tech-adm ago

Horrific, have her parents, Kathleen and Michael O'Rourke, ever come forward to address these stories? Why didn't they protect her?

darkknight111 ago

Kathleen denies the rapes happened. I suspect threats. Spielberg DOES have mob ties (to the Bronfmans, who are financially tied to the hip of the Rothschilds). Those mob ties are something I discovered while looking into the Judith Barsi murder.

Those ties are probably why Spielberg is so powerful. Might be why Enty doesn’t name him directly.

YogSoggoth ago

With that cast list there a lot of suspects. Al Molinaro has an interesting last name once translated into the Latin groups. Hey look, there's a Greenburg! Kimmel, Baer, Segall, Springer, Hoffmans',Hoffstein, Rothman, King, Cahn, Pearl, Lenox, Tom Hanks, Foster, Nye, Bloomburg, Nugent, ect. Just a gaggle of Satanists last names. James O' Keefe stuck out because he was associate producer of Full House. (Not the anti corruption journalist.) Off topic, but do you think Jerry Seinfelds real last name is Steinfeld?

Factfinder2 ago

I don't know whether you've ever seen Heather's death certificate: PDF (scroll down past birth certificate),%20heather_dc.pdf

Notice that the problem was actually in her small intestine, which is where Giardia usually wreaks its havoc. It can lead to IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). Crohn's is one type of IBS.

Giardia: (Note it says individuals who practice anal/oral sex may become infected.)

Crohn's disease:'s_disease

Heather's immediate causes of death were:

A) Cardio-respiratory arrest.

B) Suspected septic shock.

C) Acute bowel obstruction.

The bowel obstruction was likely in the small bowel because the other significant condition contributing to death was stenosis (narrowing) of the small intestine.

An exploratory laparotomy (opening the abdomen to search for the cause of a problem) was performed on her date of death, 2/1/1988. A bowel resection (removal of a section of bowel) was also performed, presumably due to the stenosis.

She died at 2:43 pm (1443 hours). It doesn't say what time the surgery was performed, so she might have died during surgery.

When she died, her bowel had been obstructed for 36 hours, so a day and a half before she died. She was in septic shock for six hours, so that could have begun before or after surgery. She was in cardio-respiratory arrest for 30 minutes, likely the amount of time that they spent trying to revive her before calling the time of death.

Incredibly sad.

darkknight111 ago

I believe those articles don’t debunk the blind.

They do however give me a theory about the incident. I’ll get into more detail later. IBS CAN be caused by sexual abuse (it is a POTENT contributor to it too).

3141592653 ago

Very important article. Good find. Where can I read the rest of it?

Factfinder2 ago

No, of course they don't debunk the blind, and I wasn't attempting to debunk.

I was pointing out that her death certificate shows the problem that killed her was in her small bowel, not in her colon.

As the article on Giardia noted, the disease can be caused by oral/anal sex, meaning performing oral sex on a male who has had anal sex, thus actually supporting the blind.

Undoubtedly she had damage to her genitals and colon from long-term abuse, but those things apparently weren't the cause of death.

darkknight111 ago

What you found is very useful...and paints a MUCH darker picture about what really happened on 11/7/1986 if my theory is correct.

My theory regarding the incident is as follows: Repeated anal rapes killed her, with the incident on 11/7 being the worst injury that accelerated the process.

Given what that exec said in the Culkin interview about getting carried away, I can conclude that they were particularly brutal with Heather. The medic getting involved supports this.

I suspect that they perforated Heather’s rectum and in the process injured her small intestine via something akin to blunt force trauma (blunt force trauma can contribute to stenosis). Which makes me believe the foreign object inserted was a metal pole shaped thing.

3141592653 ago

Its so horrible

Factfinder2 ago

Wow, that is dark and certainly possible.

carmencita ago

I may have found Judy Wix Aka Bradford as well

Aliases: Judy Wix, Judith A Bradford, Judith J Wix, Judy Bradford, Joe Bradford

Female, Age 87

Relatives: William Bradford • Beth Bradford • Kathryn Bradford

Locations: Newport Beach, CA • Pacific Palisades, CA • Beverly Hills, CA

carmencita ago

Found a little more info on Judy Wix More of her work.

carmencita ago

'@Factfinder2 Did you see this find? Do you think it is the correct Judy Wix? I hope so. @Darkknight111

Factfinder2 ago

Yes, I believe it is.

3141592653 ago

Great post and thanks again for your work on this. 1987 was one year after Stand By Me came out. Corey Feldman was just a kid, and also a ch9kd sexual abuse victim

Factfinder2 ago

Tutors on set are also called "studio teachers, "welfare workers" and "set teachers."

For any production, look way at the bottom of the cast and crew list under "other crew" to find these people.

For example, on the set of Poltergeist III, Judy Wix was the "welfare worker":

She also did some acting, apparently:

YogSoggoth ago

Wix. X is two lines crossed. Sounds like wicks. Short for Wiccan? Most Hollywood names are unusual and uncommon.

darkknight111 ago

I never thought to look under wellfare worker.

Update regarding hunting that teacher:

Based on said blind, the fourth person named was assaulted on iCarly.

The 1st victim was assaulted on either St. Elseware, The Cosby Show, or ABC Afterschool Special.

carmencita ago

OMG. Same subject but look what I found while looking for for info on Judy Wix

Tutor picture with kids and he tutored on Nickelodeon. There is really a reason to be looking at these people. They could be give jobs by their relatives as you say and have connections to the Moguls.

