mrohm ago

What is it with the red shoes? Tony Podesta and friends love them, too.

darkknight111 ago

Red shoes are made from human skin typically of children who have been murdered.

Human skin is a bit more translucent than other species (due to being comparatively lacking hair/fur/scales/feathers, note the emphasis on comparatively). Meaning that when skinned, you can see evidence of residual attached capilaries (small blood vessels). The shoes are dyed red both to conceal the evidence and for the symbolism they’re so obsessed with.

Learned this when looking at the Hampstead case.

carmencita ago

The link for this pic is in the original blind submitted by Kiki Jones So very incriminating. RIP Heather

sodePllAlliK ago

the tutor in question has an MO of what his prefered victims are. Ages 12-17. It is therefore highly unlikely that Heather was one of his victims.

Um, did you completely miss that Heather was 12 when she died?

darkknight111 ago

She was about 7-9 when on Happy Days.

Happy Days (where that tutor was) was one of the earlier things she did.

sodePllAlliK ago

Oh right. Duh.

slowburn ago

Amazing. Thank you. God bless her, we fight for her and all the others.

dundundunnnnn ago

Are you taking screenshots of the pages you link? These pages will be "lost" in time. I hope you took screen grabs! Great work. I do not believe for a second that she died of a congenital defect.

notboundtosilence ago

How can anyone commit these horrible crimes? I know a lot of people would never agree with me, but I think a person has to be demonically possessed. The things they do to other people are the sickest, most vile acts.

Thank you for pulling all of that info together. It looks like youtube is quickly taking down the videos. This one was gone: The MacCuly Culkininterview itself. The exec that tried to molest him refered to his shoes being made from Heather O'Rourke's skin. Note that the original article was scrubbed from the internet within hours of appearing. The fact that this was scrubbed is further evidence that it is real.

Tells you all you need to know about youtube. I am always amazed at how fast they pull stuff down that any sane person would want to see exposed. They are just as sick and involved I am quite sure.

lookingforadvice1 ago

Hey, can someone help me? I just signed up and I don't have enough points to make a post here yet. Here's what I want to say:

Hey guys,

Been following this pizzagate thing since the jump. Never bothered to make an account here, but I've recently come across some very disturbing information that I don't know what to do with.

A while back, poking around the internet, I kept coming across comments/rumors about a certain production company in the southwest of America that was said to produce child snuff pornography. What was baffling to me is that there were people naming names, yet it still seemed to be a sort of urban legend. I made a post about it on another form. I got a few private replies from people saying it was true, but without saying much more than that. One person told me they'd tell me their personal story about it, but never did.

Just a few days ago, this person sent me a video they made, detailing their personal experience with this company/people involved with this operation. I just watched it. I don't know what to do, because it sounds like this person's life is in danger. I want to help this person get their story out, but I don't want to further endanger them.

It doesn't sound like the police can be trusted. From some cursory research, it's more than likely they're complicit. This person says that they've reached out to every governmental agency in the state they can think of, and nothing has been done. All of us on here know the people involved in these things reach high-levels, and I'm personally distrustful of just about every governmental organization when child-abuse is involved. We know that CP didn't become a billion-dollar industry from broke bois are purchasing the videos.

So, I'm in a bit of a bind. This is one of those things where I feel like I'm complicit in allowing evil to flourish/exist if I don't try to do something, but I also don't know what to do. Does anyone know of a trust-worthy organization that I can reach out to or put this person in touch with? Was thinking about e-mailing Timothy Holmseth and seeing if he could do something, as he's been pretty fearless in putting pedos on blast. We're talking about hardcore criminals that have the Hells Angels on their bankroll here, so I want to approach this with the upmost caution.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. (also trying to be vague here as I know pedos lurk this board, and I don't know who knows, etc.)

carmencita ago

Have an UPVoat and Welcome! Don't forget when you do your first post to always follow the Rules in the Sidebar. We are always happy to have new members we can wake up with well sourced research.

Was your friend locked up and tortured and abused? Was this involving the Catholic Church or another Religion? Do not take any dangerous steps. Also, do not start blaming yourself. All the guilt is on the people that did these horrible things to the Victim.
Since the Hell's Angels are involved, possibly this could be MS-13, and if this is the case, tread very carefully. You are right when you say that some of Law Enforcement is compromised although some are not, but it's hard to know who is and isn't unless you personally know of someone. If you are not a trained professional, you should not take any of this on yourself. This sounds like a dangerous game. I would say that you might contact Holmseth for I believe that he is one of the few you can trust. There are so many out there that are fakes, be careful. You can always come here for help. Always ask us or me, God Bless You and Take Care.

dundundunnnnn ago

How? Watch this interview... - Interview with a Psychopathic Sex Offender

darkknight111 ago

Either demons in human form, possessed, or psychopaths.

Any of these is plausible. That takedown is evidence that yes, what is being claimed did infact happen.

This makes the execs at Youtube accomplices to the crimes committed.

notboundtosilence ago

I wish I did know some memers. I do not.

I hope someone with skills comes to help. I know a lot of people do not do a lot of investigating into this stuff. I think it is easier to look away and pretend it is too horrible to be true. That is why these people have gotten away with this for so long.

People will spend weeks talking about Pocahontas or Horseface, but a story like this will be gone within a day or two, no one talks about it. And those that do are labeled crazy.

dundundunnnnn ago

psychopaths - Interview with a Psychopathic Sex Offender

notboundtosilence ago

OK, that video was incredibly disturbing. Unbelievable really.

dundundunnnnn ago

These people are everywhere. I don't believe for a second that his demeanor and behavior are rare.