Joe10jo ago

All this talk about Hughes freaks me out bc, as some of you know from long ago posts, I live 5 mins from a now-defunct college that John Podesta once worked at. My husband is from this small “old money” town along the North Shore of Chicago... to the point that you guys aren’t gonna believe this... a guy he grew up with and currently works for bought and lives in John Hughes old home, the home he lived in with his family up until his untimely death, after which he was buried in a non-descript plot in the local cemetery.

YogSoggoth ago

Not sure if this has been brought up, but when you read the comments on that blind( 1'rst from bottom?), they are all arguing on the inception of the DVD being a basis for the timeline. Maybe the ghost writer was a little drunksy wunksy and meant LaserDisc - Wikipedia. I remember them, and they were the technology that eventually made VCH obsolete. To give those machines away would cost a wasted fortune in those days, but would not only be affordable to Hollywood, but might have been gifted by MCA DiscoVision in the United States in 1978. One might say she died 10 years later than that, but it would still be inconsequential to the investigation because we do not have a timeline for the blind. Asia was still renting those things while the USA was quietly switching to DVD. Up to 2002 is the real timeline for the foggy blind, in my opinion. Scumbags gave the kids free candy and outdated electronic devices in boxes.

darkknight111 ago

That stuff about laser disc is very interesting. They could be “proto DVDs”.

I agree Hollywood could easily arrange to requisition some of that stuff.

If the requsistion theory is correct, then I’d place the timeline at the early 90’s. If not, then 2002 is likey.

YogSoggoth ago

No, they would have owned warehouses of those things set to go to Yokahama. They would also have gotten a hold of the next technology! That would explain the further use in Asia and the quick switch to DVD. Funny thing is, that the blue ray was actually better technology than the next step at the time. Proto DVD's? What part of play a movie on a shiny spinny thing do you think is different? Size?

darkknight111 ago

Either way, the main point of showing the blind is more about the commentary regarding Columbus, which was certainly eye opening.

YogSoggoth ago

That is why you are on track, and I am on time. As always, good work DK.

OyVey14 ago

Hi! I’m new here, but have somewhat followed PizzaGate for a few years now. I know the rabbit hole goes deep, but I’m not familiar with all the details.

I’ve heard the suspicions about Heather’s death, and given what I know about Hollywood, I don’t doubt the suspicions at all. I am curious though about her cause of death and any injuries she may have had. Is this simply speculation or have y’all stumbled across something that outright states these injuries were present? I’ve tried to scan through the things about Heather, but this is my first time using Voat, and I can’t find parts 1-10.

I’m a nurse, and as disgusting as the entire topic is, I would be very willing to help investigate the physical affects of sexual trauma on a child. Ofc it will all be wildly under reported given the nature of how the injuries were sustained. I tend to roll my eyes at the assertion that sepsis rarely kills child rape victims. The average person isn’t going to let a child lay there and die of septic shock, it’s an ugly way to go and you have a decent bit of warning that the child needs medical help (especially if the parents may be unaware that their child was raped and have no reason to feel like they need to hide anything). I feel like the studies on this are deceptive and would be more interested in seeing the numbers of septic shock cases in general rather than just the deaths. I will say though that in nursing we are taught how to digitally assist someone that is compacted (tmi, I know) they STRESS how important it is to be VERY gentle because of the risk of injury that could lead to sepsis. The risk is huge when using only 1 finger in one quick and clean motion during a medical procedure, so wouldn’t the risks be even higher in the case of sexual trauma with a child? I’m rambling, and the tldr is I just find it doubtful that there are few cases of sepsis involving this type of abuse.

YogSoggoth ago

Ronald Reagan almost died from eating white bread. A small cut out of sight, or doctors finger can lead to major problems quick. The antibodies start attacking the immune system. Autoimmune disease.

darkknight111 ago

Parts 1-10 are in the links on the top part of the thread.