Factfinder2 ago

Great find!

carmencita ago

Do you think it is her? My eyes were so crossed last night I wasn't sure. I hope it is.

YogSoggoth ago

Does not look like her, but the bumblebee outfit thing reminds me of Blind Melon - No Rain - YouTube.

carmencita ago

No, she is not in the picture. I found another tutor teacher that is possibly way to happy to be with those Children and he worked with Nickelodeon. There have been quite a few posts on here about them.

YogSoggoth ago

Never watched the red shoe one (seemed boring at the time). Burbs trailer caught my eye though.

carmencita ago

I would never watch anything with Hanks now. I only watch old movies.

YogSoggoth ago

You have to, for research. Can't stop now.

carmencita ago

I can't watch him he makes me sick.

YogSoggoth ago

OK, I'll do it, but it makes me sick too.

carmencita ago

Let me know. It reminds me of those shoes, you know when he posts a pic of a shoe on his instagram. Many think it is code for something sick.

YogSoggoth ago

Spy crap.

dundundunnnnn ago

Voat won't let me upvote this comment.

carmencita ago

It lit up for me but the number didn't change. Weird.

Factfinder2 ago

Thanks for trying.

carmencita ago

I can't upvoat either of the comments. This one or the other one. ODD. Great Comment and thanks for finding that.

sodePllAlliK ago

Thanks for the new post! I've had my suspisions about (((Feldman))) from the beginning. Why would he talk all this shit about (((Haim))) being raped, but never mention the name, and then Dr. Oz pulls some random, no-name fucker who no one has ever heard of and (((Feldman))) says "That's him." GTFOH!

Vindicator ago

Darkknight, maybe if you posted the question about the studio tutors in the CDaN comments, some of the expert Pedowood watchers that follow that blog might be able to help? You should also reply to enty's Tweets with the same request.

darkknight111 ago

Even the guys at CDAN are having issues identifying this tutor. They do believe he’s tied to someone VERY powerful at Pedowood.

I suspect scrubbing as far back as 2012.

Did find this though.

dundundunnnnn ago

Good idea!!

Mommyplayer571 ago

I really got something out of MacCaulay Culkin Twitter you put on one page. Seems real. And the shoe thing is there.

carmencita ago

UP VOAT!!! Good God, why cant we find the names of the Tutors? I believe they were scrubbed. There are usually accounts of them just like the record of where scenes were even filmed. I have seen it with different movies. If not listed, then there is a reason, and that is possible involvement. How odd they can't be found for both of those movies. I spent hours one night after your last post and could not find anything. I hope others will get on this and realize how important it is to find the Tutor's Names. Thank You for your Tireless Efforts regarding their Horrid Murders. RIP Heather RIP Judith

dundundunnnnn ago

From another comment:

Factfinder2 2 points (+2|-0) 2.9 hours ago (edited 2.8 hours ago)

Tutors on set are also called "studio teachers," "welfare workers" and "set teachers."

For any production, look way at the bottom of the cast and crew list under "other crew" to find these people.

For example, on the set of Poltergeist III, Judy Wix was the "welfare worker":

She also did some acting (Kindergarten Cop), apparently:

carmencita ago

A Personal Quote from Heather

I want to continue acting, but I want to be a director. I'd been thinking about it for a while. A couple of years ago, I decided it would be a different experience to work behind the camera. And I'd be able to work on scripts. But I like acting a lot. It's fun. You meet a lot of people.

I want to be a director.

My parents put everything in a trust fund for me. I won't get it until I'm 18, so I'll use it for college.

No, you won't get it honey. So sad.

Movie Staff says

For the most part, it's that simple. But it's a big job. And an important one. Most people are aware that the history of child actors in Hollywood is a veritable epic of abuse, exploitation, and mistreatment. The Studio Teacher is there, first and foremost, as a defense against the business forces that would overwork and jeopardize child actors. Studio Teachers are advocates, sometimes the ONLY advocate, for the well-being of the child actor.

Wow. Well, this sounds like it would be OK, but many are not doing their job. I will take a look under your advice and info.

I saw of course where she is listed as you mentioned. I find it odd that there is no listing under Poltergeist 1 & 2. Also I check the Happy Days Going Steady Episode and there isn't any one listed under welfare worker or anything that might match. Thanks for letting me know where to check.

carmencita ago

Movie Staff says

For the most part, it's that simple. But it's a big job. And an important one. Most people are aware that the history of child actors in Hollywood is a veritable epic of abuse, exploitation, and mistreatment. The Studio Teacher is there, first and foremost, as a defense against the business forces that would overwork and jeopardize child actors. Studio Teachers are advocates, sometimes the ONLY advocate, for the well-being of the child actor.

Wow. Well, this sounds like it would be OK, but many are not doing their job. I will take a look under your advice and info.

carmencita ago

A reply to that Tweet about Feldman with Heather

derram ago :

Dishwater Blonde on Twitter: "Corey Feldman and Heather O'Rourke shortly before her death. Notice her chipmunk cheeks from Prednisone.… " :

Dishwater Blonde on Twitter: "Heather O'Rourke and Bobby Hoffman.… " :

Dishwater Blonde on Twitter: "One more link in the chain of shady characters that Corey Feldman has been associated with...

From Coreyography...… " :

TruthSeeker on Twitter: "… " :


YouTube :


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