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sore_ass_losers ago

J.K. Rowling Angers Parents Everywhere with Creepy Pedo Scenes in 'Fantastic Beasts'

"But the minute she decided to force me to explain to my children why a grown man, Gellert Grindelwald (who incidentally is the man that Dumbledore was supposedly in love with in Rowling's imagination), is caressing a teen boy in a dark alley, is the minute I turned on Rowling. How dare she? There are two seriously creepy scenes in "Fantastic Beasts" that should never have gotten past a director who knew parents everywhere would be taking their kids to see this movie over the holidays, relying on the good name of the seven other films that came before it. As parents, we trusted that name, believing the content would be appropriate for our kids. Imagine my horror and disgust at a grown man nearly kissing an underaged boy in a dark alley—twice.

What is this fresh hell and why are we expected to put up with it? Thanks for making me explain pedophiles to my seven-year-old!

It is infuriating to continually be bombarded with the envelope-pushing of the Hollywood elite who decide for us what is appropriate for our kids (and that's pretty much anything you can think of these days)."

darkknight111 ago Look for the ones at least in their fourties around the time of this movie. They are the most likely culprits in the blind.

kazza64 ago

this story is being ignored and it is HUGE

fedevela ago

What? A pedowood movie about orphaned children condoned pedophiles on set!!!!????!!!!!

Fake news Orange man good





I never realized that the winky face is 1 eyed symbolism.

Turtles all the way down

etheric_chris ago

Related: Emma Watson (Hermione Granger) is allegedly a Luciferian transgender MTF

fogdryer ago

im gonna take a different road here. A video does not make it "truth". what else ya got.

allonthesameteam ago

I am not KNOWING of any of this. I did see a vid where the presenter showed actor Leonardo with 3 different men working on pics. All 3 are known and I believe convicted Pedos. Checked all 3 names and confirmed. I am on Team Things are F'ed up in HWood.

carmencita ago

"a never ending cycle of sexual abuse" I have been suspicious of harry potter for about two years. I thought it was way to violent for younger Children to start out with and we know the leading male star is gay. What happened to him on the movie set? Again, unprotected Children. Where were the parents and the Children's tutors? Blindfolded by Money.

dandelion2319 ago

When I was n film school my thesis film had kids in it. I hired a very expensive studio teacher unlike many of my class mates bc I wanted to do it the legal way and most of all I wanted to ensure the saftey of the kids I was working with. I was so upset by the whole experience. that damn teacher I paid hundreds of dollars to did nothing. They didn't keep on eye on the kids. Didn't even watch when the kids did their scenes to ensure they were safe. The studio teachers are useless and don't care. I was a nervous wreck bc not only was I directing and producing a short film I made sure the kids never left my sight bc I wanted to ensure their safety. The parents are so happy to have them cast they just don't want to be in the way so they are not really as involved as I would be if it was my kid. I think the first step in fixing pedowoods problem is fixing the studio teacher problem.

carmencita ago

I agree that someone should be there that is responsible for those Children. The studio teachers I am sure have decided there is no reason to watch because the directors and producers, many of which are they abusers, are the bosses and will have their way no matter what. They really should be paid better and also laws must be added to their contracts that if there is abuse of any kind and they are derelict in their duties that they will immediately be fired. I don't know how you go about achieving that, since we know who will object and LE is no better. But I do agree that is a very good place to start.

dandelion2319 ago

Agree. It is a problem that the people they are supposed to be protecting the children from are in fact their bosses and in a industry as small as Hollywood where pissing off one person could lead to no longer getting work the studio teachers are in a very vulnerable position. There should be an oversight that Hollywood has no control or power in that controls Studio teachers aka they don't get to pick who the teachers are and cannot fire them that runs that part of the industry. Until that happens there is no protection. Todd Bridges was on the right track wonder what happened to stop his work on that.

dandelion2319 ago

Wow no I didn't see that. Thanks.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Casting directors are not just looking at the children, they are looking at the parents.

They want the greedy and morally weak.

carmencita ago

I truly believe you are right. This is the pedophile's dream a single mom or hollywood groupie mom that will eat up their adoration. Their first job is in grooming the parents and then the Children. Unfortunately there seem to be too many of these around. Many years ago parents may have been unaware of their tactics but now with the internet and what has been revealed about many of the abused Child actors, there is no excuse when this occurs. Gee Willikers Parents, Stay With Your Child.

HenryCabotLodge ago

Atheist - but didn't know he liked it in the rear. (Wait a minute) For awhile he was dating a teacher who was 2 years older than he was. At least that is what I read a decade ago. //// Could be Bi.

carmencita ago

Could be bid. I agree. But I no way believe he is straight. He seems to like to bait people about it too. I think he is one sick dude inside. Very mixed up. Drinking problems in the past are side affects of sexual abuse as well. Sad.

mrnicegoy ago

huh? whats his face (daniel something?) who played harry potter is gay?

Clownmuseum ago

I think it's safe to assume that most actors are gay

carmencita ago

Laptop just disintegrated all my links Sorry. Here is what I have to say. I know I have read that he let it slip somewhere and that is what is causing all the rumors. Many articles on whether he is or not. This one is ridiculous.

gay sex especially for the first time is really painful Now, why would he allow a headline like that?

Here is something from Data Lounge a gay site I sometimes check with for things like this. He has a Roommate. We also learn he has had drinking problems which is a side affect of sexual abuse. You decide.

cantfindmenow ago

Why would he allow a headline like that? Well for one, he isn't talking about personal experience. He is talking about what the director told him, in relation to a scene. This argument is very weak. This article does not suggest he is gay and does not suggest he was abused.

carmencita ago

What I was trying to say is that he is skirting the issue while making statements that are on the edge. The fact that he is in the movie industry that has been researched up the ying yang by us for horrid abuse, well we know there is no way he could have escaped it. Him also having a roommate at his age and with his wealth also makes one wonder. There are many other articles where people say that they have heard him say it but now he acts if it was never said. I hope he was not abused but I do not believe he could have escaped their demands.

Piscina ago

Sodomy is painful because the sphincter muscle is meant to push thing out, not be pushed in. The majority of prolapsed colon and then surgical restructuring is from anal sex. It just should not be a thing, whether you're gay or straight.

carmencita ago

This is my feeling too. That is why it kills me to think about how horribly raped some of the young actors were. It makes sense it drove some to drink and drugs and even suicide. The ones that live, well their lives are a Holy Hell. They take their very souls. There must be more mental health centers opened for the sexually abused. This should be something the Church should have to fund after all the pain and suffering they have caused. Not to mention Pedowood. I