The theory regarding how Heather O’Rourke died is deduction based on findings. (This is a 30 year cold case.

We found the autopsy report. It was abnormally vague as to where in her small intestine it happened, so Occams Razor had to fill the void.

OyVey14 ago

Thanks!! I’m getting ready for work now, but I’ll look these over when I get home tonight around 11!!

OyVey14 ago

I had also always been under the impression that her “official” cause of death was relating to being horribly compacted (which REGARDLESS of the reason behind it is never imo an acceptable reason for a child to die. This isn’t a condition that happens in one day and then BOOM the person dies.) Is this true or am I just mistaken in the official narrative?

darkknight111 ago

The cover up was in an alleged congenital stenosis along with Chrons disease. “The most effective lies are based on a truth.” The truth being that Chrons is more common in females.

I’ll have to look up the other parts (this is a year’s worth of investigation), but I have stuff about how the congenital is BS (ie barring a statistical anomaly how did she have that yet go completely asymptomatic until the last year of her life?)

darkknight111 ago

🚨 Addenium to post: What needs digging is the past records of executives at Hughes Entertainment. Namely those active in the company around 1990-1993. Those are the possible identities of one of Heather O’Rourke’s killers. 🚨

carmencita ago

Is this of any help? I have been having a hard time finding anything about execs with Hughes Entertainment. The co. is now defunct but he partnered with quite a few cos. like Warner and Disney at one point.

DENNIS THE MENACE, directed by Nick Castle; screenplay by John Hughes, based on characters created by Hank Ketcham; director of photography, Thomas Ackerman; music composed by Jerry Goldsmith; production designer, James Bissell; edited by Alan Heim; produced by Hughes and Richard Vane; executive producer, Ernest Chambers. A Warner Bros. release, opening today at Showcase Cinemas, East Hartford. Running time: 92 minutes.

carmencita ago

This post should have way more eyes on it. Where is everyone? I have had a terrible loss and am hoping others can chime in here. Please help dig. This post is Pizzagate on steroids. I am trying to help as much as I can, but please, start digging.

darkknight111 ago

What mainly needs digging is Hughes Entertainment (execs active from years 1990-1993). Those are possible identities of one of her killers.

carmencita ago

Nope not that Hughes. Will do what I can.

carmencita ago

Thanks. I have been on the down low but will help all that I can. I presume that is Hughes as in Howard. Hope I come up with something.

fogdryer ago

The reason the awful stuff keeps happening is the silence !!! The family guardians must speak up! Our children need a voice. If we narrowed it down to these suspects then we all know the police can do even better!

carmencita ago

It's like the Police Dept's Code of Silence. I believe that most of the Guardians are probably scared out of their wits to open their mouths. Look at all the stars that are dropping like flies. Also some may be involved themselves. You are correct though. If 2 or 3 banded together and stood strong with a really good lawyer. It might make a really big difference.

YogSoggoth ago

The Police were chosen for their corruptness, as were the parent's most likely. Compromised, or taken advantage of. Those are the choices out there.

carmencita ago

Makes sense. The LAPD is corrupt to the core. Also yes, the weaker the parents the easier to get to their Children. I can't believe that so many parents never had an inkling of what was happening.

YogSoggoth ago

Police can make people disappear. Newspapers can do it just as fast.

carmencita ago

When I see Children from the old sitcoms (and new ones) it makes me sick. I know that almost all of them have been abused. Some severely. So many have committed suicide. Or have been suicided when they speak out. This is still happening. Yep. PDs label it a suicide and the papers announce it as same and before you know it the person disappears. What in the world goes through the minds of people that accept this as truth. Sad and sick.

Vindicator ago

You know what occurred to me? Your series on Heather would be even more powerful if we all dug up some statistics and or medical treatment information on health complications related to child rape. I did a cursory look, and there wasn't much. Someone who knows a physician with better access to medical journals may be able to find more. Most relevant was this:

Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 2010 Sep;31(3):273-7. doi: 10.1097/PAF.0b013e3181e13269.

