and Cooper's promotion to Director. Ross is aware of Cooper's complicity, but when questioned by a special Senate committee about the arrest, Ross tells the committee that he has not reviewed all of the facts of the case. The committee orders a full inquiry and gives Ross 48 hours to present with the proper answers."

SearchVoatBot ago

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think- ago

Hi @darkknight111, thank you for continuing your investigation.

I will flair the thread 'NSFW' due to some of the content in the OP.

Please keep up the good work!

Vindicator ago

Haha. You gave it the 24 Hour Grace flair instead. I fixed it.

think- ago

Oops.....apologies, @darkknight111! runs away

darkknight111 ago

NP. Figured it was a typo.

Vindicator ago

@darkknight111, your tenacious work on this has been outstanding. :-) However, could you possibly turn a couple of the toughest claims here into hotlinks directly to your previous research supporting them? I realize you've listed the links, but this thread would be stronger if you turned the key claims themselves into hyperlinks directly to their support. Notably, these claims:

  • Drew Barrymore (a known Spielberg victim)
  • The "skinning" was most likely on the following night, with the casket being looted. This crime is fully possible because Heather was interred in an above ground mausolium according to accounts of those who attended the funeral.
  • Cause of Death: Sepsis infection due to fecal impaction caused by repeated anal rapes.

Also, you might want to turn the following line into an enlarged bold headline so it jumps out at people, like this (click source for this comment and copypaste):

🚨 I still need some aid in identifying the studio tutor in Happy Days and the tutors for Poltergeist. Its like information for them has vanished. 🚨

darkknight111 ago

Done. Links posted near appropiate sections. Many of the links are people’s accounts.

The timing of the “body theft crime” is a deduction based on the most logical timing to avoid detection and get the product. Since the casket was interred above ground in a mausoliem (chapter 6), the crime could feasibly be commited in about 20 minutes. If one wanted to wear the victim’s skin as shoe leather, they would have to procure the product as fresh as possible. As early as possible to avoid dessication and mummification, which would make the skin more fragile due to losing its moisture.

Vindicator ago

Excellent, darkknight. Thanks!

Piscina ago

Jem was pursuing Spielberg about this. I sometimes wonder whether SS had something to do with her death.

3141592653 ago

Great post, once again. Disturbing stuff. When you say Drew is a known victim of Spielberg, what are you referring to?

darkknight111 ago


3141592653 ago

I know she was in ET, but she never alleged any abuse...?

RedPatriotsRise ago

I was not aware of that either. I mean - I assumed she was someone's victim because of the early age she began drinking & doing drugs. But I'm not familiar with her naming anyone publicly, or even going on record as having been a victim of sexual abuse. Do you have any links to additional information? And are you alleging Drew Barrymore was a victim of pedophlilia or Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA)?

RedPatriotsRise ago

I was not aware of that either. I mean - I assumed she was someone's victim because of the early age she began drinking & doing drugs. But I'm not familiar with her naming anyone publicly, or even going on record as having been a victim of sexual abuse. Do you have any links to additional information? And are you alleging Drew Barrymore was a victim of pedophlilia or Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA)?

darkknight111 ago“Drew+Barrymore”&s=pizzagate&u=&d=&df=&dt=&b=on&nsfw=on All hits regarding her.

The drug use at a yound age is a major red flag. Often a sign of sexual abuse.

3141592653 ago

I personally just don't believe we have nearly enough to certainly say she's a victim of his. Drug abuse can be related but can also be due to many other factors

Otto- ago

Fair point, 3141592653, but Drew will certainly still remain a person of interest due to her distinct proximity to SS and her subsequent downfall. Unless something drastically changes, even a sudden show of affection and gratitude towards SS would seem like a PR stunt, forced or unwittingly. At this point, her past is such a red flag that she'd have to talk about her relation to Spielberg in-depth, probably concerning this accusation specifically.

3141592653 ago

0h I totally agree. Was just saying it's not credible to state it as fact.

Samson134 ago

I just typed "elite human leaher shoes and at the bottom of the google search in related searches was "heather o rouke" gave me the chills i wouldnt have expexcted her name to be in related searches.

sodePllAlliK ago

Is it in your search history? It's at least in your cookies, cache, and temp files since you're on here.

Fetalpig ago

SS,has his red book,its filled with his conquests,its even seen in the bike basket of ET,its his book of who does what to whom his very own insurance policy his ex wife was given over 40 million to keep quiet...its commonly known amongst those who fiddle with kids,that SKG have dirt on everyone.

RedPatriotsRise ago

I have seen a photo with a large group of men - 'featuring' John Podesta (the Molesta)'s brother Tony Podesta where they are all wearing these vibrant red shoes that stick out like a sore thumb. I know what John & Tony do to children, so I was able to make the connection of the red shoes with SRA. However, I was not aware of the 'red book'. Do all of them have red books? Because if so, that would be great in terms of being able to gather physical evidence to prove their crimes.

carmencita ago

SKG being Spielberg Katzenberg & Geffen of Dream Works. I never saw ET was not much of a movie goer. Would love to see that little red book.So he shows it off like some prized possession. Red the color of blood, like their shoes. These people are sickos.

Otto- ago

Hold on there, fellas; I've skimmed through the whole E.T. movie and couldn't see any red book in a basket:

The prevalence of red colour is quite noticeable though, obviously a design choice, and I should still look through more scenes to see if there's a book prop on the set anywhere. There's a couple scenes of his comic page and some generic school papers, but nothing incriminating. Any idea where this red book idea came from? A CDAN? May I have the link? Do we have the right film?

All that stuff about Vic Morrow is completely new to me though, that's seriously, criminally fucked up shit; I can't believe I've never heard it. All the circumstances around the scene; shooting time, choice of child actors, untrained pilot, that's ridiculous.

darkknight111 ago

We should still try to find proof the book exists. Even if ET isn’t the right target. Books bound by human skin exist. Typically reddish brown or red.

-Edit: The Vic Marrow stuff is relevant to the Barsi case, as it sets precedent that Spielberg is willing to murder kids to cover up Pedowood.

Otto- ago

Thanks, I'll keep an eye out for this colour tone overall, and any book cover that seems odd.