Fatal anorectal trauma in the setting of sexual assault: case report and literature survey.

Kovelman I1, Vey E, Schober J.


Homicides exclusively due to genital trauma have not been widely reported, and anorectal trauma in sexual assaults is uncommon. We describe a case of a 45-year-old white woman who sustained devastating homicidal colorectal trauma that served as a primary cause of death in the setting of rape. Our patient sustained a 15-cm laceration of the anterior rectal wall and ultimately died of peritonitis and sepsis. Death from rectal perforation and sepsis in the setting of sexual assault is rare and has only been documented in 3 other cases, 2 pediatric patients and 1 elderly debilitated patient. Other representative and unique methods of perforation are reviewed along with a brief discussion of the development of peritonitis after perforating colorectal trauma.

Unfortunately, the article itself is behind a paywall. Other relevant information I found include:

think- ago


Vin, would you maybe consider posting the comment above as a submission to your own sub? Then we could collect add more info over time.Thanks!

Vindicator ago

I'll repost it as a submission here in v/pizzagate, where everyone can find it on SearchVoat and add to it.

think- ago

Ok! Thank you! :-)

tokui ago

Strange. boner.

darkknight111 ago

In part 9, I think there’s stuff linking IBD to sexual abuse.

think- ago


Excellent idea, Vin.


Death from rectal perforation and sepsis in the setting of sexual assault is rare and has only been documented in 3 other cases

I know it happens when babies and toddlers get raped, so I doubt it is that rare, it's just not documented.

I imagine when a child is anally raped by several people, it will happen even when the child is older. (Sorry, @darkknight111, I might not remember the details correctly - I think Heather was raped anally?)

It may also happen when a child/adult is penetrated with objects.

fogdryer ago

Where the hell were her parents

Kekalicious ago

When I was but a lad. I was forced to play with another kid who constantly reeked of poo. A funk he carried all day. (We were both eight or nine at the time.) My mom worked with his. She told me he was back from a special hospital. After a couple play dates I told my mom I didnt like going over there. The smell was too much. My mom was upset for my reasons but let me stop. Fast forward to high school. I am in the same class and friends with his cousin. I ask why he always smells of ass. To my utter horror he replies he was raped for years as a small child and lost the ability to control his bowels at a normal level. That hospital he came home from was for sexual abuse. Sometimes kids can be assholes. I feel bad for the dude.

think- ago

To my utter horror he replies he was raped for years as a small child and lost the ability to control his bowels at a normal level. That hospital he came home from was for sexual abuse.

Oh my, that's really terrible. :-(

Kekalicious ago

I yelled at my mom later that evening. She knew what happened. If I was told he was hurt by people and this was the after effect. I would have sucked it up and still played with him. I still feel bad for the dude.

think- ago

If I was told he was hurt by people and this was the after effect. I would have sucked it up and still played with him.

Yes, I think she should have told you.

fogdryer ago


Vindicator ago

That little research foray made me grind my teeth. I don't know how doctors can do those kinds of exams. Man...

YogSoggoth ago

I would become the Paul Kersey of doctors in no time flat.

tokui ago

They love it. They're psychopaths.

think- ago

Yes. :-/

darkknight111 ago

That is correct. Heather was mainly raped anally. The Giardia infection was most certainly via that.

think- ago


Vindicator ago

The timing of this thread is deliberate. Started work on this 2/1, the date of her death.

You're a good man, darkknight.

carmencita ago

I can barely make it through your posts but I never miss reading them. As heinous as the details are we must continue the posts and comments or the truth will never come out. The new addition with Chris Columbus is one of extreme interest and makes sense. Yes there has been talk about Harry Potter stars being abused as well. Thank you for your tireless efforts in uncovering this horrid crime. No one,especially a Child should suffer such horrors. RIP Heather and Judith.

tokui ago

At least she died doing what she loved.